人教PEP版四年级上册Unit 1 My classroom-C-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:50147).zip

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    • 四上unit1 story time
      • 人物道具图片
        • fan.png--点击预览
        • light.png--点击预览
        • zoom.jpg--点击预览
        • 兔子.png--点击预览
        • 单词.doc--点击预览
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        • 蜜蜂1.jpg--点击预览
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        • 课题.doc--点击预览
        • 黑板.doc--点击预览
      • 句子读音
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        • 卡农节选.mp3
        • 雨中漫步.mp3
      • 正文图片
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        • Story time全
      • 背景图片
        • 22.jpg--点击预览
        • 保护动物1.png--点击预览
        • 保护动物2.png--点击预览
        • 保护动物3.png--点击预览
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      • story time.swf
      • unit 4C story time.ppt--点击预览
      • 习主席与世界的绿色约定.mp4
      • 习主席与世界的绿色约定.swf
      • 分课时教学建议.ppt--点击预览
      • 完整.mp4
      • 教学反思.doc--点击预览
      • 教学设计.doc--点击预览
    • Book 3 Unit 1 My classroom C.flv
    • Book 3 Unit 1 My classroom C.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案50147.doc--点击预览


Lets enjoy a story! It is hard-working(辛勤的)(辛勤的). It likes flowers(花)(花). It can make honey(蜂蜜)(蜂蜜). What is it? Riddle( (鸟鸟 ) ) Its the bee. What do you see? 仔仔鸟鸟 察察鸟 片,片,鸟 一一鸟 你看到你看到 的内容或你的内容或你鸟鸟 的事情。的事情。 Oh! Theres a bee in our classroom. Where is the bee? ( (蜜蜂在哪里?蜜蜂在哪里?) ) Watch and answer Picture-reading Where is it? Look! Its on the light. Where is it now? Its on the fan. Look! Its on the wall now. Yes. Lets mime! 模模鸟 表演!表演! 能能鸟 抓住关抓住关鸟鸟 叙述情叙述情鸟 。 。 能能鸟 叙述叙述鸟 做出相关做出相关鸟 作。作。 表达流利,表达流利,鸟 作、表情逼作、表情逼 真、生真、生鸟 ! Whats this? Its a bee! No, its a blackboard . Theres a bee on the blackboard. Ah, yes. It really IS a bee! Its on the fan. Its on the light. Its on the wall. Check! Its on the blackboard . Enjoy the whole story in groups! 小小鸟 合作合作鸟 故事故事, 遇到遇到鸟鸟 相互帮助。相互帮助。 Enjoy ! Gap-filling reading! Oh! Theres a _ in our _. bee classroom Where is it? Look! Its_. on the light Where is it now? Its_. on the fan Look! Its _no w. Yes . on the wall Whats this? Its a bee! _ No, its a_. blackboard Theres a bee _. Ah, yes. It really IS a bee! on the blackboard Oh!Theres a bee in our classroom. Choose, read and act it out! 根据你的根据你的鸟 趣,趣,鸟鸟 你喜你喜鸟 的的鸟 片,片,鸟 一一鸟 ,演一演!,演一演! After-reading Maybe the bee is cute(可这 的). But in class we should(这这 ) hard-working(勤(勤鸟 ) ) active( (鸟 极的)极的) helpful Read more books! Look before you leap! (三思而后行!)(三思而后行!) Work hard!(努力!)(努力!) She looks at the bee( (鸟 着小蜜蜂)着小蜜蜂). Make a new end! 故事故事鸟鸟 : 接下来,羊羊老接下来,羊羊老鸟 可能会怎么做?