(2021新人教版)高中英语必修第一册Welcome Unit (课件+讲义+课时作业).zip

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Section Listening and speaking Name: Amy Jones; Nationality: America; Grade: In Grade 1; Email: 听力材料: COVERSATION 1 AAmyWMr. Wang In the registration office. A:Good morning. My name is Amy Jones. Im here for a student ID card. W:Nice to meet you, Amy. Im Mr. Wang. Sit down, please. Er. Sorry, whats your last name again? A:Jones. JONES. W:OK. Thank you. And where are you from? A:Im from the USA. W:OK. Whats your student number? A:170143. W:170143. Got it. Youre in Grade 1, arent you? A:Yes, I am. W:OK. Your email address? A:C. W:Cool. girl. 21. at. friends dot com. Got it. Now, stand over here, please. Smile! Sound of flash as photo is taken. .Max meets Amy in the dining hall. Listen to Conversation 2 (P2) and tick Maxs favorite subject and Amys favourite subject. Subject Chines e Maths Englis h Chemistr y Physic s Maxs favourite Amys favourite 听力材料: COVERSATION 2 MMaxAAmy In the dining hall. M:Hi, Amy! Hows it going? A:Great. How about you? M:Im good. Lets go and sit down. They walk to a table. A:What do you think about senior high school? M:So far, so good, Amy. Ive had maths and English this morning. The maths class is getting more difficult but its really interesting. Its my favourite class so far. How about you? A:I think science is more fun. Chemistrys my favourite. .Amy is talking to Ms Li, a school adviser, about which courses to choose. Listen to Conversation 3 (P2) and answer the questions. 1What does Amy want to be in the future? AAn engineer. BA designer. CA writer. 答案:B 2What course will Amy probably choose? AEnglish BIT CArt 答案:C 听力材料: COVERSATION 3 AAmyLMs. Li In the advisers room. A:Good morning, Ms. Li. L:Morning, Amy. How are you doing? A:Very well, thank you. Ms. Li, I want to be a designer in the future, so what courses do you think I should choose? L:Oh, interesting! Well, first of all, I think an art course would be helpful to you. And there are some other courses. Fade out. .根据录音在空格处填入合适的内容 Listen to the following passage and then fill in the blanks. My name is Li Kang, a student of Guang Ming Middle School. I live in a city 1.not_far_from Beijing. Today is my first day at Senior High School. Everything in the school 2.leaves_me_a_deep_impression. The classroom is big and abroad, which 3.has_a_computer with a special screen behind it. The teachers are not only 4.friendly but also enthusiastic. My English teachers teaching method is pletely_different_from that of the teachers at Junior High School. During his class, my classmates and I introduced ourselves to each other, and did some 6.spelling games. There are three times as many girls as boys in the class and we all work very hard. 话题积累: (1)be completely different from 完全不同于 (2)introduce oneself 自我介绍 (3)There are three times as many girls as boys in the class.这个班 女生的人数是男生的三倍 Step Three: Discussion Senior high school is a new start for us students and is of great importance. As a student, how would you plan to enjoy a colorful school life? Suggestions: (1)I will read widely to get more knowledge and broaden our view. (2)As far as Im concerned, I will place my study before the other things. (3)I will take part in all kinds of afterclass activities, which will broaden our view, enrich the school life and make me relaxed. (4)I_will_get_along_well_with_my_classmates_and_learn_all_my_s ubjects_well_as_well. Step Four:国际音标 毋庸置疑,音标是学习英语的基础,学好音标能够使英语发音 更准确,这对词汇的背诵积累尤其重要。 一、语音知识 1英语共有 48 个音素,分为元音和辅音两大类。元音有 20 个, 分为单元音和双元音。辅音有 28 个,按声带振动情况分为浊辅音和 清辅音。英语音素中半元音音素是/w/和/j/, 鼻音是/m/、/n/、/。 2英语中元音字母有 5 个,它们分别是 a, e, i, o, u, 一个半元 音字母是 y。元音字母在重读开音节中发字母的名称音,在重读闭 音节中发短音。 二、国际音标 短元音/、/e/、/、/、/、/、/ 单元音 长元音/i/、/、/u/、/、/元 音 双元音 /e/、/a/、/、/、/e/、/、/、/ a/ 清辅音 /p/、/t/、/k/、/f/、/s/、/、/、/t/、/tr/ 、/ts/ 辅 音 浊辅音/b/、/d/、/、/v/、/z/、/、/、/d/、/ dr/、/dz/ 鼻音/m/、/n/、/ 似拼音/h/(清辅音)、/r/、/l/ 半元音/w/、/j/ 温馨提示:/h/、/r/、/l/, 由于它们三个的发音和拼音非常相似,所 以称之为似拼音。 