辽宁师大版五年级上册Unit 8 Would you like some tea -ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-市级优课-(编号:b2a47).zip

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  • 辽宁师大2011课标版三年级起点_五年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 8 Would you like some tea _ppt课件_(含教案+音频)_市级优课_(编号:b2a47)
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    • 五上八单元第一课时素材.mp3
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Fish, fish, Id like some fish. Beef, beef, Id like some beef. Pork, pork, Id like some pork. Chicken, chicken, Id like some chichen. Rice, rice, Id like some rice. Bread, bread, Id like some bread. Food, food, what would you like? Back Lets chant Would you like some fish? Yes,please. No,thanks. Its Sunday afternoon. Linda and Billy are chatting in Li Mings yard. tea / /ti ti:/ :/ Would you like some green tea? Would you like some black tea? Li Ming: Would you like some tea, Linda? Linda: A. Yes, please. B. No, thanks. Listen and say Listen and choose. 听音选择。听音选择。 Back What would Linda like? Listen and say Look and guess Its Sunday afternoon. Linda and Billy are chatting in Li Mings yard. Li Ming: Linda: Li Ming: Orange juice or apple juice? Linda: Orange juice, please. Li Ming: Billy: Mmm delicious! Would you like some tea, Linda? No, thanks. Id like some juice. Would you like some cookies, Billy? Yes, and some milk please. Listen and say Listen and imitate. 听音模仿。听音模仿。 Would you like some watermelon juice? Would you like some peach juice? Would you like some ? Billy would like some_ and _. Listen and say Read loudly and answer. 大声读并回答。大声读并回答。 Back Its Sunday afternoon. Linda and Billy are chatting in Li Mings yard. Li Ming: Linda: Li Ming: Orange juice or apple juice? Linda: Orange juice, please. Li Ming: Billy: Mmm delicious! Would you like some tea, Linda? No, thanks. Id like some juice. Would you like some cookies, Billy? Yes, and some milk please. Listen and sayRead loudly and answer. 大声读并回答。大声读并回答。 Billy would like some_ and _. Listen and say Read loudly and answer. 大声读并回答。大声读并回答。 Back milk /milk/ Would you like some milk for breakfast? Listen and say A water bar Yogurt/jgt/ Would you like some? coffee /kfi/ A water bar -Would you like some? -Yes, please./No, thanks. uncountable nouns不可数名词。不可数名词。 Its Sunday afternoon. Linda and Billy are chatting in Li Mings yard. Li Ming: Linda: Li Ming: Orange juice or apple juice? Linda: Orange juice, please. Li Ming: Billy: Mmm delicious! Would you like some tea, Linda? No, thanks. Id like some juice. Would you like some cookies, Billy? Yes, and some milk please. Listen and say Practice the dialogue with your partner. 同伴练习对话。同伴练习对话。 Its Sunday afternoon. Linda and Billy are chatting in Li Mings yard. Li Ming: Linda: Li Ming: Orange juice or apple juice? Linda: Orange juice, please. Li Ming: Billy: Mmm delicious! Would you like some tea, Linda? No, thanks. Id like some juice. Would you like some cookies, Billy? Yes, and some milk please. Listen and say Can you read? Would you like a/some? Next Sunday. Well have a picnic. Are you happy? Make a survey then make a list. Prepare for the picnic. 做调查然后列张清单,为野餐做准备。做调查然后列张清单,为野餐做准备。 Would you like a/an/some? Yes,ple ase./No,tha nks. What would you like? Id like a/an/ some Can I have a/an/some? Yes, please./ No,thanks. What have you learnt? Summary Orange juice yogurt cookies Apple juice coffee tea milk Ask and answer. Warm-up Would you like some? Which group is the winner? Dont waste food and water. 不要浪费食物和水。 Homework : Make a survey: What kind of drink do students like best? Drink: juice water tea milk yogurt Coke Sprite Goodbye! 一一.Teaching content Unit8 would you like some tea ?是辽师大 2011 年新版小学英语五年级 上第八单元(第一课时)。本课是在学习上单元食物的基础上,运用 would you like some?句型来询问对饮料的需求。为了使学生更好掌握本单元的学习内 容,我利用多种多媒体方式与学生互动,充分调动学生的积极性,使教学内容更 加贴近学生的生活,充分体现学生的主导地位。 二二.Teaching Aims 1. Students can listen, read, write and say the five words: tea, juice, milk, yogurt, coffee. 2. Students can understand and use the sentences “Would you like a/an/some?” “Yes, please. / No, thanks.” 3. Students can listen, read and act out the dialogue, and get to know how to cooperate with their classmates. 4. Students should have a good eating habit and save food and water. 三三Teaching key points Teaching difficulties 1. Teaching key points:Grasp the words about the drinks. Students can ask and answer with the sentences “Would you like a/an/some?” “Yes, please. / No, thanks.” 