(2021新外研版)高中英语选择性必修第二册 单元综合检测题+答案(全册一套打包).zip

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单元综合检测(一) .阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分) A Four books that will inspire you to travel the world. Theres truly nothing like travel when it comes to gaining perspectives and exposing yourself to other cultures.To get you in the adventuring mood,we asked Amazon Senior Editor Chris Schlep to help you come up with a list of books that transport readers to another time and place.Below,see his list of four books that will inspire you to travel the world. ITALY: Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter This book by the popular author Jess Walter is a love story that begins on the Italian Coast in the early 60s and eventually concludes in contemporary Hollywoods screen.As the settings shift from Italy to Edinburgh and Los Angeles,you will find yourself longing to go as well.Buy it on Amazon.Price: $28.90 SEATTLE: Whered You Go,Bernadette by Maria Semple Maria Semples first novel is not exactly a love story in Seattle,but if you read it,you just might want to come here to see if people are really as selfinvolved as the characters in her book.What really shines through is the strange storytelling and the laughs.Buy it on Amazon.Price: $26.60 ENGLAND: Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel You cant travel to Thomas Cromwells England without a time machine,but reading Mantels prizewinning novel is the next best thing.It will make you long to see the ancient buildings and green grass of the English countryside,most of which are still there.Buy it on Amazon.Price: $25.10 NANTUCKET: Heres to Us by Elin Hilderbrand Elin Hilderbrand has built a writing career out of writing about her hometown island of Nantucket.Her latest book is Heres to Us,which,perhaps not surprisingly,is a great beach book.Buy it on Amazon.Price: $30.80 【语篇解读】文章主要向我们介绍了四本书。书籍由亚马逊网的高级编 辑推荐,可以更好地让我们了解世界,开阔眼界。 1Which book has been produced into a film according to the text? AHeres to Us. BWolf Hall. CBeautiful Ruins. DWhered You Go,Bernadette. C推理判断题。根据 ITALY: Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter 中“This book by the popular author Jess Walter is a love story that begins on the Italian Coast in the early 60s and eventually concludes in contemporary Hollywoods screen.”“这本书 由畅销书作家杰西沃尔特(Jess Walter)所著,讲述的是一个爱情故事,开始于 60 年代初的意大利海岸,最终在当代好莱坞的银幕上画上句号。 ”由此可知, Beautiful Ruins 被拍成了电影。故选 C。 2What is the feature of the Whered You Go,Bernadette? AIts low price. BIts characters. CIts content about love. DIts storytelling and laughs. D细节理解题。根据 SEATTLE: Whered You Go,Bernadette by Maria Semple 中“What really shines through is the strange storytelling and the laughs.”可知, Whered You Go,Bernadette 真正引人注目的是奇怪的故事和笑声。故选 D。 3Why is Heres to Us suitable for reading on the beach? ABecause its about the authors hometown island. BBecause it needs a time machine. CBecause its about ancient buildings. DBecause it exposes yourself to other cultures. A推理判断题。根据 NANTUCKET: Heres to Us by Elin Hilderbrand 中 “Elin Hilderbrand has built a writing career out of writing about her hometown island of Nantucket.Her latest book is Heres to Us,which,perhaps not surprisingly,is a great beach book.” “艾琳希尔德布兰德(Elin Hilderbrand)的写 作生涯始于对家乡南塔开特岛(Nantucket)的描写。她的新书是 Heres to Us,这 也许并不奇怪,是一本很棒的沙滩书。 ”可知,Heres to Us 适合在沙滩上读是 因为这是关于作者家乡的岛屿。故选 A。 