(精)人教版九年级Unit 6 When was it invented- SectionB 1a-1eppt课件(含练习+音视频).zip

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    • 优质课Unit6 When was it invented SectionB1a-1e.ppt--点击预览


Unit6 When was it invented SectionB1a-1e同步练习同步练习 1、选词填空。选词填空。 salty , sweet, mistakes, thin, customer 1. Eating too much food is bad for your teeth. 2. Why do so many _ come to this supermarket to buy things? 3. If you arent careful enough, youll make some in your homework. 4. Dont add salt any more, its so that we cant eat. 5. The ice is too .Its dangerous to skate on it. 二、二、 完成句子。完成句子。 1.顾客最后终于高兴了。 The customer was happy _. 2.这个顾客说这个薯条不够脆。 The customer said that the potato chips werent _. 3.乔治想让顾客高兴。 George wanted _the customer _. 4.薯条是一个名 Crum 的厨师发明的 The potato chips_ _ by a cook _Crum. 5. 昨天这个厨师往鱼上面撒了许多盐。 The_ _lots of salt _ the fish yesterday. 三、用所给词的适当形式填空。三、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.They _ (invite) to take part in the May Day celebrations in Beijing. 2.-Is the dish _(salt) enough? -Yes, it is. 3.Tea _ (discover) a long time ago. 4. They are used for _ (see) in the park. 5.There is a basketball star_ (call) Curry in the NBA. Many basketball fans like him. 四、阅读。四、阅读。 Lets look at two old but popular inventions we use in our daily life. BandAids(创可贴) The first BandAid was made by American Earle Dickson in 1921.The idea came to him by chance. Dicksons wife often cut her fingers in the kitchen. At that time gauze(纱布) and adhesive tape (胶带)didnt come together. People had to cut them to the right size. Dickson found they were always too big and soon fell off. So he put a piece of gauze on the center of a piece of tape. This is how he made the first Band-Aid. Later,Dicksons new inventions became very popular all around the world. Bubble gum(泡泡糖) Bubble gum was invented by accident. In 1928,American gum company worker Walter E. Diemer played around with new chewing gum recipes(口香糖配方). Chewing gum had already been invented more than half a century before then. But Diemer found that the gum he made was easy to blow. He blew a bubble and then saw the possibilities. He took some of his new gum to a shop and it sold out in a single afternoon. Since then,Dubble Bubblethe first brand of bubble gumhas made kids happy all around the world. (1)Dicksons wife often _ in the kitchen. A . hurt her fingers B . made bubble gum C . played with new recipes (2)Before the Band-Aid was invented,_. A . people had to cut the gauze and adhesive tape to the right size B . people had to cover the cut with a piece of cloth C . people had to be careful to cut the gauze quite big (3)Bubble gum was invented by _. A . a doctor B . a gum company worker C . a housewife (4)Bubble gum was invented around _ years after chewing gum was invented. A . 30 B . 50 C . 80 (5)Diemers bubble gum sold out during _. A . a day B . a morning C . an afternoon Unit6 When was it invented SectionB1a-1e 同步练习同步练习答案答案 一、1.sweet 2.customers 3.mistakes 4.salty 5.thin 二、1.in the end 2.crispy enough 3.to make happy 4.were invented called 5.cook put on 三、1.were invited 2.salty 3.was discovered 4.seeing 5.called 四、AABBC 人教新目标版 九年级 Unit 6When was it invented ? Warming-upReview and guess. It was invented in 1879. It was invented by Edison. It is used for giving light. What is it? It was invented in 1901. It was invented by Fisher. It is used for washing things. What is it? It looks like a box. It was invented by Spencer in 1955. It is used for making food hot. What is it? It looks like a big box. It was invented by Jacobi Perkins in 1834. It is used for keeping the food fresh. What is it? There are many kinds of food in the fridge. What kind of snacks