可能会怎么做? Acquire new knowledge. 有了新有了新鸟 知。知。 We are family! 同在地球上,共享大自然同在地球上,共享大自然 ! What have you learnt this class? 通这这这这的学这 ,你有什么收这 ? ReRead d t the e ststoryry f for r 10 mininutestes. 听听鸟 P11故事十分故事十分鸟 。 。 MMake e a nenew ststoryry. 鸟 作一个新故事。作一个新故事。 ( (TiTips s: :butterflytterfly蝴蝶蝴蝶 birdird鸟 ) ) Book 3 Unit 1 My classroom C Story time 教学设计教学设计 一:教学内容: 人教 PEP 四年级上册 Unit1 C Story time。 二:教学目标: 1、知识目标:句型、知识目标:句型 Where is it? It is on the .并能在实际情境中灵活 运用。 2、能力目标:、能力目标:学生能够理解对话大意,能够用正确的语音、语调朗 读对话。 3、情感目标:、情感目标:认识到人与动物、植物都是一家人,建设绿色生态的 意义。 三:教学重点: 1、句型 Where is it? It is on the .并能在实际情境中灵活运用。 2、学生能够理解对话大意,能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话。 四:教学难点: 能实际情境中灵活运用 Where is it? It is on the .。 五:教学准备: 多媒体课件、单词卡片、图片、头饰、奖励贴画。 六:教学过程: .Warm-up (1)T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Miss Gong. (2)T: Boys and girls, I have many cards today. Do you want to have a look? Do you like Zoom?/Zip?/the sheep?/the rabbit? What about this one? Bee, bee, bee. Please choose one card. OK, your group is Zoom. Your group is Zip./the rabbit/the sheep/thebee. T: This class lets enjoy a story, OK? Ss: OK. (3)T: Lets have a guess. Let me give you some tips. Its a kind of animals. It is hard-working(辛勤的). It likes flowers(花). It can make honey(蜂蜜). What is it? Ss: Mifeng. T: You are so clever! Yes, you are right. In English its the bee. Please follow me. Bee, bee, bee! 【设计意图设计意图】正式讲新课前与学生做好互动,热身练习是上好一堂 课的重要方面,因此,开课前先与学生做好互动,创造轻松的学习 环境。 . Preview T: Please look at the picture. What do you see?(展示课本图片 1) Ss: Zoom, Zip, a bee, a rabbit and a sheep. T: Boys and girls, you have good eyes. Oh! Theres a bee in our classroom. (展示课本图片 1 句子) Please read after the sound. Ss: Oh! Theres a bee in our classroom. T: OK. Lets try again with your emotion. (板书:Theres a bee in our classroom.) 【设计意图设计意图】简单热身后,同学生一起看图片,认识图片中的动物, 锻炼学生观察力,激发学生学习兴趣,积极投入英语课堂中。 . Presentation 1、Watch and answer:Where is the bee? (1) Picture-reading T: Look! Where is it?(展示图片 2) Ss: Its on the light. T: Great! (板书:Its on the light.) Please follow the sound. Ss: Where is it? Its on the light. T: OK. Who wants to read the sentence? One student is the rabbit, and the other students are Zoom. Got it? Lets go. Ss: Where is it? S1: Its on the light. T: Excellent! Now where is it ? (展示图片 3) Ss: Its on the fan. T: Good! (板书:Its on the fan.) Please follow the sound. Ss: Where is it? Its on the fan. T: Who wants to read it? S2: Where is it now? S3: Its on the fan. T: Lets clap for them. Lets go on. Now where is it ? (展示图片 4) Ss: Its on the wall. T: Well done! (板书:Its on the wall.) Please follow the sound. Ss: Its on the wall now. Yes. T: OK. You are Zoom. And