五年级上册英语-Recycle 1试题人教版PEP(含答案听力音频).zip

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Recycle 1 培优测试卷培优测试卷 时间:40 分钟满分:100 分 题号一二三四五六七八九十十一十二总分 得分 听力部分 (30 分) 一、听录音, 选出你所听到的单词。(5 分) ()1. A. babyB. partyC. many ()2. A. eat B. tea C. meet ()3. A. snow B. slow C. how ()4. A. Monday B. Wednesday C. Friday ()5. A. kind B. polite C. helpful 二、听录音, 选出与你所听内容相符的图片。(5 分) ()1. A. B. ()2. A. B. ()3. A. B. ()4. A. B. ()5. A. B. 三、听录音, 选出合适的答语。(10 分) ()1. A. Mr Smith. B. He is kind. C. I like kind teachers. ()2. A. He is strict. B. He is a teacher. C. He likes noodles. ()3. A. I often watch TV. B. I have a football class. C. I have lunch at home. ()4. A. Yes, I am. B. No, I dont. C. I often draw cartoons. ()5. A. Id like some milk. B. Id like some ice cream. C. Theyre delicious. 四、听录音, 判断句子与你所听内容是(T)否(F)相符。(10 分) ()1. Marys favourite food is sandwiches. ()2. Mary likes tea very much. ()3. Mary has a science class on Friday. ()4. Marys science teacher is strict. ()5. Mary often watches TV on Saturday and Sunday. 笔试部分(70 分) 五、根据图片及首字母提示补全单词。(5 分) 第 1 题图 第 2 题图 第 3 题图 第 4 题图 第 5 题图 1. I would like a s . 2. We like to w TV on Sunday evening. 3. We have Chinese and PE on W . 4. Sarahs favourite food is i . 5. My grandpa is very o . 六、单项选择。(10 分) ()1. _ your mother tall? No, she is short. A. IsB. AreC. Am ()2. I like PE, but I _ like music. A. isnt B. dont C. arent ()3. What do you have _ Thursdays? I have Chinese, maths and computer class. A. at B. in C. on ()4. Id like some _ and beef for lunch. A. hamburger B. hamburgers C. milks ()5. How many _ do you have on Sunday? Two. A. art class B. cook classes C. cooking classes ()6. I often _ on the weekend. You are a helpful girl. A. wash clothes B. play sports C. read books ()7. Can you _ English? Yes, I can. A. say B. speak C. tell ()8. Im _. Id like some tea. A. hungry B. thirsty C. cold ()9. My PE teacher often plays basketball in the morning, so he is _. A. healthy B. polite C. funny ()10. Whats your favourite food? Ice cream. Its _. A. hot B. sweet C. fresh 七、从方框中选择合适的单词完成句子。(有两个多余单词)(5 分) delicious funny finish shy tired clever hot 1. Mr Smith often makes us happy in class. He is _. 2. Robin is a robot. He can speak English and Chinese. He is _. 3. I love beef noodles. Theyre _. 4. Mum is _ today. She cleans the rooms all day. 5. Robin makes me _ my homework. 八、给下列句子选择正确的图片。(5 分) A.B. C.D. E. ()1. I often play football with my friends on the weekend. ()2. We have maths, music, Chinese and English on Monday morning. ()3. My favourite food is salad. Its healthy. ()4. My sister often does her homework in the evening. ()5. Our maths teacher is young and funny. 九、连词成句。(10 分) 1. your teacher Whos music( ? ) _ 2. is sandwiches My favourite fish food( . ) _ 3. reading on Thursdays I two have classes( . ) _ 4. Yang be Mrs Chinese will teacher new our( . ) _ 5. your weekend Do often on you wash clothes the( ? ) _ 十、选择句子补全对话, 将句子序号写在横线上。(5 分) A: 1. _ B: She is very kind. Sometimes she is strict. A: 2. _ B: Yes, I often help her clean our rooms on the weekend. A: 3. _ B: Thank you. 4. _ A: I often cook with my mother. B: Thats great. 5. _ A: Noodles. A. Whats your favourite food? B. Whats your mother like? C. You are helpful. D. What do you often do on the weekend? E. Do you often help your mother at home? 十一、阅读理解。(20 分) (一)阅读短文, 完成个人信息卡。