do you like to eat? How do they tastes?Can you describe them? Lead-in They taste sweet and delicious. cakes ice cream lemonsstrawberries They taste sour. sour 酸的;有酸味的 salty 咸的 由名词由名词salt(盐盐)加后缀加后缀-y构成构成 salted duck eggs They taste salty. pickled vegetable (泡菜泡菜) crispy 脆的;酥脆的 photo chips French fries They taste crispy and salty. Words to describe the food 酸的 甜的 苦的 辣的 咸的 脆的 新鲜的 软的 硬的 多汁的 健康的 厚的 薄的 好吃的 sour sweet bitter hot/spicy salty crispy fresh soft hard juicy healthy thick thin delicious The words in the box describe how food can taste. Write them under the correct pictures. Some pictures have more than one word. 1a sweet crispy salty sour _ _ _ _crispy saltysoursweet salty Write the name of a different food after each word.1b sweet crispy salty sour apple; orange; cake; honey; candy; biscuit . French fries; lettuce; popcorn; potato chips; . pizza; potato chips; salt; salty fish pickle腌菜腌菜 . grape; vinegar醋醋; orange; lemon; pickle腌菜腌菜; strawberry . Using adjectives to make conversations. salty 咸的咸的,含盐的含盐的 sweet 甜的甜的 crispy 易碎的易碎的,脆的脆的 sour 酸的酸的,酸味的酸味的 bitter 苦的苦的 hot 辣的辣的 awful 可怕的可怕的 nice 好的好的 delicious 美味的美味的 A: Whats your favorite food? B: My favorite food is A: Why? B: Because it tastes and Pairwork New drills What are needed to make potato chips? The potatoes are cut very thin. They were cooked for a long time until they were crispy. A lot of salt are put on them. How to make potato chips? Do you like potato chips? How do the potato chips taste? Do you know how they were invented? When were potato chips invented? Who were potato chips invented by? thin,crispy and salty The two boys are talking about the history of potato chips. Listen and circle T for true or F or false.1c 1. Potato chips were invented by mistake. 2. They were invented in 1863. 3. The customer thought the potatoes were not thin enough. 4. The customer said they were not salty enough. 5. George wanted to make the customer happy. 6. The custom was happy in the end. T F T F T F T F T F T F n. 顾客顾客 无意中无意中 最后,终于最后,终于 by mistake为介词短语,意为为介词短语,意为“无意中;错误地无意中;错误地”,相当于相当于 accidentally。 【语境领悟语境领悟】I missed the school bus by mistake this morning. 今天早上我无意中错过了校车。今天早上我无意中错过了校车。 I took your pen by mistake. 我错拿了你的钢笔。我错拿了你的钢笔。 mistake 1. n. 错误错误。make a mistake/make mistakes犯错误犯错误 I used to make mistakes in spelling我过去常常犯拼写错误。我过去常常犯拼写错误。 2. v. 弄错弄错; 误解误解 You mistook my meaning entirely.你完全误解了我的意思。你完全误解了我的意思。 mistake . for . 错把错把当成当成 Dont mistake me for an American.不要把我误会成美国人。不要把我误会成美国人。 intheend 最后,终于最后,终于 (相当于相当于finally 或或 at last) 【拓展拓展】 attheendof可以指时间,也可指处所,意为可以指时间,也可指处所,意为“在在尽头,在尽头,在 结束时结束时”。 bytheend常和常和of相连,用于指时间,意为相连,用于指时间,意为“到到底底(末末)为止为止” 【学以致用学以致用】1.他在花园的尽头的那边。他在花园的尽头的那边。 He is down _ the garden. 2.最后,我们找到了这座房屋。最后,我们找到了这座房屋。 _ we found the house. 3.到战争结束时到战争结束时, 这个小铺子已经变成有这个小铺子已经变成有728个工人的大厂了。个工人的大厂了。 _, the small work-shop had become a large factory with 728 workers. at the end of In the end By the end of the war Listen again Complete the sentences.1d The History of Potato Chips Do you know how potato chips were invented? Potato chips _ by a cook called George Crum. They were invented in _. George Crum cut the potatoes really, really_ and then cooked them for a long time until they were _. Finally he put lots of salt on them so they were _. were invented 1853 thin crispy really salty Listen again and complete. Boy 1:Hey,did you know that potato chips were invented _? Boy 2: Really? What do you mean? Boy 1: Well, here on the bag it says that they were invented _ George Crum. Boy 2: When was that? Boy 1: Oh, it was_ . Boy 2: So, why was it _? Boy 1: Well, one day a customer came in the restaurant where George worked.He ordered _ .When the