(2021新牛津译林版)高中英语必修一Unit 4 Reading 同步ppt课件.zip

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1.Teenfaintsafterskippingmeals 青少年不吃饭后晕倒 skipvt.不做(应做的事情等);跳过 tonotdosomethingthatyouusuallydo orthatyoushoulddo skipbreakfast不吃早饭 skipschool/class逃学/逃课 e.g.Heskippedschoolagain. Sheskippedtheproblemsshecouldntdo. skipvi.蹦蹦跳跳地走;略过 tomoveforwardwithquickstepsandjumps skipagrade跳级 skipoverthefence跳过栅栏 skipoverthedetails略过细节 skiphappilyalongbehindsb在某人身后高兴 地蹦蹦跳跳地跟着 skipoverthelastpartofthebook略过书中的 最后一部分 e.g. Thelittlegirlskippedalongbehindher mother. skipit不用提,别谈。 e.g.WhenJacktriedtorewardhimfor returninghislostdog,themansaidto skipit. skip作名词时,意为“跳,蹦”。 e.g.Thechildwentalongwithlittleskipsof happiness. 1)我一页不漏地读完了全书。 _ _ 2)跳过第一章,从第25页开始看。 _ 【语境应用】翻译句子。 Ireadthewholebookwithoutskippinga page. Skipthefirstchapterandstartonpage25. 2.ShethenpassedoutinhermorningPE lessonandwasrushedtohospital. 然后她在早上的体育课上晕倒了,被迅速 送往医院。 passout昏迷,失去知觉 tobecomeunconscious e.g.Hefeltsickanddizzyandthenpassedout. passaway去世 passby经过 passdown传给后人;把往下传 passonto把传递给 3.Jenniferwasfoundtohavedangerouslylow bloodsugarlevelsandwastreated immediately. 珍妮弗被发现血糖水平低得很危险,并立 即接受了治疗。 immediately adv. 立即,马上 withoutdelay e.g.Thetelephonerang,andheansweredit immediately. immediately conj. 一就 assoonas e.g.Immediatelyyoubegintospeak,hegives youhisfullattention. 4.Healthexpertsareconcernedaboutthese figures. 健康专家对这些数字表示担忧。 concernedadj.担心的,忧虑的;关注的, 关切的 worried;caringaboutsomeoneand whethertheyarehappyandhealthy 【归纳】 beconcernedabout/for对担忧/担心 beconcernedwith与有关;涉及 beconcernedinsth.牵涉进某事 beconcernedthat担心 asfarasbeconcerned就而言/来说 【拓展】 concernn.担心(的事) vt.使关心;使担忧;牵涉 concerning prep.关于 Itconcernsmethat 让我担心 Whatconcernsmeis 让我担心的是 show/expressconcernfor/aboutsb. 关心某人 concern 【语境应用】用concern完成句子。 1)Manyparents_(concern)that someTVprogramswillhaveabadeffecton thedevelopmentoftheirchildren. 2)Thepublichaveshowngreat_about thefoodsafety,becauseit_(concern) thepeopleshealth. areconcerned concerns concern 3)就我而言,只有努力学习才能最终获得成 功。 _,onlybystudying hardcanyousucceedintime. 4)让我担心的是,我们对事态的发展缺乏准 备。 _isourlackof preparationforthechange. AsfarasIamconcerned Whatconcernsme 5.Theseso-calledquick-fixmethodsproveto beharmfultoteenagers. 这些所谓的速效法被证明对青少年有害。 provelinking v. 后来被发现是 ifsomeoneorsomethingprovesdifficult, helpful,aproblemetc,theyaredifficult, helpful,aproblemetc e.g.Thedesignprovedtobeasuccess. prove vt. 证明,证实 toshowthatsomethingistruebyproviding facts,informationetc e.g.Yourewrong,andIcanproveit. 【归纳】 用法 proveoneself(tobe)证明自己是 provesth.tosb.向某人证明某事 拓展 prove Itisprovedthat 据证明,据证实 prove(tobe)n./adj.原来是,证明是 Theres(no)proofthat (没)有证据证明 proofn.证据;证明 【语境应用】单句填空。 1)Thedifficultywashowhecouldprovehis ideas_otherscientists. 困难在于他如何向其他科学家证明自己的 观点。 2)Theboytriedtoprovehimself_ (be)agoodstudentandhereallyprovedbest. 这个男孩努力证明自己是一个好学生,他确实 被证明是最棒的。 to tobe 写准核心单词。 3)Andunplannedhumanactivitieshave _(证明)theideaoftop-down controlbytoppredators(掠食动物)tobe true.(2019天津高考) proved 6.Iftheydonottakeinenoughfood,they mayfeelweakandgetilleasily. 如果他们没有摄入足够的食物,他们可能 会感到虚弱,很容易生病。 takein摄入,吸收 Ifpeople,animals,orplantstakeinair, drink,orfood,theyallowittoentertheir body,usuallybybreathingorswallowing. e.g.Theywillcertainlyneedtotakeinplenty ofliquid. 【拓展】take短语 takeaway拿走,使离开 takedown拿下,记下;拆除 takeon雇佣;呈现 takeoff起飞,脱下,(事业)成功 takeover接管,取代 takeup占据;开始做,从事 takeplace发生 take 【语境应用】用take适当的短语填空。 1)TheflightforDublin_ontime. 2)Ourhotelisfull,andwecant_any moreguests. 3)Thepolice_hisanswerstotheir questions. 4)He_swimmingashefelthehadto losesomeweight. 5)Rainforestscan_heatfromthesun andadjusttheclimate. tookoff takein tookdown tookup takein 7.livingwellisthesafestandmost effectivewaytogetintoshape. 健康的生活是最安全、最有效的塑身 方式。 getintoshape强身健体 e.g.Moreoftenthannot,shegetsinto shapebyrunning. outofshape变形;走样;健康状况不 好 intheshapeof呈形状的 ingoodshape状态很好 takeshape成形 beshapedlike形状是 shape 8.IwasveryfrightenedwhenIwokeupin hospitallastThursday. 