人教PEP版三年级上册Unit 5 Let's eat !-C-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-省级优课-(编号:b14cf).zip

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  • 人教(PEP)2011课标版三年级起点(吴欣主编)_三年级上册_小学英语_Unit 5 Lets eat !_C_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)_省级优课_(编号:b14cf)
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    • Unit5 Let’s eat ! C Story time.ppt--点击预览
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Unit 5 Lets eat ! C Story time Lets have a picnic today. bread eggegg cake fish water juice milk rice Coke ( (名名词词) )可乐可乐 注意:注意:Coke的第一的第一个字个字母要大母要大写写。 A:Can I have some_,please? B:Here you are. ice cream icecream+ A: Can I have some_,please? B: Here you are. ice cream Is Zoom happy? Why? Is Zoom happy? Why? What does Zoom order? 单词单词:Coke ice cream 句子句子:Can I have some , please ? Here you are. We should protect animals . 我们要保护动物。我们要保护动物。 Dont order too much .It may waste things. 不要点太多食物,它会造成浪费。不要点太多食物,它会造成浪费。 Dont eat too much .Its bad for our health. 不要吃得太多,它对我们的健康有害。不要吃得太多,它对我们的健康有害。 Homework Make up a new story. ( (创编一篇新故事。创编一篇新故事。) ) Thank you! Goodbye ! Unit5Unit5 LetsLets eateat ! ! C C StoryStory timetime 教学设计教学设计 一、教学目标 1.听、说、认读单词:bread,juice,egg, milk,water, cake,fish,rice,并学习新单词 Coke , ice cream . 2.在图片、实物或情境的帮助下运用句型 Id like some Can I have some ,please ? 表达想吃的食物以及 Here you are .为别人提供食物或请别人吃东西的句型。 3.让学生用正确的语音语调朗读对话,培养学生热爱 动物以及保护动物的良好品质。 二、学情分析 本部分是在学生学完了本单元 A 和 B 两部分基础上的 选学内容。本单元的学习主题是食物。这与学生的生活息 息相关,属于学生感兴趣的话题。学生在本单元 A 和 B 两 部分已基本上学会了 Id l ike some Can I have some , please ? Here you are . 等句型以及 bread,juice,egg, milk,water, cake,fish,rice 等单词。本部分通过 Zoom 在餐厅进餐发生的故事,激活学 生已有的知识和生活经历,帮助学生掌握本单元的主要内 容。 三、教学重难点 1.教学重点 教学重点是听、说、认读单词:bread,juice,egg, milk,water, cake,fish,rice,并学习新单词 Coke , ice cream .以及在语境中运用句型:Id like some Can I have some , please ? Here you are . 等。 2.教学难点 教学难点是听、说、认读单词新单词 Coke , ice cream 以及灵活运用句型:Id like some Can I have some , please ? Here you are . 等。 四、教学步骤 Step 1 Warm up (热身环节) 1.Greetings . 2. Lets sing “ Lets have a picnic today ”together. (设计意图:师生齐唱歌曲,既活跃了课堂气 氛,又为后面的学习做了很好的铺垫。) Step 2 Revision 1.Revise the words. 2.Choose and say. The teacher takes out pictures and words of food and drinks. Ask“ What would you like?”Ss choose and answer“Id like some ,please .” (设 计意图:引出新单词 Coke 和 ice cream ,为下面的故事教 学打下基础。) Step 3 Presentation 1.Teach the new word “ Coke ”( 教学新单词 “Coke”) T : Look ! Coke , Coke . o-e/eu/ , Coke . Can I have some Coke , please ? Follow me . Ss : Coke , Coke . o-e/eu/ , Coke . Can I have some Coke , please ? T: Here you are . Ss : Thank you . T : Youre welcome . 2.Teach the new word “ ice cream ”. ( 教学新单 词“ice cream”) T : Look ! Ice cream , ice cream . i-e /ai/ , ea / i: / , ice cream . Can I have some ice cream , please ? Follow me . Ss : Ice cream , ice cream . i-e /ai/ , ea / i: / , ice cream . Can I have some ice cream , please ? T: Here you are . Ss : Thanks. T : Youre welcome . 3.Turn to P55 . C Story time. T: Before you listen to the story , try to find the answer to the question :Is Zoom happy ? Why ? Now listen to the story carefully . Ss : No. The cat eats the fish . T : Yes . Youre clever . (设计意图:通过让学生带着问题听故事,培养学生静 下心来认真听讲的好习惯。) 4.Listen to the story and repeat it sentence by sentence twice. (听录音,逐句跟读故事两遍。 ) 5.Answer the question :What does Zoom order ?(回答问题:Zoom 点了哪些食物?) Ss : fish , rice , Coke and ice cream . T : Yes . (教师将这 4 个单词板书贴在黑板上。) Step 4 Practice ( 操练环节) 1. First the teacher and 2 other students read the story in roles and act it out . Then 3 students work in a group , read it in roles and act it out . (设计意图:通过 3 人小组分角色朗读并表演故事,让 学生进一步把故事听懂并读熟练。) 2. What do you learn from the story ? T & Ss : We should protect animals . Dont order too much . It may waste things.Dont eat too much.Its bad for our health. (设计意图:学了这篇故事懂得了我们要保护动物;不 要点太多食物,它会造成浪费;不要吃得太多,他对我们 的健康有害等道理,达到在传授学科知识的同时,渗透情 感教育的目的。) Step5 Homework (家庭作业) Make up a new dialogue. Board designing ( 板书设计) Unit 5 Lets eat ! C Story time Coke ice cream Can I have some , please ? 1.fish 2.rice 3.Coke 4.ice cream
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