读下面的单词,注意加黑词的发音 一、元音(20) 1/e/:grade; cake; make; pay; stay 2/:bag; map; apple; 3/i/:meet; see; clean; tree 4/e/:yes; get; head 5/a/:bike; write; like; high; night 6/:big; listen; it 7/:hope; alone; boat 8/:not; clock; dog 9/u/:rule; fool; food 10/ju/:university; duty; use; student; excuse 11/:bus; cup; must; much; us 12/:put; book, foot 13/:half; ask; fast 14/:above; forget; worker; 15/:bird; her; heard; earn; burn; word 16/:boat; coat; go; grow; show 17/a/:how; cow; now; loud; hour 18/:ear; hear; clear; appear 19/e/:air; hair; care 20/:sure; tour 二、辅音(28) 1/p/:play; please; polite; /b/:banana; before; beat 2/t/:water; taste; take /d/:bed; add; different 3/k/:ticket; pack; kitchen; task; copy /:green; blog; great 4/f/:five; full; future; photo; phone /v/:five; violin; visit 5/s/:face; twice; six /z/:size; surprise; exercise 6/:think; thing; path /:weather; this; further; neither 7/:English; shock; shall; share; wish /:pleasure; treasure 8/t/:teacher; choice; catch; search /d/:orange; large; geography; village 9/tr/:trip; try; trust /dr/:dream; drink; drop 10/ts/:students; gets; starts /dz/:beds; hundreds 11/m/:moon; climb; mind 12/n/:noon; turn; know; knee 13/:think; thing; song; wing 14/h/:heart; have; happen; who; whose 15/r/:rich; write; rubbish 16/l/:look; long; live 17/w/:wide; when; what 18/j/:yes; yet Step Five: famous sayings 1千里之行,始于足下。 A thousand mile journey begins with the first step. 2条条道路通罗马。 All roads lead to Rome. 3正如谚语所说:“患难见真情。 ” Just as the saying goes, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” 4正如谚语所说:“不劳则无获。 ” As the saying goes, “No pains,no gains.” 5正如谚语所说:“有志者,事竟成。 ” As the saying goes, “Where theres a will,theres a way.” 6常言道, “熟能生巧。 ” As the old saying goes, “Practice makes perfect.” 7正如俗话所说, “入乡随俗。 ” Just as the saying goes, “When in Rome,do as the Romans do.” 8俗话说:“健康胜过财富。 ” As the old saying goes, “Health is better than wealth.” .阅读理解 A My husband and I recently went to Disney World with our three children. We had a wonderful time. Besides, I experienced something that left a deep impression on me. Our children were excited about the attraction where children could drive the cars. They were so delighted that I decided to stand beside the track to get pictures of everyone as they drove past on the track. As I waited for them to drive by, I noticed a car with a father and his son who was about 7 years old. They rolled down the hill at the beginning, but suddenly the car stopped. The young driver looked nervous, “I cant do it.” His father quietly said, “Yes, you can.” “No. I cant!” “Yes, you can, son.” The little guy was almost in tears, “I cant!” With deep patience, the father said, “Son, you can do this. Im going to help you.” A moment later, with the father helping his son, the two went smoothly (顺 利地) on their way down the track. The scene brought tears to my eyes and it reminded (使想起) me of my dear father. Just like that little boys dad, my father used to say the same words to me. Every time things got hard or when I experienced setbacks along the way, he would say, “Michelle, you can do this. Im going to help you.” Time and time again the words greatly encouraged me on the journey. Im aware that I cant do things under my own power, but the words “Yes, you can” come beside me and give me wisdom and strength. As I benefited (受益) a lot from them, I often tell my children never to say “I cant” easily when they meet something difficult. 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者一家去迪士尼游玩,途 中遇到了一对父子,那位父亲教育儿子的话使得作者想起了自己的父 亲。 1Why did the author stand beside the track? AShe didnt dare to drive alone. BShe wasnt interested in driving cars. CShe wanted to take photos for her family. DShe wanted to rest for a few minutes. 