(精)人教版(新起点)五年级上册Unit4 Shopping Day story timeppt课件(含教案+练习).zip

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    • 人教新起点五年级上Unit4(6)课件.ppt--点击预览


人教版新起点英语五年级上第六课时教学设计人教版新起点英语五年级上第六课时教学设计 课题 Shopping Day(6)单元4学科英语年级五年级 上 学习 目标 知识与技能目标:学习短文故事,理解故事内容,提高学生的阅读能力 过程与方法:通过观察图片,猜测故事内容,培养学生看图分析思考的能力 情感与态度目标:把所学知识与实际生活情境有机地结合起来,激发学生学习英语的兴趣 重点学习短文故事,理解故事内容,提高学生的阅读能力 难点尝试复述故事内容,熟练运用本单元重点词汇和功能句 教学过程 教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图 导入新课一、Revision 补全对话 二、二、Lead in 出示一些狗狗的图片,并提问 Do you like dogs? Do you have a pet dog? 引出本节课话题 完成对话 观看图片,回 答问题 复习重点词汇和 功能句 通过图片和问题 激发学生兴趣 讲授新课三、Story time 通过观察图片,回答问题,对图片进行猜测等活 动,向学生讲述故事内容 1.出示图片1 Who is she? Whats in the cage? 朗读并理解第一段 2. 出示图片 2 介绍介绍 shopkeeper, 朗读并理解第二段 3. 出示图片 3 Whats wrong with Peter? 朗读并理解第三段 4. 出示图片 4 观察图片,介绍 mother, father,引导学生观察冰淇 配合老师观察 图片,并回答 问题 通过观察图片, 猜测故事内容, 培养学生看图分 析思考的能力 淋和汽车,让学生猜测故事内容 朗读并理解第四段 5. 出示图片 5 观察图片,引导学生观察 on sale 的标志和价钱, 让学生猜测故事内容 朗读并理解第五段 6. 出示图片 6 观察图片,引导学生观察笼子里的狗狗不见了, 让学生猜测 Peter 的情绪 朗读并理解第六段 7. 出示图片 7 What should Peter do? Whats the end of the story? 让学生各抒己见,猜测故事的结尾 四、 Read and understand 1. Lets find and match 找出故事中出现的一些词汇, 帮助学生更准确地理解其含义 2. Lets find and understand 找出故事中出现的一些 长、难句,帮助学生更准确地理解其含义 五、五、 Lets read 用各种形式进行朗读,齐读,分组读,个别 读等,同时并给予相应的指导和评价 六、六、True or false 根据故事内容判断正误 七、A good teller 通过完形填空,完成对话等形式,对故事进行复 配合老师完成 学习任务 观察图片,回 答问题 找词汇,并与 其汉语意思连 线 理解句子含义 朗读故事 完成正误判断 练习 配合老师完成 练习 提高学生阅读故 事的能力 更准确地把握词 汇的含义,提高 学习能力 提高学生的朗读 能力 更进一步理解故 事内容 加强本单元词汇 和功能句的使用, 述, 并给出一种故事的结尾。 八、Practice 1. Put the sentences in order. 2.选词填空 十二、Summary 1.熟读并理解故事内容 2.尝试复述故事 十三、Homework 完成练习册练习 配合老师完成 学习任务 梳理本节课重 点 积极完成作业 学会组织语言 巩固本节所学知 识 巩固本节所学知 识 课堂小结这节课的教学任务是帮助学生学习短文故事,理 解故事内容,提高学生的阅读能力,通过观察图 片,猜测故事内容,培养学生看图分析思考的能 力,帮助学生把所学知识与实际生活情境有机地 结合起来,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。本节课通 过反复播放录音、并跟读、游戏、表演等灵活多 样、丰富多彩的课堂形式,有效地激发学生学习 英语的兴趣,圆满地完成了教学任务 板书 Unit 4 Shopping Day 1.词汇:词汇:on sale, next to, to his surprise, 3 more days, after school 2.句子句子 His mum gives him two dollars for an ice-cream. His father gives him five dollars for washing the car. the puppy is gone! Unit 4 Shopping Day 第六课时第六课时 习题习题 一、一、按要求写出下面单词的正确形式按要求写出下面单词的正确形式 1.have(单数第三人称) 2. give(单数第三人称) 3.does(否定形式) 4.want(单数第三人称) 5. take(单数第三人称) 6.he (形容词性物主代词) 7.surprised(名词) 8.dollar (复数) 二、改错。下列句子均有一处错误,请找出并改正。二、改错。下列句子均有一处错误,请找出并改正。 1.He also want to buy a pair of scissors. ( ) A B C D 2. To he surprise, the Puppy is gone! ( ) A B C D 3. How much is this pair of glasses? ( ) A B C D 4.He just needs three much dollars. ( ) A B C D 5.The shoes are fine, and Ill take it. ( ) A B C D 三、根据句意,选出图片 ( )1. I want to buy a blue T-shirt. A B ( ) 2. How much are the glasses? A B ( ) 3. Peter is happy. A B ( ) 4. You can use the money to buy an ice-cream. ( ) 5.The trousers are 50 yuan. A B 四、翻译句子四、翻译句子 1. Peter is a grade 5 student. 2. There is a pet shop next to his school. 3. He only has 25 dollars. 4. His father gives him five dollars for washing the car. 5. He just needs three more dollars. Unit 4 Shopping Day 第六课时第六课时 答案答案 一、 【答案】1has 2gives 3doesnt 4wants 5takes 6his 6surprise 6dollars 二、 【解析】 1.主语为第三人称单数,句子为一般现在时态,所以谓语动词也要用第三人称单数 形式,故选 B,应改为 wants。 2. to ones surprise 固定短语,令某人感到惊讶的是,故选 B,应改为 his. 3. this pair of glasses 这副眼镜,是复数形式。故选 B,应改为 are. 4. three more dollars 短语,另外三美元。故选 C,应改为 more. 5. shoes 是复数形式。故选 D,应改为 them. 三、 【解析】该题考查学生对句子的理解 1.我想买一件蓝 T 恤衫。 2.这眼镜多少钱? 3.Peter 很开心。 4.你可以用这钱买一个冰淇淋。 5.这条裤子 50 元。 【答案】1A 2A 3B 4A 5B 四、 【答案】 1. Peter 是个五年级的学生。 2. 在他的学校旁边,有一个宠物店。 3. 他只有 20 美元。 4. 他的父亲给他五美元去洗车。 5. 他还需要三美元。 