B As a boy growing up in India,I had longed to travel abroad.I used to listen to the stories my father would tell me about his stay in Canada and tours to Europe in the 1970s,with great interest. My big moment finally came in the summer of 1998 when I was able to accompany my parents to Europe,where my father was to attend a meeting.We planned to travel to Belgium,Netherlands and West Germany. I have clear memories even today of going to Mumbai airport at night all excited about finally going abroad.I had heard several great things about Lufthansa till then but now I finally got to experience them first hand,during the flight to Frankfurt.We flew business class and even today I can remember the excellent service by the Lufthansa crew (工作人员)The flight was really smooth and thoroughly enjoyable,even for someone like me,who is especially afraid of flying. After spending almost two weeks in Europe,we took the Lufthansa airport express from Dusseldorf to Frankfurt airport,for our return flight.What a journey that was! All along the Rhine (莱茵河),it was simply an unforgettable experience.I had a sombre feeling on the flight back to Mumbai as it marked the end of a wonderful vacation,but the Lufthansa crew members were able to change it into a most enjoyable experience yet again,with the quality of their service. Being the first airline to take me abroad,Lufthansa will always hold a special place in my heart.Even today,I continue to enjoy flights on Lufthansa and simply cannot dream of choosing any other airline.Flying,in general,for me,has always been a terrible and painful experience.Flying on Lufthansa,however,is something I always have and always will look forward to. 【语篇解读】作者的父亲经常讲其在加拿大居住和欧洲旅行的经历,这 激发了作者希望走出国门看看的强烈欲望。本篇短文给我们讲述了他第一次去 欧洲的难忘旅行。 4Which country does the author live in now? AIndia.BCanada. CBelgium.DGermany. A细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“As a boy growing up in India,I had longed to travel abroad.”及最后一段第一句“Being the first airline to take me abroad, ”可知,作者生活的国度是在印度(India)。故选 A。 5What made the author so interested in travelling abroad? AGrowing up in India. BOnce staying in Canada. COnce travelling to Canada with his father. DHis fathers stories about his travelling experiences. D细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“I used to listen to the stories my father would tell me about his stay in Canada and tours to Europe in the 1970s,with great interest.”父亲经常讲其在加拿大居住和欧洲旅行的经历,这激发了作者希望走 出国门看看的强烈欲望。故选 D。 6Which of the following is true about the authors trip to Europe in 1998? AThe author travelled with one of his parents. BBoth their going and return were by air. CThey travelled in spring that year. DThey stayed in Europe for nearly two months. B细节理解题。A 项错是因为作者是与“父母双亲一起去的” ;C 项错在 与事实“他们是在夏季去的”不符;D 项错在与事实“在欧洲待了近两个星期” 不符。B 项对是与“来回均是乘坐飞机”吻合。故选 B。 7It can be inferred from the passage that Lufthansa is _ Aa city in India Ba city in Europe Can airline company Da travel agency C推理判断题。通过后三段内容不难看出,Lufthansa 为一家航空公司的 名称。故选 C。 C Living on mountainous La Gomera,one of Spains Canary Islands off West Africa,Juan Cabello takes pride in not using a mobile phone or the Internet to communicate.Like his father and grandfather,he uses Silbo Gomero,a language that is whistled (吹口哨),not spoken,and that can be heard more than two miles away. “I use it for everything: to talk to my wife,to tell my kids something,to find a friend if we get lost in a crowd, ” Cabello says.“I also make a living from Silbo,performing daily exhibitions at a restaurant.” People throughout La Gomera are known to have used Silbo in the past as a way of communicating over long distances.A strong whistle saved farmers from walking over the hills to give messages or news to neighbors.Then came the phone.Nowadays,its hard to know how many people still use Silbo.In 1999,it was introduced as a compulsory subject (必修学科) in La Gomeras primary schools,in an effort to prevent the language from going silent.Now 3,000 students are studying it,but only a few people are believed to be able to communicate fully in the whistling language. “Silbo is said to be the most important cultural heritage (遗产) we have, ” said Moises Plasencia,the director of the Canary Islands governments historical heritage department. In fact,little is known about Silbos origins.Silbolike whistling has been found in parts of Greece,Turkey,China and Mexico,but none is as developed as Silbo Gomero.One study is looking for signs of Silbo in Venezuela,Cuba and Texas,all places to which Gomerans have gone in the past during hard economic times. “Silbo has many historical and linguistic (语言学上的) values, ” Plasencia said.And,as Cabello explains, “Its good for just about anything except for romance: everyone on the island would hear what youre saying!” 