(2021新牛津译林版)高中英语必修一Unit 3 Welcome to the unit 同步ppt课件(含视频).zip

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Unit 3Unit 3 Unit 3 Unit 3 Getting along with othersGetting along with others Learntotalkaboutthefriendship Learntogivesomeadvicetothe friendshipproblems Auld Lang Syne 友谊地久天长 Weallhavefriends. Doyouhaveany interestingstories aboutyourfriend? Couldyousharethem withus? When it rains, I think friendship is a small umbrella. Itcangivemeapieceofclearsky. When I am sad, I think friendship is a warm When Im crying, I think friendship is a handkerchief. Itcanwipemytears. Itcanbringmehappinessagain. word. When I am in trouble, I think friendship is a strong hand. Itcanhelpmeescapefrommy troubles. becomefriendswithsomeone 和某人成为朋友 maintaincloseinterpersonalrelationships 保持密切的人际关系 Theirfriendshiphaslastedalongtime. 他们的友谊已经持续了很长时间。 Trytodevelopafriendshipwithsomeone youlike. 试着与你喜欢的人建立友谊。 Whatheneededwasfriendship. 他需要的是友谊。 Ijustwishyoudtrustme. 我只是希望你相信我。 Hewontbetrayhisfriends. 他不会背叛他的朋友。 Icanforgiveyou,butImnotsureIcanever trustyou. 我可以原谅你,但我不确定我能不能相信 你。 What do you think are the important characteristics of a good friend? istrustworthy respectsyou stayswithyouinyourtimeoffailure ishonest,andloving sharesyourhappinessandsorrow acceptsyourdifferences isdevotedandloyaltoyou isselfless Agoodfriendissomeonewho_. How do you get along with your friends? Teenagers may have difficulty maintaining their freindships. Watch the video and finish the following exercises. WatchingWatchingWatchingWatching 1.Whatadvicecanyougivetheses teenagers? 2.Whatfriendshipproblemshaveyouhad? Shareyourexperience. 1. Reflectonthepossibleproblemswiththe friendshipbetweenyouandyourfriends andtrytosolvethem. 2.Previewthereadingpart.
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