答案与解析:C细节理解题。根据第二段的第二句“They were so delighted that I decided to stand beside the track to get pictures of everyone as they drove past on the track.”可知,作者站在跑道旁边是 为了给家人拍照。 2How did the author react to the fathers helping his son? AShe was greatly moved. BShe was impressed by the boys patience. CShe decided to learn from the father. DShe reminded the father not to be too strict. 答案与解析:A推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的“The scene brought tears to my eyes and it reminded me of my dear father.”可知, 作者看到这个场景后感动得哭了,并想起了她的父亲。 3What does the underlined word in the last but one paragraph mean? ADisasters.BFrustration. CFights. DPain. 答案与解析:B词义猜测题。根据前文的“Every time things got hard or when I experienced.”可知,or 前后要表达的意思相近,再 根据后文父亲说的话可推测,此词意为“挫折” 。 4What can we infer from the passage? AThe author enjoys traveling very much. BThe author is patient with her children. CThe author was greatly encouraged by the boys father. DThe author was greatly influenced by the words“Yes, you can” 答案与解析:D推理判断题。根据最后一段的前两句可知, “Yes, you can”这几个词对作者的影响很大。 B I began smoking at 13, with a friend in the evenings when we were out. I never thought of the damage it brought me. But I had a bad cough after a cold, and my teeth werent as white as my sisters, who never smoked. I no longer played any sports. Since all my friends smoked, I never felt different. I met and married my husband Paul when we were 22,both smoking like chimneys (烟囱). I had two children by the time I was 26, and life went on as normal. We smoked around our children, never thinking it would be doing them any harm. They both begged us to stop when they learned about the hazards of smoking. We just rolled our eyes at each other. My parents quit smoking, and my aunts quit smoking, but they were older. I had lots of time to quit in my life. Pauls mother died of a heart attack at only 55, after suffering two diseases caused by smoking. And still we smoked. At the age of 36, I had a child with a breathing problem. We moved outside to smoke, as she had such trouble breathing, and we didnt want to add to that! Then my father died a few years later of cancer throughout his body. Still I smoked, even as he asked me on his deathbed to try to stop. I did mean to, but I thought that I had too many worries to deal with. How would I face them without a smoke? Little did I know then that the smoking was only adding to my inability (无能) to deal with trouble, clouding my whole world in smoke. Then Paul had an extremely serious problem in his heart because of a condition caused by smoking. Finally, I decided to quit smoking. I knew Id suffer greatly too if I kept smoking. Paul decided to join me, of course. He had no choice if he didnt want to die. Luckily, we made it. Now I have enough energy, a joy in living, and more confidence than ever before. 【语篇解读】作者十三岁开始吸烟,一直认为没必要戒烟,后 来她丈夫的心脏因为吸烟出了问题,她终于决定戒烟了。 5What can we learn about the author from Paragraph 1? AShe picked up the habit of smoking from her friends. BHer sister once persuaded her to stop smoking. CShe knew smoking would damage her health. DShe felt she was different from others. 答案与解析:A细节理解题。根据第一段的“I began smoking at 13, with a friend in the evenings when we were out.”及后面的 “Since all my friends smoked, I never felt different.”可知,作者吸烟 的习惯是跟朋友们学来的。 6What does the underlined word “hazards” in Paragraph 2 mean? ACauses. BDangers. CSteps. DRules. 答案与解析:B词义猜测题。根据“They both begged us to stop.”可知,作者的孩子们知道了吸烟的“危害” ,所以乞求父母停 止吸烟。 7Why didnt the author quit smoking when her parents and aunts did that? ABecause they didnt ask her to do that. BBecause Paul didnt want her to do that. CBecause she was extremely healthy then. DBecause she thought it was still early to do that. 答案与解析:D细节理解题。根据第三段的“My parents quit smoking, and my aunts quit smoking, but they were older. I had lots of time to quit in my life.”