(2021新人教版)高中英语必修第二册UNIT3 培优教程(课件+课时精练).zip

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互联网给我们的工作和生活带来便捷,但它在改变我们生活的同时,也正在 改变我们大脑的结构和功能。 From gathering food to finding a mate and communicating with other members of society, many of the most basic human activities are now being carried out in the virtual realm. Yet with research into the impact of the Internet on brain function still in its infancy, an international team of researchers has compiled a review of everything we have learned so far about how digital life is altering our minds. Appearing in the journal World Psychiatry and authored by scientists from Oxford University, Harvard University, Western Sydney University, Kings College, and Manchester University, the review examines findings from a number of brainimaging studies in order to assess some of the leading hypothesis regarding how the Internet may affect our brains. Though the findings are not intended to be taken as conclusive, evidence suggests that our online lifestyles are altering brain regions associated with attention, memory, and social skills. Whether the Internet is good or bad for our brains is not definitive. Whats clear, however, is that the more time we spend online, the more we alter our cognitive function. 【注】realm n. 王国;领域;范围impact n. 冲击(力),撞击,巨大 影响vt. 挤入,压紧hypothesis n. 假设,猜测,前提function n. 功能, 函数,职务 【立德树人】有人说不论何时互联网都是一把双刃剑(doubleedged sword), 作为中学生我们要了解互联网的发展,要趋利避害,充分利用(make full use of) 网络开阔视野,发展自己,造福社会。 Section Listening and Speaking 基础知识 预习自检 .重点词汇 1blog n. 博客vi. 写博客blogger n. 博客作者;博主 2engine n. 引擎;发动机;火车头engineer n. 工程师engineering n. 工 程;工程学 3identity n. 身份;个性identify v. 认出,识别 4blog_post 博文;博客帖子 5search_engine (互联网上的)搜索引擎 6identity_card 身份证 7stream_movies_and_music 流(媒体)式播放电影和音乐 8more_than 超过;不仅仅是;非常 9chat_with_sb. 和某人聊天 10it_depends 看情况; 那得看情况; 这得看情况 .教材原句 1I _ (写博客文章) when I am online. 答案:write a blog post 2I _ (使用搜索引擎) when I am online. 答案:use a search engine 3A blog is _ (一篇在线日记) where you write about something youre interested in. 答案:an online diary 4_ (多少时间) do you spend online every day? 答案:How much time 5I _ (从不分享) the things that should be only mine. 答案:never share 6When you hear a word you dont know, _ (注意) the next sentence or two to see if there is a definition. 答案:pay attention to 7These are things only I should know _ (在网站或游戏 中) 答案:on website or in games 8I listen to music, _ (流媒体式播放视频), or look up information. 答案:stream videos 9I always keep things secret when I _ (上网) 答案:go online 10And so I use a nonsense name for my _ (网络身份) 答案:net identity 重点知识 合作探究 1blog n. 博客vi. 写博客(教材 P26) 归纳 拓展 (1)经常刷微博,你知道这些词用英语怎么说吗? blog post 博文;博客帖子microblog 微博;fans/followers 粉丝; mutual following 互粉;forward 转发;comment, to leave a comment 评论;a Weibo update/post 一条微博;private message 私信;flood the screen 刷屏;submit 发布;refresh/reload 刷新;reply 回复; block this user/add to black list 拉黑;review and repost the Weibo 评 论并转发;unfollow 脱粉 (2)blogging v. 写博客(blog 的ing 形式) (3)blogger n. 写博客的人;博主 So far, Sina_MicroBlog has been leading the market in China. 到目前为止,中国微博市场仍是新浪微博占领先地位。 I was then able to quit my job and be a blogger and author full time. 后来,我得到机会辞去了之前的工作,成为了全职博客写稿人和作家。 I blog for MSN for example, a job that came about via Twitter. 例如,我为 MSN 撰写博客,这工作是通过 Twitter 得到的。 (1)单句语法填空 I need it for my _ (blog), my other writing, for keeping in touch with family and friends. While most _ (blog) comment on news reported elsewhere, some do their own reporting. 答案:bloggingbloggers (2)单句写作 他们异常渴望刷新微博,如果他们错过了最新消息,他们会感到不安。 They are so urge to refresh the _, they panic when they miss the latest news. 我读了一份你参与撰写的报告或我读了你写的博客。 I read a report that you contributed to or I _ that you wrote. 答案:microblogread a blog 2chat vi. 聊天;闲聊(教材 P26) 归纳 拓展 (1)chat with sb. 与某人聊天 chat sb. up 说甜言蜜语;与异性搭讪聊天 chat about 闲谈关于的话题 chat online 网上聊天 (2)chat n. 