2019新人教版 高中英语 必修第三册Unit 2 Writing ppt课件.pptx

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1、Preview once upon a time 从前从前 crash into 撞上撞上 come along 出现,一起来出现,一起来 trip over 被被绊倒绊倒 in tears 流着泪流着泪 make an attempt to do 尝试做某事尝试做某事 in despair 处于绝望中处于绝望中 keepfrom 阻止阻止免受免受 see sb. doing sth. 看到某人正在做某事看到某人正在做某事 if not 不然,否则不然,否则 say to oneself 自言自语自言自语 a danger to 对对是个危险是个危险 pick oneself up 站起来站起

2、来 Unit 3 MORALS AND VIRTUES Reading for writing 1.Guide the students to analyze the moral story through the comparison of characterswords and deeds. 2.Encourage the students to publish from real life cases. 3.Ask the students to write a story with a clear point of view and a clear hierarchy. Objecti

3、ves: Read the passage on Page 20 and answer the questions. 1. What was the king s idea for teaching an importantlesson to his people? He placed a large stone in the middle of the main street and hid gold coins underthe stone, then he watched how people would respond. 2. What was the response from mo

4、st of the people? They didnt move the stone. 3. What did the young girl think and do when she saw the coins? She thought the owner should be worried and wanted to find the owner of the coins. Discuss Fast-reading Person ExperienceEmotionResponse MilkmanCrashed into the stone AngryWent away Women wit

5、h water Other villiagers Young Girl Read the passage on Page 20 and fill in the blanks. Tripped over the stone In tears Picked herself up and limped away Complained about the stone Indifferent Nobody made an attempt to move the stone out of the road Saw the stone Worried Pushed the stone with all he

6、r might Read for structures The Stone in the Road Part 1 (Paras. 1-2): Part 2 (Paras. 3-8): Part 1 (Para.9): The king deided to teach his people a lesson and he made preparations for it. Peoples different reactions towards the stone. The king gave his people a lesson. Para. 1: The king deidcd to giv

7、e his people lessn. Para. 2:The king hid gold coins under a stone. Para. 3: The first person crashed into the stone and complained. Para. 4: A woman tripped over the stone and cried. Para. 5: The king was in despair. Para. 6: A girl decided to move away the stone. Para. 7: The girl moved away the st

8、one and found the coins. Para. 8: The girl tried to find the owner of the coins. Read the passage on Page 20 and tell whether thefollowing statements are true(T) or false (F). ( )1. The king placed a largestone in the middleTean of the main street and hid gold coins on the stone. ( )2. The first per

9、son fell down due to the stone, spilling the milk everywhere. ( )3. A group of women tripped over the stone but they didnt move the stone out of the way. ( )4. The kingwas eager to see someone,who could move the stone away appear. ( )5. The girl spared no efforts to move the stone to the side of the

10、 street. ( )6. The girl thought the gold coins should be-long to herself because she did a good deed. F F F F T T A king thought nothing good could come to a nation people only complained and expected others (solve) their problems, so he disguised (he) and went to a village. He (place) a large stone

11、 in the middle of the street and hid gold coins under the stone. Then he hid and watched.A milkman crashed the stone , spilling themilk everywhere. He picked himself up and (angry) went away. Many people passed, but they never thought about moving the stone out of the way. The king watched all day,

12、but found nobody making an attempt (move) it. Is there anyone who feels any ( responsible) to keep their neighbors from harm?The king saw a young girl (come) along.She decided to move the stone out of the way. After she finally succeeded in moving it, she found the gold coinsunder the stone.When she

13、 asked the king whether the coins belonged to him, he told her that the coins were hers, since she was only person who had learned the lesson. 语法填空 whose to solve himselfplaced into angrily to move responsibility coming the once upon a time 从前从前 a king who often thought who 引导定语从句,修饰引导定语从句,修饰 a king

14、 a nation whose people only complain and expect others to solve their problems 定语从句,修饰定语从句,修饰 a nation disguise vt.装扮,假装装扮,假装 in disguise 伪装,乔装伪装,乔装 cart n.手推车手推车 shopping cart 购物车购物车 crash into 撞上撞上 spilling the milk everywhere 现在现在 分词作结果状语分词作结果状语 pick oneself up 站起来站起来 go away 走开走开 come along 出现,一

15、起来出现,一起来 each balancing a pot of water 此句为独立主格结构,此句为独立主格结构,each 是是 逻辑主语,与逻辑主语,与balance 是主动是主动 关系关系 trip over 被被绊倒绊倒 in tears 流着泪流着泪 neithernor 既不既不也不也不 make an attempt to do 尝试做某事尝试做某事 in despair 处于绝望中处于绝望中 who 引导定语从句,修饰引导定语从句,修饰 no one, who 作主语,作主语,to do 不定式作后置定不定式作后置定 语,修饰语,修饰 responsibility keepf

16、rom 阻止阻止免受免受 see sb. doing sth. 看到某人正在做某看到某人正在做某 事事 had been doing. 过去完成进行时,表过去完成进行时,表 示过去某段时间一直干某事示过去某段时间一直干某事 say to oneself 自言自语自言自语 a danger to 对对是个危险是个危险 who 引导定语从句,修饰引导定语从句,修饰 anyone, who在从句中作主语在从句中作主语 might n.力量,威力力量,威力 might 还可还可 以做情态动词以做情态动词 a great deal of 大量大量 succeed in doing 成功做成某事成功做成某

17、事 where 引导地点状语从句引导地点状语从句 step out 走出走出 belong to 属于属于 if not 不然,否则不然,否则 who 引导定语从句,修饰引导定语从句,修饰 only person I wanted to teach my people 为定语从句,修饰为定语从句,修饰the lesson Write a review of the fable. Use the outline below to help you. Paragraph1: Basic information about the story .What is the title of the st

18、ory? .What kind ofstoryis it? .What is the main idea of the story? Paragraph 2: .Your analysis of the story .What is the authors purpose? .Were the details of the story clear? .Do you think the story achieved its purpose? Paragraph 3: .Your opinion about the story .What did you like about the story?