上周四我在医院醒来的时候非常害怕。 frightenedadj.害怕的,惊吓的,受惊的 feelingfearorworry e.g.Dontbefrightened.Werenotgoing tohurtyou. frightn. 害怕,惊吓 frightenvt.使惊吓;使惊恐 frighteningadj.令人害怕的 befrightenedtodosth.不敢做某事 befrightenedtodeath吓得要死 【语境应用】用fright的适当形式填空。 1)Dontstandsoneartheedge!Youre _me. 2)_childrenwerecallingfor theirmothers. 3)Itis_tothinkwhatmight happenifshelefthim. 4)Yougavemequitea_suddenly cominginherelikethat. frightening Frightened frightening fright 1.Jenniferthoughtthatskippingmeals wouldbeasimplewaytoreachhertarget weight. 詹妮弗认为不吃饭是达到目标体重的简单 方法。 不定式作后置定语 awaytodosth.做某事的方法,也可以表 达为awayofdoingsth. Key sentence patternsKey sentence patternsKey sentence patternsKey sentence patterns way作“方式,方法”讲,后接定语从句: 关系词在从句中作状语时,关系词用that,in which或省略关系词。 关系词在从句中作主语或宾语时,关系词用 that或which(作宾语时关系词可省略)。 2.Inasocietywherebeingthinisoftenseen asbeingbeautiful,teenagerssometimes turntoextrememethodstoslimdown quickly. 在一个以瘦为美的社会里,青少年有时会 借助极端的方法来快速减肥。 where定语从句修饰抽象名词。 当point,stage,situation,case,scene, activity,position,job,degree,news,fact, atmosphere等抽象名词作先行词,关系词 引导定语从句时,或在定语从句中作地点 状语,应由where引导定语从句。 e.g.Theteacheristryingtocreateaneasy atmospherewherehisstudentsenjoy theirstudy. 如果以上先行词在从句中作主语宾语表语 ,则用which/that。有些具体指物的名词 如picture,book等,如果有地点的意义,且 作状语,也用where。 e.g.Iboughtanicebookwherethereare someillustrations. 3.Accordingtoarecentsurveyofseniorhigh schoolstudentslifestyles,almostonefifth of teenagersregularlyskipmeals,oneinten over-exerciseandfourpercenteventake weight-lossmedicine. 根据最近一项关于高中生生活方式的调查 , 近五分之一的青少年经常不吃饭,十分之 一的青少年过度锻炼,百分之四的人甚至 服用减肥药。 主谓一致 “分数或百分数+of+名词”结构,谓语的数与 名词一致。 e.g.Three-fourthsofthesurfaceoftheearth issea. About20percentofthestudentsare fromthecity. “onein+数词+复数名词”或“oneoutof+数词+复 数名词”结构后的谓语动词通常用单数。 e.g.Onlyoneintenstudentshaspassedthe examination. Oneoutoftwelvebottleswasbroken. Apparentlyoneintenpeople/onepersonin tenhasproblemswithreading. 但是,有时也用复数谓语。 e.g.Nationwide,oneinfiveadultsareilliterate. 【语境应用】翻译下列句子。 1)地球表面四分之三为水所覆盖。 Threefourthsofthesurfaceoftheearthis coveredwithwater. 2)我们学校百分之五十的学生是女生。 Fiftypercentofthestudentsinourschoolare girls. 3)只有十分之一的学生通过了考试。 Onlyoneintenstudentshas/havepassedthe examination. 4.Itisnormalforteenagerstobeslightly overweightandthereisnoreasonwhy theyshouldbeworried.青少年轻微超重是 正常的,他们没有理由担心。 Itis+adj.+(forsb.)todosth.句型 it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定 式短语;在这个句型中,常用作表语的形 容词有:necessary,impossible,natural, important等。有时也可用名词作表语; 介词有时也可用of表示人的特征。 e.g.Itismeaningfulforustohelpthosepoor children. Itisreallyunluckyforustocampinsuch abadweather. 【比较】Itis+adj+ofsb+todosth. 此句型中的形容词是描述人的品质。(good, kind,nice,polite,clever,foolish,stupid,lazy, careful,careless,brave,cruel,honest, naughty,rude.)。 【语境应用】翻译句子。 1)你能够帮助我,真是太善良了。 Itiskindofyoutohelpme. 2)当我们有问题时,我们有必要跟父母交流。 Itsnecessaryforustotalktoourparents whenwehaveproblems. 3)怪我粗心忘了关门。 Itwascarelessofmetoleavethedooropen. Thereisnoreasonwhy句型 why引导的从句作定语,修饰reason。此处 “Thereisnoreasonwhy”相当于“Thereisno reasontodosth.”. reasonwhy+定语从句+is/wasthat+表语从句 e.g.Theonlyreasonwhyscientistshavenot createdthousandsofidenticalclonesis thattheyhavenotyetlearnthowtodothis. After Jennifer returned home from hospital, she wrote a diary entry about her experience. Complete the diary entry with the correct forms of the words and phrases in the box below. 