人教版(新起点)四年级上册Unit 4 Asking for Help-Story Time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-部级公开课-(编号:b0191) - 副本.zip

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绕口令 The driver was drunk and drove the doctors car directly into the deep ditch. 这个司机喝醉了,他把医生的 车开进了一个大深沟里。 Unit 6 Jobs Story time fireman What other jobs do you know? What other jobs do you know? singer What other jobs do you know? football player Lets listen to a story about jobs. Lets watch the video and think about : What is a great job for the monkey? What is a great job for the monkey? Football player is a great job for the monkey. I want a job. You can be a fireman. I am too small. I want to be a fireman, but I cant. I know. You can be a taxi driver. I am too short. I want to be a taxi driver, but I cant. You can be a singer. Oh, you cant be a singer. You can be a football player. This is a great job for me. Repeat the story. Lets read. Lets read the story in pairs. Pair work Lets play. Make A Breakthrough (智力大闯关智力大闯关) Jobscancantreason(原因原因) fireman Fill in the form and blanks. taxi driver singer football player too small too short is not good at singing is good at playing football 例:1.He wants to be a _.He is too_. So he cant be a _. firemansmall fireman 2.He wants to be a _.He is too_. So he cant be a _. taxi drivershort taxi driver 3.He wants to be a _.He is not good at _. So he cant be a _. 4.He wants to be a _. He is good at _. So he can be a _. singer singing singer football player playing footballfootball player Round1(第一关 ) Group work Lets dub(配音 ). Round2(第二关 ) Imagine(想象) you are the monkey and the parrot. Look at the pictures and dub the story. Try your best to imitate(模仿)the tones(语气) of the monkey and the parrot. Round3(第三关) Lets act. Lets enjoy a video:White Whale Show Harbin Polar Museum(哈尔滨极地馆) Job fair Lets write. Hello! Im Maggie. I like animals. Im good at swimming. So I want to be an animal trainer in the future. Its so cool. A resume(简历 ) Hello! Im_. I like_. Im good at_. So I want to be a _in the future. Its so _. Please write your own resume. Lets write. Hello! Im Maggie. I like animals. Im good at swimming. So I want to be an animal trainer in the future. Its so cool. A resume(简历 ) Hello! Im_. I like_. Im good at_. So I want to be a _in the future. Its so _. Please write your own resume. BeBe hardworkinghardworking andand makemake youryour dreamsdreams comecome true.true. 努力学习,追逐努力学习,追逐梦想梦想 项目项目 我能认真听讲,积极举手发言我能认真听讲,积极举手发言; 我能运用所学句型,认真思考我能运用所学句型,认真思考 并回答提出的问题;并回答提出的问题; 我能与伙伴合作,运用所学的我能与伙伴合作,运用所学的 内容进行练习;内容进行练习; 在课上听读环节中能大声朗读在课上听读环节中能大声朗读 ,并能表演故事。,并能表演故事。 great OKtry hard 1.Tell this story to your parents. 2.Search the other words or phrases of jobs and write them down. 3. What do you think of yourself? (你认为你的表现怎样你认为你的表现怎样?) Homework Homework Lets play a guessing game. Is he/she a ? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt. No, she isnt. She is a nurse. I work in the hospital every day. The doctors and patients (病人)(病人)need my help. People call us “angels(天使天使) in white”. Is she a doctor? Sometimes I work in the street. I often help people. I often catch(抓) the thieves(小偷). Is she a police officer? Yes, she is. She is a police officer. I get up early every day. I study and play with my friends. I go to school from Monday to Friday. Yes, she is. She is a student. Is she a student? Is he a ? Yes, he is./ No, he isnt. Pair work A: What do you want to be in the future? B: I want to be a cook/nurse Lets dub(配音 ). job; fireman small; cant taxi driver short; cant singer; football player great Round2(第二关 ) Lets write. Hello! Im_. I like_. Im good at_. So I want to be a _in the future. Its so _. A resume(简历 ) Listen to the story again. Work in groups. 