人教PEP版六年级上册Unit 5What does he do -C-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:11ee0).zip

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doctor policeman singer lawyer postman president What do you want to be? doctor singer teacher lawyer policeman president I want to be a Lets chant What do you What do you What do you want to be? Be a doctor, be a doctor. I want to be a doctor. Be a singer, be a singer. I want to be a singer. Try your best ,try your best. What you dreams will come true. doctor singer teacher lawyer policeman president usual jobs 寻常的工作寻常的工作 unusual job 不寻常的工作不寻常的工作 What other unusual jobs can you think of? tamer 驯兽师驯兽师 How about a lion tamer? lion tamer dangerous honey bee famer What about a bee farmer? get stung Maybe a bee farmer will get stung. Task: read paragraph 4 and answer: What job that Zoom suggest to(建议)(建议) Zip ? Why?(Underline the sentence.) computer game tester 电脑游戏测试员电脑游戏测试员 Task: read paragraph 4 and answer: What job that Zoom suggest to(建(建 议)议) Zip ? Why? computer game tester 电脑游戏测试员电脑游戏测试员 DontDont spendspend tootoo muchmuch timetime onon computercomputer games!games! Tips: Does Zip want to be a computer game tester? magician魔术师魔术师 magician assistant 魔术助手魔术助手 magic魔术魔术 LiuQian is a magician, he can perform magic , he has a magician assistant. Can you read? nuts cracker (你疯了)(你疯了) Activity1:Watch the video and imitate. Activity2:Role play one of them. Activity3: Pair work :Choose 2 pictures and act out with your partner. Activity4:Retell the story according to the clues(根据线索根据线索). Activity5:Make a new dialogue to talk about your dreams. A:Hello!.,What do you want to be? B:I want to be aan A:Sounds good! B: What about you ? Do you want to be a,too? A:Yes,I do No, I dont. I want to be aan B:Thats great! Try your best , you can realize your dream. A:Thanks!You ,too. Just do it! Homework: 1、Retell the story again. 2、Talk about your dreams with your parents. 人教版 PEP 六年级上册 Unit5 What does he do? C. story time 教学设计 Step1. warm up 1.Greetings 并将学生分成 Zoom 组和 Zip 组. 2.Enjoy a video T:Whats the song about? What kind of jobs mentioned in the song? Step2. Presentation 1.展示歌曲里面提及的职业: doctorlawyerpolicemanpresident 教师带领学生熟悉关于职业的单词,并说出自己小时候职业理想,引出句型 What do you want to be ? I want to be a T:When I was a child ,I want to be a teacher ,so I work hard and now Im your teacher. 让学生大胆表述自己的理想:I want to be a 操练此句型并板书带读。 2.出示关于此句型的自编 chant,用以巩固。 3.教学图一、二。 将之前展示的一系列职业归类,一类归为 usual job,由 president 引出 unusual jobs,学生思考 What other unusual jobs can you think of? 观看训獅视屏,教学生词:tamerlion tamerdangerous. 出示图 1 和 2 内容,教师带读,学生跟读后分组分角色读,表现好的组加分。 4.教学图 3 和图 4。 honeybee farmerget stung . 穿插情感教育:Dont eat too much sweet food. 学生自学图 4,回答问题:What job did Zoom suggest to Zip? 回答并教学:computer game tester. 穿插情感教育:Dont spend too much time on computer games. 出示图 3 和 4 内容,教师带读,学生跟读后分组分角色读,表现好的组加分。 5,.教学图 5 图 6. 图片展示刘谦和他的魔术助手,教学生词 magicianmagician assistant 学生自读并回答:What does Zip want to be?引出并教学 nut. 图片展示 nutnut 并教学。 出示图 1 和 2 内容,教师带读,学生跟读后分组分角色读,表现好的组加分。 Step3 Practice 1.观看完整故事视屏并模仿发音。 2.给角色配音。 3.pair work:选择其中两幅图和伙伴进行表演。 以上环节对于积极表现的学生小组进行加分。 Step4 Consolidation 出示自编拓展对话,学生合作操练并展示对话。 Step 5 Summary 情感教育,鼓励学生树立远大的职业理想。出示名言:Nothing is impossible in the world.Just do it! Step6 Homework 教学反思:
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