【语篇解读】短文报道了 Silbo Gomero一种口哨语。 8Juan Cabello uses Silbo Gomero _ Ain his daily life. Bto learn computers. Cjust to make a living. Donly when eating at restaurants. A推理判断题。由第二段“I use it for everything: to talk to my wife,to tell my kids something,to find a friend if we get lost in a crowd, ”可知,我用它做 任何事情: 和我的妻子说话;告诉我的孩子们一些事情;在人群中,找一个朋 友。所以 Juan Cabello 在日常生活中使用 Silbo Gomero。故选 A 项。 9What can we learn about Silbo Gomero? AIt first started in Greece. BIt is in danger of dying out. CIt is helpful in keeping secrets. DIt is the oldest way of communicating. B推理判断题。由第三段“Now 3,000 students are studying it,but only a few people are believed to be able to communicate fully in the whistling language.”可知,现在有 3 000 名学生在学习这种语言,但据认为只有少数人 能够完全用这种吹口哨的语言交流。所以判断出,Silbo Gomero 有灭绝的危险。 故选 B 项。 10Plasencia thinks its very important to _ Aknow the origins of Silbo Gomero. Bfind the values of Silbo Gomero. Chave more cultural heritages. Dprotect Silbo Gomero. D推理判断题。由倒数第三段“Silbo is said to be the most important cultural heritage (遗产) we have, said Moises Plasencia,the director of the Canary Islands governments historical heritage department.”可知,加那利群岛政 府历史遗产部门负责人莫伊斯普拉森西亚说:“锡尔博据说是我们拥有的最重 要的文化遗产。所以通过莫伊斯普拉森西亚的话以及他的身份可以判断出保护 Silbo Gomero 是非常重要的。故选 D 项。 11What is mainly described in the text? AA schools subject. BA famous performer. CAn unusual language. DA mountainous island. C主旨大意题。由第一段“Like his father and grandfather,he uses Silbo Gomero,a language that is whistled (吹口哨),not spoken,and that can be heard more than two miles away.”可知,像他的父亲和祖父一样,他使用的是 Silbo Gomero,一种口哨语,而不是口头语,而且在两英里以外都能听到。以及其他 段落都在围绕着 Silbo Gomero 而展开。所以 短文主要描述了一种不寻常的语 言。故选 C 项。 D Last week,Vodafone started a test of the UKs first full 5G service,available for use by businesses in Salford.It is part of its plan to trial the technology in seven UK cities.But what can we expect from the next generation of mobile technology? One thing we will see in the preparation for the test is lots of tricks with the new tech.Earlier this year,operators paid almost 1.4 billion for the 5G wavelengths,and to compensate for that cash,they will need to catch the eye of consumers.In September,Vodafone used its bit of the range to display the UKs first hologram (全息) call.The Manchester City captain Steph Houghton appeared as a hologram in Newbury.It isnt all holograms,however,5G will offer faster internet access,with Ofcom (英国通讯管理局) suggesting that video that takes a minute to download on 4G will be available in just a second. The wider application is to support connected equipment on the “internet of things”not just the internetenabled fridge that can reorder your milk for you,but the network that will enable driverless cars and delivery drones (无人机) to communicate with each other. Prof. William Webb has warned that the technology could be a case of the emperors new clothes.Much of the speed increase,he claims,could have been achieved by putting more money in the 4G network,rather than a new technology.Other different voices have suggested that a focus on rolling out wider rural broadband access and addressing current network coverage would be more beneficial to the UK as a whole. Obviously,5G will also bring a cost to consumers.It requires a handset for both 5G and 4G,and the first 5G enabled smartphones are expected in the coming year.With the slow pace of network rollout so far,it is likely that consumers will end up upgrading to a new 5G phone well before 5G becomes widely available in the next couple of years. 