重庆大学版四年级下册Unit 3 There Is a Cake on the Table-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:110fa).zip

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  • 重庆大学2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2012年6月第3版)_小学英语_Unit 3 There Is a Cake on the Table_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)__(编号:110fa)
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Unit 3 There Is a Cake on the Table party 聚会 cake 蛋糕 candle 蜡烛 present 礼物 candy 糖果 table 桌子 table candle candy present Its Teds birthday. birthday party What can you see? Where is the present/candy/candle? There is a cake on the table. There is a present on the chair. Guess party What can you see? There is a cake on the table. There is a birthday party for Ted. Lets go and say “Happy Birthday!” to Ted. Good idea. Lets go to the party. There is a cake on the table. There is a present on the chair. What can you see? Unit 3 There is a cake on the table Lesson 1 教案教案 教学目标 1.能听、说、读、写单词 party, candle, candy, present and table; 2.能正确运用 There is are?来描述某地有某物。 教学重点 1.能听、说、读、写单词 party, candle, candy, present and table; 教学难点 2.能正确运用 There is are?来描述某地有某物。 教学准备 课件、单词卡片 教学过程(Teaching Procedure) 一、Warm-up ( 5mins) 1.教师问候全体学生 T:“Hello,boys and girls!”T: “ Nice to see you again !” 2. (课件出示) T:“Boys and girls,what animals do you have?”(抽 2-3 位 同学对话) T:“But Old Macdonald had a big farm.(出示农场图片) And on that farm he had”(依次出示农场的动物卡片,引导学生读, 并模仿动物的叫声) 3.在教师的引导下齐唱并分组唱英文歌 Old MacDonald Had a Farm。1.Ss: “Hello,Miss Xu!” Ss: “ Nice to see you !” 2.Ss:“We have”根据老师出示的图片复习前面所学的单词,能正 确读出,并能跟老师一起创编歌曲!(cow , duck, dog, cat) 21 世纪教育网 二、Presentation ( 13mins) 1.T: You are so great! And I will give you a big surprise!(出示礼物盒) T:What can you see? -Present. (教授新词) How to spell?(板书新词) 2.摇一摇礼物盒 Now ,boys and girls. Guess , whats in it? Have a look.(猜不出来时可以悄悄给一个孩子看看。) T:Lets open it ! See? -Candy(教授并板书) Do you like candies? T:Me ,too. How many candies can you see in the present box? T:Lets count together. One, two So , there are 5 candies in the present box.(板书) 3.(课件出示一张蛋糕图片) T:Whats this?(板书 Cake) T:(出示桌子)Where is the cake ? 教师引导学生回答:“Its on the table.”(出示 table 的单词卡片,教读 单词,小组读,开火车读等)(板书 on the table) T:So we can say there is a cake on the table(板书题目)。 Read it together.(教读并齐读题目)。 4.T:Whats on the birthday cake ?(出示蜡烛)教师引导学生回答: “Candle ”并教授单词。 T:How many candles can you see? T: Lets count: one ,two ,three.(引导学生一起数) T:(在题目的下面板书,单词上下要对整齐,便于学生去发现两者的 不同之处)There are 3 candles on the cake. (课件出示 there be 句型的用法) 5.(出示生日聚会的图片) T: What can you see? (出示单词 party),教授单词。 1.Ss:(学生猜)礼物 2.Ss:Candy. Yes, I do. Ss:One, two 5 candies 3.Ss:Its a cake. Ss:“Its on the table.”Ss:(跟读并齐读题目) “There is a cake on the table。” 4. Ss:“Candle .”学习新单词 Candle。 Ss: “one ,two ,three.”(跟随老师一起数一数有多少支蜡烛,并跟读 2 个句子,学习 there be 句型的用法。) 5.在老师的引导下学习新单词 party。 21 教育网 三、Practice (10mins) 1.New word 让学生跟读、齐读、自读、同桌互读 candy, candle, present, table 和 party 这五个单词,并模仿发音。 (自读和同桌互读时,教师巡回仔细听,对读错的学生进行纠正。 )2.“High low voice”游戏:分小组开展游戏,当老师大声对某个小 组说某个新单词时,这个小组就要小声说出这个单词,反之亦然, 没有杂音的小组加分。 3.“Whats missing”游戏:课件出示本课所学的 5 个新单词。 T: Candy, candle, present, table and party. 1、2、3、4、5。We have lea rned 5 new words。 T:(去掉其中一个单词)Whats missing?抢答,看哪个小组反应 最快就加一分。 1.学生跟读、齐读、自读、同桌互读 candy, candle, present, table 和 party 这五个单词,并模仿发音。 2.“.High low voice”游戏,用与老师相反的方式读出单词。 4.“Whats missing”游戏,抢答出老师去掉的那个单词。 四、Consolidation (5mins) 播放课文第二部分录音: 1. 听录音,完成练习; 2. 再次播放第二部分录音 Listen and number, 核对答案。 1. 听录音,完成练习; 2. 再次听录音 , 核对答案。 五、Expansion ( 2mins) Group Work(小组活动) : 1、Everyone choose one picture and describe it. (每个人选择一张生日 图片在小组内描述.) 2、Using the new sentence structure : there is are?(用上今天所学的新句型: there is are? ) Come on! (加油!) Group Work(小组活动) : Everyone choose one picture and describe it. (每个人选择一张生日 图片在小组内描述.) Using the new sentence structu- re : there is are?(用上今天所学的 新句型: there is are? ) Come on! (加油!) 21om 六、Assessment ( 3mins) 教师根据学生在课堂上的表现,对学生和小组进行奖励。 七、Expansion(Homework) 1.熟读单词,在作业本上把每个单词写 3 遍; 2. 运用所学单词和句型制作一张生日贺卡送给你喜欢的人。 板书设计 Unit3 Lesson 1 There is a cake on the table Party candy, candle, present, table There is are
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