1.What is the monkeys job? 2.What is the monkeys first job? 3.Why the monkey cant be a taxi driver? 4.What is the monkeys third job? Hes a football player. Hes a fireman. Because he is too short. Hes a singer. 5.Is the monkey happy? 1 基于课程标准目标、教学、评价一致性的 实践与思考 四年级上册 Unit6 Jobs Story time 的教学设计 一.目标确立依据 1.1. 课程标准课程标准 级 别 维度目标描述 五维目标(第 二部分的分级 目标) 对英语有好奇心,喜欢听他人说英语。能 做简单的角色表演。能在图片的帮助下听 懂和读懂小故事。在学习中乐于模仿,敢 于表达,对应于具有一定的感知能力。对 学习中接触的外国文化习俗感兴趣。 听做 4.能在动作和图片的提示下听懂简 单的小故事并做出适当反应。 说唱 5.能根据图、文猜测意思,说出词 句。 玩演2.能做简单的角色表演。 一 级 目 标 语言技能(第 三部分的分级 目标) 读写3.能在图片简单的帮助下读懂的小 故事。 2 视听能看懂语言简单的英语动画片。 2.2.教材分析教材分析 四年级上册 Unit6 主要功能是询问某人将来的职业理想以及简单 介绍自己将来想从事的职业。Story Time 位于本单元的最后一课,通 过小故事复习本单元重点词句和对话,因此是一节故事的复习课。本节 课需要重点复习的语言知识点有新扩展出的单词 fireman、singer、football player, 2 个旧句式 I am.I want to be.一个新句式 You can be.以旧代新,新单词与新句式相对来说没 有难度,学生易于理解。再加上故事中小动物之间的对话生动有趣,通 俗易懂。难点是学生们通过小组合作创编故事,表演故事,真正实现英 语作为一门语言的交际功能。 3.3.学情分析学情分析 学生们都喜欢听故事。四年级的学生们已经有了一定的英语学习 积淀,掌握了一些日常交际用语及其基础词汇,而且他们善于模仿,勇 于探索新知,对英语学习有极大的兴趣。 本单元前两课时已经学习了 nurse,doctor,taxi driver 等这 8 个职业名词,以及 I want to be .in the future.这一介绍自己职业 理想的句式。I am.这一句式在三年级已经学过。本节课扩展出了三 个新的职业名词 fireman、singer、football player,和一个新的句式 You can be.在以旧革新的过渡与升华中,学生既能体会到对旧知识 的熟悉,又能通过学习新知识,扫除乏味。为表演本节课的小故事做了 铺垫。 3 二.学习目标 1. 通过猜谜游戏进行新单词的学习。95%学生能听说认读三个新扩展的 单词“fireman、singer、football player” 。 2. 借助图片、录音、动画,通过逐图讲解、提问题和小组合作完成表格, 能够熟练掌握“I am./you can be a./I want to be a/an.in the future. ”等句式。85%学生能看懂并逐步理解故事,朗读故事 并表演故事。 3. 通过创设情境,观看视频,老师示范以及小组合作等方式进行个人介 绍,65%的学生能简单介绍自己以及将来想从事的职业。 4. 通过听录音,看视频,配音模仿故事中小动物对话的语音语调,逐步 形成正确的英语语感,养成按句群阅读的习惯。 5. 通过创设招聘会场景,教师示范,撰写个人简历,开拓想象思维,形 成合作意识,明白伟大的理想造就伟大的人,追逐梦想就要努力学习 去获得,找到适合自己的职业才是最好的。 三.评价设计 评价设计评价设计 1 1:通过听音、看图猜职业,学习生词“singer,football player, fireman” 。 (检测学习目标 1 的完成情况) 评价设计评价设计 2 2:听故事视听故事逐图讲解跟读故事回答问题小 组合作完成表格及填空朗读故事故事配音表演故事。 (检测学习 目标 2、3、4 的完成情况) 评价设计评价设计 3 3:创设职业招聘会的场景,通过学生进行个人简介,学生介 4 绍自己梦想的职业。 (检测学习目标 5 的完成情况) 教学设计 Step1:Warmer 1. 说歌谣 Unit2 Lets spell 中 D 项小韵句。 2. Sing(From Fun Time) Step2:Review 5 Play a game(教师用白板的聚光灯功能呈现部分图片,让学生猜 职业。)如:出示灭火的部分场景,学生能猜出 fireman,并以拆分音节 的方式讲解这个单词 fire-man. Step3:Lead in T:I want to be a Chinese teacher. But I am not good at Chinese. What do I want to be in the future? Maybe I can be an English teacher. S:Yes. You can be an English teacher.(教师板书 you can be并且提示) T:What do you want to be in the future? S:I want to be a singer. T:You are not good at singsing.You can be a dancer.A monkey wants a job.Lets listen,watch and think “what does he want to be in the future?” Step4:New Lessons 1、呈现故事 初步了解故事大概。A monkey and a bird are good friends. The monkey wants a job. (1)Showing Picture 1 and think about the questions. T:Who are they?What are they taliking about?What does the monkey want to be?(学生两人一组预测小猴想要选择什么职业,学 6 生带着上述问题浏览故事,了解大致,并验证刚才的预测) (2)Listen and watch the story 2.理解故事 (1)Showing Picture 2 and think about the questions:Can the monkey be a fireman? Why not? (2)Showing picture3 and think:Is the monkey happy?What does the bird say? (3)(Picture4)T:Can he be a taxi driver?Why not?What does the bird say? (4)(Picture5)T:Can he be a singer?Why not? (5)(Picture6)T:Can he be a football player?Why?Is he happy? 听录音,跟读故事,两人一组份角色朗读故事,并进行小组展示 (学生要模仿录音中小动物的语音语调,读出人物的语气以增加朗读的 趣味性) 3.复述故事,表演故事 (1)学生在图片的帮助下来复述故事 (2)讲故事按照情节划分为四部分,教师带领学生分角色表演一个故事 片段 (3)学生两人一组选择自己喜欢的故事片段表演,最后请几组同学展示。 4.创编故事 7 创设职业招聘会的场景,全班同学去应聘。通过学生对相关职业道具 的体验,学生们最终找到适合自己的职业来创编故事。 五.板书设计 Unit6Unit6 JobsJobs StoryStory TimeTime - What do you want to be? - I want to be a/an.;I am. - You can be. 六.教学反思 Jobs nursefarmerworkerdriverplayersingerdoctordancerfiremanofficer
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