you are Zip. Act out these sentences please. Group1: Look! Its on the wall now. Group2: Yes. (2) Lets mime. T: Give you a few minutes to practice these pictures. Pay attention to the tips! Got it? Go! T: Time is over. Who wants to show? Any volunteers? Trust yourself. I believe you! Come on! T: Wonderful! Lets go on reading. (3) Picture-reading(展示图片 5, 6) T: Whats this? Ss: Its a blackboard. T: Where is the bee? Ss: Its on the blackboard. T:Please read the sentences. (板书:Its on the blackboard.) (4) Watch the video and read the story. 2、Lets check. Match the pictures with the sentences. 3、Enjoy the whole story in groups! 4、Gap-filling reading! 5、Role Play Practice the story in groups. Choose, read and act it out! 根据你的兴趣,选择你喜欢的图片,读一读,演一演! 【设计意图设计意图】Story time 部分主要涉及 Where is it? Its on the,通 过图片展示的方式学习图片内容,不断地通过听,读熟悉句子。与 此同时,图片与小组活动相结合,既直观又激发了学生的主观能动 性。 . Prolongation 1、T: Maybe the bee is cute. But in class we should be hard-working, active Please do like this: Read more books. Work hard!(努力!) Look before you leap!(三思而后行!) 2、Make a new end!故事续编:接下来,羊羊老师可能会怎么做? She looks at the bee(盯着小蜜蜂). 3、Watch a video. 同在地球上,共享大自然! We are family! 【设计意图设计意图】学习故事的基础上,拓展孩子们的情感,意识到建设 绿色生态的重要性,呼吁孩子们从自身做起保护大自然。 . Summary T: What have you learnt this class? 【设计意图设计意图】新知呈现结束后将本节课的知识要点加以总结,可以 帮助学生及时回顾记忆本节课的重点。在此基础之上,引导学生热 爱自己的家园,情感得到升华。 . Homework 1、Read the story for 10 minutes to your parents. 2、Make a new story. 【设计意图设计意图】通过让学生与家长共同完成作业,帮助家长与孩子增 进了情感交流,帮助家长及时了解学生的学习情况。 板书设计: Unit 1 My classroom C Story time Theres a bee in our classroom. Where is it? light. Its on the fan. wall. blackboard. 【设计意图设计意图】板书设计简洁美观,重点突出,便于学生理解和掌握。 Lets enjoy a story! 惠民县辛店镇中心小学 巩莹莹 Itishard-working(辛勤的). Itlikesflowers(花). Itcanmakehoney(蜂蜜). Whatisit? Riddle(谜语 ) Its the bee. What do you see? 仔细观察图片,说一说你看到 的内容或你发现的事情。 Oh! Theres a bee in our classroom. Where is the bee? (蜜蜂在哪里?) Watch and answer Picture-reading Where is it? Look! Its on the light. Where is it now? Its on the fan. Look! Its on the wall now. Yes. Lets mime! 模拟表演! 能够抓住关键词叙述情节。 能边叙述边做出相关动作。 表达流利,动作、表情逼 真、生动! Whats this? Its a bee! No, its a blackboard. Theres a bee on the blackboard. Ah, yes. It really IS a bee! Its on the fan. Its on the light. Its on the wall. Check! Its on the blackboard. Enjoy the whole story in groups! 小组合作读故事, 遇到问题相互帮助。 Enjoy ! Gap-filling reading! Oh! Theres a _ in our _. bee classroom Where is it? Look! Its_. on the light Where is it now? Its_. on the fan Look! Its _no w. Yes. . on the wall Whats this? Its a bee! _ No, its a_. blackboard Theres a bee _. Ah, yes. It really IS a bee! on the blackboard Oh!Theres a bee in our classroom. Choose, read and act it out! 