外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 9-Unit 1 Best wishes to you!-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:438fe).zip

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M9U1 best wishes to you! Class_Name_ 活动一活动一 听听 P50 录音,完成练习,听两遍。录音,完成练习,听两遍。 ( ) 1. Did he enjoy the time together? A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didnt. C. Yes, he does. ( ) 2. Does he want to remember all friends? A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, he does. C. Yes, he did. 活动二活动二 认真阅读认真阅读 P51P51 的的三条留言三条留言,思考回答问题,请在文中划出答案。,思考回答问题,请在文中划出答案。 1. Who write the messages? 2. How is Daming? (大明是怎样的人) 3. What did Daming do for them? 4. What do they wish? 活动三活动三 根据所给的句子提示,选择班级一位好友,完成毕业留言。根据所给的句子提示,选择班级一位好友,完成毕业留言。 (写在千纸鹤的两个翅膀上,先左右后写)(写在千纸鹤的两个翅膀上,先左右后写) M9U1 best wishes to you! Class_Name_ 活动一活动一 听听 P50 录音,完成练习,听两遍。录音,完成练习,听两遍。 ( ) 1. Did he enjoy the time together? A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didnt. C. Yes, he does. ( ) 2. Does he want to remember all friends? A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, he does. C. Yes, he did. 活动二活动二 认真阅读认真阅读 P51P51 的的三条留言三条留言,思考回答问题,请在文中划出答案。,思考回答问题,请在文中划出答案。 1. Who write the messages? 2. How is Daming? (大明是怎样的人) 3. What did Daming do for them? 4. What do they wish? 活动三活动三 根据所给的句子提示,选择班级一位好友,完成毕业留言。根据所给的句子提示,选择班级一位好友,完成毕业留言。 (写在千纸鹤的两个翅膀上,先左右后写)(写在千纸鹤的两个翅膀上,先左右后写) Module 9 Unit 1 Best wishes to you ! Best Wishes Module9 Unit 1 Best wishes to you! 厦门市安兜小学厦门市安兜小学 王玮萍王玮萍 Task: Write the goodbye messages and give our best wishes. What is the story about? A. primary school B. best friends C. goodbye messages This is a message book. She is sending a message to her friend. ( ( ) ) 1.1. DidDid hehe enjoyenjoy thethe timetime together?together? A.A. Yes,Yes, hehe did.did. B.B. No,No, hehe didnt.didnt. C.C. Yes,Yes, hehe does.does. ( ( ) ) 2.2. DoesDoes hehe wantwant toto rememberremember allall friends?friends? A.A. Yes,Yes, hehe is.is. B.B. Yes,Yes, hehe does.does. C.C. Yes,Yes, hehe did.did. ( ) 1. Did he enjoy the time together? A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didnt. C. Yes, he does. A had a good time had a lovely time had lots of happiness / joy oy boy toy enjoy joy Daming brought us lots of joy. ( ) 2. Does he want to remember all friends? A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, he does. C. Yes, he did. B What does Daming want his friends to do? Write a message in the book. And Daming will keep it forever. ee i: see tree three meet keep 保留保留 保留到永远 Lets listen and imitate. 1.1. WhoWho wrotewrote thethe messages?messages? 2.2. HowHow is is DamingDaming? ? 3.3. WhatWhat diddid DamingDaming dodo forfor them?them? 4.4. WhatWhat dodo theythey wish?wish? 1. Who wrote the messages? Lingling, Amy and Sam 2. How is Daming? He is a naughty but lovely boy, he is a wonderful friend, and he is Sams best friend. 3. What did Daming do for them? He helped Lingling in sport and he taught Amy Chinese. 4. What do they wish? They say,“Good luck for the future and best wishes to you”. Lets listen and imitate. Lets try to retell. How to write the goodbye messages, please read and think 如何写毕业留言,请认真观察,得出结论如何写毕业留言,请认真观察,得出结论 How How to write the goodbye messages, please read and think 如何写毕业留言,请认真观察,得出结论如何写毕业留言,请认真观察,得出结论 What How How to write the goodbye messages, please read and think 如何写毕业留言,请认真观察,得出结论如何写毕业留言,请认真观察,得出结论 Wishes How What My message for you 厦门市安兜小学厦门市安兜小学 六年六年4班班 DearDear children:children: YouYou areare allall lovelylovely andand clever.clever. InIn thethe pastpast threethree years,years, wewe studiedstudied andand playedplayed together.together. I I willwill missmiss you.you. GoodGood luckluck forfor thethe future!future! MsMs WangWang How What Wishes the name of a friend my name Tips: 1. Choose a friend/teacher. 选择一位好友。选择一位好友。 2. Write down your message on the paper bird. 写下你对他写下你对他/她的毕业留言。她的毕业留言。 3. Leave your seat and share your message. 离开座位,与好友分享毕业时光。离开座位,与好友分享毕业时光。 Task You are a naughty but lovely boy. You are a kind and clever girl. You are a wonderful / great friend. You are my best friend. You brought us lots of joy/ happiness. We had a happy time at school. I will never forget our time together. I will miss you. Best wishes to you! Good luck for the future! Wishing you happiness every day! You helped me in sport. You taught me Chinese/ English/ Maths 1. Read the text 3 times after class. 