外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 9-Unit 1 Best wishes to you!-ppt课件-(含教案)-省级优课-(编号:b2255).zip

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Module9 Unit1 Best wishes to you ! 外研版小学英语六年级下册(三年级起点)外研版小学英语六年级下册(三年级起点) me Lily My good friend is Lily . My friend is She / He can She / He likes We are happy together ! primary school (小学) Daming 12 years old China Dear friends , Were going to say goodbye to our primary school soon . I enjoyed our time together . I want to remember you all . Please write a message in this book . Ill keep it forever. Thank you ! Daming Daming 12 years old China say goodbye to primary school write a message keep it forever 和和说再见说再见 小学 写一条留言写一条留言 永远保留它永远保留它 enjoy our time 享受在一起的时光享受在一起的时光 /mesid/ Dear friends , Were going to say goodbye to our primary school soon . I enjoyed our time together . I want to remember you all . Please write a message in this book . Ill keep it forever. Thank you ! Daming 我享受我们在一起的时光我享受我们在一起的时光 。 I enjoyed our time together Daming 12 years old China LinglingAmySam Best friends Lingling 13 years old China Daming , Youre a but boy . You helped me in sport. You brought us joy . Good for the future ! Lingling naughty luck lots of bring brought带来带来 lovely / fju:t(r) / 未来未来 Daming , We had a time at school . You me Chinese . Thank you very much.You are a friend. I will miss you! Amy Amy 13 years old UK happy taught wonderful /wndfl/ 出色的出色的 Q :What does Sam want to do with Daming ? UK You are my best friend, Daming . I will never forget our time together. Best wishes to you ! Come to the UK to watch football games with me ! Sam Sam 12 years old Q :What does Sam want to do with Daming ? Sam wants to watch football game with Daming. UK You are my best friend, Daming . I will never forget our time together. Best wishes to you ! Come to the UK to watch football games with me ! Sam Sam 12 years old UK You are my best friend, Daming . I will never forget our time together. Best wishes to you ! 我绝不会忘记我们在一起的时光我绝不会忘记我们在一起的时光. . Sam 12 years old I will never forget our time together Come to the UK to watch football games with me ! Sam Daming is 12 years old . He is from China .He is our best friend.He is a naughty but lovely boy .He helped Lingling in sport and taught Amy Chinese .He is a wonderful friend . TaTalk a about t Da aming Key sentences ( 重点句子)重点句子) I enjoyed our time together ! Good luck for the future! You are a wonderful friend ! I will miss you ! Best wishes to you ! I will never forget our time together ! Write a message 给你最好的朋友写留言条,描述你们一起做过什么事情,给你最好的朋友写留言条,描述你们一起做过什么事情, 再写几句祝福的话语再写几句祝福的话语, 3-5句话句话. Dear , Yours Key sentences ( 重点句子)重点句子) I enjoyed our time together ! Good luck for the future! You are a wonderful friend ! I will miss you ! Best wishes to you ! I will never forget our time together ! HOMEWORK 1.Write a letter to your friend. 2. Read the text for three times. 