人教版(新起点)二年级上册Unit 6 Happy Holidays-lesson 1-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-(配套课件编号:b1146).doc

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人教版(新起点)二年级上册Unit 6 Happy Holidays-lesson 1-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-(配套课件编号:b1146).doc_第1页
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人教版(新起点)二年级上册Unit 6 Happy Holidays-lesson 1-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-(配套课件编号:b1146).doc_第5页
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1、Unit6 Happy Holidays Lesson1 设计理念:设计理念: 1. 面向全体学生,关注语言学习者的不同特点和个体差异,重视低年级孩子兴趣的培养; 2. 充分考虑语言学习的渐进性和持续性,依照学习理论中的最近发展区理论以及语言习得中的“输 入、输出与互动假说理论”,尤其是克拉申(Stephen D. Krashen)的“习得假说”(acquisition-learning hypothesis)与 i+1 公式,尽可能的为孩子提供潜意识习得的机会,将重点放在聚焦语意的可理解交 际任务上,并在有效的输出与互动中打磨语言。 3. 强调学习过程,重视语言学习的实践性和应用性。注重孩子

2、的语言应用,在不同生活情境中的使 用与迁移。 教材分析:教材分析: 二年级上教材是学生接触英语的第三本教材,学生们通过一年级两本书的学习,具备了初步的单 词和句型的感知和语言储备;本册教材将慢慢引导引导孩子开口说英语。 本单元是第六单元,主题是节日,前五个单元分别学习了家庭、性别、朋友、社区、公园的相关 内容,句型主要学习了“Whos he/she ?He/She is my” “Whats his/her name?His/Her name is”“Whats does he/she look like? He/She is”“Where are you going? Im going to

3、”“There is/are ”, 本节课是第六单元第一节课,这一课包含了圣诞节的相关单词和简单问答的功能句。希 望通过本节课的学习,孩子们能听懂会说与圣诞节有关的词汇、圣诞节祝福语及赠送礼物的功能句。 初步了解有关圣诞节的文化背景。并通过了解有关圣诞节的知识,进一步激发学生学习英语的兴趣, 提高使用英语进行交际的积极性。 学情分析:学情分析: 二年的孩子经过一年的学习,对英语语言有了初步的感知和储备。同时,二年级的孩子注意力集 中时间较,容易分散注意力,活泼好动,适宜借助有趣的活动,如歌谣、TPR 活动或者游戏,运用实 物、图片、录音、录像等多种媒介,帮助学生感知、模仿并习得语言。 教学目标

4、:教学目标: 1知识目标:知识目标: 1)听懂会说关于节日的五个词汇:Christmas,Father Christmas,Christmas tree,card,present 2)听懂会说圣诞节问好和给对方礼物的功能句:Merry Christmas.Here is a present for you. 并用 You too!Thank you. 做出正确回答。 2能力目标:能力目标: 1)通过课堂的学习,学生们能听懂会说关于圣诞节的词汇。 2)通过操练,能够进行关于圣诞节的问候。 3)可以将语言自然融入生活情境,并进行准确、自然、大方地展示与表演。 3情感目标:情感目标: 1) 在课堂活

5、动中,调动学生的学习热情,激发学生英语学习的兴趣。 2) 培养孩子大胆模仿、自然表述英语的习惯,好学、互助、合作学习的意识,热爱生活并热爱用 英语表述生活的感情。 教学准备:教学准备: 1. 圣诞装扮。 2. 装有卡片和礼物盒子的袋子。 3. 自制教学课件。 教学重点:教学重点: 1能听懂会说关于圣诞节的词汇。 2能够进行关于圣诞节的问候。 3听懂会说给礼物的功能句,并能在不同情境下自然迁移。 教学难点:教学难点: 1. Christmas 的发音。 2. “Thank you.” 句子开头的咬舌音。 教学过程:教学过程: (一)热身复习(一)热身复习 文化感知文化感知 (出示儿童节、新年、中

6、秋节和圣诞节的图片) T:Class begins. Hello boys and girls. S:Hello Miss Zhao. T:How are you? S:Im fine. Thank you, and you? T:Im fine too. Now, lets sing a song.Is he happy ? S:Yes, he is . T:Are you happy today? S:Yes./No.(Why? Dont worry, everything will be OK.) T:Im happy too. Im your teacher. I love you.

7、(手势) So Im very happy. Look at these pictures. (PPT 出示 holiday 假日)Are they happy? S:Yes, they are. T:Why? What holidays are they? S:They are(Its) Childrens Day, Chinese New Year,Mother s Day. T:They are all holidays. We can have a rest and play on holidays. T:Do you like holidays? S:Yes,I do./ No,I

8、dont. T: Are you happy on holidays?(PPT 出示 happy 和笑脸) S:Yes,I am. T:Me too! Today well learn Unit6HappyHolidays.(读两遍) 设计意图设计意图: 热身复习,新旧知识进行连接。 (二)话题推进(二)话题推进 学习新知学习新知 1. Presentation 1)T:Listen and think. What holiday is it? (PPT 播放英语歌曲 We wish you a merry Christmas P56 补 充歌曲) T:What holiday is it?