19、 .What did you not like about the story? .Would you recommend this story to others? 根据下列提示根据下列提示,写一篇关于马克写一篇关于马克.吐温及其作哈吐温及其作哈 克贝利克贝利.费恩历险记费恩历险记)的评论。词数的评论。词数100左右。左右。 1.马克马克.吐温吐温(Mark Twain),是美国作家。他的是美国作家。他的J名是萨缪尔名是萨缪尔.兰亨兰亨.克莱门克莱门 (Samuel LanghorrClemens)。马克。马克.吐温是其笔名。他出生于密吐温是其笔名。他出生于密P西比河西比河(the Miss

20、issippi River)河畔的一座小城。河畔的一座小城。 2.代表作代表作(masterpiece)之一是哈克贝利之一是哈克贝利 .费恩历记费恩历记(The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)。 它述了白人小孩哈克贝利费恩它述了白人小孩哈克贝利费恩( Huckleberry Finn)从从 家中逃走,和黑奴吉姆在密西西比河流浪的故事。家中逃走,和黑奴吉姆在密西西比河流浪的故事。 3.哈克贝利哈克贝利.费恩遇见的人物涵盖了社会各个阶层,因此这部小说生动地反映费恩遇见的人物涵盖了社会各个阶层,因此这部小说生动地反映 了当时的社会。了当时的社会。 4.哈克贝利哈克贝利

21、.费恩历险记在美国文学史上一直被认为是最伟大的作品之一。费恩历险记在美国文学史上一直被认为是最伟大的作品之一。 (1)长大长大 (2)逃走逃走 (3)遇见遇见 (4)涵盖涵盖 (5)反映反映 词汇翻译 grow up run away meet with cover/contain reflect/mirror 句子翻译 (1)马克马克.吐温,是美国作家。他的原名是萨缪尔吐温,是美国作家。他的原名是萨缪尔.兰享兰享.克莱门。克莱门。 Mark Twain, Samuel Langhorne Clemens, . (2)他在密西西比河河畔的一座小城长大。他在密西西比河河畔的一座小城长大。 He

22、on the banks of the Mississippi River. (3)他最伟大的代表作之一是哈克贝利他最伟大的代表作之一是哈克贝利. 费恩历险记。费恩历险记。 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. whose real name is is an American writer grew up in a small town One of his greatest master pieces is 句子翻译 (4)这部小说讲述了白人小孩哈克贝利这部小说讲述了白人小孩哈克贝利.费恩从家中逃走,和黑奴吉费恩从家中逃走,和黑奴吉 姆在密西西比河流浪的故

23、事。姆在密西西比河流浪的故事。 The novel tells that Huckleberry Finn down the Mississippi River with a slave named Jim. (5)哈克贝利哈克贝利.费恩遇见的人物涵盖了社会各个阶层。费恩遇见的人物涵盖了社会各个阶层。 The people Huckleberry Finn met with . (6)这部小说生动地反映了当时的社会。这部小说生动地反映了当时的社会。 The novel . ran away from home and wandered covered all walks of the soci

24、ety vividly reflects it at that time (7)哈克贝利哈克贝利.费恩历险记在美国文学史上一直被认为是最伟大费恩历险记在美国文学史上一直被认为是最伟大 的作品之一。的作品之一。 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn . 句式升级 (1)用动词用动词-ing形式作状语合并句形式作状语合并句(1)与句与句(2) Growing up in a small town on the banks of the Mississippi River, Mark Twain, whose real name is Samuel Langhorne

25、 Clemens,is an American writer. (2)用定语从句合并句用定语从句合并句(3)和句和句(4) One of his greatest master pieces is The Adven-tures of Huckleberry Finn, which tells that Huckle-berry Finn ran away from home and wandered down the Mississippi River with a slave named Jim. has been considered one of the greatest works

26、in American literature 句式升级 (3)用用with的复合结构合并句的复合结构合并句(5)和句和句(6) With the people Huckleberry Finn met with covering all walks of the society, the novel vividly reflects it at that time. 连句成篇 利用以上句子利用以上句子, ,加上恰当的连接词和过渡句,必要时可以改变句式,加上恰当的连接词和过渡句,必要时可以改变句式, 使之成为一篇连贯的文章。使之成为一篇连贯的文章。 参考范文 Growing up in a sm

27、all town on the banks of the Mississippi River, Mark Twain, whose real name is Samuel Langhorne Clemens,is an American writer. One of his greatest master pieces is The Adven-tures of Huckleberry Finn, which tells that Huckle-berry Finn ran away from home and wandered down the Mississippi River with a slave named Jim. With the people Huckleberry Finn met with covering all walks of the society, the novel vividly reflects it at that time. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has been considered one of the greatest works in American literature. Homework


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