1 外研版小学英语六年级下册(三年级起点)外研版小学英语六年级下册(三年级起点) Module9 Unit1 Best wishes to you! 教学设计 【教材分析教材分析】 一、语言功能:一、语言功能:围绕“表达良好祝愿”为话题展开教学。 二、选材定位:二、选材定位: 本模块讲述的是同学们小学即将毕业了,临近毕业前夕 Daming, Lingling, Sam 和 Amy 回顾了以前他们相处的美好时光,也彼此表达对好友未来的美好祝 愿。主要学习一般过去式、一般现在式、现在进行时和一般将来时态,掌握其 中的句型结构及用法区别。 【学情分析学情分析】 本次授课的对象是小学六年级的学生,他们对教师的肢体语言和课堂用语 都比较熟悉,而且本班学生对英语保持着很浓厚的兴趣,因此学习基础好,所 以在教学中,我以学生为主体,为学生们创设了真实的语言情景,通过听、说、 读、写、唱等活动,激发学生学习的兴趣。围绕着“表达良好祝愿”的话题来 展开教学活动。让学生在快乐的情景中掌握和运用英语,感受到学习英语的乐 趣。 【设计理念设计理念】 通过对本课的学习,在能认读、会理解的前提下多读多练,通过时态的对 比,对课文进行理解和记忆,同时也通过情境教学,进一步激发学生主动学习 的愿望,养成良好的英语学习习惯,通过情境表演提高学生的英语表达和交流 能力。 【教学目标教学目标】 1 1知识目标:知识目标: (1)学会听、说、读、写本课新单词:wish, best wishes, primary school, message, keep, future, wonderful (2)掌握短语:say goodbye to . , enjoy ones time , write a message, good luck for, have a happy time, watch football game (3)掌握句型:Best wishes to you! Good luck for the future!. 2 2情感目标情感目标: 采取多种教学活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,让学生乐于参与课堂教学 活动,积极主动运用所学语言表达对朋友、同学、家人的美好祝愿。 【教学重点和难点教学重点和难点】 1能够掌握“四会”单词、短语,能够掌握一般过去式、一般现在式、现 在进行时和一般将来时态,能够区别各时态间的句型结构,能够运用新语句描 述生活中同学们相处的情境。 2. 能够表达对朋友、同学、家人等的美好祝愿。 3.难点:运用新语句描述生活中同学们相处的情境以及对朋友、同学、家人 2 等的美好祝愿。 【教学准备教学准备】多媒体课件、词卡、图片 【教学过程教学过程】 StepStep 1 1 WarmingWarming upup 1.Greeting T: Hello ,boys and girls ,Good morning ! I am Miss Liao. S:Good morning ,Miss Liao. T: How are you today ? S: I am fine ,and how are you ? T: I am fine ,too .whats the weather like today ? S: Its sunny today . T:Yes ,its a nice day . (设计意图:利用师生之间的问候,多媒体播放歌曲,创设轻松愉快的英语 氛围,使学生尽快进入英语学习状态。 ) StepStep 2 2 PresentationPresentation T : OK , lets begin our lesson .at first ,I will show you something ,look ! its a photo ,this is me and this is my good friend ,Lily Understand ? S: Yes T: Ok, now ,can you talk about your good friend ?who wants to try ? S1-S3 :(学生回答) T: So good ! we are going to say goodbye to our good friends , we can say Best wishes to you! to our friends , do you understand ? who can say this word : wish ? S 1: wish (教读 wish-wishes 和 Best wishes to you!并板书课题 ) T : We can also say “Good luck to you !” understand ? S: Yes T: Ok, like this :(走下去和学生做简短的对话,操练 Best wishes to you , Good luck to you, I will miss you ,并在黑板上板书出三个句子) OK ,now ,can you say it ? Ss : Yes. T: Very good ! lets chant together ! (设计意图:介绍自己的好朋友,回顾在一起的美好时光,学习如何表达对 好友或同学的美好祝愿。) StepStep 3 3 TextText LearningLearning T: Well done ! lets have a rest ,I will show you a short video ,Look ! ( 短片展示) WOW! Many pictures about you and your friends and our primary school , (展示学校图片并教读 primary school) “I” pronounce ai And we are going to say goodbye to our good friend ,and our primary school ,an old friend is going to say goodbye to his friends 3 and primary school ,look !