广东版五上Unit 3 Dates-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+素材)--(编号:c010c).zip

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1 小学英语五年级上册小学英语五年级上册 UnitUnit 3 3 DatesDates 词汇句型词汇句型教学设计书教学设计书 一教学内容一教学内容 五年级上册 Unit 3 Dates,Vocabulary and target 板块,英语广东人民出版社 2.2. 教学内容分析教学内容分析 本模块选自广东人民出版社出版的广东版小学英语 (三年级起点),五年级上册,第三单元 Dates 的词汇句 型教学版块,教学内容是六个月份单词 July, August, September, October. November, December;两个句型 Whats the date today? Its . / Whens your birthday? My birthday is ;以及用序数词进行具体日期的表达。 由于学生在第一课时的故事情境中,已对 Whens your birthday?这个句型有了初步的理解,并且对故事中谈及 Jenny 和 Tony 的生日月份 August 和 October 这两个词汇有 了初步接触,因此本课时先从回顾 Jenny 和 Tony 的生日开 始,重现 August 和 October 这两个词汇,再通过创设故事情境:圣诞节即将来临,圣 诞老人要把礼物送给生日最特别的孩子,并在事先预设的 Gogo 其他朋友的生日中呈现 出 July, September, November, December 四个词汇以及特殊日子的表达,如 1st、2nd、3rd 等。通过小组读、个别抽读、游戏等多种方式的操练后,让学生以 Whens your birthday?进行联系生活的交际,再通过小组活动轮流设计提示,运用 Whats the date?进行提问,让组员其他以具体的日期进行回答,进而达到运用词汇句型, 培养学生思维创作性的目的。 三教学目标三教学目标 (一)语言能力目标:(一)语言能力目标: 1.学生能通过日历图片的辅助,认读 July、August、September、October、November、December 六个月份单词,理解 2 Whens your birthday?和 Whats the date today?这两个句型的意思。 2.学生能根据实际运用句型 Whens your birthday?和 Whats the date?来 对生日或具体节日进行询问,并能用月份单词和序数词进行正确的表达。 (二)(二)学习能力目标:学习能力目标: 1.学生能学会通过对比去归纳用序数词表达具体日期规律的学习策略。 2.学生能学会与他人合作的学习能力。 3.学生能学会创造性地运用知识的能力。 (三)(三)文化品格目标:文化品格目标: 1.学生能通过课堂的小组合作、师生互动等活动,建立和维持良好的人际关系。 2.学生能通过找出最特别的生日这一课堂活动中,体会到每个人的生日都是特别 的,从而培养尊重他人的文化品格。 (四)(四)思维品质目标思维品质目标: 1.学生能通过对比归纳出用序数词表达具体日期的规律,发展其思维的深刻性。 2.学生能通过设计问题来提问 Whats the date?的活动发展其思维的灵活性。 3.学生能通过快速认读闪现单词的游戏来发展其思维的敏捷性。 四教学重难点四教学重难点 (一)教学重点:(一)教学重点: 1.学生能认读 July、August、September、October、November、December 六个月 份单词。 2.学生能根据实际运用句型 Whens your birthday?和 Whats the date?来 对生日或具体节日进行询问。 (二)(二)教学难点:教学难点: 学生能用月份单词和序数词进行具体日期的正确表达。 五教学策略五教学策略 (一)教学准备(一)教学准备:PPT 课件,学生练习用纸,整体呈现词汇句型的故事微课。 (二)教学方法:(二)教学方法:故事教学法,游戏法,交际法,任务型教学法等。 3 6 6教学过程教学过程 Step 1. Review and leading in 1. Lead in the new language by comparing with the old. The teacher has a free talk with students using the questions “What day is it today?”, in order to lead in the new target language “Whats the date today?”. Comparison of these two questions can arouse students attention, meanwhile lead in “November” directly. 【设计说明】通过提问 What day is it today?和 Whats the date today?学生能在对比中发现两个句型的区别,从而提升思维的深刻性。教师在指导学生 通过观察日历回答今天是几月几号的过程中,直接教授月份单词“November”。 2. Lead in a new story by reviewing the previous story. By reviewing the story,the teacher says:”Yesterday, we have known about Jennys and Tonys birthdays, how about Gogos other friends?” and present the new story”birthdays of Gogo s other friends”,which includes the new vocabulary and target language. 【设计说明】通过回顾上节课的故事内容,复现句型 Whens your birthday?和 August、October 两个月份词汇,也为下面呈现 Gogo 其他朋友的生日这一故事的引入作铺垫。 Step 2. presentation 1. Create a situation and set up the task. The teacher says, “Santa Clause is coming, the one whose birthday is the most special can get his present”. and then lead students to fulfill the task by watching the story. 