30October DearDiary, IwasveryfrightenedwhenIwokeupinhospital lastThursday.Thenmymumtoldmewhat happened.ShesaidIfaintedinmyPEclass becauseoflowbloodsugarlevels.Fortunately,I wasrushedtohospital(1)_.immediately energeticconcentratedietgetintoshape immediatelyprovesideeffectmakeafull recovery ThedoctorhelpedmeandI(2) _withintwodays.My experience(3)_whatabadideait istotrytoloseweightbyskippingmeals.Now Iknowthisextremeweight-lossmethodhas serious(4)_. madeafullrecovery hasproved energeticconcentratedietgetintoshape immediatelyprovesideeffectmakeafull recovery sideeffects Ialsounderstandthatbeinghealthyand(5) _ismoreimportantthanbeingslim. Fromnowon,Illpaymoreattentiontomy healthratherthanmyweight.Illeatabalanced (6)_tomakesureIhaveenough nutrition. energetic diet energeticconcentratedietgetintoshape immediatelyprovesideeffectmakeafull recovery energetic Exercisingregularlyisalsoanimportant aspectofahealthylifestyle.Mydoctortellsme thatitllhelpme(7)_betterin class.So,Illplaysportwithmyfriendsevery otherdayafterschool.Ihopetheselifestyle changescanhelpme(8)_. energeticconcentratedietgetintoshape immediatelyprovesideeffectmakeafull recovery concentrate getintoshape “Weight” appears in the news report as part of different collocations. Read the examples below and add more collocations. weight v. +weight n.+weight weight+n. adj.+weight. loseweight targetweightlowweight weightloss gainweight maintainweight putonweight netweight standard weight weightcontrol weightproblem weightgain weighttraining extraweight maximumweight averageweight properweight grossweight 1.昏迷,失去知觉 2.变苗条 3.副作用 4.摄入,吸收 5.强身健体 6.求助于 7.被迅速送往医院 passout slimdown sideeffect takein getintoshape turnto berushedtohospital 8.低血糖 9.脱离危险 10.完全康复 11.一两天内 12.达到目标体重 13.加大努力 lowbloodsugarlevels outofdanger makeafullrecovery inadayortwo reachonestargetweight increaseonesefforts 14.警告某人不做某 事 15.对有害 16.进行健康均衡的 节食 17.更有甚者,更重要 的是 18.作息有规律 warnsb.againstdoing sth. beharmfulto haveahealthybalanced diet whatsmore keepregularhours Unit4Unit4Unit4Unit4 Looking good, feeling good Teen Teen faints after skipping faints after skipping mealsmeals Read a news report about a girl who tried to lose weight; Learn to have a correct view of beauty and follow proper lifestyles. Learn to analyze the structure of a news report. Be more confident and love yourself and your life more. Doyouthinkseniorhighschoolstudents shouldpaymuchattentiontotheirweight? Whyorwhynot? (1) Yes. Because being overweight will eventually lead to bigger and more dangerous diseases and conditions. (2) No. Slightly overweight teenagers neednt pay much attention to their weight, because teenagers are still growing and their bodies need a lot of nutrition to function well. Ifyouareabitover-weight,howwould youloseweight?Bygoingonadiet, exercisinginthegym,receivingsurgical treatmentortakingweight-losspills? Whatdoyouthinkarehealthywaysof losingweight? uHaving a healthy balanced diet. uKeeping regular exercise. Therearemanycaseswherepeoplefainted duetoweightloss. What lessons can you draw from them? News. Whatisit? GuessGuess It is a thing that is very common in our life. it informs us of whats happening at home and abroad. It is the 7:00 p.m. routine program on CCTV 1. A news report. Whatkindofwritingisthepassage? Who is the news about? What happened? Why? What do you think of the news title? TeenFaintsafterskippingmeals News-Headline A teenager. She fainted. She was skipping meals. Its direct and to the point. When a dog bites a man, is it news? When a man bites a dog, is it news? Whatkindofevent isworthwhiletobe reported? Whatkindofinformation shouldbeputatthevery top?Why? PredictionPredictionPredictionPrediction Readthetopparagraphtocheckprediction. An effective lead tells the reader the most important information about an event, like who, what, when, where and why. Remember to use as few words as possible in a lead. The top paragraph is called Lead. News-Lead 新闻导语 A teenager girl fainted yesterday at a Stonechester High School after skipping meals. whowhat when where why Readthenewsreportquicklyandchoose. 1. Nowadays being thin is seen as beautiful, so all the teenagers slim down by skipping their breakfast. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Not mentioned. 