UnitUnit 4 4 ShoppingShopping Day(6)Day(6) 人教新起人教新起点点 五年级上五年级上 Revision ¥15.00 Yes, please. Good morning. The yellow one or the white one? I like the white one better. Can I help you? I want a toy dog. Which one do you like? Revision ¥15.00 How much is it? Its 15 yuan. Welcome next time! Ok, Here is the money. Ill take it. Lead in Do you like dogs? Do you have a pet dog? Story time Petera puppy Peter is a grade 5 student. There is a pet shop next to his school. He goes in to see a cute, brown puppy every day after school. He likes it very much. He wants to buy it. Story time shopkeeper He asks the shopkeeper, “How much is the puppy?” “35 dollars,” says the shopkeeper. Story timeWhat can I do? Peter is sad. He only has 25 dollars. “What can I do?” he thinks. Story time His mum gives him two dollars for an ice- cream. He doesnt buy one. His father gives him five dollars for washing the car. He just needs three more dollars. mother father Story time happy He goes to the shop to see the puppy again. It is still there, but now there is a sign: “On sale, $32”. Peter is very happy. Story time?. The next day. Peter takes his money and goes to the pet shop. To his surprise, the puppy is gone! He is very sad. Peter is very sad. Story time What should Peter do? Whats the end of the story? Lets find and match after school next to three more dollars to his surprise 让他感到吃惊让他感到吃惊的的 紧挨着紧挨着,在旁边在旁边 放放学学后后 另外三美元另外三美元 on sale takes his money 带着他带着他的的钱钱 甩卖甩卖,降价降价处处理理 Lets find and understand His mum gives him two dollars for an ice-cream. His father gives him five dollars for washing the car. 为了为了 the puppy is gone! 不见了不见了 Lets read Read the story True or false ( )Peter is in Grade 5. ( )The pet shop is far from Peters school. ( )The puppy is lovely. ( )Peter has enough(足够足够的的) money to buy the puppy. ( )Someone else(另外另外的的) buys the puppy. T F T F T A good teller Peter is a in grade 5. He loves dogs. There is a shop next to his school. He find a lovely in it. Everyday after school, Peter goes to the puppy. He to buy it. student pet puppy seewants A good teller Can I help you? Yes, please. I want to buy the puppy. Yes, its lovely. How much is it? Its 35 dollars. A good teller After he home, Peter finds he has 25 dollars. He doesnt know what to do. only gets A good teller ice-cream Here is 2 dollars. You can buy an . Thanks, mom. No, I am going to buy the puppy. Here is 5 dollars. You can wash your . Thanks, dad. car A good teller Great! The puppy is sale, its only dollars. on 32 I just have dollars, Hahaha 32 A good teller The day. Peter takes his money to the shop. He is surprised to see the puppy isnt there! next pet I have enough money now, but where is the puppy? Wuwuwu A good teller Make up an ending for the story. The shopkeeper comes around, and says to Peter, ”Dont be sad, my boy. Tomorrow, we are going to have some new puppies. You can come and have a look.” “Really? Thats good. Thanks a lot.” Says Peter. And then he goes home. Practice Put the sentences in order. ( ) Peters parents give him seven dollars. ( ) Peter wants to buy a brown puppy. ( ) The puppy is gone. ( ) The puppy is 35 dollars, but Peter just has 25 dollars. ( ) The puppy is on sale. Peter takes 32 dollars to buy it. 1 2 3 4 5 Practice 选词填空选词填空 1.There is a mall my home. 2. , the puppy is gone. 3.Some shoes are today in this shop. 4.I walk home every day. 5.We need to finish the work. on sale, next to, to his surprise, 3 more days, after school next to To his surprise on sale after school 3 more days Summary 1.熟读并理解故事熟读并理解故事内容内容 2.尝试尝试复复述故事述故事 Homework 完成练习册练习完成练习册练习
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