辽宁师大版四年级上册Unit 4Whose football is it -ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-市级优课-(编号:5000e).zip

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Whose football is it? Unit 4 Listen and say Back I can say quickly! GAME OVER Listen and say I can find their homes Back Listen and say _ like a duck_ like a duckwalkwalk What can you do? I can walk. Back Listen and say I can say _ like a robot_ like a robotwalkwalk He has a new robot.He has a new robot. _ robot is _ and _ robot is _ and _._. HisHisblueblueyellowyellow Back Listen and say This is my _. toy car toy car Bobs toy car is _ and _. yellow yellow white white I can say Back Listen and say She has a new kite.She has a new kite. _ kite is _ and _._ kite is _ and _. _ a kite._ a kite. HerHerredredyellowyellow flyfly I can say Back My football is _ and _. Listen and say blackblack What color is your football? whitewhite Look, this is my football. My football is _and _.redredwhitewhite I can say Back Listen and say Whose football is it? Its _. Back Listen and say Whose football is it? I dont know. Its Billys. His football is red and white. Back Listen and say Whose football is it? I dont know. Its Billys. His football is red and white. Back Listen and say _is it? _. Its_. _ football is _and_. Back Game time Drive a car.Drive a car. Walk like a robot.Walk like a robot. Watch and guess. Walk like a duck.Walk like a duck. Back Game time Watch and guess. Kick a ball.Kick a ball. Fly a kite.Fly a kite. Back Game time Listen and match. Kick a ball.Kick a ball. Drive a car.Drive a car. Fly a kite.Fly a kite. Walk like a robot.Walk like a robot. Back Game time Listen and do. Kick a ball.Kick a ball. Drive a car.Drive a car. Fly a kite.Fly a kite. Walk like a robot.Walk like a robot. Back Panda and monkey are kicking a ball. Lets see what happened. Lets act Monkey: Kick the football, Panda! Panda: No problem! Watch me! Monkey: Great! Panda: Oh, no! Grandma Bear: Whose football is it? Is it your football, Monkey? Monkey: No, it isnt. Panda: Its my football. Im so sorry, Grandma Bear. Back Panda: No problem! Watch me! Lets act Monkey: Great! Panda: Oh, no! Monkey: Kick the football, Panda! Back Grandma Bear: Whose football is it? Lets act Is it your football, Monkey? Monkey: No, it isnt. Panda: Its my football. Im so sorry, Grandma Bear. Back Lets act Monkey: Kick the football, Panda! Panda: No problem! Watch me! Monkey: Great! Panda: Oh, no! Grandma Bear: Whose football is it? Is it your football, Monkey? Monkey: No, it isnt. Panda: Its my football. Im so sorry, Grandma Bear. Back Lets act Monkey: _ the football, Panda! Panda: No problem! _ me! Monkey: _! Panda: Oh, _! Grandma Bear: _ is it? _ your football, Monkey? Monkey: No, it _. Panda: Its _ football. Im so _, Grandma Bear. Kick Watch Great no Whose football Is it isnt my sorry Back Its _. Find and say. Whose football is it? Li MingLi MingLiu Gang Liu Gang BobBobXiao Xiao HuiHuiBillyBilly Try to do Back Pair work Its Billys. Billys football is red and white. Whose football is it? Li MingLi Ming Liu GangLiu Gang BobBobXiao Xiao HuiHuiBillyBilly Back Fly My Kite Fly, fly, fly my kite. Fly in the sky. Up and down. Round and round. Dance in the sky. Lets sing Back Fly My Kite Fly, fly, _. Fly _. Up and _. _ and _. Dance _. fly my kite in the sky downRoundround in the sky Lets sing Back 课 题 Unit 4 课 型常规课 时 1 教材分析 1. By using courseware, teaching tools, students can listen, read, say and write these words: kite, robot, toy car, his football. Use them masterly. 2. Through making sentences, asking and answering practice, students can understand and use the patterns “Whose is it? His football is ” 学情分析 1. Using core language of Unit to communicate, ask ,and make the right answer。 2. Use the new words and knowledge of this unit to make a similar story or complete the story. 课程目标 1. Encourage the students to take part in all kinds of class activities, and complete teamwork actively 2. Focus in the study, make the connection between words and things. 学习重点 1. Use “Whose is it? correctly. Can ask, and give the right answer when ask. 2. Grape and use “Lets act.” fluently. 学习难点 1. Can use “his/her” correctly, and make more communication. 2. Pay attention to the pronunciation of “problem”, make more practices. 教具准备word cards, courseware,books, teaching tools. 学 习 过 程二 次 备 课 1、巧妙导入 T: Hello! Boys and girls. Ss: Hello! Miss Li. T: Lets say a chant, OK? Ss: OK! 2、引出主题 T: lets play a guessing game. This is my school bag, guess, whats in it? (there is a toy car ,a robot ,a model football in it. Let the students guess what they are. ) 3、解决难点 (1)T: Whose football is it? S1: I dont know. S2: Is it Toms? T: No, it isnt. (2)T: I think its Billys football . S1: Yes, It is Billys. His football is red and white. 使学生进一 步掌握所学的 核心句型和词 汇,将所学知 识更好的运用 到生活中。 学生在原有的 拼读能力基础 上,在自然状 态下深入英语 语境 4、听音感知 T: Some boys are playing outside. Listen to the tape and try to choose the key words youve heard. 5、默读初始 Read silently and fill in the blanks in groups. 6、朗读探知 Read loudly and answer the questions. 7、听音跟读 Listen and try to read after the tape. 8、角色朗读 1) Read in group 2)Work in pairs. 9、留白处理 留白读,去掉文中关键词让学生填空读。 10、短文示范 T: Let s make a new dialogue Lee: Whose toy car is it? Tom: I dont know. Lee: I think its Billys. His toy car is red and white. 11、学生仿写 Students can imitate it and try to write it down. 建议教师在看 图说话这一环 节,充分调动 学生的积极性, 让学生畅所欲 言,不要刻意 强调或修正学 生的语法或发 音错误。 教师可以知道 学生先独立阅 读,再以小组 讨论的方式完 成判断任务。 12、课堂小结 Today we learn the text and the words: kite, robot ,toy car, his football. 13、布置作业 Ask the students to recite the lesson after class. 14、情感升华 After learning the text, we know how to express useful phrases and use them more. 学生通多阅读 更加熟练的运 用本单元学习 的表示情绪状 态的词汇。 板书设计: Unit 4 kite robot. Whose football is it? toy car. 教学反思:The pronunciation of kite and toy is difficult. The students need more practices.
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