根据你的兴趣,选择你喜欢的图片,读一读,演一演! After-reading Maybe the bee is cute(可爱的). But in class we should(应该) hard-working(勤奋) active(积极的) helpful Read more books! Look before you leap! (三思而后行!) Work hard!(努力!) She looks at the bee(盯着小蜜蜂). Make a new end! 故事续编: 接下来,羊羊老师可能会怎么做? Acquire new knowledge. 有了新认知。 We are family! 同在地球上,共享大自然 ! What have you learnt this class? 通过这节课的学习,你有什么收获? Read the story for 10 minutes. 听读P11故事十分钟。 Make a new story. 创作一个新故事。 (Tips:butterfly蝴蝶 bird鸟) Unit 1 My classroom 分课时教学建议 课时课型主要教学内容教学要求 第一 课时 会话课 A Lets talk/Lets play 词汇:classroom,really, picture,near, window 句型:Whatsinthe classroom? Letsgoandsee. Whereisit? Itsnearthe window. 1.能够在图片和教师的帮助下理 解对话大意。 2.能够用正确的语音、语调朗读 对话,并能进行角色表演。 3.能够在情景中运用句型Whereis ?Itsin/on/under/near询问并 回答物品的位置,并能在情景中 恰当运用功能句:Whatsinthe classroom?Letsgoandsee. 4.能够在语境中理解生词 classroom,really,picture,near, window的意思,并能正确发音。 5.能够在Ispy游戏中依照语言示 范运用所学句型Whereis?Its in/on/under/near问答图中物品 所在的位置。 分课时教学建议 课时课型主要教学内容教学要求 第二 课时 词汇课 A Lets learn/Lets do 词汇:classroom, window, blackboard,light, picture,door,TV 句型:Whatsinthe classroom? Oneblackboard, oneTV 1.能够听、说、认读6个有关教室 物品设施的单词classroom, window,blackboard,light,picture, door;能够在语境中理解单词TV 的意思,并能够正确发音。 2.能够在语境中正确运用这6个单 词来描述教室里有什么物品设施 。 3.能够在图片的帮助下听懂指令 并做出相应的动作。 分课时教学建议 课时课型主要教学内容教学要求 第三 课时 语音课 Lets spell 语音:a-e/eI/ Read, listen and chant. Read, listen and tick. Listen, circle and write. 1.能够通过听例词发音,观察例词 结构中共有的特征,学习 a-e在单 词中发长音/eI/的规律;能够 跟着录音说唱歌谣,强化记忆a-e 的发音规则。 2.能够根据a/a-e的发音规则读出 生词;能够通过对比a/a-e的发音 ,强化a/a-e的音形对应关系。 3.能够按照a/a-e的发音规则拼写 出单词,进一步学习在四线三格 中正确书写单词,并辨认词形。 分课时教学建议 课时课型主要教学内容教学要求 第四 课时 会话课 B Lets talk/Lets play 词汇:teachersdesk, clean,help 句型:Lets Letme 1.能够在图片和教师的帮助下理 解对话大意。 2.能够用正确的语音、语调朗读 对话,并能进行角色表演。 3.能够在情景中运用句型Lets Letme提出行动建议。 4.能够在语境中理解生词teachers desk,clean,help的意思,并能正确 发音。 5.能够在“掷骰子”游戏中根据 投掷的结果运用句型Letme. Lets.提出行动建议。 分课时教学建议 课时课型主要教学内容教学要求 第五 课时 词汇课 B Lets learn/Colour and say 词汇:teachersdesk, computer,fan, wall, floor 句型:Thisis Thedooris 1.能够听、说、认读5个有关教室 物品设施的单词或词组teachers desk,computer,fan,wall,floor。 2.能够在语境中正确运用这5个单 词或词组来描述教室里有什么物 品设施及其颜色。 3.能够完成为教室涂色的活动, 并根据涂色结果运用所学语言描 述教室里有何物品设施及其颜色 。 分课时教学建议 课时课型主要教学内容教学要求 第六 课时 读写课 Read and write Lets check Lets sing 1.能够在图片的帮助下读懂四组 句子,并与图片信息匹配,完成 判断句子正误的活动。 2.能够在图片的帮助下从话题词 汇中正确选词,抄写在四线格里 ,完成句子;能够根据教室的实 际情况选词抄写在四线格内,完 成句子。 3.检测部分要求学生能够熟练地 听、说本单元对话部分的主要句 型;能够听、说、认读词汇部分 的所有单词。 4.能够学会唱歌曲Wehaveanew classroom。 课时课型主要教学内容教学要求 选学 内容 主情 景图 单元所学核心词汇与句型1.能够通过看图了解单元话题及 相关文化知识,了解核心词汇与 句型出现的语用环境,为学习单 元A、B部分的各个板块做好准备 。 2.能够在完成本单元的语言学习 后,进行快看快说、快听快指和 为句子排序等复习与评价活动。 Story time 复习巩固与拓展学习能够在图片的帮助下理解故事内 容,复习巩固有关教室物品设施 的单词以及问答物品位置的句型 ,能够在教师的帮助下表演故事 。 