聊天;闲聊 have a chat 聊天;闲聊 chat room 聊天室 James likes chatting_with his classmates during recess. 詹姆士喜欢在休息的时候与同学闲谈。 My boyfriend always chats_me_up. 我的男朋友总是跟我说甜言蜜语。 We chatted_about Andys performance in his concert. It was marvelous! 我们谈及安蒂在演唱会上的表现,真的十分精彩! They wanted to make you able to chat_online as quick and simple as possible. 他们想让你在网上聊天尽可能快速和简单。 (1)单句语法填空 I enjoy a chat _ a friend. She had had a womantowoman _ with Mrs Hardie. She went straight over and tried to chat him _. Whatever you want to chat _, well do it tonight. 答案:withchatupabout (2)单句写作 上午,我用瑞典话和拉尔斯聊了一会。 I had _ Lars in the morning and spoke Swedish. 答案:a chat with 3 stream vt. 流播(不用下载直接在互联网上播放音频/视 频文件);流出vi. 流动n. 小河;溪(教材 P26) 归纳 拓展 (1)stream from/down (液体或气体) 流;流动;流出 cross a stream 穿过一条小溪 (2)a stream of sth. 流;(液)流;(气)流 be/come on stream 投产;投入使用 mountain stream 山涧 Blood was streaming_from her head. 血从她头上流出来。 A_stream_of blood flowed from the wound. 一股鲜血从伤口流出来。 The new computer system comes_on_stream next month. 新的计算机系统下月投入使用。 (1)单句语法填空 Tears streamed _ his face. Ive had a steady stream _ visitors. 答案:down/fromof (2)单句写作 在首尔,即便是乘地铁上下班的人都能在手机上播放流媒体电影,哪怕是在 地下很深的地方。 In Seoul, even subway straphangers can _ on their phones, deep beneath the ground. 答案:stream movies 4identity n. 身份;个性(教材 P27) 归纳 拓展 (1)identity card 身份证 identity theft 身份盗窃 identity with sb./sth. 与某人/某物相同;一致 identity between A and B 在 A 和 B 之间有同一性 (2)identify vt. 识别;认出;认为某物与另一物等同 identify sb./sth. as sb./sth. 确认某人/某物为 identify sth. with sth. 认为某物等同于某物;与相关 联 identify with sb./sth. 认同 Not only did she lose her purse, but she also lost her identity_card and credit card. 她不但丢失了钱包,还丢失了她的身份证与信用卡。 Theres a close identity_between fans and their team. 球迷和他们的球队之间有密切的同一性。 The police identified the gunman as a middleaged man. 警察确认枪手是一个中年男人。 One can not identify happiness with wealth. 个人不能将幸福与财富划等号。 (1)单句语法填空 Their _ (identity) were kept secret. He was too far away to be able to _ (identity) In many cases, the clothes people wear identify them _ belonging to a particular social class. 答案:identitiesidentifyas (2)单句写作 警方正努力调查杀人凶手的身份。 The police are trying to discover _ the killer. 答案:the identity of 5 It depends. 看情况;那得看情况;这得看情况(教材 P27) 剖析 口语中说 It (all) depends. /That depends. 意为“那要看 情况” 。 归纳 拓展 (1)depend on/uponsb./sth. 依靠、依赖、取决于某人 或某物 (2)depend on/uponsb.to do/doing 指望、依靠某人 做某事 (3)depend on/upon从句 Should I dress up or dress down on the first date? It_depends. 第一次约会我应该穿得正式一些,还是休闲一些? 视情况而定。 Whether well go camping depends_on the weather. 我们是否去野营要看天气。 Im depending_on you to do the work. 我指望你做这工作。 It depends_on whether we have enough time. 这取决于我们是否有足够的时间。 名师点津depend on/upon 后不直接接 that从句,此时,须在 that 前加 it,即 depend on it that。 (1)单句语法填空 It depends _ the specific circumstances. _ depends on how much time I have today. You can depend on _ that she will come in time. Theyre depending on him _ (finish) the job by Friday. 答案:onItitto finish (2)单句写作 但你能在这所房子里待多久呢? 我不知道,这要看情况。 But how long can you stay in the house? I dont know. _. 答案:It (all) depends/That depends 学习效果 随堂演练 .单词拼写 1As a _ (博主) and writer, I spend a lot of time at the computer. 答案:blogger 2It was said the thief used a false _ (身份) 答案:identity 3Hes been on the computer all morning, _ (聊天) with his friends. 答案:chatting 4He got into the driving seat and started the _ (引擎) 答案:engine 5Hurry up! Water has already _ (流出) out of the burst pipe and onto the floor. 答案:streamed .