(出示大明的图片,who / how old /where ) Daming writes a message to his good friends, now , please listen carefully ,what did he say ,don look at your books ,are you ready ? Ss : Yes T: ok, one , two ,three go ! (第一遍听全文并整体感知内容。) Do you understand ? S: No T: Never mind , listen again . Pay attention to the pronunciation of these phrases (出示短文中的重点新单词和短语,第二遍听录音) T: Well, who can read these phrases ? S1-S4 : T:You did a good job ! Can you read them together ? Ss :Read together T: So good ! lets look at the whole text ,please listen and read the text loudly ! Are you ready ? Ss: Yes ! (第三遍听录音并跟读全文) T:Wonderful ! who can read this sentence and translate it ? S1: I enjoyed our time together .我享受我们在一起的时光 T: Good ! Read it together ( 同时出示整个句子的中文意思)。 T :Well, this is a letter for Damings friends ,they are Daming s best friends .next , we will listen to the first message from Lingling . Please listen carefully and finish these blanks ,understand ? Ss : Yes T: OK , Listen !( 第一遍听全文,整体感知内容) Who can show me your answer ? S1S4 : T: Great ! Lets listen again and read the message together ! (第二 遍听全班跟读, 并解读新单词和重难点) T:Excellent!lets go on ,the next message is from Amy . You need finish this message like before , understand? Ss : Yes .(同样的方式学习信件以及新单词和重点句子) T:Well done ! The last one .look ! There are two questions for you ,listen carefully and find out the answer ,are you ready ? Ss : Yes T : Ok ,go !( 第一遍录音后回答第一个问题,第二遍录音回答第二个问题, 并且在 PPT 上展示第二个问题的答案) Now , open your books and turn to page 51, read the letter together ! OK ? Ss : OK (全班齐读之后重点解读 I will never forget our time together ) T: Today , we learnt a lot from these messages ,can you say something about Daming ?( 引导学生描述 Daming ) (设计意图:在师生共同交流,回答问题的同时,运用了 PPT、图片、词卡等 4 教具,通过情境创设进一步引领学生学习和巩固生词和短语,对词汇的教学, 做到了词不离句,句不离篇。对课文的学习,通进时态的对比,让学生对课文 更好地理解和记忆。 ) Step4Step4 : : PracticePractice & & ConsolidationConsolidation T: OK, now ,talk to your classmates and find out the sentences about wish in the book and make a short conversation with your partner, then show me your practice , are you ready ? Ss: Yes ( 三分钟后让学生对话练习,然后在 PPT 上展示所有的关于祝福的句 子,齐读。) T:You did a good job ! lets write ! ( 在 PPT 上出示要求,在信笺上写 留言) 三分钟后请学生上台展示并当堂批改。 (设计意图:通过学习让学生掌握好如何表达对好友或同学的美好祝愿,运用 正确的时态与同学们一起回忆小学阶段在一起的美好时光,并说说你对同学的 印象,你们曾经做过什么开心的事,以及对未来生活有什么憧憬和愿望。 ) StepStep 5 5 : : HomeworkHomework 1.Write a letter to your teacher. 2.Read the text for three times. 板书设计:板书设计: Module9Module9 UnitUnit 1 1 BestBest wisheswishes toto youyou! wishwish BestBest wisheswishes toto youyou! G1G1 G2G2 futurefuture GoodGood luckluck forfor thethe future.future. wonderfulwonderful YouYou areare a a wonderfulwonderful friend.friend. messagemessage I I willwill missmiss you.you. keepkeep IllIll nevernever forgetforget ourour timetime together.together. primaryprimary I I enjoyedenjoyed ourour timetime together.together. 教学反思:教学反思:在本课的设计环节中,我围绕 Daming, Lingling, Sam 和 Amy 这四 位即将小学毕业的同学展开教学,使整个课堂教学体现出很强的整体性、连贯 性。在教学过程中,运用 PPT、影片、游戏、小组讨论、竞赛等活动调动了学 生的学习积极性。让学生们说说自己的好友,回忆在一起的美好时光,调动学 生表达和描述的愿望。学生在玩中学,学中用,既提高了课堂实效,又培养了 学生学习的兴趣,体现了英语课堂教学中学生的主体地位。不足之处就是学生 在描述是所用时态有点混淆。
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