重庆大学版五年级下册Unit 3 Seasons of a Year-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:c037b).zip

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Looking for spring : 练习一:练习一:Read and circle(根据问题圈出答案) 1. Hows the weather in spring? Its _. warm cold sunny your ideas(你的添加):_ 2. What colour is it in spring? Its _. red green your ideas(你的添加):_ 3. What can you do in spring? I can _. go to a park go swimming your ideas(你的添加): _ Hey! What are you doing here? Were looking for spring. Look up! Birds are flying in the sky. Look at the ducks. Theyre swimming in the river. That is spring. Tips(你可能会用到): cloudy rainy windy snowy hot cool yellow blue pink orange black purple go running go skating go fishing eat ice-cream go swimming ride a bike sleeping eating singing jumping reading 练习二:练习二:Listen and judge(根据课文判断正误) 1. Lucy is looking for summer. ( ) 2. Spring is coming.( ) 合作练习:合作练习:create a poem(利用相关单词创编小诗) Tips(小诗范式): _, _. Its _and _. Its _and _. I can _ in_. I like _! Seasons of a year listen2(第一课时)教学设计 教学内容:教学内容: 本课是重大版小学英语五年级下册“Seasons of a year” listen2 的第一课时, 包括 Look, listen and say 板块。 教学目标:教学目标: 1.能听懂、会说、认读词组:look for,look up and look at. 2.能听懂、会说、表演课文对话,并能运用文中主要句型 What are you doing?We are looking for 创编对话. 3.能通过关联记忆等学习策略,初步勾勒季节的思维导图,拓展语用能力。 教学重难点:教学重难点: 1.教学重点:掌握本课的词句,并能有感情的认读课文。 2.教学难点:能在情境中运用所学创编英文小诗;能感知思维导图在语言学习中 的妙用。 教学准备:教学准备:电子白板、单词卡片、导学单、音视频 教学过程:教学过程: 1. Warmer & Revision (1) Warmer T: Hi, boys and girls. Hows the weather today? Do you like_(天气)days? Me too! (2) Revision T: Its spring now. What are you doing in spring? Lets do a revision work. (PPT 轮动播放已学动词,利用“聚光灯”功能,激励学生和着音乐抢答) 【设计意图】活动激趣,展开相关词汇复习为后续学习铺垫,并营造学习话题 “找春天” 。 (3)展题,创设情境 师给予小组评价,播放曲子“春天在哪里” ,展示课题,粘贴课题 we are looking for spring. T: Since you all did good job, every group can get a star. Today, our topic is looking for spring. (1)Self- study: Whats spring look like? T: Where is spring? Do you know it? Lets take a look!(白板播放春天微视频) a. After watching, the Ss try to read and answer by individually. 练习一:Read and circle. (根据问题圈出答案) (生根据要求完成导学单题一) 1. Hows the weather in spring? Its _. warm cold sunny your ideas(你的添加):_ 2. What colour is it in spring? Its _. red green your ideas(你的添加):_ 3. What can you do in spring? I can _. go to a park go swimming your ideas(你的添加): _ b. Check their answers and learn some new words. 【设计意图】自主学习,激发对天气、颜色、动作词汇的小思考,揭开春天的神 秘面纱。 (2)Text-learning: Where is spring? T: Lucy and her friends are there. Lets join in them. a. Listen and judge (初听) Make them listen and judge (完成导学单题二): 1) Lucy is looking for summer. ( F ) 2) Spring is coming.( T ) b. Listen and read (复听) Guide them to learn the text in groups. 1)出示合作学习任务要求: Task1:勾画能体现“spring”的句子,读给同伴听听。 a. Ss work together for 2 min. b. Check some out : Birds are flying in the sky. Ducks are swimming in the river. (生白板勾画) Task2:听音跟读,同伴互助学习课文。 a. Ss work together for 2 min. b.小组展示 【设计意图】复听精读重点,合作学习处理疑难。 c. Listen, read and act(三听). 1) Ss work together for 3 min. 2) Read in roles. 小组上台展示,出示评分标准。 3. Consolidation & Extension (1) 其他季节运用拓展 a. Enjoy a fun song“What a wonderful world”. b. 激励小组自选喜欢的季节创编小诗 提供思考线索(Brainstorm): Hows the weather in spring? What colour is it in spring? What can you do in spring? c.小组上台展示 4. Homework 5.小结小组评比情况 板书设计板书设计 We are looking for spring. spring colourweather activity Unit3 Seasons of a year Lesson 2 Whatdoesspringlooklike?(春天的模样)(春天的模样) Self-study1:Readandcircle(根据问题圈出答案)(根据问题圈出答案) 1. Hows the weather in spring? Its _. warm cold sunny your ideas(你的添加):_ 2. What colour is it in spring? Its _. blue green your ideas(你的添加):_ 3. What can you do in spring? I can _. sing swim your ideas(你的添加):_ Whatdoesspringlooklike? cool/windy red/pink Whereisspring? Self-study2:listenandjudge(根(根据课文判断正误据课文判断正误) 1. Lucy is looking for summer. ( ) 2. Spring is coming. ( ) F T Teamwork:Listenanddo Task2:听音跟读,同伴互助学习课听音跟读,同伴互助学习课 文文;分角色读课文。分角色读课文。 Task1:勾画能体现勾画能体现spring的句子,的句子, 读给同伴听一听。读给同伴听一听。 Talkaboutspring(说一说说一说春天春天) Hows weather in spring? What colour is it in spring? What can you do in spring? Talkaboutseason(说一说说一说“季节季节) Hows weather in spring? What colour is it in spring? What can you do in spring? Talkaboutseason(说一说说一说“季节季节) Letsenjoy:Whatawonderfulworld! Spring, spring. Its sunny and warm. Its green and blue. I can sing in spring. I like spring! Whichseasondoyoulikebest? Teamwork:createapoem(创编英文诗创编英文诗) Task3:选择一个喜欢的季节,小组合作创编小诗,并合理分工朗读表演。选择一个喜欢的季节,小组合作创编小诗,并合理分工朗读表演。 Homework(可任选一项可任选一项) 1.Makeapictureforyourfavouriteseason. 做一张你做一张你“最喜欢的季节最喜欢的季节”卡片,并配写几句英文。卡片,并配写几句英文。 2.Readthestoryfluently. 流利地朗读课文。流利地朗读课文。
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