外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 3-Unit 1 The sun is shining.-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:21267).zip

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Lets listen ,then answer: swimmin g is looking at shining are having The sun The birds The ducks 四人小组就本小组准备的图画,在组四人小组就本小组准备的图画,在组 内进行交流为图画说明,上台展示。内进行交流为图画说明,上台展示。 (时间:(时间:3分钟)分钟) 外研版 三年级起点 六年级下册 Module 3 Unit1 The sun is shining. 教学设计 Teaching objectives: 一、Knowledge Aim: 1. Words: shine, everyone, 2. Sentences: The sun is shining . The birds are singing in the trees. I am sending some photos . 二、 Ability Aim: 引导学生运用所学内容进行表达与交流,学以致用. 1.Main points: “am / is / are / +V- ing” 2.Difficult points: Using “drill of this unit1”. 3.Teaching tools: PPT 、电子白板 三、Teaching procedures: Step one : Warming-up 1.Greetings. T: Good morning ,boys and girls. S: Good morning , Miss Lao. T: How are you? S:Fine thanks . T:Nice to meet you. S: Nice to meet you,too. (通过师生间的集体问候,让学生不由自主地进入了一个英语环境。 ) Step two :Review 1.Lets chant .(T 边说边出示 PPT)让学生轻松愉快地进入英语 学习状态。 2.Look at the pictures and complete sentences(T 边说边出示 PPT) 指导学生看句子边说边做动作,活跃课堂学习氛 围。 Run run running Jump jump jumping Sing sing singing Eat eat eating Fly fly flying 3. T:Please look at the these pictures and try to say .(T show PPT) (鼓励学生从词过渡到句子的训练,熟练运用所学动词短语看图说 话。 ) Step three :lead-to 1.T: Look and guess A. Show a S1:Its a moon cake. S2:Its a circle. S3:Its a wheel. S4: B. Show a “ ” S1:Its a head . S2:Its a smile face. C. Show Ss: Its the sun . (“Look and guess”既训练了学生的 发散思维,又活跃了课堂气氛,同时让学生在愉悦中训练了口语表 达能力。 ) 2T 利用电子白板拖出一幅“阳光灿烂”的图片问:Whats the weather like ?Ss answer: Its sunny. T 顺势说出:Its sunny .The sun is shining .自然而然地引入 Today Lets Learn Module 3Unit 1 The sun is shining .(T 板书课题) T 教读课题。 S 齐读课题 。 3T 利用电子白板拖出一幅“小鸟歌唱、鸭子游泳”的美丽风景图 片说:“Look,What are the birds doing? S1:The birds are singing. S2:The ducks are swimming. T:Lets describe the picture.(S 说 T 板书) T:Now,Lets see how to describe the pictures in the text?Please open your book and turn to page 10 . (教者利 用学生已有的知识,顺理成章地进入了主题怎样描述图片。让 学生明确本节课学习的重点,从而在学习过程中做到有的放矢。 ) Step four: Learn to the text. 1. T: Listen ,point and find“new words” (play the tape) S:听、指并圈画出本课生词:shine everyone 等词。 T 抽生上台 将生词写在电子白板上,T 教读、释意同时指导学生运用。 (S 自由 练读,T 正音) 2.T:Listen,read and find sentences with verbs ending in “- ing” (Play the tape) S:听、读并勾画相关句子。 T:抽生汇报,同时板书。T 指板书让生找出白板上句子的共同点。 S1:这些句子中的动词末尾都加有“ing”. S2:在动词前面用了 be 动词 am/is /are . T:进行学法指导,并归纳出句型结构:“am / is / are / +V- ing” S:Make sentences using “am / is / are / + V-ing” (教师注重了对学生学习方法的指导和学生良好的学习习惯的培养。 ) Step five :Do some exercises. 1. T:Lets describe these photos.(师利用 PPT)出示课文插图) T: show picture 1 and say: Look at the picture and talk about them in groups. S:分组谈论,并汇报。 T: show picture 2 and say: Please free talk S:自由交谈。 T: show picture 3 and say:Who can speak right and quickly ,who is the winner. S:抢答。 (让生与他人合作进行看图说话训练,既提高了学生的 语言表达能力,同时也让他们体会到了合作学习的快乐。 ) 2. T 利用 PPT)show a letter and say: read the letter and answer some questions 教师要求:A 女生读信。 B 男生思考问 题。 S 回答问题;T 出示参考答案。 (教师有素地对学生进行了阅 读能力的训练。 ) 3T 出示课文活动 3 的图片,让生和自己的好伙伴交流。 (让学 生回顾所学知识,对画面展开想象,在好伙伴的帮助下大胆地表达。 ) 4小组长为该组的组员发照片或图片,让他们先在组内交流后并为 图片写说明。 Ss 上台展示 。 (先描述图片内容,再将作品贴在 教室的展览板上。 ) (此活动的设计让学生通过本课句型的学习, 学会用英语去做事情。通过为图片写说明让学生体会到学了会说, 学了回用,有成功的体验。 ) Step six: Summary. Step seven: Homework. Describing a scene using “present continuous tense.” Step eight: Writing on the blackboard ModuleModule 3 3 Unit1Unit1 TheThe sunsun isis shiningshining The sun is shining . The birds are singing. The ducks are swimming . I am sending some photos 主语+am /is /are +V-ing Module 3 Unit 1 The sun is shining. 课堂练习: 1. I am _(swim)now. 2. He _ (be )doing homework. 3. We are _ (look at)some ducks. 4. The sun is _(shine). 5. They _(have) a birthday party. 口语表达能力: 四人为一小组,根据小组内画的作品,用现在进行时来进行表达。 主语+be+动词-ing+其他
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