阅读理解 Nicole ONeil is a Sydney housewife who comes from a family of tight relations. She has paid a special, heartfelt tribute to her grandmother, who she affectionately (亲切地) called Mormor, after she passed away earlier in January. The 37yearold took to Instagram on Wednesday to pay her respects, she wrote, “Thank you for helping shape the woman Ive become.” She revealed her W1 familys heartbreak, sharing a beautiful snap of herself close to her Mormor. W2 “My beautiful grandmother slipped quietly away earlier this month after battling the awful disease, dementia (痴呆), ” she wrote. Nicole called her grandmother one of the most influential people in her life, who taught her valuable life lessons that she has gone on to pass on to her own two P daughters. “She taught me the old ways of the yesterday worldcooking, baking, sewing, yet she told me I could do anything I wanted, and be anyone I wanted to be, ” she said. The former beauty queen praised her grandmothers liberal (开明的) views, worldly knowledge and wealth of good advice. She also revealed that she was a devoted granddaughter who called her grandmother every day for 25 years: “Some days just to say hello, and on some days wed talk for hours, dissecting (解剖) my day and my worries.” “Thank you for helping shape the woman Ive become, ” she said. “Thank you for being the most amazing grandmother anyone could ever dream of and thank you for raising the most incredible mother anyone could ever wish for, ” Nicole W3 adding. Concluding her emotional post, the motheroftwo wrote, “I will always carry you with me in my heart.” Fans of the Real Housewives of Sydney showed their support for Nicole and her family, including one who wrote, “Sending love to you. Sorry for your loss.” “Thinking of you and sending our heartfelt sympathy, ” another wrote. W4 篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。祖母去世后,妮可奥尼尔通过社交网络发 文追思慈爱的祖母,回忆了祖母对自己的关心呵护与教导,赞颂了祖母的慈爱、 睿智和善解人意。 1The most valuable lesson Nicole learned from her grandmother was _. Ato build tight relations with the members of the family Bto do well in cooking, baking and sewing for her family Cto be devoted to her family and talk to them every day Dto do anything she wanted to do and be anyone she wanted to be 答案:D细节理解题。根据第四段可知,妮可非常爱自己的祖母,她认为 祖母教给她的人生道理是“做自己喜欢做的任何事,成为任何自己想成为的人” 。 2Nicole praised her grandmother because _. Ashe was considerate Bshe read many books Cshe was hardworking Dshe was talkative 答案:A推理判断题。根据第六段可知,妮可的祖母常常与她聊天,谈论 她遇到的问题,并为她提出建议,由此推断妮可赞扬祖母是个善解人意的人。 3What does the underlined word mean in Paragraph Two? AVisit. BRespect. CAttention. DCare. 答案:B词义猜测题。根据下文的“pay her respects”可知,此处为妮可向不 久前去世的祖母致敬。由此猜测 tribute 与 respect 同义。 4What can we infer from the passage? AGrandmother was very strict with Nicole. BNicole was often late for school. CFans of Nicole were moved by the story of Grandmother. DNicole relied very much on her grandmother in her life. 答案:C推理判断题。根据文章最后妮可粉丝的留言可以判断,粉丝们为 妮可与祖母的亲情故事所感动。 W重点单词 1reveal v. 揭示;透露 2.heartbreak n. 心碎;伤心事 3incredible adj. 极好的;难以置信的 4sympathy n. 同情;赞同,支持 P重点短语 pass on to 传递给 课后课时作业 完形填空 The Internet seems to have become a necessary part in modern life. This is _1_the Internet has a lot of _2_. To begin with, the Internet provides people _3_ lots of information in a very _4_ time. With this easy access _5_ the Internet, searching _6_ information has become easier than ever before. _7_, the Internet _8_ the way people communicate_9_ each other. Email _10_ us to write to our friends and _11_ letters from our friends cheaply and _12_. Furthermore, the Internet has changed business. Ecommerce (电子商务) enables people to do business and go shopping at home easily and conveniently. Finally, the Internet _13_ an important role in peoples education. _14_, the Internet also has some _15_. Cyber crime causes a great _16_ in peoples property. Computer viruses bring us lots of _17_. The trash mail is always a nuisance to everyone. Worst of all, pornography (色情) may do harm to people, especially _18_ people. In a word, every coin has two _19_. But on the whole, it brings people more benefits than harm. It is suggested that a clever use _20_ be made of this modern technique for the benefit of all people. 篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。