分课时教学建议 Book 3 Unit 1 My classroom C Story time 教学反思 辛店镇中心小学 巩莹莹 今天,我执教了人教版(PEP)四年级上册 Unit1 My classroom C Story time 部分。本课时的教学重点是 1、句型 Where is it? It is on the .并能在实际情境中灵活运用。2、学生能够理解对话 大意,能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话。教学难点是能实际情境 中灵活运用 Where is it? It is on the .。 本节课我通过小组活动学习法、任务型教学法来完成本课时的 任务。把全班分成 5 个小组,故事情节发展为主线,结对或全班活 动为辅,学生互相交流,切磋,共同完成学习任务,在合作中感受 学习英语的乐趣及交流的意义,同时也培养了学生的集体荣誉感。 纵观本节课,我做到了以下几点。 一、激趣引入。 在简单的问候之后,利用 Do you like?句型熟悉故事主要人 物并学习单词 bee.通过抽签给每个小组取名。通过 Lets guess 环节,激发学生学习积极性,调节学生的情绪,使学生以昂扬的热 情参与到下一环节的学习。 二、环节紧凑。 在故事教学中设计连贯的情节图片,学生看到生动的 PPT 图片, 紧跟小蜜蜂的脚步,带着问题 Where is it?任务学习了整个故事。 在学习过程中,锻炼了孩子们的观察能力,听与说的能力。 三、小组活动&适时评价。 故事学习过程中,我设计了 Match, Gap-filling 练习活动。练 习活动中,孩子们踊跃回答问题,巩固了知识的同时得到了精神小 奖励。角色表演是利用小组活动实现的,两个搭档或小组成员之间 的活动都是学生平日喜闻乐见的活动形式。孩子们戴上头饰,热情 的表演故事,使他们成为真正的学习的主人。 四、适时的情感导入。 伴随着故事的学习,引导孩子们摆正上课态度,上课专心致志。 与此同时,利用故事续编,与当下习主席的绿色约定相结合,引导 孩子们保护动物、植物,热爱大自然,共享大自然。 本节课的不足是:在学习故事时,时间分配不够合理,给学生 自由表演对话的时间和创编对话的时间少;在操练句型时,过于急 躁,应该更多的培养学生的自主学习能力;对学生的课堂表扬语言 过于单一;自己的应变能力不够灵活。 针对以上两点不足,今后在教学中我会努力加以改进:第一,加 强教学环节的连贯、衔接,合理分配时间,给学生充分的时间消化 掌握当堂知识;第二,不断地给自己充电,加强日常英语授课。通 过不断地整改,向课堂要效率,让课堂高效化。 一节课虽说只有 40 分钟,感触却极其深刻。每天都在上课,而 每节课都有不妥与欠缺之处。但对于我来说都是一个成长的过程。 我希望,同时我也相信,只要我们有耐心,恒心,爱心,学生将会 与我们以“心”交“心” 。 Book 3 Unit 1 My classroom C Story time 教学设计教学设计 一:教学内容: 人教 PEP 四年级上册 Unit1 C Story time。 二:教学目标: 1、知识目标:句型、知识目标:句型 Where is it? It is on the .并能在实际情境中灵活 运用。 2、能力目标:、能力目标:学生能够理解对话大意,能够用正确的语音、语调朗 读对话。 3、情感目标:、情感目标:认识到人与动物、植物都是一家人,建设绿色生态的 意义。 三:教学重点: 1、句型 Where is it? It is on the .并能在实际情境中灵活运用。 2、学生能够理解对话大意,能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话。 四:教学难点: 能实际情境中灵活运用 Where is it? It is on the .。 五:教学准备: 多媒体课件、单词卡片、图片、头饰、奖励贴画。 六:教学过程: .Warm-up (1)T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Miss Gong. (2)T: Boys and girls, I have many cards today. Do you want to have a look? Do you like Zoom?/Zip?/the sheep?/the rabbit? What about this one? Bee, bee, bee. Please choose one card. OK, your group is Zoom. Your group is Zip./the rabbit/the sheep/thebee. T: This class lets enjoy a story, OK? Ss: OK. (3)T: Lets have a guess. Let me give you some tips. Its a kind of animals. It is hard-working(辛勤的). It likes flowers(花). It can make honey(蜂蜜). What is it? Ss: Mifeng. T: You are so clever! Yes, you are right. In English its the bee. Please follow me. Bee, bee, bee! 【设计意图设计意图】正式讲新课前与学生做好互动,热身练习是上好一堂 课的重要方面,因此,开课前先与学生做好互动,创造轻松的学习 环境。 . Preview T: Please look at the picture. What do you see?(展示课本图片 1) Ss: Zoom, Zip, a bee, a rabbit and a sheep. T: Boys and girls, you have good eyes. Oh! Theres a bee in our classroom. (展示课本图片 1 句子) Please read after the sound. Ss: Oh! Theres a bee in our classroom. T: OK. Lets try again with your emotion. (板书:Theres a bee in our classroom.) 