(2021新人教版)高中英语必修第一册(高一)Unit 1单元测试01 含答案.docx

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1、高中英语 必修第一册 1 / 16 Unit 1 Teenage Life 单元测试单元测试 选择题部分选择题部分 第一部分第一部分听力听力(共两节,满分共两节,满分30分分) 第一节第一节(共共5小题;每小题小题;每小题1. .5分,满分分,满分7. .5分分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段 对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What is Anita asked to do? A. Play the piano.B. Tum down the TV.C. See Disneyl

2、and. 2. What are the speakers going to do according to the woman? A. See an exhibition.B. Have a meeting.C. Attend a lecture. 3. What does the man suggest doing this afternoon? A. Going swimming.B. Playing golf.C. Riding a bike. 4. When is the womans train leaving? A. At 11:15.B. At 10:15.C. At 9:15

3、. 5. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. At the Lost and Found.B. At the police station.C. At the cellphone shop. 第二节第二节(共共15小题;每小题小题;每小题1. .5分,满分分,满分22. .5分分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选 项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答 时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题

4、。 6. Why does the man suggest taking a bus? A. It is cheaper.B. Its hard to call a taxi.C. They are in no hurry. 7. Where are the speakers now? A. At a meeting room.B. On the street.C. On a bus. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. What has the man already packed in? A. A camera.B. A pair of shoes.C. An overcoat. 9.

5、How does the man feel about his mother? A. Quite helpful.B. Very concerned.C. Too strict. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. What does the man go to Edinburgh for? A. Visiting relatives.B. Doing some shopping.C. Attending a meeting. 高中英语 必修第一册 2 / 16 11. When will the woman go to Glasgow? A. On Monday.B. On Wedn

6、esday.C. On Friday. 12. How will the woman travel? A. By bus.B. By air.C. By car. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13. What does the woman plan to do? A. Introduce the Workers Club.B. Invite the man to do sports.C. Visit the computer center. 14. What can we learn about the club? A. Its open until midnight.B. Peopl

7、e can skate there.C. Three buses pass the club. 15. What do we know about the man? A. He is good at computers.B. He enjoys a volleyball match.C. He has gained much weight. 16. When will the speakers meet? A. At 12:00.B. At 3:00 p.m.C. At 8:00p.m. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. Where does the speaker do most

8、 of his work? A. On the plane.B. In the office.C. At the airport. 18. What does the speaker do at the beginning of each workday? A. Talk to air hostesses.B. Check flight information.C. Make flight plans. 19. What does the speaker think of travelling? A. Exciting.B. Tiring.C. Challenging 20. What doe

9、s the speaker want to do? A. Stop travellingB. Earn more money.C. Continue his work. 第二部分第二部分阅读理解阅读理解(共两节共两节,满分满分35分分) 第一节第一节(共共10小题小题;每小题每小题2. .5分分,满分满分25分分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 Once I spoke at a high school. After the speech, I was asked to see a special student. An illness had kep

10、t the boy Home, but he had expressed an interest in meeting me, and it would mean a great deal to him. I agreed. He was Matthew. When he was born, the doctor told his parents that he would not live to see five, then they were told he would not make it to ten. Now he was thirteen. He wanted to meet m

11、e because I was a gold-medal weight lifter, and I knew about overcoming obstacles(障碍)and going for my dreams. I spent over an hour talking to Matthew. Never once did he complain(抱怨). He spoke about winning and succeeding and going for his dreams. He knew what he was talking about. He just talked abo

12、ut his hopes for the future, and how one day he wanted to lift weight with me. When we finished talking, I went to my briefcase and pulled out the first gold medal I won and put it around 高中英语 必修第一册 3 / 16 his neck. I told him he was more of a winner and knew more about success and overcoming obstac

13、les than I ever would. He looked at it for a moment, then took it off and handed it back to me. He said, “You are a champion(冠 军). You earned that medal. Someday when I get to the Olympics and win my own medal, I will show it to you.” Last summer I got the news that Matthew had died and a letter Mat

14、thew had written me a few days before: Dear Rick, My mom said I should send you a thank-you letter for the picture you sent me. The doctors tell me that I dont have long to live any more. But I still smile as much as I can. I told you some day I was going to the Olympics and win a gold medal. But I

15、know now Ill never make it. But I know Im a champion, and God knows that too. When I get to Heaven, God will give me my medal and when you get there, I will show it to you. Thank you for loving me. Your friend Matthew 21. The boy wished to meet the writer because _. A. he wished to take part in the

16、OlympicsB. he admired the author very much C. he hoped to make friends with the authorD. he enjoyed going in for weighting lifting 22. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Matthew was good at weight lifting. B. Rick had the similar disease as a child. C. Matthew never gave up in face of dis

17、ease. D. Rick encouraged the boy to become a going in for weighting lifting. 23. Why did the boy refuse the writers medal? A. He didnt need Ricks pity.B. Rick looked on the medal as the most important thing. C. The gold medal was very dear to Rick.D. He thought he was not worthy of it. B Most animal

