人教PEP版六年级上册Unit 6How do you feel -A-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:b246f).zip

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happy hpi How does the baby feel? He is very happy. How does the dog feel? It is very happy. How do they feel? They are happy. angry gri SheShe isis . . HeHe isis . . angryangry angryangry The boy is very angry. How does the boy feel? He is very angry. How does he feel? The boy is very angry. How does the boy feel? sad sd The boy is very sad. How does the boy feel? She is very sad. How does she feel? The man is very sad. How does the man feel? worried wrid He is very worried. How does he feel? The boy is very worried. How does the boy feel? fred afraid She is afraid. How does she feel? They are afraid. How do they feel? afraid happy worriedworriedsad 比比一一比比 谁谁的的眼眼力力好好 WhatWhats s missing?missing? ? ? angryangry Sarah is . The cat is . The cat is ill. (生病)(生病) Sarah is . Sarah and the cat are . They are . A A B B D D C C Listen and choose. angry afraid sad worried happy Group work:Open your books, read in groups. Sarah is angry. The cat is afraid. The cat is ill. Sarah is sad. Sarah and the cat are worried. They are happy. worriedworried afraidafraidsadsad happyhappyangryangry 1. how feel do you ? _? 2.how feel does Mike _? 3.feels she happy . _. 连词成句。 4.angry he very is . _. How do you feel How does Mike feel She feels happy He is very angry 1.当你想询问你的感觉怎么样时,你该说: 你应该怎么做回答? 2.当你想询问他/她的感觉怎么样时,你该说: 你应该怎么做回答? 3.当你想询问他们的感觉怎么样时,你该说: 你应该怎么做回答? Homework: Draw some expressions, then share with your partner and family. (动手画一些表情的图片,并和搭(动手画一些表情的图片,并和搭 档、家人一起分享。)档、家人一起分享。) PEP 六年级上 Unit6 How do you feel? Part A Lets learn 教学目标与要求教学目标与要求 1.知识目标 21cnjy 1) 能够正确听、说、认、读表示感受的词汇,如:angry, happy, sad, ill, afraid 等。 2) 能够正确听、说、朗读:How do you feel? I feel等询问他人感受,并作适当回答的句 式。21cnjy 2.能力目标 21cnjy21cnjy 1)能够在情景中运用所学单词、句式询问和回答关于感受的话题。1cnjy21cnjy 3.情感态度目标:21cnjy 培养乐于助人、关爱他人的品质。 重点重点 掌握 PartA 的四会单词和四会句子。 难点难点 句型“He is/She is/Im/Theyre ”来描述人物的心情。 教具教具 单词卡片、图片、课件 教学环节教学环节师生活动师生活动 Preparation 准备活动 1. 活动:我演你说 活动方式:教师事先在纸条上写下一些学过的形容词,如: old,young,tall,short,funny,shy,strict,strong,kind,polite。每组派上一 名表演能力比较强的学生,抽取纸条,并将纸条内容用肢体语言表现出来给同 组的同学猜。在规定时间内猜中数量最多的组获胜。21cnjy 2. Lets guess Is he/she/it.? 用学过的形容词来描述图片。 教学环节教学环节师生活动师生活动 Presentation 新知呈现 T:How does he/she feel?出示表示情绪的图片,遮图。 1.教师利用 PPT 呈现一幅图,提问学生:Who is she? How does Sarah feel?Why?引导学生谈论图片,引出并教授描述高兴的情绪单词:happy. 2.两人结对活动。组织学生两人讨论图片的表情。 3.教师以相同的方法呈现余下图片,教授剩余情绪单词。cnjycom 4.教师利用课件提供多个情景。学生四人一组,发挥想象力进行表演和介 绍。教师鼓励学生表演时配上动作和表情。 5.Say the chant: Happy,happy,Im happy.(食指放在脸颊的两旁) Sad,sad,Im sad.(以手拭泪) Angry,angry,Im angry.(两手叉腰并瞪眼) Afraid,afraid,Im afraid.(双手放在下巴边并侧身躲避) Worried,worried,Im worried.(双手托下巴做担心状) 活动方式:要求学生边做动作,边用相应的表情和语调来说 chant。21cnjy 6.教学 ALets learn (1)教师播放“A. Lets learn”的课文视频,学生整体感知课文内容. How does the cat feel ?21cnjy Its afraid.21cnjy How does Sarah feel ?21cnjy She is sad.21cnjy How do Sarah and the cat feel ?21cnjy They are worried.21cnjy How do they feel ?21cnjy They are happy.21 (2) 播放 Lets learn 的录音,每句后暂停,学生跟读模仿,教师领读。 教学环节教学环节师生活动师生活动 Practice 巩固练习 1.记忆游戏 2.快听快看 3.我能把单词猜出来 4.活动:“表情帝” 教学环节教学环节师生活动师生活动 Production 输出运用 Write and say 1.教师展示教材上的插图,what is he she doing ? What are they doing ? How do you feel ? Can you guess ? 要求学生先口头说出完整的句子,然后独自完成书 写活动。www.21-cn- 2.小组进行看图说话的交流活动。 3.看谁说的多。教师指定一副插图请几名学生用不同的句子进行描述。 板书设计板书设计 Unit 6 How do you feel?Part (A) Lets learn feel, sad, angry, happy, worried, afraid How do you feel? Im How does he/she feel? He/She is How do they feel? Theyre 作业布置作业布置 1.听录音、朗读、小组内表演对话。 2.完成本节课的检测题。 教学反思教学反思
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