【设计说明】创设故事情境:圣诞节即将来临,圣诞老人要把 礼物送给生日最特别的孩子。让学生带着这一任务去听故事,激发 他们听故事的兴趣与欲望。 2. Presentation of the vocabulary and target language in a story. (1)The teacher presents the story which contains the vocabulary and one of the target language: “Whens your birthday?” in a micro lecture. Students watch the story, and then find out every ones birthday. The story is as below: Boomer, Boomer, whens your birthday? My birthday is December 31st. It is the last day of a year. Peppar. Peppar, whens your birthday? My birthday is September 2nd. TeachersDay is also in this month. Ben, Ben, whens your birthday? My birthday is July 23rd. It is in summer holiday. Lisa, Lisa, whens your birthday? 4 My birthday is November 11th. Thanks Giving Day is in this month. 【设计说明】通过文本再构,把本节课的目标语言串联成一个故事,并制作成微课。除了达 到故事整体性的效果,还能让学生在故事情境中理解句型 Whens your birthday?的意思,并通 过视频、图片的辅助呈现 July 23RD, September 2nd, November 11th, December 31st。学生在 看完故事微课后,对信息进行提取和分辨,从而提升学生思维的逻辑性。 (2)The teacher teaches the vocabulary by asking students about the birthdays of Gogos friends. Meanwhile, sticks the target language to the blackboard. 【设计说明】通过师生问答,教授故事中呈现的目标语言,以达 到在具体情境中教授单词的目的,并进行适时的板书。 (3)After finding out the birthdays of each friend, the teacher raise questions just like: “Whose birthday is also in December? Whens your birthday?” to let students drill the language. 【设计说明】通过师生之间的问答引出 Gogo 朋友生日的月份词汇,在教授新单词的时候既有 小组读,个别读的操练,也有通过闪图,快速说出月份的游戏练习,教师更适时向学生提问: “Whose birthday is also in .? Whens your birthday?”以达到在真实的语境中运用语言 的目的。学生必须在脑海中浮现自己的生日日期,并用所学的语 言正确表达出来。这一过程对提升学生思维的灵活性大有作用。 (4) The teacher leads students to find out the rule by distinguishing the differences of July 23rd, September 2nd, 5 November 11th, and December 31st.After that, the teacher concludes the rules with students together. 【设计说明】先让学生通过观察找出特殊日期的表达规律,如:1st,2nd,3rd 等。学生思 考回答后,教师再做总结。学生透过纷繁的现象发现问题本质,这一过程提升了思维的深刻性。 Step 3. Practice 1. Practice the language by reading the story picture by picture. The teacher says: “Just now, we knew everyones birthday, but whose birthday is the most special? Lets help Santa Clause ask Gogos friends again.” By communication, the teacher dills with the detailed information of the story, gets ready for the following discussion. 【设计说明】通过创设帮圣诞老人问问孩子们的生日这一活动,学生学会运用 Whens your birthday?的句型进行对生日的询问;通过再读一次故事,学生对日期的表达得到强化,同时也为 下一个环节讨论谁的生日最特别提供丰富的语言素材。 2. Discussion: Whose birthday is the most special? The teacher gives an example: Lisas birthday is November 11th, it is the most special, because it is the “Double Eleven Day”. And then, leads students to discuss in group. 【设计说明】通过小组讨论谁的的生日最特别,让学生在交际 中练习日期的表达。通过表达自己的不同见解,学生的发散性和灵 活性思维也得到了发展。 