人教版九年级Unit 10 You are suppoed to shake hands.-Section B 3a—3b Self check-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-(配套课件编号:b1990).docx

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人教版九年级Unit 10 You are suppoed to shake hands.-Section B 3a—3b Self check-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-(配套课件编号:b1990).docx_第1页
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人教版九年级Unit 10 You are suppoed to shake hands.-Section B 3a—3b Self check-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-(配套课件编号:b1990).docx_第2页
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人教版九年级Unit 10 You are suppoed to shake hands.-Section B 3a—3b Self check-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-(配套课件编号:b1990).docx_第3页
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1、Teaching Plan Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. (Section B 3a3b Self check) 一、教学目标教学目标 1. 知识目标 (1)复习由 which/who/that 引导的定语从句。 (2)复习关于音乐和电影种类、特点的语言表达。 2. 能力目标: 运用定语从句来谈论音乐、电影。 3. 情感目标: (1)欣赏音乐与电影,感悟和分享音乐和电影带来的情感体验。 (2)通过电影Sing中几位主角为实现梦想而努力奋斗的故事,教育学生在 生活与学习中,要勇于面对困难与挫折,乐观拼搏,为实现梦想而坚持不懈。 二、二、学情分析

2、学情分析 1. 本单元的话题是“音乐与电影” 。学生已在 Section A 和 Section B 中初步学习 了定语从句的概念及用法,本节课是对定语从句的进一步巩固与复习。 2. 学生已观看了电影 sing , 教师运用这一电影资源对教材进行整合, 以 Sing 作为主线,让学生在这一电影语境中运用定语从句谈论音乐与电影,进一步巩固 和掌握如何使用定语从句去谈论人和事。 3. 运用游戏、合作、探究等多种学习方法,促进学生用英语交流。 三、三、重点难点重点难点 1.重点:运用定语从句表达对音乐、 电影种类的喜好及用定语从句描述电影中的 角色。 2.难点: (1)运用定语从句造句,检查对目标语

3、言的实际运用能力。 (2)运用本节课所学知识进行写作训练。 四、四、教学过程教学过程 Step 1 Warming-up Watch a video from the movie. Ask students to shout out the names of different animals in the movie as quickly as they can. 设计目的:热身活动播放电影视频,检测课前学生是否已熟记电影中的动物 名称 Step 2 Talk about what the movie is about 1. Show some pictures from the movie

4、 to talk about the movie sentence by sentence. Ask students to put the sentences into attributive clauses. 2. Show a passage about the movie. Ask students to fill in the blank with who or which. 3. Review different kinds of movies and ask students to talk about what kind of movies they like. 4. Stud

5、ents practice listening to consolidate the target language. 设计目的:1. 从句子到篇章,反复操练定语从句。 2. 复习本单元所学的关于电影的类型及特点的表达,并做听力训练 加以巩固。 Step 3Talk about the characters in the movie 1. Students use attributive clauses to talk about the result of the survey that they do before class. 2. Students work in groups to

6、describe the characters by using attributive clauses. 设计目的:学生课前已在网上通过“问卷星”对他们喜欢的动物角色进行投票。 课堂上,教师运用同屏技术展示投票结果,学生用定语从句描述投票结果及电影 中的动物角色,进一步加强对目标语言的理解与运用。 Step 4 Talk about the music in the movie 1. Play three songs sung by the animals and ask students what they think of the songs. While talking about t

7、he songs, students sing the song to feel about the lyrics. 2. Students make conversations in pairs to talk about the music that they like by using attributive clauses. 3. Students dance to the song shake it off to relax. 设计目的:1. 在音乐欣赏中回顾本单元所学的音乐类型 2. 进行口语训练,运用定语从句谈论自己喜欢的音乐类型。 3. 让学生在唱歌中感受歌词的力量,并跳一小段

8、舞蹈来放松。 Step 5 Writing 1. Students work in groups to put the disordered article “My Favorite Movie” into correct order to make an organized article. 2.Analyze the structure of the article and tell students how to write their articles. 3. Students practice writing. 4.Ask three students to read their a

9、rticles. 设计目的:1. 学生进行小组合作,把顺序错乱的文章“my favorite movie”重新 排序,作为写作前的输入,为后续写作做准备。 2. 分析 Jenny 的文章结构,为学生写作搭建脚手架,降低写作难度, 最后学生能够运用本节课所学的知识,进行模仿写作训练。 3. 运用手机同屏技术展示优秀学生作文。 Step 6 Moral education 1.Ask some students to talk about what they have learned after seeing the movie. 2. By quoting what the koala says from the movie, tell students to be optimistic when they face difficulties. 设计目的:告诉学生向电影中的动物角色学习,遇到困难,保持乐观精神,永不 放弃。 Step 7 Summary Summarize what students have learned in this class.


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