(2021新牛津译林版)高中英语必修第一册期末复习专练(完成句子及翻译) .docx

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(2021新牛津译林版)高中英语必修第一册期末复习专练(完成句子及翻译) .docx_第1页
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1、1 译林新教材 高一必修一 完成句子、翻译部分 (二) 第一部分完成句子 1. 她想尽力提高自己的成绩(effort) her grade. 2. 是我而不是你对这起交通事故有责任。 (responsible) It is I rather than you who 3. 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。 Confusion. 4. 地板上是一摞书,杂志和报纸。倒装 (pile) 5. 好的学习习惯、有用的技能、积极的态度同等重要。 (倒装) 6.有时候夫妻之间的争论会变成一场战争。 Sometimes argument between the wife and husband will. 7.在

2、这件事情上我和她意见不一致。 I donton this matter. 8.两国之间的紧张局面可能持续。 is likely to remain. 9.这样你既能省去一个大麻烦,还能省下一大笔钱。 You may save yourselfand a lot of money, too. 10.在批评和赞扬之间有一个中间观点。 Between criticism and praise is a. 11.他对财富充满渴望。 He haswealth. 12.是什么导致了他们婚姻的破裂? What led to? 13.在我看来,你应该冷静下来认真思考。 ,you shouldand think

3、 it over. 14.我想偶尔休息一下。 I want to. 15.他们总是对我指手画脚。 Theyre alwayssomething. 16.似乎我的成绩是她生命中最重要的东西。 my grades are the most important thing in her life. 17.我们都感觉很好,因为我们不必去市中心从妈妈的银行账户里取钱。 2 We all felt very good because we did not have to go downtown and Mamas Bank Account. 18.每个星期六晚上,妈妈都会坐在厨房的桌子旁数爸爸带回家的钱。

4、 Every Saturday night Mama would sit down by the kitchen table andPapa had brought home. 19.从那以后,他学习很努力。 Hesince then. 20.不管是赢是输, 这都是她的最后一次机会。 ,this is her last chance. 21.我看到他正在打电话。 I see him. 22.孩子该睡觉了。 . 23.不要松开绳子,否则你会摔下来的。 Dontthe rope,or youll fall. 24.即使你也许不会喜欢那些答案,也要问她那些问题。 Ask her questions,

5、. 二、句子翻译 1. 把大目标分解成小目标是同等重要的。 (of equal importance, 倒装句) 2. 有规律的锻炼有助于我们的身体健康.(contribute to) 3.久而久之,你会发现和别人争论时没有意义的。 4.令我吃惊的是,原来是我错了。 (amazement, turn out) 5. 应付那些总是因小事缠着父母的孩子可能是是件头疼的事。 6. 青少年的身心变化可能导致家庭关系紧张。 (result) 7. 2007 年大城市的房价飞速增长。 (shoot) 3 8. 建立在信任基础之上的关系是长久的。 (base) 9. 这次讨论集中在三个主要问题上。 (foc

6、us) 10.你应该设置清晰的目标, 并平衡你的学业和其他活动。 (balance) 答案 1.She made an effort to improve 2.am responsible for the accident 3.Learning without thinking leads to confusion; thinking without learning ends in puzzlement 4.On the floor are piles of books, magazines and newspapers. 5.Of equal importance are good stu

7、dy habits, useful skills and positive attitude. 6.turn into a battle 7.see eye to eye with her 8.The tension between the two countries 9.a big headache 10. middle ground 11. a strong desire for 12. the breakdown of their marriage 13. From my point of view; calm down 14. take a break once in a while

8、15. on my back about 16. It seems as if 17. draw money out of 18. count out the money 19. has studied hard 20. Whether she wins or loses 21. making a phone call 22. Its time for the children to sleep 23. let go of 24. even if you might not like the answers 二、句子翻译 1.Of equal importance is breaking bi

9、g goals down into small ones. 4 2.Regular exercise contributes to our physical and mental health 3.Over time, you will find thers is no point in arguing with others. 4.In my amazement, it turned out that I was wrong. 5.It can be a headache to rise to those children who are always on their parents ba

10、ck about small things. 6.Teenagers physical and mental changes may result in family tensions. 7.In 2007, house prices shot up in big cities. 8.The relationship(relationships) based on trust can last for a long time. 9.The discussion focused /focuses on three main problems. 10.You should set a clear goal /clear goals and balance your schoolwork with other activities.


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