potato came, he said they were cut _ and sent them back to the kitchen. by mistake by a cook called back in 1853 an accident a plate of fried potatoes too thick Boy 2: So what happened? Boy 1: Well, George was angry so he cut the potatoes really, really thin, and he cooked them for a long time_ . And he_ them so they were really salty . He thought the customer would hate them. Boy 2: And? Boy 1: And the customer loved them and _ . He told the other customers about them, and soon everyone was ordering thinly-cut, _potato chips. Boy 2: And were still eating them today. What a cool story! Boy 1: Yeah. until they were crispy put lots of salt on asked for more crispy, salty Lets read and check your answers. Boy 1:Hey,did you know that potato chips were invented by mistake? Boy 2: Really? What do you mean? Boy 1: Well, here on the bag it says that they were invented by a cook called George Crum. Boy 2: When was that? Boy 1: Oh, it was back in 1853. Boy 2: So, why was it an accident ? Boy 1: Well, one day a customer came in the restaurant where George worked.He ordered a plate of fried potatoes.When the potato came, he said they were cut too thick and sent them back to the kitchen. 追溯到追溯到1853年年 Boy 2: So what happened? Boy 1: Well, George was angry so he cut the potatoes really, really thin, and he cooked them for a long time until they were crispy . And he put lots of salt on them so they were really salty . He thought the customer would hate them. Boy 2: And? Boy 1: And the customer loved them and asked for more. He told the other customers about them, and soon everyone was ordering thinly-cut, crispy, salty potato chips. Boy 2: And were still eating them today. What a cool story! Boy 1: Yeah. (被被)切得很薄的切得很薄的 1. Who invented potato chips? 2. When were they invented? 3. What did the custom order at the restaurant? They were invented by a cook called George Crum. In 1853. He ordered a plate of fried potatoes. Answer the questions. 5. How did George cook the potatoes then? 4. What did the custom think of the potato chips George cooked at first? He cut the potatoes really, really thin and cooked them for a long time until they were crispy. And he put lots of salt on them so they were really salty. He thought they were cut too thick. When Who How Why As a result in 1853 a cook called George Crum by accident, -sent back-, because- . But -in a bad mood, so -cut-and cooked -for-until-.And-put -on -so-. He thought the customer would hate them. The customer loved them so much that he asked for more. he told-. So - ordered- ConsolidationFill in the blanks. Make a conversation about the invention of potato chips. Use the information in 1c and 1d. 1e A: Did you know potato chips were invented by mistake? B: Wow, I didnt know that. Who invented them? A: George Crum did. It was invented by the cook. B: How did he invent them? A: B: Why did he do it like that ? A: B: Whats the result? A: Lets retell the story.Retelling time Potato chips were invented by Once a customer was not and George was inand cut Then he cooked After that he puton To his surprise, the customer and toldabout As a result, everyone was ordering In this way, one of the worlds favorite foods was invented. What a cool story! Summary 1. To learn some words to describe how food can taste crispy, sour, sweet, salty 2. To listen for specific information 3. To talk about the history of potato chips, using passive voice Did you know potato chips were invented by mistake? If we are good at observing and thinking,everyone can be inventors in our lives. 如果我们善于观察,勤于思考,如果我们善于观察,勤于思考, 每个人都能成为生活中的发明家。每个人都能成为生活中的发明家。
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