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1、人机工程学全册配套最完整精人机工程学全册配套最完整精 品课件品课件1(英文版)英文版) Ergonomics (Human-machine Engineering) ( Human Factor ) Prof. Wang Fengyuan School of Automobile and Transportation Qingdao Technological University In the bygone millennia,ancestors lived in an natural environment their existence virtually depended on the

2、ir hands and their feet they developed simple tools and utensils, and they constructed shelter today, tremendous array of products and facilities with current technology The current interest in human factors arises from the fact that have focused attention (in some cases dramatically) on the need to

3、 consider human beings in such developments. 课程适合专业和课程特性 涉及 产品设计、机构操作、人员的学科 领域 跨学科 跨专业的综合学科 性质及特点 车辆工程专业基础课,服务于设计课程 是设计的基础、不涉及专业知识, 但涉及专业功能和要求 基本概念 基本测量 试验 分析 人机界面设计与分析 理论分析不强 24学时的分配(参照内容安排) (要求 课外任务量较大: 2种主要作业 和 下章内容预习) 汽车专业学习人机工程必要性 汽车是人乘坐、生活和工作空间,设计 的车必须让人满意; 汽车安全的试验、设计、使用、评价都 离不开人机工程; 汽车生产的高效、节

4、能,是汽车人机工 效的重要研究内容 http:/www.umich.edu/ U of Michigan driving/publications.html Automotive Human Factors (Industrial and Operations Engineering 437) This 3-credit course is offered during the fall semester only. Enrollment is 20-30 students. This course is concerned with how to design motor vehicles

5、to make them safe and easy to use, and is intended to prepare students to work for auto industry manufacturers and suppliers. Topics covered include human factors design standards and guidelines, driver demographics, road design and traffic, crash statistics, crash investigation and reconstruction,

6、crash injuries and biomechanics, how to conduct driving studies, driver interface design, vehicle dynamics, driver assistance systems, road roughness and ride quality, occupant packaging and driver anthropometry, and driver vision. About of the lecturers are given by researcher from UMTRI and elsewh

7、ere. There are generally 8 major assignments and no tests. There is no course text or course pack, but many readings on the Ctools site. For more information contact the Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering. Other human factors/ergonomics courses taught at the University of Michigan w

8、ithin Industrial and Operations (IOE) follow. Such IOE courses have 3 as their middle digit. For descriptions, see http:/www.engin.umich.edu/bulletin/ioe/courses.ht ml. http:/www.northeastern.edu/engineeringres earch/cli/ 美国 东北大学 实验室 http:/ a417866f8f8e.html?re=view 百度文库 WHAT IS HMI ? 参考教材References

9、 1)人机工程学,丁玉兰,北京理工大学出版社 2) Human Factors in Engineering and Design (7th Edition, USA ) +中文翻译版 (借阅 8+4) 3)人机工程学,吕志强,机械工业出版社 4)人类工效学,机械工业出版社,等 5)车辆人机工程学,毛恩荣 周一鸣等,机械工业出版社 6)人机工程学,朱序璋,西安电子科技大学出版社 7) 汽车人机工程学,任金东,北京大学出版社,2010 英语讲义英语讲义 Ergonomics ( Human Factors in Engineering and Design) http:/ ftp:/222.19

10、5.242.131 国际人机工程学会:International Ergonomics Association (IEA), http:/www.iea.cc/ 加拿大人机工程学会:Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, http:/www.hfes.org/web/Default.aspx 汽车工程领域人机工程学研究:Transport Ergonomics and Human Factors (TEHF) , http:/www.iea.cc/browse.php?contID=transport 教 学 方法 1双语采用汉语和英语 两种语言进行教学 和

11、有关活动; 2先熟悉中文的主要体系、结构和内容,然后 学习英文教材;或交叉学习有关材料 3既学习课程内容、课程体系,又学习英语和 有关知识的英文表达; 4内容分配:大约1/2中文,1/2英文; 5作业以中文内容为主,参照英文内容完成; 6穿插学习过程中的“设计性作业”; 创造性设计creative work 每人选择一个研究内容 进行创造性设计,自始至终完 成整个项目的设计,完成一个产品的设计,从目的、 内容确定、结构设计、外观设计、布置、内部装饰及 功能设计。可以采用有关软件,如PRO/E等进行设计, 也可采用图板完成产品设计 设计作业围绕着所选择的产品进行设计、调查、资料 查阅、计算等 采

