(2021新牛津译林版)高中英语必修三Unit 4 Scientists who changed the world 词汇讲解1 ppt课件.pptx

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1、M3U4 Scientists who changed the world vocalulary study 1 v. intend postpone conduct illustrate surround indicate 想要,打算;意指 延迟,推迟 组织,实施;指挥 说明,诠释 围绕,环绕;包围 表明;暗示;指出 intend想要,打算,意在 If you intend doing/to do something, you have decided or planned to do it. The book is intended for children aged 57. The Be

2、lt and Road Initiative is intended to provide funds for the counrtries involved. He left his hometown with the _ of making a big fortune. The money _ children living in the poverty.这些钱是为生活在贫困地区的儿 童准备的。 He stayed up late, _ to finish his task ahead of time.他熬夜到很晚,打算提前 完成任务。 He left England with the _

3、 of traveling in Africa.他带着去非洲旅行的目的离 开了英国。 Exe. postpone延迟,推迟 It was an unpopular decision to postpone building the new hospital. 这场比赛已经三度延期了。 The game has been postponed three times. conduct组织,实施;指挥 To test his theory, the scientist _ several experiments. The survey _ by the group recently revealed

4、 the details of the case. conductor:_ illustrate说明,诠释 The incident illustrates the need for tighter security. _ my point, let me tell you a little story.为了说明我的观点,让我来给你们 讲个小故事。 The statistics are a clear _ of the point I am trying to make. 这些统计 数字清楚地阐明了我要陈述的要点。 50 full-colour illustrations 50 张全彩色插图

5、surround围绕,环绕;包围 The lake is surrounded with / by trees. 湖边树木环 绕。 环湖的道路 a road _ the lake These children all come from the _ countryside.这些孩子都来自周边的乡村。 We intend everyone to work in pleasant _. 我们想让大家在愉快的环境中工作 indicate表明;暗示;指出 Research indicates that eating habits are changing fast. 研究显示,饮食习惯正迅速改变。 H

6、e indicated where the furniture belonged. 他指 出了家具应放在哪里。 phrases refer to speed up pay off through trial and error by accident 查阅;提到,谈及; 指的是 加速 成功,得到回报;还清 反复试验 偶然,意外地 1. I knocked her off her feet _. 2. All the work done _ in the end. 3. To look into the case, the judge _ wide-ranging reports. 4. The

7、 theif _ the car and escaped. 5. The professor _ the educational affairs of China in his speech. 6. Kids only learn _. 7. What does “it” in the sentence _? refer to speed up pay off through trial and error by accident n. republic survival province herb container data error wisdom penicillin bacteria

8、 malaria 共和国 生存,存活;幸存事物 省,省份 草药;草本 容器;货柜 数据,资料 错误,差错 智慧 青霉素,盘尼西林 细菌 疟疾 penicillin n. mould accident politician lightning electricity theory thunderstorm ribbon metal 霉菌;模具 意外,偶然的事;事故 政治家 闪电 电,电能 理论 雷雨,雷暴 丝带 金属 survival生存,存活;幸存事物 His only chance of survival was a heart transplant. 只有进行心脏移植他才有望活下去。 th

9、e survival of the fittest _ She was the last _ member of the family. 她是这家人中仅存的一员。 Of the six people injured in the crash, only two _. 因这次撞车事故受伤的六人中,只有两 人活了下来。 accident意外,偶然发生的事;事故 If something happens by accident, it happens completely by chance. I didnt think our meeting was _. 我认为我们相遇不是偶然的。 As I t

10、urned around, I _ hit him in the face. 我转身时不经意撞了他的脸。 error错误,差错 The meeting was postponed because of an Internet error. 由于网络出错,会议推迟了。 I think you have made an error in calculating the total. 我想你在计算总数时出 了差错。 mistake错误 error差错 fault过错 adj. /adv. deadly broad limited household sufficient beneficial int

11、elligent electric 致命的;彻底的 广阔的;开阔的 有限的 家用的;家务的;家喻户晓的 充足的,充分的 有益的,有用的 聪明的,有才智的 电的,电动的 Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie are _ characters. There is not _ evidence to confirm that he is guilty. He is tall, _ and muscular. We are doing our best with the_ resources. The disease can be _ if not cured timely. In win

12、ter you can use an _ blanket on the bed to warm yourself. An _ person is whoever has high IQ. A good diet and regular exercise are really _ to your health. deadly broad limited household sufficient beneficial intelligent electric Exe. household sufficient broad limited deadly electric intelligent be

13、neficial n./v. extract experiment trial favour charge n.提取物; 选录 v.提取;选录 n.实验;尝试 v.做实验 n.试验;考验;审判 v. 测试,试验 n.赞同,支持;偏袒;帮助 v. 更喜欢;偏袒 n. 收费;控告,谴责;掌管 v. 收费;控告,谴责;充电 experiment n.实验;尝试 v.做实验 _ an experiment 做/进行实验 Some people feel that _ on animals is wrong. 有人觉得利用动物做实验 是错误的。 实验几次之后,他找到了最佳的材料。 _ for sever

14、al times, he found the best material. trial n.试验;考验;审判 v. 测试,试验 Hes on trial for murder. We had the machine on trial for a week. I learned most of what I know about cooking _.我大部分 的厨技都是通过反复试验学会的。 Im _ equal pay for equal work我完全支持同工同酬。 Could you _ and pick up my kid from school today?今天你能帮我个 忙去学校接孩子

15、吗? Could I _?能帮个忙吗? My _ food is dumplings. favour n.赞同,支持;偏袒;帮助 v. 更喜欢;偏袒 charge n. 收费;控告,谴责;掌管 v. 收费;控告,谴责;充电 Delivery is free of charge.免费送货。 We wont charge you for delivery. 我们送货不收费。 Mr. Wang is in charge of our school.王校掌控着我 们学校事务。 Our school is in the charge of Mr. Wang.我们学校 由王校掌管。 He was char

16、ged with murder. 他被指控犯有谋杀 罪。 Before use, the battery must be charged. 电池使 用前必须充电。 The paper charged her with using the companys money for her own purposes. After being questioned by the police, she was released without charge. Its not working - I dont think the battery is charging. Adults pay an admission charge but children get in free. The hotel charges $125 a night. His boss asked him to take charge of the office for a few days while she was away. Exe. Thanks!


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