3. Fulfill the task: Help Santa Clause find the one whose birthday is the most special. As students share their different ideas about whose birthday is the most special, the teacher presents the pictures about how a baby comes to life, in order to arouse students to respect every ones birthday, because every one of us is the only one chance in 300,000billion. So every ones birthday is special. 【设计说明】通过图片向学生展示每个生命的诞生都不是一件 容易的事,所以每个人的生日都是特别的,学生学会尊重别人的文 6 化品质得以升华。也完成了课堂的开始所设定的为圣诞老人找出生日最特别的孩子这个任务。 Step 4. Consolidation and extension 1. Pair work:Share your birthday The teacher shows the birthday party to students, share what the teacher does on a birthday party by pictures. It can give a module to students to have a pair work and share their birthday dates and birthday parties. 【设计说明】教师通过分享自己的生日,为学生的交流作出 了示范。学生在同桌交流中分享自己的生日日期和生日活动,这 能让学生在具体情境中运用本节课的目标语言 Whens your birthday?同时,每个人的生日都不一样,学生在组织语言描述自 己生日的过程中,思维的广阔性得到了提升。 2. Group work: Guess the special date The teacher first designs two questions to let students guess the special dates. The questions are: (1)It is the first day of a year. Whats the date? (2)It is in summer, it is your favorite festival. Whats the date? These two questions are the examples for students to design their questions and ask others to guess in a group. 【设计说明】教师通过预先设计的两个问题,为学生的交流作出了示范。学生首先用一分钟 的时间设计问题,然后用 Whats the date 这个句型在小组内提问,让小组成员猜出具体日期。 这一环节能让学生在小组游戏中运用本节课的目标语言 Whats the date?这种开放性活动也是 提升了学生思维的广阔性。 Step 5. Conclusion The teacher helps students to sum-up the six months and the two target language by the help of the blackboard writing. 【设计说明】通过板书,总结归纳课堂所学的六个月份词汇和两个句子,提醒学生月份第一个 字母要大写,以及一些特殊日子的正确表达。 通过回顾回顾所学知识,学生思维的逻辑性得到训 练。 7 7板书设计板书设计 Whats the date today? Whens your birthday ? Its July 23rd August 7th September 2nd October 20th November 11th December 31st 7 8 8学生课堂练习用纸学生课堂练习用纸 Calendar of 2018 活动一:活动一:When s your birthday? 1. 圈出你的生日圈出你的生日, 用用 o 标示。标示。 2. 同桌互问:同桌互问: A: Whens your birthday? B: My birthday is . On my birthday, I . 8 活动二:活动二: HomeworkHomework: TalkTalk withwith youryour fatherfather andand mother,mother, finishfinish thethe FamilyFamily Memorabilia.Memorabilia. It is . Whats the date? 9 ( (跟父母共同完成家庭大事记)跟父母共同完成家庭大事记) The second period: Vocabulary and target (On page 29) 五年级上册 1. Whats the weather like today? 2. What day is it today? 3. Whats the date today? 4. Is Jennys birthday in November? 5. Whens Tonys birthday? Review The one whose birthday is the most special can get my present! 谁的生日最特别可以得到我的礼物谁的生日最特别可以得到我的礼物 Boomer Ben Peppar Lisa Boomer Watch a story When is everyones(每个人)birthday? July 23rd December 31stNovember 11thSeptember 2nd Tips: Their birthdays are in different months. Boomer Boomer July 23rd December 31st November 11th September 2nd When is Boomers birthday? It is . When is Peppars birthday? It is . When is Bens birthday? It is . When is Lisas birthday? It is . Wow, their birthdays are in different months Game: catch the present August September December November July October August December September July November It is . It is . It is . It is . Their