12、用研究性教学设计方法,完成有关内容的设计 设计性作业guide 指导性项目: 工作环境的设计(坐椅、工作台、物体 摆放位置) 工作、生活使用物品的设计:工具、洗 衣机、手机等功能及外型设计等 汽车工作空间的设计(外形、门、窗、 椅、操纵柄、仪表盘等) 参考文献:书,资料,杂志,标准等 指定的设计作业design 题目:汽车人机工程设计(汽车座椅、驾驶室 中的控制部件、面板、空间的设计。) 了解汽车功能、结构,完成人体参数测量 考察、学习、测量各种汽车有关结构的布置 设计座椅和空间 设计控制面板和信号装置 设计操纵、控制器件 完成设计报告和设计方案图样 设计、研讨分组group 轿车: 1 2

13、电动家庭、 3 4 普通家庭、 5 6 高档豪华商务 7 微型、 货车: 8 9 轻、中, 10 11重型 客车: 12 13市内公交 14 15长途客车 共15组,每4人1组,各班长负责协调分组,每班每种类 型尽量均匀分布 设计、研讨分组group 15组,每种车 各2组,班级内或交叉 自然组合 原则:个人和集体 并存,组牵头人、并给成绩 (以参与多少给定,考核对小组工作的贡献) 小组成绩为主 以组为单位随机抽取1人代表单位和个人交流: 内容、结果和过程 每次课至少有2组发言,教师评价设计结果 (可设置组内公共邮箱,组内共享;各组信息发给 教师) 提交材料:Cheliang_ 任务分工sch

14、edule 第1周 写出设计任务书:需求分析、目的、目标、要求、参数、 方案设计或对比、设计过程及结果、结论等 第2周 写出 调查和资料总结-实地调查、查阅 资料、得到发展方向、别人做的结果、整理设 计的基本思路 第3周 写出适合自己身材的驾驶空间及座椅等 第4周 显示装置、操纵装置 第5周 座椅、空间 第6周 安全设计 (10人左右)专项小组活动、整理设计资料 (卓越班小组 项目) 课程研讨性教学环节 1.查资料:根据研究题目需要,查找自己所需要、感兴趣的资料, 或准备作为自己的学习研究项目,以及统一布置的设计作业, 进行实验室或车市现场考察,写出研究设计思路和报告,要提 出自己明确的思路和

15、构想,可以不断修改,每周上交一次研究 报告(小组和个人)。 2.研讨性课程:课程中,分组汇报讨论的小组方案,争取能完成 几个有创意的项目,并在课堂分析、讨论;课程末集体汇报方 案,并总结、印刷设计结果。 3.2次英语学习交流和研究性课程:课程中和课程末,每次约1小 时,应用英语进行交流,提出存在的问题和经验或合理的教学 方法,并写出总结报告,包括:学习内容、教材内容、教学方 法、教学过程、成功和不足。 实践环节-课程实验test 课内0-2小时 课外4-6小时 (规定完成的最后时间) 开放性实验-管理学院实验室或设备 (人体结构、体能、视觉等测量测试) 自己撰写综合实验报告、总结实验结果, 完

16、成自身条件的分析报告 考察或成绩的考核score 研究性学习,设计成果 20% 作业 15% 课堂回答问题的表现及考勤 5% 考试(笔试)成绩 50% 实验 10% 注重效果和平常学习表现注重效果和平常学习表现 学习特点requirement 搞清基本概念、原理和 方法 分析原理的基本应用 运用知识 自行设计相关的操作工具和环境条件 学习方式method 中文、英文课堂讲授 课下自学 作业:研讨+课本内容相关的自我设计作业 实际测试与分析, 创造, 设计 第一章 概论 Introduction 人机工程学 研究人、机械及其工作环境之间相互作用的 学科 人机工程学Ergonomics (Man-

