外研版(三起)四下Module 10-Unit 2 Sam had lots of chocolate.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:70105).zip

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  • 外研2011课标版三年级起点(陈琳主编)_四年级下册_小学英语_Module 10_Unit 2 Sam had lots of chocolate._ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:70105)
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1 Module10 uint2 Sam had lots of chocolate. 一、教学内容一、教学内容 本课通过课文人物谈论昨天发生的事情以及今天的身体状况,进一步学习 如何描述自己和他人在过去的时间里所做的事情,初步学习用英语描述疾病。 本课内容与日常生活息息相关,能引起孩子学习的兴趣。教师在教学中积极引 导学生摒弃不节制饮食的坏习惯,引导学生锻炼身体增强体质,更健康地生活。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 四年级的孩子有一定的英语基础,学习兴趣较为浓厚,能较好地参与到课 堂活动中。通过本册前几个模块对动词过去式的学习,学生能够询问以及陈述 过去发生的事情。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 1、知识目标 (1)能听懂会说单词:had,chocolate,stomach ache, headache, cold, fever。 (2)感知 had 的两种用法。 (3) 学生能掌握句型:Ive got a.Hes/Shes got a. 2、能力目标 能用英语正确描述自己和他人常见的身体不适状况。 3、情感目标 (1)能关注自身健康,明白节制饮食和锻炼身体的重要性。 (2)在生活中能关注家人和朋友的身体状况。 (3)在小组活动中培养合作精神。 四、教学要点分析四、教学要点分析 1、教学重点 had,chocolate,stomach ache, headache, cold, fever。 2、教学难点 能用 Ive got a.Hes/Shes got a.的句型正确描述自己和他人常见的身体不适状 况。 五、教学准备五、教学准备 2 多媒体课件,单词卡片, 四线格黑板贴,人物头像, 奖励贴画等。 六六、教学过程、教学过程 Step 1 Warm up ( 2 mins) 1. Greetings. T: Hello, boys and girls. Im Miss Pan. Ss: Hello, Miss Pan. T: How are you today? Ss: Im fine, thank you. T: You are 4 groups today, g1, g2, g3 and g4. (设计意图:老师与学生亲切问候,拉近师生距离。) 2. Review. Review some phrases in past tense and play a sharp eye game. T: Yesterday I walked in the park with my daughter. Now I want to know more about you. What did you do yesterday? (设计意图:让学生用简短的句子描述自己昨天做的事情,对已学的动作的过去 式进行复习。) Step 2 Lead-in ( 3 mins) 1. T shows a picture about some children. T: Look at the picture. T: What did they do yesterday? Ss: They had a picnic. T: But today the boy is not very happy. Why? What happened ? Can you guess? 学生可用中文进行猜测。 (通过活动一孩子们野餐的图片导入课文,让学生大胆想象故事内容,引起学 生的兴趣,激发学生的想象力。 ) 2. Lets listen. Ss: Hes got a stomach ache. 3 教授新词:“stomach ache” a.加法记忆法: stomach+ ache=stomach ache b.教师领读、开小火车读。 Step 3 Presentation and practice ( 15mins) 1. Present T: Today Sam and Daming have got stomach ache too. 2. Text-learning. Part1: Sam had lots of chocolate yesterday, so today hes got a stomach ache. Daming had two watermelons yesterday, so today hes got a stomach ache. 学习新单词:had, chocolate. (1) Listen and answer. What did they eat yesterday? (2) Listen and choose. a. What did Sam eat yesterday? Ss: Chocolate. 学习新词:chocolate 读单词:男女生读、小组读. b. What did Daming eat yesterday? Ss: 2 watermelons. (设计意图:带着问题听课文,初步感知课文内容,对 Sam 和 Daming 胃痛的前 因后果有所了解。) c: Why did they have got stomach ache? (设计意图:和老师一起分析 Sam 和 Daming 所吃食物的数量,分析出原因是饮 食无节制,一次吃太多。教师对学生进行情感教育,教育学生明白节制饮食对 健康的重要性。) Part 2: Amy had a cold yesterday, and today shes got a headache. Lingling had a headache yesterday, and today shes got a fever. 4 学习新词:“cold、headache、fever” . T: Can you guess what happened to Amy and Lingling? (1)Lets listen and answer. a. What happened to Amy yesterday? S: Amy had a cold yesterday. 新单词教授:cold、headache. 一词多义: cold 加法记忆法: head+ ache=headache 领读方式:教师带读、开火车读。 b. What happened to Lingling yesterday? S: Lingling had a headache yesterday. T: And today shes got a fever. 教授新词:fever 领读方式:教师带读、大小声读。 (设计意图:学生通过选词填空回答两个问题,对 Amy 和 Lingling 患头痛和发 烧的情况有所了解。对学生进行情感教育,让学生明白锻炼身体,增强体质的 重要性。) 3. Practice (1) Sharp eyes. T: Pls speak out the word you see as quickly as you can. (设计意图:火眼金睛的游戏,锻炼学生的反应能力,同时操练单词。) (2)I do you say T does the action, students speak out the words. S does the action, other ss speak out the word. (设计意图:我做你说的游戏,让学生通过直观的动作大声说出单词,操练单词, 在玩中学。) (3)Listen and repeat.听录音跟读。 (4)Retell the story. 复述课文内容。 (设计意图:让学生根据板书内容进行课文的复述。) (5) I can chant. 5 Ive got a cold, cold, cold, cold. Ive got a fever, hot, hot, hot. Shes got a headache, ached, ached, ached. Hes got a stomach ache, ached, ached, ached. Step 4 Consolidation and extension ( 15mins) 1. Look and write. 2. Role-play T: Lets do a role play. 两人表演对话,一人扮演医生,一人扮演病人。 A: Hello , doctor. B: Hello! What happened? A: Ive got a stomach ache.(cold、 headache、fever) (设计意图: 让学生在真实情境中自如运用所学句型对自己的疾病进行描述。 ) (设计意图:输出今天所学的句型,提供思维能力和运用语言的综合能力,培养 合作意识。) Step 4: Summary 1. Summary. (设计意图:对本课所学生词、句子以及文本内容进行总结。 ) 2. Emotional education: Diet cures more than the doctor. 饮食有节,胜于求医。 A little labor, much health. 适量劳动,有益健康。 T:Boys and girls, pls eat more vegetables and fruits everyday. Do more exercises. You can walk, run, swim and play ball games. Then you can be healthy and happy everyday. OK? (设计意图:给学生提出健康生活的建议,渗透情感教育。 ) Step 5: Homework 6 1. Read the text 3 times. 2. Do a survey. Stomach achecoldheadachefever 调查同学今年以来的健康情况。四人一组,一人为调查员,根据组员描述的疾 病在相应的格内 。调查员在下节课做汇报。 参考句型: I had got a. He/She had got a. Blackboard Design M10U2 Sam had lots of chocolate. yesterday today Sam chocolate stomach ache Daming watermelon Amy cold headache Lingling headache fever
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