birthdays are in different dates. Boomer July 23rd December 31st November 12th September 2nd When is Boomers birthday? When is Peppars birthday? When is Bens birthday? When is Lisas birthday? July 23rd December 31st November 11th September 2nd S un M on T ue W ed T hu F ri S at 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 2 8 2 9 3 0 st ndrd st ndrd th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th November th the first day in a month the second day in a month the third day in a month fifth twenty-fifth It is . Whose birthday is the most special? 谁的生日最特别? Boomer July 23rd December 31st November 11th September 2nd When is Boomers birthday? It is . When is Peppars birthday? It is . When is Bens birthday? It is . When is Lisas birthday? My birthday is December 31st. It is the last day of a year. Boomer Boomer, Boomer. Whens your birthday? 2018 December is the last month of a year December 31st is the last day of a year 2019 My birthday is September 2nd. Teachers Day is also in this month. Peppar, Peppar. Whens your birthday? When is Teachers Day? It is .September 10th My birthday is July 23rd. It is in summer holiday. Ben, Ben. Whens your birthday? When is summer holiday? It is . in July and August My birthday is November 11th. Thanks Giving Day is in this month. Lisa, Lisa. Whens your birthday? When is Thanks Giving Day? 感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)起源于美国 ,每年11月第四个星期四月第四个星期四为“感恩节”。 感恩节假期一般会从星期四持续到星期天。 turkey 火鸡 pumpkin pie 南瓜饼 It is the fourth Thursday in November. Boomer July 23rd December 31stNovember 11th September 2nd Discuss 小组讨论: Whose birthday is the most special?谁的生日最特别谁的生日最特别 Example: Lisas birthday is . It is special, because . November 11th it is “Double Eleven” Day(双十一) We are the one chance in 300,000 billion We are the only one in the world. 我们每一个人都是世界上的唯一! You are the only one in the world, so every one can get my present! have a big dinner eat lots of tasty food have a birthday cake My birthday is June 6th. get nice gifts 2. 同桌互问:同桌互问: A: Whens your birthday? B: My birthday is On my birthday, I Calendar of 2018 1. 在日历卡上圈出生日在日历卡上圈出生日。 pair work 同桌交流: 活动要求活动要求: 1. 1分钟时间,各自在卡纸上设计一个问题,可参考上面例子。 2. 小组内互相提问,看谁最快猜出来。 1.It is the first day of a year. Whats the date? 2. It is in summer, it is your favorite festival. Whats the date?It is June 1st. It is January 1st. Group work 小组活动 : Talk with your father and mother, finish the Family Memorabilia. (跟父母共同完成家庭大事记) DatesEvents 1. The National Day国庆 2.The hand over of Hong Kong 香港回归 3.Si Chuan earth quake四川地 震 4.Beijing Olympics.北京奥运 Its Whats the date of? Its October 1st . Its July 1st . Its May 12th . Its August 8th 五年级上册五年级上册 UnitUnit 3 3 Dates-VocabularyDates-Vocabulary andand targettarget 教学反思教学反思 英语学科的核心素养包括语言能力、学习能力、思维品质和文化品格四个 方面。其中,思维品质主要反映一个人的思维在学习过程中,在逻辑、推理、 批判和创新等方面所表现的水平和特点,体现了从知识输入到知识生成的严谨 思维过程。而小学阶段作为学生英语学习思维开发的启蒙阶段,英语教师的引 导则尤为重要。