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1、小学六年级英语期中阶段性检测题 等第2018.11 听力部分(30 分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(听两遍) ( 5 分) () 1.A. anyB. heavyC. happyD. honey () 2.A. windyB. holidayC. SundayD. sunny () 3.A. whenB. turnC. thenD. rain () 4.A. wellB. tellC. spellD. still () 5.A. paperB. letterC. littleD. weather 二、听录音,根据所听内容,选择正确的答句。(听两遍) (10 分) () 1.A. No,

2、 I didnt.B. Yes, I can.C. Yes, I did. () 2.A. Yes, I was.B. No, I didnt.C. No, I dont. () 3.A. It was cloudy.B. It is sunny.C. It was Sunday. () 4.A. She bought some drinks. B. I brought some drinks. C. I bring some drinks. () 5.A. He wears a lot of bottles. B. She wore a lot of bottles. C. She wear

3、s a lot of bottles. 三、听录音,用数字用数字将下列图片排序。(听两遍) ( 5 分) ()()()()() 四、听录音,补全对话,每空一词。(听两遍)(10 分) A: _did you go last _ _ holiday? B: I _ to Beijing. A: _did you _ there? B: I _ the _ _. A: Oh, thats cool. B: Yes, I _ many interesting things. 笔试部分(70 分) 五、选出不同类的单词,将其序号填在题前括号内。(5 分) () 1.A. honeyB. newsC.

4、cloudD. bread () 2.A. readB. wearC. lostD. did () 3.A. wellB. foolishC. cleverD. interesting () 4.A. thinkB. visitC. giveD. Bund () 5.A. lookedB. shoutedC. excitedD. called 六、英汉互译。(10 分) 1. 一些乌云2. at first 3. 看报纸4. make friends at school 5. 国王的新衣6. become windy and cloudy 7. 参观颐和园8. show her new pen

5、s 9. 网购10. great fun 七、选择填空,将序号填在题前括号内。 (10 分) () 1. _ you_ a big fish? Yes, I _. A. Do, caught ,doB. Did, catch ,didC. Were, catch ,am () 2. It was _ in the morning, but it _ _ now. A. sun, is rainingB. sunny, is rainsC. sunny, is raining () 3. I called _ ,but he _ at home. A. him, isntB. him, wasn

6、tC. her, wasnt () 4. My father _letters _ his friends last week. A. wrote, toB. writes, toC. wrote, from () 5. Its _ turn to tell a story. A. youB. yourC. I () 6. Can you make a sentence_ “could”? A. atB. inC. with () 7. Where _your mother just now? A. isB. wasC. were () 8. _ did you want an umbrell

7、a? Because it _. A. Why, rainingB. How, rainsC. Why, rained () 9. I am _ about the _ show. A. exciting; excitedB. excited; excitingC. exciting; exciting () 10. The British invented the_. A. trainB. aeroplaneC. bus 八、用所给词的适当形式填空。(8 分) 1. I _(eat) two eggs this morning. 2. Do you want_ (pick) flowers

8、for your mother? 3. I _ (not write) emails two days ago . 4. What did you buy last night? I _(buy)some toys. 5. I could not _ (spell ) the word just now, but I _(can)now . 6. The shoes are nice. Please try _ (it) on. 7. There is a lot of _ (rain) here in summer. 九、按要求改写句子。(10 分) 1. She often does sh

9、opping.(改成疑问句) _ she often _ shopping? 2. Mike could write emails three years ago. (改成否定句) Mike _write emails three years ago. 3. I was at home just now. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _ just now? 4. My grandfather listened to the radio this morning.(用 now 替换 this morning) My grandfather _ _ to the radio now. 5. too

10、,and,it,hold onto,high,it,we,flew,could not ( . ) (连词成句) _ 十、根据中文提示完成句子。(8 分) 1.我的朋友经常使用手机联系我。 My friends often use _ _ to call me. 2.今天星期几啊?今天是星期三。 _ day is it today ?Its _ . 3.波比喜欢朝窗外看。 Bobby likes looking _ _ the window. 4.昨晚我的奶奶给我们讲了一个有趣的故事。 My grandmother _ _an interesting story last night. 十一、

11、辨音题。(划线部分发音相同的写 T,不同的写 F)(4 分) 1.motherher()2.partyarm() 3.shoutedlived ()4.nearyear() 十二、阅读理解。(10 分) (A) Do you like eating sandwiches? Do you know the story of “sandwich”? Many years ago, in England, the rich people liked playing cards. So did the Earl (伯爵)of Sandwich. He liked to play for money.

12、He was one of the greatest players at that time. He often played day and night. Once (曾经) he played for twenty-four hours without stopping. He didnt leave the table even to eat. Servants(佣人)had to bring food to him. They brought him some meat and some bread. But he didnt want to stop playing when he

13、 ate. He put the meat between two pieces of bread. In this way he could go on playing cards. Later, people called this kind of food “sandwich” after his name. 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。(5 分) () 1. The word “sandwich” comes from England. () 2. The Earl (伯爵)of Sandwich liked playing cards for money. () 3. Ser

14、vants asked him to go home. () 4. The Earl (伯爵)of Sandwich went on playing cards without(没有) eating. () 5. The Earl (伯爵)of Sandwich could make sandwiches for himself (自己)at home. (B) Tom was a good boy. He was seven years old, and it was time for him to go to school. But Tom had a shortcoming(缺点). H

15、e couldnt get up early in the morning. He slept until(直到)nine or ten oclock. Toms mother didnt want Tom to be late for school. So he bought him an alarm clock (闹钟). She said to him, “You must get up when you hear the clock ring.” “Yes, Mum.” Tom said. And from then on, Tom got up when he heard the c

16、lock ring at six thirty every morning. One day ,his mother forgot (忘记) to wind up(上紧发条) the clock. And the next morning, Tom didnt get up at six thirty. It was time for breakfast. Mother went up to wake up Tom. Tom was in bed and his eyes were open. “I woke up early,” said Tom. “I am waiting for the

17、 bell of the alarm clock.” 根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。(5 分) () 1. How old was Tom when he went to school? A. sixB. sevenC. eight () 2. Toms mother wanted him to get up at _. A. sevenB. six thirtyC. eight () 3. Did Toms mother forget to wind up the clock? A. Yes, she did.B. No, she didnt.C. Yes, he did. () 4. When Mother went into Toms bedroom, he was _. A. in bedB. in the kitchenC. at table () 5. Tom didnt get up that morning because _. A. he was illB. his eyes were openC. he waited for the bell 十三、书面表达。(5 分) 同学们,我们的生活每天都在变化,每一天都有值得回味的地方, 哪一天让你印 象最深刻呢?请以“What a day!”为题,用英语来描述它吧,不少于 5 句话。 What a day!


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