外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 8-Unit 2 Why are you wearing a hat -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:d00b8).zip

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Module 8 Unit 2 Why are you wearing a hat? (1st period) Whyareweherenow? BecausewearehavinganEnglishclass. Whats the matter? Because she is happy. Why is she laughing? crying-sad Whyishecrying? Becauseheissad. sleeping-tired Whyisshesleeping? Becausesheistired. Why is he eating? eat-hungry Because he is hungry. Why is he shouting? shout-angry Because he is angry. Lets sing the song. l Lets watch it. Whyaretheyhere? playhide-and-seek躲猫猫 Because its going to rain. Q1: Why is the boy wearing a raincoat(雨衣)? Because its going to be sunny. Q2:Why is the girl wearing a hat (遮阳帽)? Answer the questions. (读课文,回答下列问题) Q3: Why is Sam wearing a T-shirt? Because he is going to play basketball. Q4:Why is the girl wearing a dress(连衣裙,晚装)? Because she is going to the theatre. rain下雨 raincoat 雨衣 dress连衣裙 theatre电影院,剧院 A: Why are you wearing a raincoat? B: Because its going to rain. A: Why are you wearing a ? B: Because its going to . hat be hot A: Why are you wearing a ? B: Because going to . T-shirt Im play basketball A: Why are you wearing a ? B: Because going to (电影院,戏院 ) dress Im the theatre . weararaincoat why because playhide-and-seek theatre wearadress wearahat wearaT-shirt Find mistakes.(纠错 ) (1)Why are you wear a raincoat?ing (2)Because it is going to be are (4)Because its going to sunny. raining. (3)Why you wearing a hat? rain. is 同学们,紧张忙碌的一节课就要过去了,你一定有很大的收获吧!来检测一下吧! Write the story Lingling is going to have a picnic. There is a dog behind Lingling. Lingling is running Homework 1 / 2 Module8 Unit2 Why are you wearing a hat?教学设计教学设计 一、教学目标一、教学目标(Teaching aims) (一)知识目标(一)知识目标(Knowledge aims) 确保学生认识和理解一些基本单词的意义和简单口头运用(To learn the meaning and simple usages of some words and phrases)。 (二)能力目标(二)能力目标(Ability aims) 学习使用本单元重点句型及表达,能够询问并回答事情的原因。(To use the typical sentences to express)。 (三)情感目标(三)情感目标(Emotion aims) 鼓励学生大胆发言及表达(To encourage the students to express bravely)。 培养学生对英语学科的兴趣(To make the students interested in English learning)。 二、教学重难点二、教学重难点(Teaching points and difficulties) 能够运用“Why Because ”询问并回答事情的原因。在学习了单词的基础上, 以单词为载体,进行主要句型的学习,根据具体情境,学会交流对话,侧重句 型学习,交际意向和课外拓展为重点。 三、教学准备三、教学准备(Teaching preparation) 课件 视频 四、教学过程四、教学过程 Step 1: Greeting and leading 1. 师生相互问候。 2. 教师在课件上呈现有各种表情的照片,如:开心的、伤心的、生气的 。 学生运用句型“Why ”询问三回答开心(伤心、生气 )的原因, 教师运用句型“Because ”来回答其原因。 Step 2:Presentation 1.学习歌曲 why ,why ,why 2. 活动 1:Look, listen and say. (1) 教师出示本部分图片,学生猜猜看 Sam 和 Amy 在做什么。 (2) 教师播放本部分动画,学生先观看 1 遍,然后跟读。 2 / 2 (3) Free talk: 教师就“找迷藏”这个话题和学生进行简单对话。 3.活动 2:Listen and read. (1) 教师在课件上呈现第一幅图及相应的对话,与学生谈论这幅图片; 教师播放录音,学生先听一遍,然后跟读。 分组分角色对话。 (2) 其他三幅图的教授方法同上。 Step 3: Practice (1) 教师引导学生观察图片,了解本部分内容要求 (2) 教师在课件上呈现更多的图片,并给出语言框架,学生仿照例句对话。 A: Why _? B: Because _. Step 4: Consolidation 分组比赛加强单词句型学习,同时也可考验学生对单词短语及句型的熟练程度, 同时引导学生输出所学生词和句型,训练学生记忆和思维能力。 Step 5: Exercises Step6: Homework 【板书设计板书设计】 Module8 Unit2 Why Because 【教学反思教学反思】 本节课立足于课本,引导学生以听说为主学习了课本内容。分组竞赛的方式 强化了对单词短语以及句型的熟练程度,使学生能够积极大胆用所学句型询问 及回答事情的原因。
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