可知,作者当时认为身边的亲戚戒烟是因为他 们老了,而自己还有很多时间,戒烟还太早。 8What does the author want to tell us? AIts really dangerous to smoke. BIts not easy to live a healthy life. CIts really difficult to quit smoking. DWe should be confident about our life. 答案与解析:A主旨大意题。根据文章内容可知,作者的很多 亲人都因为吸烟而患病去世了,作者丈夫的心脏也因为吸烟出了问题, 所以作者写本文想告诉我们,吸烟的危害很大。 .完形填空 The Great Depression started in 1929 and lasted until about 1939. During that time, many people lost their _1_. My parents were _2_ them. It was 1935 when I was 10 years old. We still _3_ on relief (救济) A few days before Christmas, I was washing the _4_ after dinner when I looked out of a kitchen window and saw my father sitting on the stoop (门廊), wearing a(n) _5_ face. A mailman saw him and asked him what was wrong. I heard my father say that he had _6_ his food vouchers (票券) and that the _7_ had gone beyond the time limit. He had tried to work as a laborer through the Works Progress Administration, but he _8_ because he wasnt a very _9_ man.The work was too hard for him.I was _10_, having seen newspaper pictures of people being _11_ out of the apartments with all their belongings. “How much do you need?” the mailman asked _12_. My dad said he needed $33 for the rent. Without thinking twice, the mailman took out $50 from his wallet and _13_ it to my father. My dad said, “I dont know when Ill be able to pay you back.” The mailman put an arm around my father and _14_ him by saying, “Things will not be this way _15_.It doesnt matter _16_ you will pay me back.” The mailman _17_ me looking through the window and said, “There will be times in the future when someone _18_ your help. I hope you and your son _19_ today. Help them in your own _20_ and tell them what happened today. This will be my payback. Merry Christmas!” 【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。美国大萧条时期,作者一家 靠救济生活。有一天,父亲正在发愁时,一位邮递员无私的资助使他 们得以摆脱困境。 1A.skills Bjobs Cfamilies Dhouses 答案与解析:B根据上文的“The Great Depression started in 1929 and lasted until about 1939. During that time, many people lost their.”可知,经济大萧条时期很多人失去“工作” 。 2A.for Bagainst Camong Dbetween 答案与解析:C根据语境可知,作者的父母也在失业大军“当 中” 。 3A.lived Bdecided Cresearched Dworked 答案与解析:A根据语境可知,作者一家靠救济“生活” 。 4A.shoes Bdishes Csocks Dfeet 答案与解析:B根据下文的“after dinner”以及“kitchen”可 知,作者晚饭后正在厨房洗“碗碟” 。 5A.angry Bcurious Cconfused Danxious 答案与解析:D根据下文的“A mailman saw him and asked him what was wrong.”可知,父亲脸色应该是“忧虑的” 。 6A.given out Bused up Ccarried away Dsearched for 答案与解析:B根据上下文对一家人生活状况的描述可知,父 亲告诉邮递员他的食物票券已经“用完”了。 7A.report Bhomework Crent Dcheck 答案与解析:C根据下文的“My dad said he needed $33 for the rent.”可知,这里指“房租”逾期。 8A.agreed Bfailed Cpromised Dregretted 答案与解析:B根据上文的“He had tried to work as a laborer through the Works Progress Administration, but he.”可知,父亲尝试 通过这个组织找苦力活,可是他“失败”了。 9A.strong Bclever Chelpful Dcreative 答案与解析:A根据上文的“as a laborer”以及下文的“The work was too hard for him.”可知,因为父亲不是一个非常“强壮的” 人。 10A.scared Bpuzzled Clonely Dsurprised 答案与解析:A根据下文的“. having seen newspaper pictures of people being. out of the apartments with all their belongings.”可知, 作者想象自己一家也会像报纸上描写的一样被赶出来,所以很“害怕” 那种情况的发生。 11A.taken Bfigured Cpicked Dkicked 答案与解析:D根据下文的“. out of the apartments with all their belongings.”可知,没钱付租金很可能就会被“赶”出住所。 kick sb. out of a place 意为“将某人赶出某地” 。 12A.softly Bimpatiently Cexcitedly Dslyly 答案与解析:A根据语境可知,那位邮递员“温和地”问:“你 需要多少钱?” 13A.returned Bpointed Cshowed Dhanded 答案与解析:D根据语境可知,那位邮递员毫不犹豫地从钱包 里拿出 50 美元并将钱“递”给父亲。 14A.punished Bquestioned Ccriticized Dencouraged 答案与解析:D根据下文的邮递员所说的话可知,那位邮递员 搂着父亲并“鼓励”他。 15A.soon Bforever Ccompletely Dfinally 答案与解析:B根据语境可知,眼前的艰难状况不会“永远” 延续下去的。 16A.how Bwhether Cunless Duntil 答案与解析:B根据语境可知,那位邮递员说:“你还不还钱都 没关系。 ”这里是 whether 引导的主语从句。 17A.stopped Bkept Cnoticed Dsuggested 答案与解析:C根据语境可知,那位邮递员“注意到”我一直 从窗口看着他们。
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