广东版三年级上册Unit 8 Sport-Lesson 1-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:934ad).doc

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1、Unit 8Sport第一课时 1、能力目标 学会用英语描述自己喜欢的运动项目; 能用所学语言表达自己的喜好。 2、语言知识目标 学习 6 个新词: soccer、football、basketball、 ping-pong、baseball、tennis 复习旧词:ice cream, apples, 功能表达句型:Do you like ? Yes, I do./No, I dont. 2 学情分析 本节课教学设计的对象是沙坪街道中东西小学的三年级学生。 他们学 习的是开心学英语教材。通过半个学期的英语学习,他们已经掌 握了一些简单的问候语和对话,也积累了一定的词汇量,有较好的语 音、语调

2、基础,大多数学生敢于开口,乐于模仿,喜欢表现自己,能 积极地参与课堂的游戏和活动。 但由于三年级孩子的语言知识还比较 贫乏,所以对教学活动的开展会有一定的影响。 3 重点难点 重点: 通过学习使学生熟练掌握四会单词; 能熟练运用句型与他人进行交流。 难点:动词 like 后面加可数名词复数的运用 4 教学过程 4.1第一学时 教学活动 活动 1【导入】step1warmingup T: Hello, boys andgirls,Good morning!Nice to meet you .We are so happy , becase there are so many teachers t

3、o join our class. Can you sing a song for them? Ss: Yes! T: Ok, let s sing, now ,please stand up and clap you hands. Ss:(songwhat do you like?) T:souds so great. I like it very much, thank you. Sit down ,ple ase. 活动 2【课题导入】Step2.1. Free talk T: Im miss fong. Do you want to know what I like? Look, I

4、li ke ice cream, I like apples,cats and pandas Can you tell m e what do you like?(教师走下讲台与学生互动) S1: l like ice cream. S2: apples. S3: l like cake. S4:I like juice. T: I like juice too, Its healthy,and I like sports too, Itsgood for my health. Do you know sport?(Teach the wordsport) Ss: sport (齐读课题) 活

5、动 3【活动】Step3.Storytelling 故事形式引入主要人物 Gogo 作为主线出现。 带领我们走进运动俱乐 部。 T:Look, whos coming? Ss:Gogo. T:Yes, hes Tonys good friend. Gogo is an organism from out side, he likes sports very much. Today,Tony and Gogo are g oning to a sport club,do you want to join them? Ss:Yes, we do. T:OK,lets go.There are so

6、 many sport rooms here. Lets open the first door, her is a video,watch! What are they doing?观 看 PPT. Ss:Theyre playing soccer. (use seven doors to teach the word ssoccer、football、basketball、ping-pong、baseball、tennis 并 插入课外相关运动的单词:swimming、the high jump、The long j ump、running、Playing badminton andrid

7、ing). 活动 4【练习】Step4.Do some practice. T:Thre are so many sports in the club,but do you know what Tony and Gogo like? Lets listen and finish the practice. (practice 1) Have students finish the exercise while listening the Dialogue? (提问学生并用投影仪显示答案) 活动 5【练习】Step5. Talk. 句型运用:Do you like ? Yes, I do./No

8、, I dont.(PPT) T: Tony and Gogo are doing the sports in the club now, They are so happy, do you want to join them? But what do you li ke? Please finish this form first, and write down on. For exam ple, I like soccer,ping-pong andriding, what about you? How about you friends? Use the sentence, ask an

9、d answer. (practice 2) T: You did a good job. Can you tell me want you like and so mething about your friends. Ss: Yes.(提问三个学生) 活动 6【练习】Step6.Writing! (practice 3) (ppt) T: Just now, you have been talking about the spor ts with your friends, and now, please ,write them down li ke this. (示范举例,投影) Ili

10、ke_, _and_ Idontlike _, _or_ _ likes _ ,_and_. 活动 7 【互动】 Step7. 1、 sing a song. (Do you like baseball?) 活动 8【小结】Step8.Summary 1.今天我们学习了几种球类运动,分别是 socce、 tennis 、 ping-pong、 football 、baseball and basketball 。 2.如何问别人喜欢的球类运动,Do you like? 肯定回答: Yes,I/we do. 否定回答: No,I/we dont. 3.今天的主题是 sport,我们应该热爱运动,

11、不沉迷网络世界, 每天坚持运动,让我们拥有健康的体魄,做一个健康的好宝贝! T: Today, all of you did a good job. Can you use these sente nces to tell others what sports you like or dislike?(lead them t o tell the others about what they like and dislike) T: Group 1 is the best today. Well done. 活动 9【作业】Step9.Homework T:Talk about the sport with your classmates and your family. Can you? Ss:Yes! T:Goodbye! Boys and girls!


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