外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 5-Unit 2 He’s riding his bike, but it starts to rain.-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:c018b).doc

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外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 5-Unit 2 He’s riding his bike, but it starts to rain.-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:c018b).doc_第1页
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外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 5-Unit 2 He’s riding his bike, but it starts to rain.-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:c018b).doc_第2页
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外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 5-Unit 2 He’s riding his bike, but it starts to rain.-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:c018b).doc_第3页
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外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 5-Unit 2 He’s riding his bike, but it starts to rain.-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:c018b).doc_第4页
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1、- 1 - ModuleModule 5 5 UnitUnit 1 1教学教学设计设计 一教学内容分析 本节内容是描述正在做一件事情时另一件事情同时发生的场景,进一 步强化复习现在进行时的运用。语言难度不大,课文有一定的情景,借助 再创情境, 让学生在情景中理解掌握并运用。 为了便于学生整体把握对话 内容, 我把生词与句子穿插着教学, 让学生在符合语意的情景下先把课文 的重点单词及句子理解好了,再进入课文的学习。 二、教学目标 (1)知识目标:能听, 说 , 读并正确使用单词 : nothing。能理解 并灵活掌握句型: Hes riding his bike ,but it starts t

2、o rain. 能 听懂理解课文并回答相关问题。 (2)能力目标: 能够听、说、认读单词,能够讲述正在发生的事情。 培养学生学习英语的兴趣, 激励学生积极参与活动, 逐步养成自觉学习的 好习惯。 (3)情感、策略、文化等有关目标:通过多种形式的教学活动,激发 学生学英语的兴趣,引导他们积极参与。 三、教学重点:1 .能听,说, 读并正确使用单词 : nothing。 2 . 教学难点: 灵活运用知识描述正在做一件事情时另一件事情同时发生的场 景。 四、教学课时:一课时 五、教学过程 Step1. Warmingup 1) Greetings: - 2 - T: Good morning, bo

3、ys and girls. Ss: - T: Today is nice ,I am glad to see all of you here. Lets enjoy our lesson. Now, chant together. 师生课前对话增进师生之间的了解,为课堂营造良好的氛围。 2)Lets chant. Step 2. Presentation 1、T: You are chanting very well. I have some pictures to show you. Look, what is he doing? Ss: He is playing the suona ,b

4、ut the phone rings. T: Yes, He is playing the suona ,but the phone rings. Youre great. (继续向学生展示图片) He is playing football. She is swimming.(出 示单词卡片“read”,教授后板书课题 Unit 2Hes riding his bike ,but it starts to rain.) T: Now read the word after me.(出示单词卡片 nothing,用声调变化、 分组读、男女生读等方式教授单词,然后让学生自己读 3 遍) T: 出

5、示 PPT Look at this picture. What is he doing? Ss: He is riding his bike,but it starts to rain. T: Whats she doing? Ss: She is watching TV,but the bell rings. T: Whats she doing? Ss: She is playing basketball,but it starts to blow. T: Whats he doing? Ss: He is running ,but it gets too hot . - 3 - T:

6、What are they doing? Ss: They are having lunch ,but the phone rings . 通过谈论照片,引导学生表达正在做一件事的时候另一件事情也发生了。 T:我们刚才学习了那些词组?(板书) Ss:ride his bike、watch TV、 play baskeball,running,have lunch 2、Learnthe text. 1)Listen to the tape only. 2)Listen to the tape and find“- ing”.Invite two students to say out the a

7、nswers. 3)Listen and repeat. 4)Listen ,look at the pictures(PPT) and complete. Then read the key sentences. Step 3、Lets practice. Look at these pictures and describe.(板书句子,让学生跟着念) She is having lunch,but the phone rings . He is riding his bike,but it starts to rain. She is doing exercise,but it gets

8、 too hot . She is watching TV ,but the bell rings . He is walking in the park,but it gets too snow . He is readinga book , but his sister starts to sing . Step 4、Summary. T: Look at these sentences above(观察这些句子有什么特点,让学 生总结想在进行时的用法)。 主语(人称)+be 动词+动词的 ing 形式,主语+v/vs. - 4 - Step 5、Homework 1) Read the new words three times. 2) Read the sentences three times. Step 6、 Board writing design: Module 5 Unit 1 Hes riding his bike ,but it starts to rain. She is having lunch,but the phone rings . He is riding his bike,but it starts to rain. She is doing exercise,but it gets too hot .


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