辽宁师大版四年级上册Unit 6It’s on your head-ppt课件-(含教案)-部级优课-(编号:70d0c).zip

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  • 辽宁师大2011课标版三年级起点_四年级上册(2013年7月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 6 It’s on your head_ppt课件_(含教案)_部级优课_(编号:70d0c)
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My name is May. Im your friend today. I have a bag. Its on my desk. I have a shirt . Its on my bed . I have a football. Its on my head. Lets be friends. dress dr dre ss s e I have a _dress. Its_. Wheres my dress? dress dr dre ss s e Its on the sofa. Wheres my skirt? Its on the chair. Wheres my shirt? Its on the bed. Wheres my T-shirt? Its on the desk. T-shirt ti: : t T shirt My T-shirt is _. I like it very much. Wheres my T-shirt? Its on the desk. T-shirt ti: : t T shirt Its in the box. Wheres Toms football? A: Wheres my_? B: Its in/on the _. 用你身边的文具做对话。 Tips: pen pencil eraser ruler bag pencil-box book desk chair box cat hat and apple bag cat dad fat jacket Wheres Dads hat? Its on his head. A: Wheres my_? B: Its in/on your _. A:Oh,yes. Its _ 用你身边的文具做对话。 Tips: pen pencil eraser ruler bag pencil-box book desk chair box RulesRules(规则)(规则): : 快速读出你看到的单词或图片。快速读出你看到的单词或图片。 看到看到 ,就大声喊,就大声喊“ “BoomBoom” ”。 football on the chair on the bed in the box shirt jacket on your head skirt A: Whats this? B: Its a _ A: Wheres my_? B: Its in/on the _. Tom, wheres my hat? Ha! Ha! Its on your head. Oh, yes. Its on my head. Dad, wheres my football? Look! Its in the box. Wheres the schoolbag? Lets sing Where is my white hat? Where is my white hat? Looking here. Looking there. Oh, its just on my bag. Where Is My Hat? Where is my black cat? Where is my black cat? Looking here. Looking there. Oh, its just in my hat. Back Keeping the room tidyKeeping the room tidy(整洁)(整洁) is is good for our study.good for our study. 保持房间整洁保持房间整洁 对我们的学习有好处。对我们的学习有好处。 Homework 1.Write the new words and the sentences. 2.Read the dialogue ,and make a new dialogue with your partner. Unit6 Its on your head. 教学设计 教学目标与策略分析教学目标与策略分析 能听懂、会读、会说本单元核心语言 Wheres my football? Its in the box. Its on your head. 并能在真实的语境中运用。 能听、说、读、写单词 hat, T-shirt, dress 和短语 in the box,并能 正确熟练的运用到句型和对话中。 能正确运用所学介词短语准确表达物品的位置。 能积极、主动与其他学生合作,勇于开口说英语,对所学对话 进行情境再现与拓展。 教学重难点分析教学重难点分析 重点:熟练并正确的运用句型 Wheres.?句型对物品位置进行 提问。 难点:dress 中 dr 字母组合的发音。 教学过程教学过程 一、Warm up T: Boys and girls. I want to introduce myself in a chant. Listen carefully. Ss: OK. T:My name is May. Im your friend today. I have a bag. Its on my desk. I have a shirt . Its on my bed . I have a football. Its on my head. Lets be friends. 教师根据 chant 内容运用 Wheres my?句型向学生提问,引出本课 课题 Its on your head 二、Presentation。 1. 教师创设情境:Today we are going to visit Toms home. Lets put on our beautiful clothes. 接着利用白板出示教师本人的照片,教师为自 己挑选衣服,引出单词 dress。重点强调字母组合 dr 的发音。 2. 教师将连衣裙放在沙发上,询问学生:Wheres my dress? 引导学 生回答:Its on the sofa. 3. 教师利用白板出示班级里一名女同学的照片,这名女同学通过挑 选自己喜欢的衣服,学习单词 skirt。 4. 教师接着出示其他同学的照片,学习单词 T-shirt 。 5. 整体呈现课文,创设情境:Tom is not very happy. He cant find his football. Lets help him. OK? 教师播放课文录音并提出问题:Wheres Toms football?学生通过听音回答问题:Its in the box. 引导学生学 习短语 in the box. 并适当拓展 in the bag/in the desk/in the pencil box 等。 6. 教师请学生在小组内利用身边的文具,运用 Wheres?进行操 练。 7. 教师由单词 cat 引出新单词 hat。并进行拓展男士帽子和女士帽子 的差异。 8. 教师根据文本继续提出问题:Wheres dads hat? 学生再次听课文 录音,回答问题:Its on his head. 9. 教师拿出准备好的帽子,带在自己的头上,故作惊讶的问: Wheres my hat? 引导学生回答:Its on your head. 并请学生利用身 边的文具进行操练。 10. Sing a song. 师生共同演唱本单元歌曲 Where is my hat? 三、Practice. 1. Game time. 教师利用植物大战僵尸的背景音乐,快速闪现学过的单词和词组, 要求学生反映迅速,说出看到的单词及词组。 2. Finding game. 教师将准备好的房间图出示给学生,给学生 10 秒钟的记忆时间,利 用白板的聚光灯功能让学生猜一猜物品的位置,教师也可让学生到 前面运用白板和同学们进行互动。 3. 教师请学生打开书,跟读录音,模仿录音的语音语调。 4. 学生小组内和同伴表演对话并进行全班展示。 四、Production. 1. 计时游戏。 教师利用白板中的计时功能,请学生进行传话游戏,教师为学生准 备好纸条,学生根据纸条上的内容一个传一个的说下去,看哪组用 时最短,说的最准确。 2. 小写作。 学生用本单元学过的句型写一写自己的房间,教师利用白板的展示 功能将写得好的同学的作文进行展示,予以奖励。 五、Summary 1. 学生总结本课所学单词及句型。 2. 情感升华:教育学生要整理自己的房间,保持干净的空间。 六、Homework. 1. Read the dialogue with partners. 2. Help your parents clean the room after school.
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