(2021新人教版)高中英语必修第三册UNIT3 DIVERSE CULTURES SectionⅠppt课件.pptx

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1、第一篇第一篇 教材过关教材过关 Section Listening, Speaking, Talking & Video Time UNIT 3UNIT 3DIVERSE CULTURESDIVERSE CULTURES 文本填空文本填空 用适当的词汇补写教材听说文本。 【Activity 1】Listening and Speaking Talk about the origins of American food 背景导学 对话讨论几种美国食品的起源(Talk about the origins of American food)。美国 听说互动听说互动合作探究合作探究 的多元文化反映在社

2、会生活的各个领域,饮食就是很重要的一个方面。该对 话介绍了四种食品汉堡包、墨西哥玉米片、秋葵汤和福饼,它们都是在 美国本土发明的,但都带有其他民族的饮食风味和特点。 Interviewer:Today our guest is Steve Fox. Hes here to talk about cultural influ- ences on American food. Welcome, Steve! Steve:Thank you. Its nice to be here. Interviewer:When it comes to American food, some say 1. fo

3、od was ev- er invented in America. What do you think? no Steve:Hmm.Thats not really 2. . For example, some say the 3. comes from Hamburg in Germany, but theyre wrong. The recipe for the meat in a hamburger may have come from 4. , but the final hamburger we know today was definitely created by 5. . I

4、nterviewer:You mean there was a 6. of cultures? Food from overseas changed when it arrived in the States. Steve:Right. And there are many more examples of mixed-culture 7. . Like nachos, for example. truehamburger Germany Americans mixing dishes Interviewer:Oh, I just love nachos! Mexican corn chips

5、 covered in cheese! Steve:Yes, theyre delicious, but theyre not 8. Mexican food. The recipe was actually invented by a 9. cook for his American customers. Then there are fortune cookies. Interviewer:What do you mean? Steve:Theyre not Chinese. Interviewer:Youre kidding! But every 10. restaurant in Am

6、erica has them! traditional Mexican Chinese Steve:Yes, but theyre unknown in China. About 100 years ago, someone in San Francisco put a piece of paper with a 11. on it inside a Japanese-style cookie, and the fortune cookie was born! Interviewer:Wow! Thats interesting! So theyre like a 12. of the Chi

7、- nese, American, and Japanese cultures. Steve:You got it.And then we have gumbo, the spicy stew.It was invented in New Orleans over 13. years ago,and mixes French, African,Native American, and Spanish cooking. fortune mix 200 Interviewer:So its the food of many different cultures,all in one dish? S

8、teve:14. .American cooking often mixes things from around the world to make something completely new. 【Activity 2】Listening and Talking Talk about ethnic minority cultures in China 背景导学 该听力文本为外国友人Justin在贵州旅行中与当地朋友Wu Yue的对话。作为 Justin的向导,Wu Yue为他介绍了当地的民俗特色、旅游景点。该听力文本包 Exactly 括两部分,在第一部分, Wu Yue为Justin

9、介绍了苗族乐器芦笙以及苗族手工制 作的银饰。Wu Yue对苗族文化如数家珍,并且表现出强烈的自豪感。在听力 文本的第二部分,Wu Yue继续带领Justin去参观贵州肇兴的侗寨,Wu Yue为 Justin介绍了那里的景点,还提到了侗族大歌表演。 LISTENING PART 1 Justin:Hey, Wu Yue, do you know what kind of 1. these Miao perform- ers are playing? Wu Yue:Yes, its called a 2. , my favourite musical instrument. instrument

10、lusheng Justin:It sounds beautiful. Is it made of 3. ? Wu Yue:Yes. Can you guess when it was invented? Justin:Um.five hundred years ago? I cant tell. I know China has a very long his- tory. Wu Yue:Thats a good guess, but the lusheng actually has a history of over 4. years. Its even mentioned in the

11、oldest collection of Chinese 5. . Justin:Wow, such a long time ago. There must be many beautiful songs. Wu Yue:Yes, indeed, and they all make me 6. . You know, Im a Miao, bamboo 3,000 poetry proud too, and Im really proud of our 7. . Look, the performers are performing the lusheng dance.music Justin

12、:This is great! And I really like the 8. accessories that the girls are wearing. What are they? Wu Yue:Oh, theyre traditional 9. accessories. I can help you buy some as souvenirs if you like. Justin:Great, thanks! I hope theyre not too 10. . Wu Yue:Oh, well, itll depend on the percentage of silver.

13、culture silver handmade expensive LISTENING PART 2 A few minutes later. Justin:Great, now I have my souvenirs. So where are we going next,Wu Yue? Wu Yue:Im taking you to Zhaoxing, a pretty Dong 11. village. Its con- sidered one of Chinas most beautiful villages. Justin:Great. I cant 12. . There must

14、 be a lot to see. Wu Yue:There is. First, Ill take you to see the beautiful drum 13. , and then the wind and rain bridges.The Dong play the lusheng, too. Perhaps youll see minority wait towers them perform the Grand Song of the Dong People. Believe me, youll love it. Justin:Wow, Im really looking fo

15、rward to it now. 【Activity 3】Video Time Worlds Biggest Melting Pot 背景导学 该视频聚焦纽约市皇后区(Queens),展现美国的“熔炉文化”。在皇后区,将 近一半人口出生在其他国家, 居民来自100多个民族,说150多种语言。该视频 包含几位来自不同种族的移民的自述,他们的英语或多或少带着各自母语的 发音特点,视频最后还介绍了一项有趣的研究,用以判断一个地区是否体现多 元性。 Narrator:In todays global village, multiculturalism is 1. . But one neigh- bo

16、urhood in particular claims to be one of the most 2. places in the world. Welcome to Queens, New York. Man:How are you doing? Whats happening? Were all 3. . Who under- stands an immigrant better than an immigrant? Narrator:Almost 4. of the population of Queens was born in another normal diverse immi

17、grants half country. Its residents come from 5. different nations and they speak al- most 150 different languages. No racial or ethnic group is a majority here. There may be other neighbourhoods with even more 6. residents, but only here do we find so many different cultures, nationalities and ethni

18、cities all in one place. Woman 1:I know that, you know, Im from Madras,the southern part of 7. . My parents live there and my grandparents live there. Woman 2:My mums from 8. . And on my fathers side, I am German, 100 foreignborn India South Korea Irish, English, and I think a little bit of Native A

19、merican, but that part Im not sure. Woman 3:My 9. was Puerto Rican and his parents were Puerto Rican and so on and so forth. So, as far as I know, weve always been Puerto Rican. And I feel connected to that and when I look in the 10. I see that and I see my grandmother and my great-grandmother. Its

20、something that I 11. and it s something that Im very protective of. Woman 4:So you have Eastern Europeans. You have Hispanics. You have 12. . You have Arabic. I like that. I like that very much. greatgrandfather mirror cherish Turkish Narrator:A 2001 study measured 13. using a simple idea.How likely

21、 is it that two randomly selected people have different backgrounds? In their study, Queens scored 14. in the United States.As the most diverse community in the most diverse country in the world, its a fair claim. But even if there is no way to prove that its the most diverse place in the world, Queens, New York, is a great example of a 15. pot. diversity highest melting 听力微课听力微课( (三三)做笔记做笔记 记笔记的时候,只需要写下关键词,比如名字、日期和数字。它们会帮助你记 住以后发生的事。为了节省时间和空间,省略所有冠词(a, an, the)并使用缩 写。例如,使用“N.O.”代表“新奥尔良”,“bc”代表“因为”,“yrs”代表 “年份”,“+”代表“和”等。


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