【语篇解读】文章讲述的是 5G 网络在英国的各个区进行试点,以及 5G 网络和 4G 网之间的联系,对于 5G 的普及不同的人持不同的看法并提出了应对 措施,介绍了 5G 的“优”势,同时也说明了 5G 的全面覆盖还要经过几年才能 实现。 12Why does Prof. William Webb say “the technology could be a case of the emperors new clothes”? AHe is in favor of the application of the new technology. B5G will bring a cost to consumers in their daily life. C5G helps people communicate better with each other. DHe prefers more money to be spent on 4G networks. D细节理解题。根据第四段中“Prof. William Webb has warned that the technology could be a case of the emperors new clothes.Much of the speed increase,he claims,could have been achieved by putting more money in the 4G network,rather than a new technology.”可知,Prof. William Webb 说“这项技术 可能是皇帝新衣的一个例子”是因为他更愿意把更多的钱花在 4G 网络上。故 选 D。 13The underlined word “addressing” in the fourth paragraph has the closest meaning to_ Amaking a speech to Btrying to solve Cmanaging to decrease Dresponding to B词义猜测题。根据第四段中“Other different voices have suggested that a focus on rolling out wider rural broadband access and addressing current network coverage would be more beneficial to the UK as a whole.”“其他不同的声音表示, 集中精力推广更广泛的农村宽带接入,解决目前的网络覆盖问题,将对整个英 国更有利。 ”由此推知划线词的意思是“试图解决” 。故选 B。 14The last paragraph indicates that_ Aitll take several years to make 5G accessible to the public in the UK B5G service shows huge development potential and a broad market Ccustomers are eager to use 5G smartphones instead of 4G ones Dits probable that 5G network rollout is speeding up in Britain A推理判断题。根据最后一段“With the slow pace of network rollout so far,it is likely that consumers will end up upgrading to a new 5G phone well before 5G becomes widely available in the next couple of years.”可知,最后一段指出, 让 5G 在英国向公众开放需要几年的时间。故选 A。 15What do we know about the text? AVodafone is successful in spreading the 5G service. BSteph Houghton appeared as a hologram by 4G . CThe application of 5G will make life much easier. D5G phones are available in rural areas of the UK. C推理判断题。根据第二段中“5G will offer faster internet access,with Ofcom (英国通讯管理局) suggesting that video that takes a minute to download on 4G will be available in just a second.”可知,5G 的应用将使生活变得更容易。故 选 C。 .阅读七选五(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分) Four Habits to Help You Succeed Nobody would like to experience failure.We all want to succeed.For those who have tried and failed,success seems difficult to understand. 16 Know your values. Finding your values is in line with creating motivation. 17 Pick a handful of things and write them down.Remind yourself of your values every day and reflect on whether you are honoring those values through your work. 18 Choose one goal to start something large enough that will give you a sense of achievement,while adjusting well to your values.If you want to achieve your goal,focus is the key here. 19 If you perform many tasks at a time,you might never finish your projects because they will take far too long. Set a time for success. Set a date for success.Know when you hope to realize your goal. 20 By setting a time limit,you are making the process realistic. Dont give up because of failure Failure cant be avoided when you take risks.By its very definition,the desire to succeed means you are risking failure.Many people tend to give up far too early.Dont fall into this trap! Use failure.Treat it as a good thing,and go on. AMake the right decision. BPick a goal and focus on it . CThe more focused you are on one goal,the higher chance you have of success. DKeep it realistic,while not giving yourself too much time. EI have made a list of four habits to help you set goals and realize them. FSit and reflect on what you value most. GPush your
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