17、Machine Engineering) 工效学工效学 ErgonomicsErgonomicsergon(工作、劳动)nomos(规律、规则)英国规律、规则)英国/ /西西 欧欧 人类工效学 Human Engineering 宜人学宜人学, ,人体工程学人体工程学, ,人机工程学人机工程学 中国中国 人机环境系统工程 人类工程学 Human Engineering 美国美国 工程心理学 Engineering Psychology 宜人学, 人间工学人间工学 日本日本 人的因素Human Factors Engineering 美国美国 人机工程学Ergonomics 前苏联苏联 日常生活

18、中人机学问题日常生活中人机学问题 日常生活中,时时处处都存在着人机学问题,包括日常生活中,时时处处都存在着人机学问题,包括 合理的和不合理的事例。合理的和不合理的事例。 在全面学习本课程之前,环视、巡察、指点一番,在全面学习本课程之前,环视、巡察、指点一番, 使我们概略地了解到,原来有这么多属于人机工程设计使我们概略地了解到,原来有这么多属于人机工程设计 应该关注和解决的问题,心中有数,对学习课程很有好应该关注和解决的问题,心中有数,对学习课程很有好 处。下面只是随意列举一些,简单地把问题所在点出来,处。下面只是随意列举一些,简单地把问题所在点出来, 不多解说。因为进一步分析、研讨,将在以后各

19、章各节不多解说。因为进一步分析、研讨,将在以后各章各节 中陆续展开。中陆续展开。 例例11带带“耳朵耳朵”的垃圾箱的垃圾箱 (a) 北京市推出了一种北京市推出了一种“带耳朵的垃圾箱带耳朵的垃圾箱”(图图1-2), 一个一个“耳朵耳朵”里装有卷纸,供欲吐痰者取用。里装有卷纸,供欲吐痰者取用。 另一个另一个“耳朵耳朵”是投放烟蒂的烟蒂缸;里面装有沙子,是投放烟蒂的烟蒂缸;里面装有沙子, 供人用来抿灭烟头。供人用来抿灭烟头。 这项设计涉及人机工程的多个方面:使用者行为方式这项设计涉及人机工程的多个方面:使用者行为方式 和使用者心理的调查和研究、产品和使用者心理的调查和研究、产品(垃圾箱垃圾箱)与人体

20、尺寸与人体尺寸 的适应性、产品与环境因素、产品与环卫工人、等的适应性、产品与环境因素、产品与环卫工人、等 近年来应用并推动人机工程研究的项目 计算机 鼠标、键盘、屏幕、界面 汽车 外观、色彩、座椅、仪表、操 纵、感觉、。 小结小结 大学生活环境中的人机学问题比比皆是大学生活环境中的人机学问题比比皆是:床柜转椅、床柜转椅、 寝室水房、电脑手机寝室水房、电脑手机 、超市网吧、实习工厂、银行邮、超市网吧、实习工厂、银行邮 局、实验市、图书馆、运动场局、实验市、图书馆、运动场. 总之,总之,日常生活日常生活 中的人机学问题无处不在中的人机学问题无处不在。 Phenomena Have you ever

21、 used a tool, device, appliance, or machine and said to yourself: What a dumb way to design this; it is so hard to use! If only they had done this or that, using it would be so much easier. If you have had such experiences, you have already begun to think in terms of human factors considerations in

22、the design of things people use. HUMAN FACTORS DEFINITION Name: Human factors is the term used in the United States and a few other countries. The term ergonomics, although used in the United States, is more prevalent in Europe and the rest of the world. Another term that is occasionally seen (espec

23、ially within the U.S. military) is human engineering. Finally, the term Engineering Psychology心理学is used by some psychologists in the United States. For all practical purposes, the terms are synonymous.同义词 We approach the definition of human factors in terms of its focus, objectives and approach. FO

24、CUS of Human Factors Human factors focuses on human beings and their interaction with products, equipment, facilities, procedures, and environments used in work and everyday living. The emphasis is on human beings (as opposed to engineering, where the emphasis is more on strictly technical engineeri

25、ng considerations) and how the design of things influences people. Human factors seeks to change the things people use and the environments in which they use these things to better match the capabilities, limitations, and needs of people. Objectives of Human Factors The first objective is to enhance

