重庆大学版五年级下册Unit 3 Seasons of a Year-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:e0757).zip

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    • blooming.m4a
    • interesting.m4a
    • Looking for Spring.docx--点击预览
    • Looking for Spring.pptx--点击预览
    • 公园.wmv
    • 教案e0757.doc--点击预览
    • 板书.jpg--点击预览
    • 歌曲.wmv
    • 课文.mp3
    • 课文.wmv


Fill in the blanks(填空) What are you _here? We are _ for spring. Birds are _ in the sky. Ducks are_ in the river. Flowers are _. Trees are_. That is _. Words and sentences bank Nature(自然): Its sunny/cloudy/rainy/windy the river is singing/clouds are folding and unfolding(云卷云舒) /the sun is shining /the land is colorful(多姿多彩的) Plants(植物): trees are turning green/grass is growing/flowers are smiling,willows(柳树) are swinging(摇摆)/peach trees are blooming 桃树开花) Animals (动物): birds are singing/ducks are swimming/swallows(燕子) are making houses. Human beings (人类活动): Its a good time to (fly kites,sing,dance, go boating,go fishing,have a picnic(去野餐) ,go to the park Boys And Girls How Are You Today I Am Miffy Your New Friend Today Well Play Something Interesting Lets Sing A Song Are You Ready 3 2 1 Sing a song Respond quickly(快速反应) Hows the weather?(什么天气) Sunny, sunny ,its sunny. Rainy, rainy ,its rainy. Hows the weather?(什么天气?) Hows the weather?(什么天气?) Windy, windy, its windy. Hows the weather?(什么天气?) Cloudy, cloudy ,its cloudy. Which season?(哪个季节) Spring, spring, its spring. Which season?(哪个季节) Summer, summer, its summer. Which season?(哪个季节) Autumn, autumn, its autumn. Which season?(哪个季节) Winter, winter , Its winter. Play a game Which is missing? (哪个不见了?) Looking for Spring Si Paifang Primary School Liu Xiujuan Tips:奖励机制奖励机制 If you do a good job,you will get a sticker to dress up spring. (表现优异的孩子可以得到奖励来装扮春天)表现优异的孩子可以得到奖励来装扮春天) Section1 Looking for spring What can you see? Section1 Looking for spring What are they doing? They are flying. It is dancing/swinging. They are swimming. She is drawing/writing. blooming blueroom bloom ing blooming Task 1 Find and read (找出以下动词的(找出以下动词的ing形式)形式) look fly swim looking flying swimming Task 2 Self-study (自学探究) Read and learn by yourself. 默读默读课文课文,勾画勾画生词生词、自学自学。 Difficult points (难点) Interesting (有趣的)(有趣的) e.g: Its an interesting program(节目)(节目), I like it. She is an interesting girl,we like her. Task 3 Find the difference辨 别 look up 向上向上看看 look down 向下看向下看 look for 寻寻 找(有目的性)找(有目的性) look at 盯盯着一个点看着一个点看 look about 张张 望(无意)望(无意) Activity1 Listen and read(听音跟读) Activity 2:Follow a little teacher (小老师教读) Activity3 Read with your partner (和伙伴一起读) Activity 4 Read together (齐读) Activity 5 Fill in the blanks 填 空 What are you _ here? We are _for spring. Birds are _in the sky. Ducks are _ in the river. Flowers are _ in the park. Trees are _in the nature. That is _. doing looking flying swimming spring blooming sprouting Seciton2 Feeling spring watch the video and say Whats your feeling? (你对春天的感觉是什么?) e.g.1 In spring, I like to fly a kite, plant trees (植 树)and smell the flowers. e.g.2 Spring is coming, it brings(带来) green to the trees and grass, pink and yellow to the flowers. Whats your feeling? (你对春天的感觉是什么?) Section3 Acting out Group work(小组活动) You may act birds. (你可以扮演小鸟) You may act grass (你可以扮演小草等) Act out your spring. (演绎你眼中的春天) e.g 此处省略一万字,发挥你的想象,惊艳我们 Whats the name of this poem? This spring morning/ in bed / Im lying, 春眠不觉晓, Not to awake / till birds / are crying. 