人教版九年级Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.-Section A 1a—1c-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-省级公开课-(编号:91465).zip

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1. must用在肯定句中表示较有把握的推测,意为用在肯定句中表示较有把握的推测,意为“一定一定” He must be working at home. 表示“推测”的情态动词 3.can表示推测表示推测“不确定不确定” cant 则表示则表示“不可能不可能”. It can be your book. He cant be a bad boy. He often helps others. 2. might ,could 表示推测表示推测“可能性更小可能性更小”. He might be at home. It could belong to his sister. must cant could might 100% probably true 20%-80% possibly true 0 % almost not true 1.Mary _be in Paris. I saw her in town only a few minutes ago. 3. Peter _ come with us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet. 4.I thought you _ like something to read, so I have brought you some books. 用用must, could, might, cant 填空填空: 2. The CD _ belong to Grace. She always listens to classical music. cant must might/could might/could 5.That red car _be Carlas. She has a blue car. cant Guessing game Who are they? They cant be _. They could/ might be_. _. girls three boys Guessing game Who are they? He could/ might be_. Guessing game Who are they? He could/ might be_. Guessing game Who are they? They must be_ TFBOYS He cant be _. He could/might be _. old a yong boy He cant be _. He could/might be _. He cant be _. He could/might be _. He must be _.Lu Han What kind of music is it? Country music or rock music? It may be_country music. rock musicIt must be What kind of music is it? Country music or rock music? clot hing Fun things Kitch en things hat volleyball plate CD book volleyball T-shirt toy car magazine plate cups hat jacket 1a. Look at the picture. Write the things you see in the correct columns in the chart. jacket T-shirttoy car cups CD book magazine 1b.Listen again and match each person with a thing and a reason. Person Thing Reason Janes little brother volleyba ll J.K. Rowling is her favorite writer. Mary toy truck She loves volleyball. Carlamagazin e He was the only little kid at the picnic. Deng WenbookShe always listens to pop music. Grace CDHe loves rabbits. at the picnic在野餐 have a picnic进行野餐 go to a picnic 去野餐 go for a picnic去野餐 whose+n 谁的. 肯定是 玩具卡车 belong to sb 属于某人属于某人 at the picnic 在野餐 leave sth sw 把某物落在某地 流行音乐 belong 常用常用belong to 中。中。 belong to sb表示表示“属于某人,为某人属于某人,为某人 所拥有所拥有” Jims -Whose books are these? - They are Kates. (They _ Kate). Kates belong to toy car -Whose toy car is this? -It belongs to Jim. ( Its _)Jims 1c.Practice the conversation in the picture above. Then make conversations using the information in 1b. A: Whose is this? B: It must belong to xx. Because be xxs I Teaching Aims and Demands: 1. Knowledge goals: (1) Words and expressions belong, belong to, whose,truck, picnic,rabbit (2)Target Language Whose volleyball is this? It must be Carlas. 2.2. Ability goals: (1).To(1).To learnlearn toto useuse modalmodal verbsverbs likelike must,must, may,may, could,could, mightmight ,cant,cant toto makemake inferences.inferences. (2.)To(2.)To useuse somesome informationinformation toto makemake inferencesinferences reasonablely.reasonablely. 3. Moral goals: ToTo getget toto knowknow eacheach otherother wellwell byby learninglearning thisthis class.class. II Teaching Key Points: Learn to make inferences using “must”,“might”,“could”,“cant”. III Teaching Difficult Points: 1. Learn to make inferences using “must”,“might”,“could”,“cant”. 2. Oral practice using the target language. .Teaching Methods 1. Scene teaching method 2. Listening method 3. Pairwork 4. Guessing games V. Teaching Aids 1. Real objects 2. A tape recorder 3. A projector VI Teaching Procedures: Step I greeting and lead-in T: Hello, boys and girls! This class we are going to learn Unit8. Please look at the screen, “That must be Calars”. When we talk about things we are not sure of them, we can use the words could, might, must and cant to make conferences. For example: It could be Li Mings .It might belong to Li Ming.It must be LiLis. It cant belong to any other students . (通过讲解引出本课的重点单词 could, might, must ,cant 和 belong to. 的用法,以及例题的讨论和讲解,学生深入对这几个情态动词的理解。利用猜 测游戏来操练句型,能有效地吸引学生的注意力。利用游戏的形式可以激发学 习兴趣。