【设计意图设计意图】简单热身后,同学生一起看图片,认识图片中的动物, 锻炼学生观察力,激发学生学习兴趣,积极投入英语课堂中。 . Presentation 1、Watch and answer:Where is the bee? (1) Picture-reading T: Look! Where is it?(展示图片 2) Ss: Its on the light. T: Great! (板书:Its on the light.) Please follow the sound. Ss: Where is it? Its on the light. T: OK. Who wants to read the sentence? One student is the rabbit, and the other students are Zoom. Got it? Lets go. Ss: Where is it? S1: Its on the light. T: Excellent! Now where is it ? (展示图片 3) Ss: Its on the fan. T: Good! (板书:Its on the fan.) Please follow the sound. Ss: Where is it? Its on the fan. T: Who wants to read it? S2: Where is it now? S3: Its on the fan. T: Lets clap for them. Lets go on. Now where is it ? (展示图片 4) Ss: Its on the wall. T: Well done! (板书:Its on the wall.) Please follow the sound. Ss: Its on the wall now. Yes. T: OK. You are Zoom. And you are Zip. Act out these sentences please. Group1: Look! Its on the wall now. Group2: Yes. (2) Lets mime. T: Give you a few minutes to practice these pictures. Pay attention to the tips! Got it? Go! T: Time is over. Who wants to show? Any volunteers? Trust yourself. I believe you! Come on! T: Wonderful! Lets go on reading. (3) Picture-reading(展示图片 5, 6) T: Whats this? Ss: Its a blackboard. T: Where is the bee? Ss: Its on the blackboard. T:Please read the sentences. (板书:Its on the blackboard.) (4) Watch the video and read the story. 2、Lets check. Match the pictures with the sentences. 3、Enjoy the whole story in groups! 4、Gap-filling reading! 5、Role Play Practice the story in groups. Choose, read and act it out! 根据你的兴趣,选择你喜欢的图片,读一读,演一演! 【设计意图设计意图】Story time 部分主要涉及 Where is it? Its on the,通 过图片展示的方式学习图片内容,不断地通过听,读熟悉句子。与 此同时,图片与小组活动相结合,既直观又激发了学生的主观能动 性。 . Prolongation 1、T: Maybe the bee is cute. But in class we should be hard-working, active Please do like this: Read more books. Work hard!(努力!) Look before you leap!(三思而后行!) 2、Make a new end!故事续编:接下来,羊羊老师可能会怎么做? She looks at the bee(盯着小蜜蜂). 3、Watch a video. 同在地球上,共享大自然! We are family! 【设计意图设计意图】学习故事的基础上,拓展孩子们的情感,意识到建设 绿色生态的重要性,呼吁孩子们从自身做起保护大自然。 . Summary T: What have you learnt this class? 【设计意图设计意图】新知呈现结束后将本节课的知识要点加以总结,可以 帮助学生及时回顾记忆本节课的重点。在此基础之上,引导学生热 爱自己的家园,情感得到升华。 . Homework 1、Read the story for 10 minutes to your parents. 2、Make a new story. 【设计意图设计意图】通过让学生与家长共同完成作业,帮助家长与孩子增 进了情感交流,帮助家长及时了解学生的学习情况。 板书设计: Unit 1 My classroom C Story time Theres a bee in our classroom. Where is it? light. Its on the fan. wall. blackboard. 【设计意图设计意图】板书设计简洁美观,重点突出,便于学生理解和掌握。 bee light fan wall classroom Unit 1 My classroom C Story time blackboard
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