重庆大学版五年级下册Unit 4 Our School-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:7069e).zip

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Unit 4 Our School Lesson 2 school library playground teaching building swimming pool Whats in the? What are they doing? Where is the?(地点位置) Where is ?(人物位置) Whats in the music room? There is a music party in the classroom. What are they doing? They are singing. Where is the teachers office? Its next to the classroom. Wheres Stanley? He is in Miss Lius office. 记忆大比拼!记忆大比拼! 老师将单词卡片按照随意老师将单词卡片按照随意 顺序摆好,学生记忆,顺序摆好,学生记忆, 之后老师随意打之后老师随意打 乱顺序,学生根乱顺序,学生根 据记忆将单词还原。据记忆将单词还原。 Homework 1.Remember these new words. 2.Read the dialogue to your parents. Unit 4 Our school Lesson 2 教案 教学内容:Whats in the classroom ? There is classroom, Office ,lab, toilet ,garden 等词 和句型的综合运用。 教学目标: 1知识目标 学习表达学生常用校内设施 classroom, Office ,lab, toilet ,garden 等,并询问和 回答 Whats in the ? There is? 2技能目标 能听 、说、认读该课的单词和句型,并用于交流 3情感目标 与本校的实际情况相结合,培养孩子们热爱自己学校的高尚情操 教学重点:学生能够学会用这课所学的单词和句子在实际生活中进行交流 教学难点:注重 classroom 的发音和重点句型在实际生活中的应用和交流 课前准备: 教师:课件、单词卡片、实物卡片 教学流程: Revision (复习引入) 1Warming up T: Hello, everyone! Do you remember this song? (Ss: Yes) 2 T: Are you happy? OK, lets sing a song . 点击课件 “Our school will shine today”的视频,同学们边唱边做 TPR。 2Revision Let s review 复习上节课 学过的单词:先 PPT 出示图片,然后再比一看看哪一组的同学掌握得更好,反应更快。 T: OK,G1 is good, G4 is super. (给 G1 爬到一楼 1st floor, G4 爬到二楼 2nd floor ,介绍本节课评价方式为爬楼梯) 3. Chant together。 【作为高年段学生的开课,既要充分调动学生的积极性,又要注意语言知识的复习,即是 趣味性和知识性相结合。因而我打破传统的 free talk 以为开头,而采用直接的热身,引导 学生进入英语思维的课堂环境。通过唱歌曲,快速反应等感兴趣的活动高效地复习了本节 课所需要的词汇,导入本课学习。 】 Presentation (新知学习) T: Our school will shine will shine today, so today lets learn Unit4 Our School lesson 2 (点击 课件,教读课题) T show some beautiful pictures on our school T: This is our school, this is ?(介 绍学校典型的建筑),its so nice. I like it. Do you like it? Ss: Yes, I like it very much. 3 T: But where do you like? 学生回答他们具体喜欢学校哪里, such as teaching building/pool/playground or something else. 出示同学们在教师上课的图片。 T: What are they doing? Ss: They are having Chinese class. T: Yes, this room is for class 在问答中引出 classroom (注意字母 oo 的发音) 教新单词 office 出示教师办公室的图片 T: Class is over ,Its time for rest ,teachers go to the office . 学生听音,跟读 office , T: Its the teachers office 教新单词 lab 出示同学们在实验室上科学课的图片。 T What class are they having? Ss: Science class T: This room is for science class, we call it lab. 学生听音,并跟读 lab 教 toilet. Class is over, Some students go to the toilet. Ss 跟读 toilet. 4 教 garden T: Look, there are lots of flowers in the garden. Ss 听音并跟读 garden. 【一一出示相应的实物卡片,并同时出示相应的课件,通过出示相应的单词和听音 classroom 来导入要学习的内容。先将较难的知在前面,并在一开始出现用拆词的方法强调 发音。在这里同时要引导同学们回顾之前学过的句型 Do you have a ? Yes, I do /No, I don t. Whats in the classroom ? Theres an English party in the classroom】 T: Look, whats in the art room? S: There is a picture show in the art room. 学生跟读,多 种方式抽读。理解 There be 句型的基本结构,以及基本意思。主要用于表达某地有某物。 【该环节出现在课件上面,起到强调作用。通过这一环节既简单又巧妙巩固两个单词 classroom/art room,同时引入本节课句字训练的重点。 】 Practice (灵活操练) T: Can you tell me? Whats this? OK, lets play a game. Hide and seek. Ill hide it, when she/ he comes closer to the picture, you speak louder, when she/he is far away from the picture, slow er, OK? 【此环节选发音发得准的小朋友上来找单词卡片,当找的小朋友离卡 5 片越近的时候同学们的声音越大,越远的时候同学们的声音越小。这一过程中请同学回答, 音发得准的当小老师教全班同学,不准的立马当做范例纠正,并示意正确的发音,起到突 破本课难点的作用。 】 2 Whats missing 将全班分成 两组. Boys ask “Whats in the classroom?” And girls answer “There is ?.in the classroom.”Then exchange. 3. Pair work . 4.找同学来 设计 学校。 【想象是发明一切最初的源泉。在这一环节的设计中,让同学们发挥自己充分的想象去设 计自己喜欢的学校。在巩固操练主句型的同时,激发想象,提高兴趣。 】 Extension (巩固拓展) T: Here is a beautiful place, there are three teaching buildings. The library is on the 1st floor, co mputer rooms are on the 6th or 5th floor. Can you guess where is it?(同时点击课件) Ss: Our school T: I like our school, do you like our school? Ss: Yes, I like our school very much. I like 赵家 二校。 (louder please, three times) 【最后回归到本课课题 our school,通过同学们大声地表达对学校
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