人教PEP版六年级上册Unit 6How do you feel -C-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:c0943).zip

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  • 全部
    • unit6 Part C Storytime.pptx--点击预览
    • 拓展绘本故事.docx--点击预览
    • 教案c0943.docx--点击预览
    • 歌曲.wmv
    • 狐狸和仙鹤音频.mp3
    • 表情动画.flv
    • 表情抖音.flv


Unit 6 How do you feel ? Part C Storytime How do you feel today? Lets enjoy the Tik Tok and say out her feelings! (欣赏一段抖音视频!) Last weekend, they were happy at Zip s home and watched TV together. This weekend , I am lonely, I miss my friend , Zip. Lets watch it! Where are Zip and Zoom? They are in the living- room. How does Zip feel ? He is happy . How does Zip feel? Maybe he is excited . How does Zip feel ? He is worried. 1.Where is Zoom? 2.What is zoom doing ? He is puzzled. 1.How does Zip feel ? 2.What should he do ? Count to ten and take a deep breath . Lets listen and follow it. Dont be angry, Lets make some popcorn with the oven and watch your favourite TV show - SpongeBob. If you were Zoom, What will you say to Zip ? After listening to us ,Zoom goes to the kitchen and uses the oven (微波炉) to make some popcorn , then they goes to watch TV happily. Group work : Read and act out the story. Shoot the film (拍电影) The fox and the stork The fox gave the stork a very shallow dish . When she left the meal, she was still very hungry. “I hope you will come to my house,” said the stork. A few days later, the fox visited the stork. The fox could not insert his big mouth into the long bottle. So he ate nothing. Learn to control your emotions and adjust your mood , one good turn deserves another. 学会控制自己的情绪,调节自己的心情, 好人会有好报。 Homework : Tell the story to your parents. The fox and the stork Once a fox invited a stork to dinner. He put nothing on the table except some soup in a very shallow dish. The fox could easily lap up the soup, but the stork could only wet the end of her long bill in it. When she left the meal, she was still very hungry. I am sorry, said the fox, the soup is not to your taste. Please do not apologize, said the stork. I hope you will come to my house, and dine with me soon. A few days later the fox visited the stork. He found that his food was put in a long bottle, and the mouth of the bottle was very narrow. He could not insert his big mouth into it, so he ate nothing. I will not apologize, said the stork. One bad turn deserves another. 一次,狐狸请鹤来吃饭。他除了浅盘子中的一点汤以外,什么也 没有准备。 狐狸可以轻而易举地喝到汤,但是鹤只够蘸湿他长长的嘴尖。 吃完饭后,鹤仍旧很饥饿。 “很抱歉,”狐狸说,“这汤不合你的口味” 。 “别客气, ”鹤说, “过几天请到我家来和我一起吃饭吧。 ” 几天后,狐狸应邀而至,他发现食物都装在一个长长的瓶子 里,而瓶口很细,他无法将他的大嘴伸进去,什么也吃不到。 “我不 想道歉,这是你应得的回报。 ”鹤说。 寓意: 如果我们故意去伤害别人,最终只会害了自己 Unit 6 How do you feel? Part C Storytime 1、教学目标与要求教学目标与要求: 1. 学生能理解故事内容; 2.学生能朗读故事;能表演故事,还能恰当运用故事中的语言。 3.复习巩固六单元的情绪单词及建议; 4.通过故事的学习,懂得如何控制情绪和解决情绪的困扰。 二、教学重点、难点分析二、教学重点、难点分析: 1. 要求学生先逐一看图,学会从图片信息中推测考查点,做到有目的地去听录音,听后 完成判断任务。 2. 通过阅读趣味故事,复习巩固本单元所学语言,增加学生语言的输入。 三、教学准备:多媒体课件,单词图片三、教学准备:多媒体课件,单词图片 四、教学步骤和建议四、教学步骤和建议: Step1Pre-reading 1.Greetings . 2.Sing a song 3.Free talk How do you feel today? Im _. 4.看抖音视频,复习情绪的单词; 5.导入主题:Zip and Zoom like watching TV and Tik Tok,too.This weekend Zoom is lonely, He uses the Wetchat(微信)to connect with Zip.(呈现出 Zip 和 Zoom 的微信聊天框) Step 2.While-reading 1、Lets watch it. 2、Look at the pictures and learn the story. 1)教师请学生逐一看图,尝试用自己的话描述每一副图。然后播放本部分录音。学生 听录音,根据老师的提问,回答思考故事的内容,一段一段地学习和教授。 2)教师校对答案,学生纠正自己的错误。 3、Listen again and circle the right answers. 1)听前教师要求学生读题,尝试猜测答案。 2)教师播放录音,学生独立完成练习。 3)教师采取先小组互评,再全班分享的方式校对答案。 4、Read and follow the flash. 5.T:If you were Zoom, what should you do? (1)学生自由说建议; (2)教师和学生一起说:Buy some popcorn, Zoom. Make some popcorn, Zoom. (3)Zoom says to Zip: Dont be angry, Lets make some popcorn and watch your favourite TV show-Spongebob (4)播放海绵宝宝的短视频,有关情绪和表情的画面。 (5)续故事结尾 Step3 Post-reading 1、Read and act out the story. (1)小组准备,练习故事 (2)拍电影,把所学的故事以电影的形式表演出来 2、Share a story :The fox and the stork. 3、写故事,选择自己喜欢的故事描述 4、Check and show it. 5、Summary:what have you learned today ? 6、情感升华:Learn to control your emotions and adjust your mood. 7、Homework : 读故事并表演故事。 板书设计:板书设计: Unit 6 How do you feel ? Part C Storytime How does Zip feel? whenwherewhathow 6:33-7:10In the living roomWatch TVhappy 7:10-7:30In the kitchenLook for Zoomworried 7:30-In the gardenFind Zoomangry
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