(8 分) Jim is my friend. He is in Willow Primary School. He is eleven years old. Hes tall and helpful. He often helps his parents clean the room on the weekend. His favourite subject is maths. Mr Smith is his maths teacher. He is young and friendly. Jim likes him very much. Today is Thursday. He has beef and sandwiches for lunch. His favourite food is sandwiches. He thinks theyre delicious. He likes playing sports and he often plays football with me on the weekend. Name: Jim Age: 11 years old Character (性格): 1. _ Favourite subject: 2. _ Favourite food: 3. _ Activities (活动) on the weekend: He often 4. _ and _. (二)阅读短文, 完成任务。(12 分) 任务一: 阅读短文, 从方框中选出每段话的关键词, 填到横线上。(4 分) A. teacher B. food C. weekend D. school My name is Amy. Its a sunny Friday. I go to school at 7 oclock. My school is very big and nice. There are many beautiful flowers here. In the morning, I have Chinese, English and music. In the afternoon, I have maths and PE. I love English. And my English teacher is tall and thin. She is young and kind. I have lunch at school. Today I have rice, chicken and vegetables. My favourite food is hamburgers. But they arent healthy. I go home at 4 oclock. Tomorrow (明天) is the weekend. I often draw pictures and watch TV on the weekend. Sometimes I play sports. 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 任务二: 阅读上面的短文, 判断句子正(T)误(F)。(8 分) ()5. Amy has five classes on Friday. ()6. Amys English teacher is kind. ()7. Amy thinks hamburgers are healthy. ()8. Amy often plays sports on the weekend. 十二、写作。(10 分) 假设今天是 9 月 21 日, 星期一, 下雨。请你仿照范文写一篇你自己的日记。 Sept. 10th, Thursday Sunny Today is Thursday. I have Chinese, English, maths and music. I like music. My music teacher is Miss Wang. She is very kind. I have lunch at school. My favourite food is tomatoes. Theyre delicious. Sept. 21st, _ Rainy Today is _. I have _. I like _. My _ teacher is _. He/She is _. I have lunch at school. My favourite food is _. Its/Theyre _. Recycle 1 培优测试卷培优测试卷 听力材料: 一、1. The baby is cute. 2. Have some tea and beef, please. 3. Slow down. Its snowy outside. 4. We have a music class on Friday. 5. Sarah is a clever and polite girl. 二、1. I often do homework in the evening. 2. Mr Wang is my maths teacher. He is young. 3. We have English, Chinese and music on Thursday. 4. My favourite food is hamburgers. 5. Sometimes Jim plays sports on Sunday morning. 三、1. Whos your science teacher? 2. Whats your father like? 3. What do you have on Mondays? 4. Do you often draw pictures in the park? 5. What would you like to drink? 四、 W: Hello, my name is Mary. Salad is my favourite food. My favourite drink is tea. I like Friday. Because I have a science class on Friday. I like our science teacher very much. He is kind and funny. On the weekend I often watch TV with my family. 答案: 一、1. A2. B3. B4. C5. B 二、1. B2. B3. A4. B5. B 三、1. A2. A3. B4. B5. A 四、1. F2. T3. T4. F5. T 五、1. sandwich2. watch 3. Wednesday4. ice cream 5. old 六、1. A点拨: your mother 为第三人称单数,be 动词用 is。 2. B 3. C点拨: 表示“在星期”,介词用 on。 4. B点拨: some 后面的可数名词用复数形式,hamburger 为可数名词需加 s,而 milk 为不可数名词,没有复数形式。 5. C点拨: how many 后面应接名词复数,而烹饪课的表达为 cooking class。 6. A点拨: 根据题干中的 helpful 可知对方是一个愿意帮忙的人,三个选项 中只有 A 项“洗衣服”符合题意。 7. B点拨: 表达“说某种语言”时,要用 speak。 8. B 9. A点拨: 从“体育老师早上经常打篮球”可以推断他很健康。 10. B 七、1. funny2. clever3. delicious4. tired 5. finish 八、1. B2. D3. A4. E5. C 九、1. Whos your music teacher? 2. My favourite food is fish sandwiches. 3. I have two reading classes on Thursdays. 4. Mrs Yang will be our new Chinese teacher. 5. Do you often wash your clothes on the weekend? 十、1. B2. E3. C4. D5. A 十一、(一)1. helpful2. maths3. sandwiches 4. cleans the room; plays football (二)任务一: 1. D2. A3. B4. C 任务二: 5. T6. T7. F8. F 十二、范文: Sept. 21st, Monday Rainy Today is Monday. I have Chinese, maths, science and PE. I like English. My English teacher is Miss Zhang. She is friendly. I have lunch at school. My favourite food is ice cream. Its sweet.
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