外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 8-Unit 2 Why are you wearing a hat -ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:10802).zip

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2019 Why are you wearing a hat? Happy, happy, happy, I am laughing. Sad, sad, sad, I am crying. Angry, angry, angry, I am shouting. Hungry, hungry, hungry, I am eating. Thirsty, thirsty, thirsty, I am drinking. Chant Look, listen and say. Why are they here?Why are they here? Because they are playing hide-and-seek. Look and ask ? ? ? ? raincoat rain coat Why are you wearing a raincoat? Listen and say Why are you wearing a hat? Why are you wearing a T-shirt? Why are you wearing a dress? Listen again, then answer.Listen again, then answer. 1、Why is Tom wearing a raincoat? 2、Why is Lingling wearing a hat? 3、Why is Sam wearing a T-shirt? 4、Why is Amy wearing a dress? A: Why is Tom wearing a raincoat? B: Because its going to rain. A: Why is Lingling wearing a hat? B: Because its going to be sunny. A: Why is Sam wearing a T-shirt? B: Because hes going to play basketball. A: Why is Amy wearing a dress? B: Because shes going to the theatre. Listen and read.Listen and read. Read in roles.Read in roles. Show time A: Why is Tom wearing a raincoat? B: Because its going to rain. Talk more: ask and answer. A: Why is it going to rain? B: Because there are many dark clouds in the sky. A: Why is Lingling wearing a hat? B: Because its going to be sunny. A: Why _? B: Because _. is it going to be sunny she watched TV A: Why is Sam wearing a T-shirt? B: Because hes going to play basketball. A: Why _? B: Because _. A: Why is Amy wearing a dress? B: Because shes going to the theatre. A: Why _? B: Because _. A:Why is she laughing? B:Because she is happy. A:Why is she happy? B:Because she had delicious food. A:Why did she have delicious food? B:Because she had a party. A:Why did she have a party? B:Because its her birthday today. Work in group: Write and act out. A: Why_? B: Because_. A: Why _? B: Because_. A:_? B:_. A:_? B:_. A:_? B:_. A A B B C CD D Homework: Use why and because to make five sentences. Thank Thank Thank Thank you!you!you!you! Module8 Unit2 Why are you wearing a hat? 一、教材分析一、教材分析 本课是外研社新标准英语(三起)六年级下册 Module8 Unit2 Why are you wearing a hat ?在本课中,学生要学会运用 Why ? Because.等已学语言询问和说明原因。学生在以前已经学过了 why 和 because。对于这两个词已经有了一定的理解。在本单元将新旧 知识结合起来,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。 二、教学目标二、教学目标 1. 语言知识语言知识 全体学生能运用新授单词:raincoat,并能熟悉地运用句型 Why are you . ? Because .询问和说明原因。 2. 情感态度情感态度 学生能有一定的学习兴趣,能有良好的学习习惯和有效的学习方 法,能有自主学习的能力,能敢于开口,表达中不怕出错误,在活动中 能与其他同学积极配合和合作。 3. 学习策略学习策略 在课堂交流中,注意倾听,积极思考。 4. 文化意识文化意识 在学习和日常交际中能感受到外国文化的气息。 三、教学重点三、教学重点 1.学生能听懂、会说并认读单词:raincoat 2.学生能听懂、会说并认读句型:Why are you . ? Because . 四、教学难点四、教学难点 1.恰当准确的使用 because 回答别人有关原因的提问。 2.正确使用句子的时态。 五、课时安排五、课时安排 1 课时 六、教学过程六、教学过程 Step 1 Warm-up 1、Greetings. 2、Lets chant. 设计意图:教师和学生热情打招呼,消除师生间陌生感,拉近师 生间的距离。 Step 2 Lead in 1、Free talk. 2、Look, listen and say. (1)出示图片,让学生观察并提问:“Why are they there?” (2)播放录音跟读。 (3)让学生表演对话。 设计意图:通过自由的谈论,让学生进入到英语的环境中。通 过跟读锻炼学生的听力,培养语感。 Step 3 presentation 1、Look and say. (1)看图,让学生讲述图片内容。 Whats the weather like? What is he wearing? Do you have questions for them? 2、Listen and say. 听录音,让学生说出 Amy、Daming、Mr Smart 和 Ms Smart 提 出的问题。板书“Why?” 3、Listen again, then answer. 听录音,回答问题: (1)Why is Tom wearing a raincoat? (2) Why is Lingling wearing a hat? (3) Why is Sam wearing a T-shirt? (4)Why is Amy wearing a dress? 4、Listen and read. 听录音,学生模仿朗读,注意模仿句子的语音、语调。 5、Read in roles, then act out. 两个学生一组使用第一人称练习对话。 设计意图:通过多种形式的活动,使学生能更好地理解课文, 掌握新知识。并通过表演,让学生主动参与活动,调动他们的学习 积极性。 6、Talk more: ask and answer. 在课文对话的基础上扩展对话内容,练习对话。 设计意图:设计问题逐渐导入使学生轻松地掌握知识,让学生 自己设计问题并自由作答,既锻炼了学生的写作能力和语言表达能 力,又能培养学生的发散性思维。培养学生自主学习和团结合作的 能力。 Step 4 Practice Work in groups: Say and write then act out. 抽奖环节选择一个数字得到对应的图片,用 why 和 because 来创设情景对话。 eg: A:Why are you laughing? B: Because Im happy. A:Why are you happy? B: Because I had delicious food. A:Why did you have delicious food? B: Because I had a party. A:Why did you have a party? B: Because its my birthday today. (先小组讨论,填写完对话内容后选两位组员上台表演。) 设计意图:此活动为了培养学生自主创新的能力。在活动中, 学生可以展开无限想象进行对话,充分满足学生的表现欲望。 Step 5 Extension Sing a song. 设计意图:轻松歌曲可以缓解学生上课的紧张情绪,有节奏地 歌唱和加上相应动作,会为课堂营造浓烈氛围。在唱歌的过程中也 能进一步巩固今天所学的知识。 Step 6 Summary 再一次指出这节课所学主要内容:用 Why?和 Because询问原因 及回答。 Step 7 Homework 1.Use “why” and “because” to make five sentences. 八、板书设计八、板书设计 Module8Unit2 Why are wearing a hat? Why? Because.
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