26、增强the effectiveness and efficiency with which work and other activities are carried out. Included here would be such things as increased convenience of use, reduced errors, and increased productivity. The second objective is to enhance certain desirable human values, including improved safety, reduc

27、ed fatigue疲 劳and stress, increased comfort, greater user acceptance, increased job satisfaction, and improved quality of life. It may seem like a tall order to enhance all these varied objectives, but two things help us. First, only a subset of the objectives are generally of highest importance in a

28、 specific application. Second, the objectives are usually correlated. For example, a machine or product that is the result of human factors technology usually not only is safer, but also is easier to use, results in less fatigue, and is more satisfying to the user. Approach of Human Factors The appr

29、oach of human factors is the systematic application of relevant information about human capabilities, limitations, characteristics, behavior, and motivation to the design of things and procedures people use and the environments in which they use them. 人机工程学的定义 美国Charles C Wood定义:设备设计必须 适合人的各方面因素,以便在

30、操作上付 出最小的代价而求得最高效率。 WBWoodson定义:人机工程学研究的 是人与机器相互关系的合理方案,亦即 对人的知觉显示、操作控制、人机系统 的设计及其布置和作业系统的组合等进 行有效的研究,其目的在于获得最高的 效率及作业时感到安全和舒适。 美国人机工程学及应用心理学家 Chapanis定义:人机工程学是在机械 设计中,考虑如何使人获得操作简便而 又准确的一门学科。 ( modified slightly from Chapanis 1985) Human factors discovers and applies information about human behavior

31、, abilities, limitations, and other characteristics to the design of tools, machines, systems, tasks, jobs, and environments for productive, safe, comfortable, and effective human use. 国际人类工效学学会(International Ergonomics Association,IEA)为本学科的定义(权威、全面): 研究人在某种工作环境中的解剖学、生理学和 心理学等方面的因素; 研究人和机器及环境相互作用; 研

32、究在工作中、家庭生活中和休假时怎样统一 考虑工作效率、人的健康、安全和舒适等问 题的学科。 辞海 年定义 人机工程学是一门新兴的边缘学科。 它是运用人体测量学、生理学、心理学、 和生物力学以及工程学等学科的研究方 法和手段,综合地进行人体结构、功能、 心理以及力学等问题研究的学科。 用以设计使操作者发挥最大效能的机械、 仪器和控制装置,并研究控制台上各个 仪表的最适位置 Definition Discussion Commitment作为,许诺to the idea that things, machines, etc. are built to serve humans and must b

33、e designed always with the user in mind. Recognition of individual differences in human capabilities and limitations and an appreciation for their design implications Conviction that the design of things, procedures, etc. influences human behavior and well-being Emphasis on empirical data and evalua

34、tion in the design process Reliance on the scientific method and the use of objective data to test hypotheses and generate basic data about human behavior Commitment to a systems orientation and a recognition that things, procedures, environments, and people do not exist in isolation 其他 通俗general 定义

35、,eg. http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human-machine_system 维基百科 网 Humanmachine system is a system in which the functions of a human operator (or a group of operators) and a machine are integrated. This term can also be used to emphasize the view of such a system as a single entity that interacts with ext

36、ernal environment. A manual system consists of hand tools and other aids which are coupled by a human operator who controls the operation. Operators of such systems use their own physical energy as the power source. The system could range from a person with a hammer to a person with a super- strengt

37、h giving exoskeleton外骨骼 . Human machine system engineering is different from the more general and well known fields like humancomputer interaction and socio-technical engineering in that it focuses on complex, dynamic control systems that often are partially automated (such as flying an airplane). i

38、t also studies human problem-solving in naturalistic settings or in high- fidelity simulation environments. humanmachine choreography舞蹈编排 The area of humanmachine choreography is yet to be extensively explored. How body-structure can be extended through machine mechanisms points to how the body can

39、perform beyond its biological form and functions as well as beyond the local space it inhabits. How human movement is transduced into machine motion and then can be both expressed and extended into virtual performance on the web promises new possibilities in both conceptual approach and aesthetic ap