9、S:Its Christmas! T:Yes. Its Christmas! (板书)Many countries have Christmas.Who can fill in the blanks? 1、There are 224countries(国家)and regions(地区) in the world.(PPT) 2、About 109countries (国家)have Christmas. 3、When is Christmas Day?Its on Dec25th. T:Now Lets read.(PPT 小喇叭三遍)Look at “t”. It doesnt make

10、any sounds. Who can read?(多名同学) S: 单人读、小组读、竖列读、一起读 T: Merry Christmas! S:You too! (单独叫两名同学对话) T: Now work in pairs. T:Who can say?(3 组) 2)T:Wow good little boy/girl! There is an important man on Christmas Day.You all love him. Listen and guess who is it?(播放 PPT 铃儿响叮当视频)Who is it? S:Father Christmas.

11、 T:Yes. Father Christmas.(出示圣诞老人图片,粘黑板上) (PPT 小喇叭正音全体跟读两遍划出发音 曲线) Who can read?(3 名) S:男生读,女生读,齐读。 T: Good!Look ,a Father Christmas hat. Lets play “Listen、Pass and Say”Are you ready?Go! “Father Christmas,Father Christmas,I m Father Christmas.(PPT 出示) ” S:说三遍. 3)T: There are three important things on

12、 Christmas Day. What are they?Do you know? S:They are Christmas tree、present and card. T:Yes,a Christmas tree. (拿出圣诞树图片粘黑板上) (竖列依次读,齐读) (板书) T: Look(PPT 出示 chant 配鼓点)Work in groups. Read the chant. S:Tree,tree,a Christmas tree,this is a Christmas tree. T: Who can read?(3 遍) 4)T: Look,a presente、e、e

13、/e/ /e/ /e/ present 把食指放在牙齿中间示范口形大小 (PPT 喇叭正音) T: Who can read?(6 名) S: 数列轮流读、小组读、齐读。 (板书) T: (将礼物推向学生方向)Dear children,here is a present for you. (如果学生不知道如何回答则说 Say thank you. ) S:Thank you! T:Good job! (ppt 出示句子 Here is a present for you. Thank you! ) S:跟读正音。 T:“th” / / Thank you! S: 个别读、男生读、女生读。 T

14、:Good!Read them two times.(同时板书句子) T:(6 个同学发礼物)Here are some presents for you. Who can send the presents to students? S:A:Here is a present for you. B:Thank you! 5)T: Ok. Here is a big present for you. (黑板上画出卡片的花边)Whats this? S:Its a card. “ar”/a:/ (PPT 喇叭正音)跟读两遍(板书) T: Who can read?(3 名) S:小组读、齐读。

15、T: Here is a card for you. S:Thank you. T:You are welcome. (三)(三)语用实践语用实践 巩固新知巩固新知 1. Listen and chant(看视频 跟视频读一遍 自己读 角色扮演) T: Boys and girls, do you knowAndy ?Hes a boy. His face is black.Andy is waiting for the Father Christmas. Do you want to know what he said to the Father Christmas? S:Yes. T:OK

16、. Listen to the text. (播放 P46Listen) (先听) Lets repeat.(跟读课文) 2.Read text T: Super! Lets read text together. Read two times. T: Work in groups. One student acts Father Christmas. One student acts Andy. Two students act mother and grandma. T:Who wants to read?(3 组) 3.分角色读文 T:Who can actFather Christma

17、sAndyMum Grandma?(4 组) Good job!Little boys and girls. 4. Revision: act and say. T: Here is a dialogue. Now I take out a card. How do you fill in the blanks?work in groups.(PPT 出示对 话,拿 card 举个例子) T:There are some presents in the basket. Lets make a dialogue like this. work in groups. (每组一个装礼物的袋子里面有

18、cat、bear、plane、card、flowers 等)小组合作练习 A: Hello!How are you? B: Fine, _!And you? A: Im _,too. Merry Christmas! B: _! A: Here is a_ for you. B: Thank you! T:Who wants to come here ?Super stars! 设计意图设计意图: 通过真实的情境运用所学句子,并采用游戏的方式来增加趣味性,吸引注意力,提高参 与度,在游戏中练习能够熟练使用功能句。 5. Chant Heresa chant for you. Watch and

19、 listen. (播放 chant 动画) Merry Christmas,little boy!Heres a card for you. Thank you. Thank you.Father Christmas . Merry Christmas to you! Merry Christmas,little girl!Heres a card for you. Thank you. Thank you.Father Christmas . Merry Christmas to you! Merry Christmas,boys and girls! Heres a Christmas

20、tree for you. Thank you. Thank you.Father Christmas . We all love you! 设计意图设计意图: 层层递进,整体感知情境与语言,在情境中体会功能句,并进行一定程度的模仿,先会 答后会问。 (四四)探究学习探究学习 1.西方圣诞节习俗 T:Here is a reading comprehension for you. Read in groups. It is Christmas. Peter is very happy. Look! Whats in his room? A big Christmas tree, its gre

21、en and tall. What are on the table? There are some apples、 juice、Christmas cake and a big turkey, (火鸡) too.Look at Peters present. Its a black toy car. He likes it very much. There are some cards on the table, too. They are for Peters friends. Peters father and mother are very happy. Its a happy Chr

22、istmas Day. T: OK. Lets have a competition. Choose the right pictures as quickly as you can. 1)There is a big Christmas tree. 2)What arePeters Christmas food? 3)There are some cards on the table. 4)Whats Peters present? 设计意图设计意图: 将知识与生活相链接,生活实践类作业提高孩子兴趣,扩展孩子知识,操练孩子语言。 布置作业布置作业 Learn to say the Christmas chant on page 56. 板书设计:板书设计: Unit6Happy Holiday FatherChristmastreeA:Merry Christmas!B:You too! A:Here is a present for you. B:Thank you! present/ e/card/a:/


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