课后朗读课文课后朗读课文3遍遍 2. Share your message to your friends. 继续和你的老师朋友分享你的毕业留言。继续和你的老师朋友分享你的毕业留言。 3. Write more messages to your classmates/teachers. 为更多的同学和老师写毕业留言并相互分享。为更多的同学和老师写毕业留言并相互分享。 Homework Thank you & Best wishes to you! Module 9 Unit 1 Best wishes to you. 教学目标教学目标 1. 知识目标: (1)通过本课的学习,学生能掌握词汇:wish, best wishes , primary ,primary school ,message ,keep forever, joy, future, wonderful (2)句型:Best wishes to you! Good luck for the future. 2. 技能目标: (1)通过教师的引导,学生能读懂、理解课文大意并回答出相关问题; (2)通过本课的学习,学生能运用目标语句表达良好祝愿,并且能够运用目标语言为同学、老师、朋友写留言。 3. 情感目标: (1)通过学习为班级同学写毕业留言,这个有意义的活动来增进学生之间的感情。 (2)在小组合作中,增强他们的参与合作意识,培养学生学习的自主性,养成他们乐于交流、乐于合作的品质。 4. 学习策略: (1)能积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务; (2)能积极运用所学的知识进行表达和交流。 教学重点教学重点 : ( 1)写留言的格式。 (2)学会运用表达祝愿的句子,并为同学们写毕业留言。 教学难点教学难点: 运用表达祝愿的句子,写毕业留言。 导学设计 流程 复习,引入呈现操练,评价,巩固-总结,作业 时间安排教师预设学生活动备注 Step1 Review &lead-in (3 mins) 1.展示安兜小学的照片,Look, what is this? It is Andou primary school. 展示安安兜兜吉祥物 蓝叶书屋 启蒙射击馆 so our school is very beautiful. 2.who is she? She is Ms liu, your Chinese teacher.展示其他两位任课老师照片 how are they? Are they kind/friendly. They are our friend. 3.展示学生活动的三张照片。 What are you doing? In this photo . 4.T: ok our school is so beatiful, our school life is so wonderful, and our teacher are so nice. You studied here for six years. It is nealy end. Do you have something want to say to our school, to our teachers? 学生自由发挥 表达对老师,对学校的想 法。 5. In September, you are going to study in middle school. It is time to say goodbye. Our school and teachers also like to give their best wishes. So today we are going to study M9U1展示课题,布置任务 5.chant together. Our friend Lingling and Amy are also saying wishes to each other. Lets have a look 听一遍, 和同桌拍手读一遍 Now please chant and clap with your partner and sent your wishes to your partner. 1. 请三个学生谈论自己的对 校园 对老师的看法 2. say a chant 听一遍,与同桌拍手读 Step2 Presentatio n (20 mins) 1.here comes our old friends, it is time to watch the cartoon, please watch it with a question, what is the story about? 2.看录像. 3.提问学生 what is the story about? 4.教授单词“message” 例句:a message book She is sending a message to her friend. This is a message book. 贴上 Daming message book 5.Daming is going to say good bye to his primary shool (贴 say goodbye) Did he enjoy the time together? 2. 看卡通录像 3.做练习 ( ) 1. Did he enjoy the time together? A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didnt. C. Yes, he does. ( ) 2. Does he want to remember all friends? A. Yes, he is. 导学设计 流程 复习,引入呈现操练,评价,巩固-总结,作业 时间安排教师预设学生活动备注 Does he want to remember all friends? Now take out the paper, Lets listen and finish the exercise. 6.讲解练习 1 2 Enjoy the time together (贴) Had a good time Had a lovely time Had lots of happiness/ joy 教授 joy 7.what does Daming want his friends to do? 贴 write messages 讲解练习 5 教授 keep ee /i:/ see tree three meet 教授 forever. 两人读 keep it forever. 贴 8.听读课文,全班读 9.总结 10. Look Damings friends write the goodbye messages to him. Lets read it sciently, and find the answer of the question, you can underline it in the text. 10. 听音跟读课文,小组读,展示读 11. 复述一遍 然后 4 人读一读 请一个复述 12. Daming also studied with us for 6 years. Do you have sth want to say to him? B. Yes, he does. C. Yes, he did. 3.听读课文, 小组读,全 班读 4. 安静的阅读 p51 课文 1. Who write the messages? 2. How is Daming? 3. what did Daming do for them? 4. What do they wish? Steip3 Practice & consolidati on (15 mins) 1. 观察三图 messages, how to write a goodbye messages, please read and discuss with your group member. (1)how (2 ) what (3)wishes 2. 视频出示我的 message 小组齐读 message, 观察我是怎么写的 3. 展示女生折千纸鹤 I know you all do the paper birds before the class, show me. Do you knoe what is paper bird means? It means best wishes and good luck to our friends or family. 4. Do the task. 1.小组讨论如何写 message 2.女生示范说 3. 男生示范说 4. 完成 Task 写 message 5. 先几个学生拿着说 离开座位自己交流 Step 4 Summary: 教师总结:Although it is sad to say goodbye, 1. Read the text 3 times after class. 导学设计 流程 复习,引入呈现操练,评价,巩固-总结,作业 时间安排教师预设学生活动备注 Summary &homewor k (2mins) never might you will meet new friends in the middle school, you can share you friend from primary school with your new friends in your middle school. What we learnt today? Today we learn M9U1 best wishes to you! And that is what I want to say to you. Homework 课后朗读课文 3 遍 2. Share your messages to your friends. 继续和你的朋友分享你 的毕业留言。 3. Write more messages to your classmates. 为班上更多的同学写毕 业留言并相互分享。
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