40、plication. For example, incorporating virtual camera views of the performing humanmachine system enriches the choreography and intensifies the artistic result. 自己的观点Personal viewpoint /Understanding 人机工程学 设计/研究 在设备或工具的功能和要 求确定后, 在以人为本的思想指导下, (综合考虑人的各项因素、 能力和需求) 实现各种功能,并完成机 构系统的设计 已知:功能及其 要求 Function

41、 要求:满足人的 需要 Human requirement 结论:完成各种 设计 Design 人机工程学的起源与发展人机工程学的起源与发展 起源于欧洲起源于欧洲 形成于美国形成于美国 发展于日本发展于日本 作为一门独立学科的历史已有作为一门独立学科的历史已有50余年余年 原始人机关系 经验人机工程学 科学人机工程学 现代人机工程学 A HISTORY OF HUMAN FACTORS To understand human factors, it is important to know from where the discipline came. It is not possible,

42、however, to present more than just a brief overview of the major human factors developments. 1. Early History 2. 1945 to 1960: The Birth of a Profession 3. 1960 to 1980: A Period of Rapid Growth 4. 1980 to 1990: Computers, Disasters, and Litigation 5. 1990 and Beyond Early History human factors star

43、ted when early humans first fashioned simple tools and utensils it begins in the industrial revolution of the late 1800s and early 1900s. work in motion study and shop management: study of skilled performance and fatigue疲劳and the design of workstations and equipment for the handicapped障碍. hospital s

44、urgical procedure :a surgeon obtains an instrument by calling for it and extending his or her hand to a nurse who places the instrument in the proper orientation. Prior to the work, surgeons picked up their own instruments from a tray. The major emphasis of behavioral scientists through World War II

45、 was on the use of tests for selecting the proper people for jobs and on the development of improved training procedures. The focus was clearly on fitting the person to the job. During World War II, however, it became clear that, even with the best selection and training, the operation of some of th

46、e complex equipment still exceeded the capabilities of the people who had to operate it. It was time to reconsider . 1945 to 1960: The Birth of a Profession US Air Force and US Navy established psychology laboratories at the end of the war in 1945 company was formed to do engineering psychology cont

47、ract work In 1949 the Ergonomics Research Society (now the Ergonomics Society) was formed in Britain, and the first book on human factors was published In 1957 US the journal Ergonomics appeared the Human Factors Society was formed Division 21 (Society of Engineering Psychology) was organized the fi

48、rst edition of this book was published In 1959 the International Ergonomics Association was formed to link several human factors and ergonomics societies in various countries around the world. 人机工程学的发展 经验人机工程学(20世纪初世纪初二次大战)二次大战) 从Taylor的科学管理方法和理论的形成 到 第二次世 界大战之前, 研究内容:研究每一职业的要求;利用测试来选择 工人和安排工作;规划利用人

49、力的最好方法;制订 培训方案,使人力得到最有效的发挥;研究最优良 的工作条件;研究最好的管理组织形式;研究工作 动机,促进工人和管理者之间的通力合作。 在经验人机工程学发展阶段,研究大都是心理学心理学家 改革工具、改善劳动条件和提高劳动效率成为最迫 切的问题, 机械设计的的主要着眼点在于力学、电学、热力学机械设计的的主要着眼点在于力学、电学、热力学 等工程技术的原理设计上;等工程技术的原理设计上; 选择和培训操作者为主,使人适应于机器 查理卓别林 Charles Chaplin电影 摩登时代 Modern Times - (1936) 电影的表现手法: 蒙太奇手法 . 蒙太奇方法,就是把两个或

50、者多个元素合成一个具有全新内容的 方法。 接近联想。是通过同一、同时或相继成立的条件反射将空间、 时间相接近的镜头连贯起来,从而引人联想并思忖其内涵。比如 在摩登时代开始的镜头里,先是羊群拥挤在一起走过, 紧接着是一大群工人拥挤着走进工厂,形式接近、行为接近, 给人一种想哑然失笑的感觉,同时又使人对那个造成“机械化” 的社会变态的深深思索。 卓别林自己评论说:那部电影是从一个抽象的概念批评我们 的机械化生活方式发展而来的 查理卓别林 Charles Chaplin电影 摩登时代 Modern Times - (1936) 电影的表现手法: 蒙太奇手法 . 蒙太奇方法,就是把两个或者多个元素合成


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