18、s on land are known to us, but many living things underwater are not. Now lets get to know some of them. Sea cucumber Sea cucumber are strange animals living at the bottom of the sea. They wear brown or pale green coats with many sticks up. When summer comes, they stay deep to sleep because they are

19、 afraid of heat. And when it is autumn, they move to shallow(浅的)water and get their food. Pike The pike is a kind of freshwater fish. They are good swimmers and like swimming near boats, waiting to be fed. 高中英语 必修第一册 4 / 16 They have sharp teeth to catch fishes. When they are young, they live in gro

20、ups. However, when they grow up, they prefer to live alone. Cuttlefish A cuttlefish can swim quite fast, so it is also called rocket(火箭)fish. It has eight arms and two feelers on its head, just around its mouth. It ejects ink(喷墨)when it is in danger. Its meat is delicious, and it is often the first

21、choice for many people. Octopus An octopus has long arms, with which to catch food and protect itself. When it is sleeping, one or two of its arms are still on duty, keeping moving. Once it feels something dangerous, it can wake up at once to take action. 24. Sea cucumbers stay deep to sleep in summ

22、er because they _. A. are afraid of high temperatureB. want to get strong and fat C. are afraid of their enemyD. want to live alone 25. According to the passage, _ likes to swim near boats. A. the sea cucumberB. the pikeC. the cuttlefishD. the octopus 26. What happens if a cuttlefish meets its enemy

23、? A. It rushes at the enemy at once.B. It cuts off one of its arms. C. It bites with its sharp teeth.D. It ejects ink to the enemy. C I remember the day when I first learned to ride a bike. It was a frightening, yet fun experience. My granddad was the one who taught me, and he helped me when I got h

24、urt. The first time I got on a bike, I had no idea what I was doing, and just about everything went wrong. My granddad told me to just put my feet on the pedals and start pedaling(骑自行车).He also told me he would hold onto the back of the bike the whole time, yet he didnt. As soon as I started trying

25、to balance myself, he let go. I happened to look back just then. I was scared to death that I was going to fall and hurt myself. When I was scared, my mind went blank from pedaling, and I just wanted off. I forgot how to use the brakes(车闸)and fell right off the bike. My granddad kept encouraging me

26、to get up and try again, and after about 15 minutes, I finally stopped crying, got up and tried again. As soon as I started pedaling again, my pants got caught in the chain, and I fell flat on my face and hit my nose. Since that happened, my granddad decided to call it a day and try again the next m

27、orning. The next morning I woke up bright and early, and was very eager to try to ride my bike. My nose felt better, so I wasnt that afraid of falling anymore. Though I knew there were a lot of difficulties on the way to mastering the skills in riding a bike, I believed I could do well with my grand

28、dads help. After all, riding a bike was what I wanted to do eagerly. 27. How was the author when he was on the bike first? A. He didnt know where he would be going. B. He thought balancing himself was easy. 高中英语 必修第一册 5 / 16 C. He was nervous and didnt know what to do next. D. He put his feet on the

29、 pedals and started pedaling. 28. What does the underlined part in the passage mean? A. Remember what happened this day.B. Make the author feel happy. C. Stop practicing bicycling.D. Co on to ride a bike. 29. What is the authors attitude towards his granddad? A. Supportive.B. Grateful.C. Indifferent

30、.D. Negative. 30. Which of the following could be the best title for the passage? A. The Experience of My First Riding a BikeB. The Difficulty I Met with My Granddad C. The First Time I Got My Own BikeD. The Great Moment When I Stayed with My Granddad 第二节第二节(共共5小题;每小题小题;每小题2分,满分分,满分10分分) 根据短文内容,从短文后

31、的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 How to Be Grateful Has your mother or best friend told you that youre an ungrateful person?31Do you keep thinking about the things you dont have, instead of being thankful for what you do have? If so, then you need to work on being a more grateful person. 1.32 This isn

32、t a religious (宗教的) thing. You dont have to hold off on noting everything youre thankful for until Thanksgiving. Every Sunday, get a notebook and sit outside for fifteen minutes while making a list of all of the things youre thankful for. 2. Be grateful for your friendships. 33You may come to think

33、that your friends are kind and theyre just there, like the couch in your living room. If you take your friends for granted for too long, then they will slowly make their way out of your life. 3. Be grateful to your family. Your family is another thing you should be grateful to. Your parents might ha

34、ve even been the people who tell you that you should be more grateful.34Dont let a day go by without telling your family how much you love them. 4.35 Throughout history, imagine how many people have contributed to where you are now. Realizing that you couldnt be what you are now if it werent for all

35、 of these people is an important step in being a grateful person. A. Make a gratitude list every Sunday. B. Friendships are very important in our life. C. Be grateful for all of the good deeds done for your benefit. D. Many people are guilty of taking their friends for granted. 高中英语 必修第一册 6 / 16 E.