如何在教学设计中深挖教材内涵,通过各种教学手段和教学环 节,以达到提高学生思维品质的目标,这需要广大英语教师们不断进行创新和 变革,以顺应时代的发展变化。 从学生的课堂反馈及教学设计的思路来看,本课有以下亮点: 一增强小组凝聚力,培养学生思维的严密性。 在小学英语课堂上,面对同一问题时,个人想法往往很狭隘、片面,但经 过小组合作、交流后,其想法变得完整、全面。学生在倾听别人发言时,思维 也会变得活跃、严密,这将形成一个良性循环,有利于学习者能力的提高。如 在课堂的拓展环节中,让学生通过小组合作,设计提示问题,并在组内以 Whats the date?来提问,并比赛看看组内的成员谁最快猜出具体的日期这一 活动,所有参与者自由交换想法,并以此激发创意与灵感,产生更多创意的方 法。学生思考问题、回答问题、倾听答案的过程本身就是激发思维、自主学习、 建构严密思维的过程。在这样的活动过程中,小组的凝聚力逐渐增强,成员也 得到锻炼和成长。 二学会“留白”与等待,培养学生思维的深刻性。 在课堂中有意识的“留白”与等待不仅可以调控课堂气氛与节奏,更重要的 是给学生思考的时间与空间,促使他们的思维向纵深发展,以培养思维的深刻 性。在这表面的停滞下涌动的是学生紧张的思维,这正是学生积极思考的表现。 如在突破本节课用序数词正确表达具体日期这一难点时,教师没有马上告诉学 生规律,而是先让学生通过观察,发现,总结,留给学生思考的时间,在这基 础上,教师再进行点拨。学生在纷繁的现象中发现问题的本质,这就培养了学 生思维的深刻性。 但是,作为一节词汇句型新授课,本课中值得探讨的地方是本节课的容量 比较大,学生的活动比较多,导致学生在词汇与句型的操练上时间还不够。如 果一节课过多强调提升学生的思维品质,如何保证中下生课堂的参与度?如何 在一节课中,既让优生“吃饱” ,又能顾及到中下生?这的确是值得深思与探 讨的问题。 1 Unit 3 Dates(Vocabulary and target) Name:_ 、 e New Years Day Childrens Day Labors Day National Day Teachers Day June 1st May 1st September 10th January 1st October 1st 、同学们,你知道一些节日的日期吗?请用线连起来。 2 ( ) 1. Whens his birthday? _ birthday is April 5th. A. He B. Her C. His ( ) 2. Whens her sister birthday? _ birthday is August 10th. A. His B. Her C. My ( ) 3. Whats the _ today? Its February 22nd. A. day B. date C. month ( ) 4. July is _ June. A. before B. on C. after ( ) 5. National Day is in _ . A. December B. November C. October ( ) 6. What _ is it today? Its Monday. A. date B. day C. days 二、同学们,本节课的知识点你弄懂了吗?请看题目,选出 最佳答案。 五年级上册五年级上册 UnitUnit 3 3 Dates-Dates- StoryStory 教学建议教学建议 本课例是本精品课程模块的第二课时,本课例的话题是询问日期,涉及的 词汇有月份及序数词。 广东省中山市教育义务教育英语课程标准 (2011 年版)指出,英语课 程承担着培养学生基本英语素养和发展学生思维能力的任务(教育部,2011) 因此,小学英语词汇教学承担着培养学生思维能力的重要任务。词汇本身的特 征为培养学生思维能力提供了可能和便利,利用词汇的意义差异和联系可以培 养学生的比较能力和分类能力,利用词汇所代表的客观事物的现实形象可以培 养学生的联想能力,利用词汇的抽象性可以培养学生的理解能力和概括能力。 本单元目标词汇有六个:July, August, September, October, November, December,还有拓展词:序数词。以整体感知的形式,利用生活实际展开以 Sepcial Birthday 为主线的话题,不断呈现出句型及词汇,在学生的脑海中建 立词汇与现实意义的联系,采用图片、对话情景呈现方式,激趣问答,以圣诞 老人对四个主角的生日时间的意义评价来导入,让学生在整体认知识词汇概念 的过程中掌握词汇意义。在整体感知了单词的意义之后,学生初步建了词汇与 现实意义的联系,为词汇的意义奠定了基础。意义比较由易到难,有层次感, 从月份的比较到到具体某天的比较,如每学完一个词就会从学生实际中问题, Whose birthday is in? 让学生对月份的掌握联系到自己的实际;同时从生 日渗透到节假日的比较。所有的日期中最大的难点就是序数词的理解与应用, 为了学生更形像具体理解,老师依然让学生联系实际生活中对每月的天数进行 思考,然后从第一天到最后一天的序数词一一展现,并通过对突破一些特别序 数词,这些内容的撑握每一步都是从逻辑思维出发,联系生活实际,达到词汇 的思维能力培养,这是个很大亮点。 本课例的第二大亮点是在情感教育方面很巧妙自然,上课老师的灵感来源 于一组图片。图片展示的是孩子在胎儿时期的成长样子,学生看到,心灵会受 到会很大的震撼。让学生感受到生命的神厅和不易,体会老师说的 Everyone s birthday is special! 本课例是一个实际运用性很强的课例,学生根据自己的实际,有话题可说, 在学习完词汇和句型后,老师设计了小组采访,汇报等环节,建议参考本课例 时,要结合自己学生的实际情况设计采访的内容,要注意难度及容量。要提前 做好采访、汇报的相关表格发给学生。 课堂练习课堂练习 Calendar of 2018 活动一:活动一:When s your birthday? 1. 圈出你的生日圈出你的生日, 用用 标示。标示。 2. 同桌互问:同桌互问: A: Whens your birthday? B: My birthday is . On my birthday, I . B: My birthday is On my birthday, I It is . Whats the date? It is . Whats the date? It is . Whats the date? It is . Whats the date?
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