让学生自己寻找规律,将探究式学习运用于课堂教学中。) StepStep IIII 1a1a T: Look at the pictures on the screen. What can you see? Answer it as quickly as you can. (让学生抢答) S1: S2 T: You did a good job just now .This time please discuss with your partner and write down the things you see in the correct columns in the chart. (Point out the sample answers. Get the students to complete the task on their own. As they work, move around the classroom checking their progress and answering any questions they may have. Show the correct answers on the screen by a projector. ) (通过多媒体课件展示出丰富多彩的图片,刺激 学生的视觉感官,避免了枯燥乏味的说教,激发 学生的学习积极性。) Step III Listening T: Read the instruction in 1b and find out what you are asked to do. SS: To match each person with a thing and a reason. T: As you listen, draw lines to connect the person in the first column with the thing in the second column. Well listen the tape for twice.Then draw another line to connect the thing in the second line with the reason in the third column.And we are going to listen to it for twice. (Call the students attention to the chart. Set a time limit of two minutes. Students read the persons , the things, and the reasons .) T: Now , listen for the first time to get the key information : who, what and why . Keep them down while listening. (Point out the sample answer.) T: The name Carla in the first column is connected to volleyball in the second column because thats the thing they are talking about. And the word “volleyball” in the second column is connected with the sentence “She loves volleyball” in the third column. (Get the students to listen to the tape again.) T: Now listen to the tape again. This time you should listen and match each person with a thing and a reason. (After that , check the answers with them and then read after the tape.) T: After listening to the tape , we know that they on a picnic. When you are on a picnic , can you throw rubbish here and there ? SS: No, we cant . T: Why not? SS: Because we only have one earth. We must protect the environment. T:T: You are right. (通过听前阅读要求,让学生明白在听的过程中应有意识地去听什么。通过听, 训练学生的听选信息的能力,而且再让学生根据课文给出的听力题去大胆的进 行推测,猜想正确的答案,再细心听听力去检验推测正确与否。之后跟读,可 Clothing Fun things Kitchen things hatvolleyballplate jacketCDcups T-shirttoy car magazine book 以感受标准语音,培养学生的语音和语调。同时利用听力内容对他们进行爱护环 境的教育。寓思想教育于语言教学之中。对听力原文进行讲解) Step IV Speaking Task 1 Make conversations using the information in the chart in 1b. T: We heard just now that the owners of the things and the reasons why the things belong to them. Next , make conversations with the help of the information in the chart in 1b. First , youd better read the example in the box. Then talk about who each thing might belong to and give a reason. (Get students to practice in pairs. As they work, move around the classroom listening to on various pairs and offering help with language and pronunciation as needed. After all the students have had an opportunity to ask and answer questions, stop the activity. Get different pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.) Task 2 Play a guessing with your classmates. T: Work in groups of four to guess the owners of the things and tell the reasons why you think so. One of you should get some things from other students,such as a watch ,a book, or a notebook. Of course, three of you cant see and try to guess the ownersusing the sentences: “Whose is this ?” ”It cant/ It might / It must / It could” “Whose are these?” ”They cant/ They might / They must / They could” (通过任务 1 的训练,可以让学生巩固听力中所学的句型即操练本课的目标语, 又可以训练学生的说话能力,同时为任务 2 作铺垫。任务 2 利用学生身边的物 品进行猜测,使学生在轻松有趣的气氛中巩固了对情态动词的理解,让学生在 不停的训练中体验情态动词在句子中的灵活运用。同时也使学生在通过自己的 猜测中学会逻辑判断。整个过程生动活泼,人人参与,让全班同学得到充分的 体验和参与。始终以学生为中心,特别让中下等的学生得到语言交际的锻炼。 ) Step V Exercise Fill in the blanks with the words “must” “could” “might” or “cant” 1. Whose football is this? It _ belong to Mark . Hes on the football team. 2. Whose English book is this? It _ be Jens. Look , her name is written on it. 3. Whose suit is this? It _ be Mikes. He is so tall that it would never fit him. 4. Whose photos are these? They _ belong to Megan or Carla . They are both in the pictures. 5. Whose candy is this? It _ belong to David because he never eats sweets. (根据精讲多练的原则组织学生练习,通过练习,使学生进一步巩固本课所学的 重点-情态动词表示猜测的用法,锻炼学生运用知识的能力。) Step VI Summary T: In this class, we have learned the key vocabulary words. Can you tell me what they are? SS: (If the students can not say them out, help them.) T: And we also learned the words “must” “could” “might” and “cant” .Can you tell me how to use these words? SS: (Help them to use these words in sentences.) (通过总结让学生回忆这节课所学的知识,掌握本课的重点所在。) Homework: Make sentences using the words “must” “could” “might” and “cant”. (通过让学生造句,可以让学生进一步对情态动词表示猜测的用法的理解和巩 固,还可以达到训练学生写的目的。)
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