外研版(三起)四上Review Module-Unit 2-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:f010f).zip

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The Present Continuous Tense 现在进行时复习 一、一、Practice. 1. read- 2. ride- 3.skip- 4. hop- 5. fly- 6. dance- 二、二、Read and judge “T”or “F”. My name is Lingling. Now, its ten oclock in the morning. The sun is shining. Im having fun with my family and friends in the garden. Mum is making a cake. Dad is listening to music. Look! Grandpa is taking pictures. Grandma is reading a book. And I am riding my bicycle. My friends Daming and Sam are playing football. Amy is flying her kite. Listen! The birds are singing in the sky. What a lovely day! ( ) 1. There are seven people in the story. ( ) 2. It is a sunny day. ( ) 3. Daming and Simon are playing football. ( ) 4. Dad is listening to music. ( ) 5. Grandpa is taking pictures. 3、Writing. (续写小故事,三四句即可)(续写小故事,三四句即可) There are Lingling family and friends. Now, its three oclock in the afternoon. Look! Lingling is sleeping. Sam and Daming_ _ _. What a happy day! Words Bank(单词银行): do, play, drink, skip, walk, watch, draw, Group work(小组练习纸)(小组练习纸) The Present Continuous Tense 现在进行时复习 1、Basic structure(基本结构)(基本结构) of the PCT(现在进行时)(现在进行时). _+_+_. (写中文英文都行)(写中文英文都行) 二、二、Write more words. 三种形式 例词(越多越好) _ _ v-ing _ 课 题 Revision Module The Present Continuous Tense 课时1 课时 上课时 间 40 分钟教师 教学要 求 1. 学生能够掌握现在进行时态的陈述句基本结构; 2. 学生能够基本掌握现在进行时态主要 3 种动词变化规则; 3. 学生能够运用现在进行时的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句进行问答以及正确描述 图片和对话。 4. 学生能够运用所学阅读读懂文章信息并写小作文。 教学重 点 1. 复习现在进行时的陈述句结构,包括主语,be 动词及现在分词; 2. 复习现在进行时动词现在分词的主要变化规则。 教学难 点 学生对现在进行时陈述句结构的正确表达以及正确书写。 教学媒 体 多媒体,黑板 教学方 法 直观教学法、任务型教学法、自主学习、小组合作交流学习。 教 学 过 程 设 计 教师活动(内容、方法)学生活动 StepStep 1:1: WarmWarm up.up.( 分钟)分钟) 1.1. Greetings.Greetings.(1 1 分钟)分钟) 教学目的:自我介绍,为接下来活动做铺垫。 2.Listen,2.Listen, singsing andand do.do.(3 3 分钟)分钟) 3.3. LeadLead inin thethe title.title. TheThe PresentPresent ContinuousContinuous Tense.Tense.(2 2 分钟)分钟) 教学目的:唱歌激发兴趣,调动积极性,并引出本文课题。 Step2:Step2: Presentation.Presentation.(分钟)(分钟) 1.1. LookLook andand guess.guess.(2 2 分钟)分钟) He is . She is . It is . They are . SsSs saysay hellohello toto thethe teacher.teacher. SsSs singsing andand dodo thethe actions.actions. SsSs readread thethe title.title. SsSs looklook atat thethe picturespictures andand guess.guess. 2. Game: See and guess 教学目的:通过动图调动学生积极性,让学生试着说出更多关于现在进 行时的陈述句表达,让学生尽可能多说。为下一步总结陈述句结构做准 备。 We say many sentences about it. Please look and judge, which sentences are about the present continuous tense? 3.3. SummarizeSummarize thethe basicbasic structure(structure(结构结构) ): S S + + bebe + + v-ing.v-ing.(6 6 分分 钟)钟) T: Look at these sentences, tell me what you find?(激光提示) ings、the same points,and different? Now please discuss about the structure of PCT in your group. Take out this paper and write .(翻页 P7) 走下去找两组来。批改,4 个学生念。 照片展示两组的作品,老师再总结现在进行时结构 贴出结构,边问边出示贴图。 T:How about this part, how to change? I He am She is It are We You They S + Be + v-ing. 教学目的:让学生总结和归纳现在进行时陈述句的基本结构和内容。为 下一步解决动词的现在分词形式的三种变化做铺垫。 4.4. SummarizeSummarize thethe rulesrules ofof v-ingv-ing (Task(Task 7 7 分钟分钟).). T: Changing forms Summarize the changing rules. Give more samples.(小组合作 2 分钟),展示 1 组成果照片并表扬 教学目的:通过任务型教学法设置任务给学生,让学生在小组合作中自 己做练习并自己总结规律,并试着让学生说出更多的例词,调动和深挖 学生的知识储备,为下一步谈论图片做铺垫。 5.5. AskAsk andand answeranswer aboutabout thethe picture.picture.(5 5 分钟)分钟) Pairwork:So many questions!让学生看完整的图片,you should know the answer now.Who can answer?(展示 3 组左右) Is/are v-ing? Yes, is/are. No, is/are not. What is/are v-ing? 教学目的:通过观察图片,学生问学生来答,最后总结出一般疑问句和 特殊疑问句的结构出来。 SsSs seesee andand guess.guess. SsSs looklook atat thethe sentencessentences andand summarizesummarize thethe structurestructure inin groups.groups. SsSs summarizesummarize thethe rulesrules ofof v-v- ing.ing. SsSs askask andand answeranswer aboutabout thethe picture.picture. 6.6. ReadRead andand judgejudge T T oror F F(5 5 分钟)分钟) T: Lingling and her family are having fun in the garden. Heres a story about this picture(翻页到阅读题). Please read carefully and judge Ture or False. My name is Lingling. Today is a sunny day. Now, its ten oclock in the morning. The sun is shinning. Daming and Sam are playing football. Mum is making a cake. Dad is listening to music. And I am riding my bicycle. Listen! The birds are singing in the sky. Look! Grandpa is taking pictures. Grandma is reading a book. Amy is flying her kite. What a lovely day! 1.There are seven people in the family. ( ) 1. It isnt a sunny day. ( ) 2. Daming and Simon are playing basketball. ( ) 3. Dad is listening to music. ( ) 4. Grandma is taking pictures. ( ) 教学目的:培养学生的阅读能力以及对信息的读取和理解能力,并为下 一步编写故事做准备。 5.5. Writing.Writing.(7 7 分钟)分钟) 教学目的:让学生运用本节课所复习的知识来编写 Lingling 一家人在 下午三点可能正在进行的活动,不仅是对现在进行时的巩固,培养学生 写的能力,同时也发散了孩子的思维,发挥自己的创造力编写小故事。 能力强的孩子可以不用老师提供的单词和词语,能力稍微弱一些的可以 结合老师给的词句来造句。 StepStep 4:4: Summary(1Summary(1 分钟)分钟) T:Boys and girls, What have you learned today? Lets say together. 教学目的:复习和总结本节课所学 StepStep 5:5: HomeworkHomework(1 1 分钟)分钟) Finish your story after class. 教学目的:巩固本节课所学。 SsSs readread andand judge.judge. SsSs writewrite a a shortshort story.story. SsSs readread together.together. 板书设计 Review Module The Present Continuous Tense Is/are . v-ing? Yes, . is/are. No, .is/are not. What is/are . doing? I He She am +ing: singingMeat It S + be is + v-ing 去 e+ing: making We are 双写+ing: sitting You They Food Fruits Meat Fast food Vegetable s Drinks
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