2. Jennifer Jones felt unwell and fainted in her morning PE lesson because of her dangerously low blood sugar levels. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Not mentioned. B A 3. According to a study conducted by health experts, healthy and proper ways of getting into shape have been founded for teenagers. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Not mentioned. C Readthenewsreportcarefullyand choosetherightoptionasrequired. A. to educate teenagers about the side effects of losing weight too quickly B. to have dangerously low blood sugar levels C. to see her back at school soon D. to stay energetic and fit E. to reach her target weight F. to have a healthy balanced diet 1. Jennifer was found _. 2. Jennifers classmates hope _. B C A. to educate teenagers about the side effects of losing weight too quickly B. to have dangerously low blood sugar levels C. to see her back at school soon D. to stay energetic and fit E. to reach her target weight F. to have a healthy balanced diet 3. Jennifer thought that skipping meals would be a simple way _. 4. They are increasing their efforts _. 5. It is important _. 6. Whats more, they should keep regular hours and get plenty of exercise _. A F D E 1. Why did Jennifer skip meals? A. Because she didnt feel hungry. B. Because she was feeling unwell. C. Because she desired graceful form. D. Because she wanted to hurry to school. C Choosethebestanswers. 2. Why are the figures mentioned in Para. 5? A. To show the unhealthy weight-loss habits are not uncommon. B. To show teenagers have slimmed down fast by turning to extreme methods. C. To show the teenagers have side effects after they lose weight. D. To show health experts are sparing no effort to stop teenagers from losing weight. A 3. What attitude does an expert hold toward teenagers slight overweight? A. Indifferent. B. Dangerous. C. Worried. D. Normal. D 4. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about? A. Having a healthy balanced diet counts for everyone. B. A lot of teenagers are in great need of nutrition to function well. C. Living well is more important than getting into shape. D. An expert offered teenagers some advice on health. D 1. Jennifer was feeling fine before she fainted. T / F 2. Jennifer will be out of hospital soon. T / F 3. Jennifer ignored Lauras warning. T / F Readthesentencesbelowanddecide whichonesaretrue(T)andwhichonesare false(F)accordingtothearticle.Circle youranswers. 4. A recent survey shows most girls skip meals. T / F 5. According to an expert, dangerously over- weight teenagers can lose weight properly. T / F AlReadthenewsreportandcompletethe chartbelow. A news report usually starts with a lead. It gives the most important information about an event. Then the following paragraphs give more detailed information about the event. Some news reports go on to provide background or supporting information. UnderstandinganewreportUnderstandinganewreportUnderstandinganewreportUnderstandinganewreport Paras. _: _ _ _ _ Para. _: _ _ _ Paras. _: _ _ _ _ Part 1 The lead Part 2 More detailed information about the event Part 3 Background or supporting information Para. 1: A teenage girl fainted at school yesterday after skipping meals. Jennifer was rushed to hospital and found low blood sugar levels as result of skipping breakfast for the last few months. Dangers of the unhealthy weight-loss habits have become common among teenagers. An expert suggested teenagers have a healthy balanced diet, keep reular hours and get plenty of exercise. 2-4 5 6-7 lead detailed information background information 1. Why was Jennifer rushed to hospital? 2. What did Laura do when she found out Jennifer was skipping meals? She passed out in her morning PE lesson. Laura warned her that skipping was unhealthy. A2Readthene
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