重庆大学版五年级下册Unit 4 Our School-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:40297).zip

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1.-Where is the library? -Its . 2.-Where is the swimming pool? -Its . 3.-Where is the playground? -Its . Unit 4 Our school lesson 1 第二课时学习单 Part A: Team work:如图,小组讨论回答以下问题并补充完整。 学校平面图 Our School cateen 食堂 swimming pool teaching building library playground School gate 校门 Part B: 根据例子完成填空。 This is our school, we have Its teaching building in front of the library Unit 4 Our School lesson 1 第二课时教案 教学目标:教学目标: 知识目标: 1. 学生在准确认读 school、teaching building、library、swimming pool、playground 的基础上,学会问“Where is the library?”并做出 回答。 2. 能结合图片用方位词或短语如 in front of、behind、on the left、on the right 准确描述 library、swimming pool 等建筑的位置。 能力目标: 1. 通过本课学习,学生能运用学过的方位词描述 library、swimming pool 等建筑的位置。 2. 会简单介绍学校建筑分布概况. 情感目标: 通过本课学习,学生能简单介绍自己的学校建筑方位,获得学习英 语的成就感,并感受学校生活的快乐与充实。 重难点:重难点: 重点: 1. 学生在准确认读 school、teaching building、library、swimming pool、playground 的基础上,学会问“Where is the library?”并做出 回答。 2. 能结合图片用方位词或短语如 in front of、behind、on the left、on the right 准确描述 library、swimming pool 等建筑的位置。 难点:能结合图片用方位词或短语如 in front of、behind、on the left、on the right 准确描述 library、swimming pool 等建筑的位置并 简单介绍学校建筑分布概况。 教学准备:PPT,小青蛙音频,方位词卡片 教学方法:讲授法、练习法、合作学习法 教学过程: 一、热身 warm-up.(用方位词介绍自己前后左右的同学) A. (课间)Good Afternoon, everyone. Im Mona. Its really nice to meet you! So I want to know some of you. May I have your name please? (肖某某) ,现在请介绍下你前后左右的同学比如谁在我的前面 (后、左、右). B. (课堂开始)出示 in front of、behind、on the left、on the right 卡片,带领学生用身体语言表达方位。 Ok, kids, can you read this one? (跟读,将卡片张贴在黑板上)now stand up, show me your hands, 用身体语言表达方位。 2、Body (一)自主预习,复习。 (1)听音模仿,复习 key words (twice)。 Last time Ive learned these key words, now lets imitate. (2)看图读单词。 (PPT 出示图片) Whats this? (3)抽五个小组读读。 (PPT 出示图片) (4)全班齐读。 (5)出示图片,学生说出相应的英语名称。 (PPT 出示图片) (2)学习问答对话。 过渡语:every year, some new pupils want to study in our school, how to introduce the school to them, lets try! (1)学习句子“where is the library?”结合图片,试着回答 Its.。 Who can read? Who can answer? (2)Team-work 小组合作学习 A. 根据图片,选择方位词 in front of、behind、on the left、on the right 回答学习单上的问题并补充完整。 (核对正确否) -Where is the library? -Its . B读通句子。 1)师范读,生跟读。 Ok, now read after me. 2) 小先生教读。 Who want to be the little teacher?请一个同学做小老师,教我们读读。 3) 组内合作:组长做小老师,教小组一起读。 4) 小组展示。 (3)Team work(小组合作):design our school(视频导入,学生 情境示范+师肢体语言展示 what they need to do) A. design our school.(设计学校平面图) B.一边动手制作,一边介绍各建筑物的位置。 C. 以小组的形式来汇报。 (4)思维导图对知识点进行小结 (5)拓展延伸:看图说话。 We often in the library.(注意引导学生完整表达) 联系实际,试着说说 I often in the playground. (6)总结 出示学生在校参加活动图片,送上祝福: May you have a happy school life! (7)Homework 家庭作业 向家人朋友用英语简单地介绍自己的学校建筑物的方位。 (8)板书 Where is the library? Its . I often in the playground. Lesson 1 第二课时 置舟设渡置舟设渡 Whats this? Its. 小组合作:组长用小组合作:组长用“whats this?”提问,组员结合卡片作出回答。提问,组员结合卡片作出回答。 练习完毕后请小组做展示。练习完毕后请小组做展示。 起航摆渡起航摆渡 Who can read?谁来 读读句子? School gate 校门 WhereWhere isis thethe library?library? 学校平面图 Our School 浪波竞渡浪波竞渡 Who can answer?结合图片,用上方位词,谁来回答? School gate 校门 -Where-Where isis thethe library?library? -Its-Its . . 学校平面图 Our School School gate 校门 Who can answer?结合图片,用上方位词 ,谁来回答? -Where-Where isis thethe library?library? -Its-Its onon thethe rightright. . 学校平面图 Our School Team work:如图,小组讨论回答学习单上的问题并补充完整。 School gate 校门 -Where-Where isis thethe library?library? -Its-Its . . -Where-Where isis thethe swimmingswimming pool?pool? -Its-Its . . -Where-Where isis thethe playground?playground? -Its-Its . . 学校平面图 Our School Team work:如图,小组讨论回答学习单上的问题并补充完整。 School gate 校门 -Where-Where isis thethe library?library? -Its-Its onon thethe rightright. . -Where-Where isis thethe swimmingswimming pool?pool? -Its-Its . . -Where-Where isis thethe playground?playground? -Its-Its . . 学校平面图 Our School Team work:如图,小组讨论回答学习单上的问题并补充完整。 School gate 校门 -Where-Where isis thethe library?library? -Its-Its onon thethe rightright. . -Where-Where isis thethe swimmingswimming pool?pool? -Its-Its onon thethe leftleft . . -Where-Where isis thethe playground?playground? -Its-Its . . 学校平面图 Our School Team work:如图,小组讨论回答学习单上的问题并补充完整。 学校平面图 Our School School gate 校门 -Where-Where isis thethe library?library? -Its-Its onon thethe rightright. . -Where-Where isis thethe swimmingswimming pool?pool? -Its-Its onon thethe leftleft . . -Where-Where isis thethe playground?playground? -Its-Its behindbehind thethe teachingteaching buildingbuilding. . Lets design our school我们一起来设计学校吧! Team work(小组合作) a.design our school.(设计学校平面图) b.一边动手制作,一边用英语介绍各建筑物及其位置。c. 以小组的形式来汇报 。 ourour schoolschool 从容巧渡从容巧渡 Team work(小组合作) a.design our school.(设计学校平面图) b.一边动手制作,一边用英语介绍各建筑物及其位置。c. 以小组的形式来汇报 。 ourour schoolschool design our school and intruduce it. Tips(建议): 1.Describe correctly 描述准确。 试着使用“Whats this? Its. 和Where is.? Its.”句型。 2. Good pronunciation,express smoothly. 声音洪 亮,表达流畅。 3.Good team work, each member join in!小组合 作默契,每个成员都参与! Summarize(总结) 根据例子完成填空。 teaching building ItsIts in front of the library 达岸通渡达岸通渡 Happy school life! Productive school life! May you have a happy school life! Homework(家庭作业): Introduce the position of school buildings to your friends! 向家人朋友 介绍学校建筑物的方位! Thank you!
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