2. Teaching difficulties: The pronunciation about the word-yogurt. The intonation of “ Would you like some? 四四. The analysis of students. 本节课是五年级上册第八单元第一课时,教授学生学习你想要什么饮料。 五年级的学生经过了两年的英语学习,积累了一定的单词量,本班同学学习英语兴 趣浓厚,擅长与他人用英语进行交流,课堂发言积极、小组活动活跃,同时五年级 的学生富有一定的创造性,教师在课堂上应更多的为学生创设尽量真实的语境,让 学生通过合作探究,相互交流来运用英语,更好的提高学生对于语言的理解、组织 和表达的综合能力。但是在农村小学,受各种因素的影响,学生英语基础相对较差,有 些环节需要教师耐心引导,就要求老师要更细致、更有耐心的对待每个学生。 五五Preparation before class PPT, 展台,教学视频,单词卡片,调查单。 六六. Teaching procedure . Greeting and warm up T: Hello , boys and girls. Ss:Hello, Miss Yin. T: Nice to meet you. S: Nice to meet you , too. T: How are you ? Ss: Im fine. T: Today, Lets learn Unit8Would you like some tea? First, Ill divide you into two groups. Try your best. Are you clear? Ss: Yes. (分组(分组调动学生积极性) 。 T: Lets chant. OK? Ss: OK. (师生说儿歌儿歌,活跃气氛) 。 T: Well done. Sit down, please. . Presentation (1) T: First, Lets enjoy a song. OK? 126 Ss: OK. (食物和饮料歌曲的设计贴近主题。 ) T: Im hungry and thirsty, now. Lets eat and drink something, OK? Ss: OK. T: Lets go. Id like a hamburger. What would you like? 330 Ss: Id like a/some. T: Would you like some fish? (出示核心句型,用旧单词操练新句型) 。 If you want it, you can say Yes, please. If you dont want it, you can say No, thanks.问学生 Would you like some fish? S: Yes, please. / No, thanks. T: It so dry. Would you like some water? Ss: Yes, please. T: They are delicious. Im full now. (2) T: Look! Linda and Billy are eating, drinking and chatting in Li Ming yard. Whats on the table? (用放大镜突显桌子上的东西,吸引学生注意力) 。 Ss: There is an apple. 聚光灯打到茶上。 T: And some tea.课件出示茶的图片,学习 tea。 Would you like some green tea? Would you like some black tea? 采访学生,对 句子进行扩充练习。 Ss: Practice the sentences. (3) T: Would Linda like some tea? Lets listen and answer. Ss: 听录音回答问题。 T: Linda wouldnt like any tea. Well, what would Linda like? Lets listen and imitate. Then answer the question. Ss: 跟读回答问题。 T: Shed like some juice. 学习 juice. T: Orange juice or apple juice? Ss: Orange juice. T: Would you like some cheery juice.? (加入不同的水果果汁复习了旧知识, 操练了新句型。) Ss: Practice the sentences. (4) T: Linda would like some juice. Billy would like some_ and_. Read loudly and answer. Ss: 读课文回答。 (学生到前面填空,使学生充分参与课堂教学) 。1233 T: 出示图片和动图,学习 milk。 Milk is good for our health. Would you like some milk for breakfast ?(在原有句型下不断扩展新句型) 。 Ss: Yes, please. (5) T: Billy would like some cookies and milk. Linda would like some orange juice. Id like some juice, too. There is a water bar. (加入水吧,贴近学生生活,使学生在相应的情景下学 习英语) 。1503 What this? Ss: tea/juice/milk T: Whats this? 学习 yogurt. Would you like some.yogurt? (扩充不同口味的 酸奶,使学生学以致用) 。1612 Ss: Yes, please./ No, thanks. T: Im sleepy. I would like some coffee.PPT 出示咖啡图片,学习 coffee. Would you like some coffee? Ss: No, thanks. T: Its so bitter. We can put some sugar. Would you like some coffee, now? Ss: Yes, please. T:指饮料。 They are drinks. They are uncountable nouns. We should say some tea. Are you clear? (简单讲解语法) 。 Now, It s your turn. Make a dialogue with your partner. Ss:在情景下练习对话。 (培养学生运用英语的能力) 。 (因为以上单词比较简单而且学生已经接触过,所以可以快速进行) 。 (6) T: Well done. Weve learnt so much. Congratulations! You know all the words. Now, can you practice the dialogue with your partner? Ss: Yes, I can. 和同伴练习课文练习课文对话。 .Practice consolidation (1) T: Well done. There are so many food. We should have a good eating habit. Who can design your recipes. Ss: 设计食谱。设计食谱。2409 (PPT 设计新颖调动学生积极性,学生乐于参加,也对学生进行了思想教育。 ) T: Eat healthy food. You can be stronger. (2) T: Now,lets get together. Have a big meal. What would you like? 学生互动,一名学生用放大镜找食物,让学生先熟悉这些食物,老师偷 偷告诉学生箱子里有什么?其他学生问 would you like some/a .?如果答对就加 一分。(充分调动了学生的积极性)。2736 Ss: 做互动游戏。做互动游戏。 (3)T: Next Sunday. Well have a picnic. Are you happy? First, let make a survey. Then make a list. Prepare for your picnic. Ss: 调查并做野餐食物清单并展示。调查并做野餐食物清单并展示。 (给予加分奖励) (既培养了学生的口语交际能力,又培养了学生的动手能力) 。 . Summary 1. T: What have you learnt today? Ss: 总结所学。 T: Did you know the words and sentences? Let me check. (转盘游戏使总结变得生动有趣)。3838 2. Which group is the winner? 3.情感教育:There are some people. They dont have food to eat. They dont have water to drink. So we shouldnt waste the food and water. 39243924 . Homework Make a survey: what drinks do students like best? Drinks: juice water tea milk yogurt Coke Sprite . Blackboard design. Unit 8 Would you like some tea? Yes, please. / No, thanks. juice milk yogurt coffee 七七.Teaching reflection. 教学重难点学生基本掌握,单词、句子、课文掌握的都比较好。而且学生 小组交流的能力有所提高,运用英语的能力也在进步。 但在教学过程中没有充分调动学生的积极性,学生的潜力没有发挥出来。 在后来的活动环节有点匆忙,没有给学生充足的练习时间。下次要合理安排时 间。
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