36、Keep everything that you are grateful for in mind every day. F. So, take the time to tell your family how much they mean to you. G. Do you feel unable to appreciate the beauty, nature, and love that are all around you? 31. _32. _33. _34. _35. _ 第三部分第三部分语言运用语言运用(共两节,满分共两节,满分45分分) 第一节第一节(共共20小题;每小题小题;

37、每小题1. .5分,满分分,满分30分分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的四个选项阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的四个选项(A、B、C和和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 One of the most inspiring quotes(名言)I ever heard was by Brian Tracy. He said: “The36between successful people and unsuccessful people is that successful people37many more times than unsuccessful pe

38、ople.” I deeply understood the38of the quote soon after my first book was published. I was living in Atlanta at the time and39my first signing sale for my new book at the Phoenix and Dragon, the largest bookstore in the city. Although a nice sign was placed outside the room40images of both me and my

39、 book, The 9 Insights of the Wealthy Soul, not a single customer entered the room.41each minute passed, I became increasingly42. At 6:55pm, just before the stores43,I began to get myself ready to leave. At that moment, just when I couldnt fell any44, a middle-aged couple walked into the room. I mana

40、ged to45my emotions and introduced myself and my book. The couple turned the pages each other, and the husband46to his wife. She then told me, “I think well get the book.” Despite the impulse(冲动)to jump47, and hold their hands to thank them for being my48 readers, I realized the woman was trying to

41、say something else. “The49were buying it is that our son died two years ago,” she said. “Maybe your book will help us _50_it.” At that moment, I knew if I never sold a copy of the book, my four years of51had been meaningless. Although I would have many more challenging years52my book became a bestse

42、ller, this couples story was all the53I needed at that point to keep me54. Thanks to them, I would realize that the greatest of lives are made all in the same way: One challenge one difficulty one step and one small55at a time. 36. A. similarityB. interestC. differenceD. advantage 37. A. hesitateB.

43、failC. complainD. survive 38. A. wisdomB. impressionC. honorD. analysis 39. A. refusedB. decidedC. waitedD. arranged 40. A. includingB. decoratingC. declaringD. showing 41. A. WhileB. WithC. AsD. When 高中英语 必修第一册 7 / 16 42. A. curiousB. clamC. angryD. anxious 43. A. disappearingB. closingC. crowdedD.

44、 opening 44. A. goodB. badC. worseD. better 45. A. expressB. escapeC. readD. hide 46. A. repliedB. reactedC. noddedD. pointed 47. A. in the airB. in a rowC. on the riseD. on the ground 48. A. reliableB. firstC. unusualD. final 49. A. reasonB. effectC. purposeD. result 50. A. look throughB. come acro

45、ssC. find outD. get over 51. A. writingB. advertisingC. studyingD. waiting 52. A. sinceB. untilC. afterD. unless 53. A. materialB. informationC. decisionD. motivation 54. A. putting forwardB. falling downC. moving aheadD. standing by 55. A. successB. failureC. basisD. pleasure 非选择题部分非选择题部分 第三部分第三部分语

46、言运用语言运用(共两节,满分共两节,满分45分分) 第二节第二节(共共10小题;每小题小题;每小题1. .5分,满分分,满分15分分) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 One day a lonely girl was walking in the woods56she found two starving songbirds. She took the birds home and put57in a small cage. She cared for them with love and the birds grew stronger. Every mor

47、ning they greeted her with58wonderful song. The girl showed great love for the birds. One day the girl left the cages door open. The59(large)of the two birds flew from the cage. The girl was60(frighten) that he would fly away. As he flew close, she grasped at him wildly. She was glad at her success

48、in catching him. Suddenly she felt the bird go limp (柔软的). She opened her hand only to find him _61_ (die). Her desperate love62(kill) him. She noticed the other bird moving back and forth on the edge of the cage. She could feel his great need for freedom. She flew him63the sky. Her heart was no lon

49、ger concerned with her loss. After some time the bird flew towards her and landed softly on her shoulder. It sang the sweetest melody64she had ever heard. The worst way65(lose)love is to hold on it too tight, while the best way to keep love is to give it wings! 56. _57. _58. _59. _60. _ 61. _62. _63

50、. _64. _65. _ 第四部分第四部分写作写作(共两节,满分共两节,满分40分分) 高中英语 必修第一册 8 / 16 第一节第一节应用文写作应用文写作(满分满分15分分) 你是张伟的好朋友John, 张伟即将参加学校的英语朗诵比赛, 向你求助, 请你根据以下内容给他写一封 建议信。 1.比赛之前:认真准备,如平时可对着镜子练习;用语简练,使评委印象深刻。 2.比赛时:保持微笑;忘词时不要紧张,继续演讲。 Dear Zhang Wei, _ _ _ _ _ Yours, John 第二节第二节概要写作概要写作(满分满分25分分) 请阅读下面短文,然后按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章


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