互联网似乎已经成为现代生活中必不可少的 一部分,它给人类带来很多好处的同时也在造成一些危害。任何事情都有两面性, 只要合理利用,我们可以从网络中获益匪浅。 1A.whyBbecause CwhetherDthat 答案:B前一句提及互联网成为现代生活中必要的一部分,故后一句应讲 其原因。故选 B。 2A.problemsBharm CtroubleDadvantages 答案:D根据下文“To begin with, the Internet provides people _3_ lots of information”可知,这里在介绍网络的优点(advantages)。故选 D。 3A.toBfor CwithDof 答案:Cprovide sb. with sth.是固定短语,表示“给某人提供某物” ,故选 C。 4A.shortBlong CmuchDmany 答案:A表示网络在很短的(short)时间提供给人类很多信息。故选 A。 5A.ofBto CwithDin 答案:B连接网络很容易,access to “进入”是固定短语,故选 B。 6A.toBfor CthroughDoff 答案:B寻找信息比以前更容易。search for 是固定短语,表示“搜索” , 故选 B。 7A.As a resultBLuckily CSoDBesides 答案:Das a result “结果” ;luckily “幸运” ;so “因此” ;besides “另外” 。根据上文的“To begin with”可知,这里在介绍网络的另外一个优点,故选 D。 8A.stopsBkeeps CchangesDhappens 答案:C根据语境和常识可知,网络改变了(changes)人们彼此沟通的方式。 故选 C。 9A.withBto CforDby 答案:Acommunicate with 是固定短语,表示“和某人沟通” ,故选 A。 10A.letsBmakes ChasDallows 答案:Dallow sb. to do sth.是固定短语,表示“允许某人做某事” 。故选 D。 11A.receiveBhear from CpostsDbrings 答案:Areceive “收到” ;hear from “收到某人来信” ,后接 sb.。根据设 空前的“write to our friends and”可知发给朋友信件后再收到(receive)来信。故选 A。 12A.slowlyBquickly Chappily Dsadly 答案:B电子邮件的优点是便宜和快捷。故选 B。 13A.shows Bmakes Cplays Dhides 答案:C网络在人们接受教育方面扮演重要角色。play an important role in 是固定短语,表示“在方面扮演重要角色” ,故选 C。 14A.But BAlthough CHowever DIf 答案:C结合下文内容可知,上下文表示转折,故选 C。 15A.advantages Bsuggestion Cadvice Ddisadvantages 答案:D此处表示网络也有一些缺点(disadvantages)。故选 D。 16A.failure Bnetwork Ckeyword Dloss 答案:D网络犯罪会造成人们的财产损失(loss)。故选 D。 17A.results Btrouble Cinventions Dessays 答案:B电脑病毒会给我们带来很多麻烦(trouble)。故选 B。 18A.young Bold Crich Dpoor 答案:A最糟糕的是色情作品会毒害人们,尤其是年轻人。故选 A。 19A.sources Bdata Cways Dsides 答案:D“every coin has two sides”是谚语,表示任何事情都有两面性。故 选 D。 20A.would Bcould Cshould Dmight 答案:C此处是 It is suggested that . should do 句型,故选 C。 阅读理解 For many kids, the Internet is at their fingertips. From computers to smartphones, a web of information is open to them. According to a new report, about three out of four kids aged 12 to 15 connect the Internet using a mobile device from time to time. Many younger kids are online too. Julian Zeitlinger, 9, from New Jersey, uses his computer to watch videos and play games. To keep him safe online, his parents monitorhis web use and discuss W1 Internet safety with him. “I ask my parents whether something is nice or bad, ” Julian says. Mobile devices offer more ways than ever to share personal information. The information can be dangerous in the wrong hands.A study found that 62% of children aged 8 to 17 have had an unpleasant online experience. Have you ever had to enter a parents email address when signing up for a P1 website? That safety measure is there because of the Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). The law says sites for kids under 13 cannot collect personal information, such as a phone number or full name, without a parents permission. W2 This July, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) will update COPPA for the first time since the law was created in 1998 when there were no smart phones. The nature of the way kids get online has changed, FTC lawyer Phyllis Marcus said. When the changes take effect, COPPA will apply tomobile devices and newer P2 forms of advertising. It will expand what falls under “personal information” to include videos, photographs, and services that give users location. COPPA doesnt cover everything that can go wrong online. That is why kids and parents need to know what to look out for and to stop and think before sharing P3 information online. “There is a misunderstanding that if a site is following COPPA, it is totally safe, ” says privacy expert Shai Samet. He runs kidSAFE, which checks whether a site meets kidSAFE standards and is safe. “Its important that kids know how useful the Internet is but th
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