处处闻啼鸟。 After one night / of wind / and showers, 夜来风雨声 How many / are the fallen / flowers? 花落知多少? Love the nature, 热爱自然热爱自然 Love your life 热爱生活热爱生活 Homework Look for some English poems about spring. (查找一些春天的英文诗歌) Unit3 Seasons of a Year Lesson2 教学设计 设计主题 Looking for Spring 1.整体设计思路、指导依据说明 本节课教学对象为五年级学生,根据英语课程标准和五年级学生的特点,我的 设计思路为:首先以一首简洁明快的学过的歌曲 “The sun is shinning”开展热身活 动,拉近师生距离;再通过课本里的图片呈现春天的特点,初步整体感知。其次通过 学生观察,听音,捕捉信息点,寻找春天,引入新知,并通过游戏适时操练巩固;学生 欣赏春天感受春天,进一步学习文本语言。最后学生小组合作运用简单英语来描述春 天。为了激发学生的学习积极性,在教学过程中,我将学生分为 6 组,开展课堂合作。 2.教学背景分析 (1)教学内容分析:(注:含本课时在本单元的教学定位分析) 教材 Unit5 Seasons of a Year 是本书第 3 单元,本节课为本单元第 3 课时,本课 重点是学生要学会听、说、读、用以短语和句型:in the river,in the sky, Thats spring. What are they doing? Theyre flying.为主的语篇教学。 本课时主要围绕 spring 这一话题展开,目前正值春天,学生对话题不陌生。本课 时的教学设计和实施是建立在学生已有的知识水平上,采用 TPR、任务学习法、情境 教学法和合作学习法等设计趣味横生的游戏,让学生在自由轻松的学习环境中学说语 言。 (2)学生情况分析: 本节课的授课对象为本校学生,对学生情况比较了解,学生的语言基础较好。因 为高段学生的探知能力和自主学习能力较强,所以我选用问题导入的方式导入文本并 开展各种趣味游戏来引领参与。 3.教学目标分析 (1)语言知识与技能 能够听、说、读、写文本,能演绎文本并且能在在实际生活的中运用。 (2)思维品质 通过自然拼读,思维导图,提问追问的方式锻炼学生的思维。 (3)文化品格 通过寻找春天、感受春天、演绎春天,培养学生欣赏美、创造美的能力。 热爱生活,热爱大自然。 4.教学重点、难点分析 (1)教学重点: 寻找春天,感受春天,演绎春天。 (2)教学难点: 用自己的语言演绎春天 5.教学过程设计 I. Warm up 1.Have a free talk T: Hello, boys and girls! S: Hello, Miss Liu. How are you? S:Fine,thank you How is the weather? S: 设计意图:用 free talk 拉近与学生距离,激发学习兴趣。 2.Sing a song “The sun is shinning” T: Boys and girls, lets sing a song. 设计意图:用旧知感知新知,歌曲拉近与学生距离,激发学习兴趣。 3.play a game-Which is missing?教师出示 2 类图片,学生复习关于天气:sunny, rainy, snowy, cloudy,关于季节:spring,summer,autumn,winter. T: Which is missing? S: spring. T: Lets look for the spring. 教师板书标题:Looking for Spring .教 师将全班分为 6 个小组,分别用树叶,花朵,鸭子,花,鸟,草作为奖品,表现好的 小组用这些小标贴,贴在黑板上,最后形成一幅美丽的春天的画。讲述奖励机制,出 示 tips。 设计意图:通过游戏复习上节课重点单词,引出本节课课题,激发学生观察和探索 的兴趣。 II. Presentation Section1 Looking For Spring T: Lets see a picture. 1. Show a picture for the students to observe and answer. T:What can you see? S: I can see the 2Show a video for the students to listen and say. T: What are they doing? S :walking/drawing/ T:Yes, They are walking, running, drawingThey are looking for spring. 设计意图:让学生初步整体感知即将所学,激发学生对与本节课相关旧知的回忆,再 一次点题) 其中,具体讲解 blooming 3.Look ,find and read 找出 look,fly,swim 的 ing 形式,然后老师教读 Fly flying, swimswimming, look-looking 4.self-study 自学课文,勾画出不懂的地方 合作学习-组内交流 请生上台展示不会读的地方,请学生解决,老师订正,老师具体讲解 interesting 的音、意。并且 PPT 出示和动作示范 look up/for/at/about,对于学生的表现及时评 价。 5.听音跟读 6.小教师教读 7. 伙伴读 8.抽读 9.齐读 10.Listen and fill the blanks. 听音,完成课文重点词汇的填写。 抽学生汇报,老师订正,展示答案。 设计意图:练习学生听,说和写的能力。 III. Practice Section 2 Feeling Spring 1. What do you feel? T: So, Spring is coming ,lets go to the Ding Shan park, feel spring.插入视频 (The sun is shining, the grass is turning green, the flowers are blooming, the sky is blue, some birds are flying in the sky. ) 设计意图:让学生更加直观的感受大自然春天的变化,了解自然,亲近自然。 2. 分层描述春天,老师给两个递进层次的示范 IV.Consolidation. Section 3 Acting out 1. 发挥想象,扮演春天里的各种事物。 设计意图: 锻炼学生描述春之美的综合语用能力。 V.Sublimation 1.enjoy a poem (1) listen and enjoy.(选一首中文经典英译诗歌,让学生猜是哪一首) (2)对照词再欣赏一遍。 设计意图:将经典诗歌融入其中,体现中华文化底蕴 (3)情感深华,把孩子们做的画描述一遍,然后引出热爱自然,热爱生活。 VI. Homework Look for some English poems about spring.
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