人教版九年级Unit 11 Sad movies made me cry.-Section A Grammar focus 4a—4b-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-省级公开课-(编号:30273).zip

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Zhang Jing / Mandy Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. Section A (Grammar focus 4a-4b) 作课教师:孟州市赵和镇中心学校作课教师:孟州市赵和镇中心学校 张静张静 Studying Aims 1. Enable to use “make” to talk about how things affect(影响影响) you. 2. Try to know about your friends better. 3. Learn how to regulate(调节调节) your emotions(情绪情绪). happy/smile sad/cry uncomfortable (不舒服的不舒服的) Guide One: Words and Expressions nervous/uneasy fear. (焦虑的焦虑的) angry/mad (愤怒的愤怒的) happy excite cheerful 愉快的 glad love angry hate mad 气愤的 sad upset 苦恼的/不安的 uneasy 担心的/忧虑的 unhappy fear nervous afraid scary The loud music makes him nervous/uncomfortable. The loud music makes them excited. Soft and quiet music makes the baby relax. Money makes people happy. Fame makes people excited. New clothes can make him feel happy. Money and fame dont always make people happy. The loud music makes him nervous. The loud music makes them excited. Money and fame dont always make people happy. make sb. + adj. 使某人使某人. make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事使某人做某事 Soft and quiet music makes the baby relax. New clothes can make him feel happy. Learning/StudyingLearning/Studying makesmakes meme happy.happy. ExercisingExercising cancan makemake meme keepkeep healthy.healthy. Think of appropriate(恰当的) words for the blanks. Then compare your choices with your partner. Guide Two: 4a Dear Diary, June 29th I thought today was going to be really bad. To start with, it was cloudy and grey, and cloudy days make me_. And this was the day we would get our exam results back, but I didnt answer the exam questions very well last week. That made me_. I walked to school with my best friend Holly. She didnt say much to me. That made me a little_. In class, the teacher handed back our exams. That made me_. But I found out that I didnt do too badly. That made me very _. Then things got even better. Holly bought me my favorite lemon drink and a turkey sandwich for lunch, and we talked a lot. That made me_. feel sad uneasy unhappy nervous glad happy Write a short passage about what makes you happy, angry, nervousHow about your friends? What makes you?YouStudent 1Student 2 happy want to cry uncomfortable angry nervous feel like dancing Guide Three: Writing Hello, Im _. Im _ years old. In my daily life ,I like _. It can make me _. I dont like _. Because it always makes me _. This is my friend,_. He/She likes _. Because it can make him/ her_. He/She doesnt like _. Because it can make him/her_. _ is also my friend. He/She_ _ _ So how can we regulate(调节调节) our emotions(情绪情绪)? How do you regulate(调节调节) your bad emotions( 情绪情绪)? Try to list some useful ways. Write them down on your notebook. Guide Four: Homework What makes you?YouStudent 1Student 2 happy want to cry uncomfortable angry nervous feel like(想) dancing Hello, Im _. Im _ years old. In my daily life ,I like _. It can make me _. I dont like _. Because it always makes me _. This is my friend,_. He/She likes _. Because it can make him/ her_. He/She doesnt like _. Because it can make him/her_. _ is also my friend. He/She _ _ _ _ Unit 11Sad movies make me cry. 教学 课题 第三课时Section A(Grammar Focus 4a-4b) 教学 目标 【知识目标】 1. Master some key words. 2. Ask the student to master and use “make “ to express how things affect you. 【能力目标】 Enable to express how things affect them and how to regulate their bad emotions. 【情感目标】 Try to know themself better and care for others, especially family and friends. 教学 重难 点 重点:make 的应用。 难点:词汇以及 make 组句子表达时搭配。 教学过程 Step 1Show “Studying Aims” 1. Enable to use “make” to talk about how things affect you. 2. Try to know about your friends better. 3. Learn how to regulate(调节) your emotions(情绪). 设计 意图 对于初中的学生来说,明确每节课的学习目标是很有必要的。这样,学生可以有 目的的去学习,且可以根据学习目标自主调节注意力的分布。做到有的放矢,提 高学习效率。 Step 2Guide One: Words and Expressions 出示一些关于人们不同情绪的图片(见课件),根据图片进行词汇和句型的学习。 The loud music makes him nervous. make sb. + adj. The loud music makes them excited. Money and fame dont always make people happy. Soft and quiet music makes the baby relax. New clothes can make him feel happy. (本部分主要以词汇及句子的学习为主,方式主要以跟读、自读为主。以此夯实 make 表达情绪的基本结构,为后面的练习做准备。) Step 3 Guide Two: 4a Think of appropriate(恰当的) words for the blanks. Then compare your choices with your partner.(文章见课件) Step 4Guide Three: Writing Write a short passage about what makes you happy, angry, nervousHow about your friends? (在写这个 passage 之前,先引导学生们讨论做一项调查,见下表。) 教学过程 What makes you? YouStudent 1Student 2 happy want to cry uncomfortable angry nervous feel like dancing (完成调查后,让学生们在练习纸上完成这个 short passage。在学生写作文时,我会注 意巡视查看大家的书写情况,然后根据时间给大家展示一位或者两位学生的作文。如有 make sb. do sth. 错误的地方,一起帮忙修改。) Step5Talk about how to regulate emotions, especially bad emotions. (让学生简单思考回答,并给学生出示些情绪调节的建议。然后对于本节课 来一个小总结。) Step6Homework How do you regulate(调节) your bad emotions(情绪)? Try to list some useful ways. Write them down on your notebook. (引导大家关注心理或者情绪方面的调节,鼓励大家积极面对学习生活中遇见的 困难,不灰心、不放弃,以积极乐观的心态面对生活。) 设计意图 整个课程设计环节由词句篇串联,由易至难,比较清晰明朗, 加上教师的课堂感染,可以帮助学生们在课堂上有种轻快、清晰的感觉。加 之内容在课本的基础上,加以有效利用和适当修改,对学生的练习也更加全 面。 这节课是语法练习为课,所以最后由对话练习设计成了写作练习,适当 拔高了一些课程难度,但由于有提前给学生们一些框架模式,确保了学生们 得到切实的练习。 在课程最后,对学生们渗透简单的心理教育,引导学生们学会管理和调 节情绪,不做情绪的“奴隶”,争做情绪的“主人”。积极面对学习生活。 板书设计 Unit 11Sad movies make me cry. 重点: make sb. + adj. make sb. do sth. 教学反思 本节课学生们通过关于情绪的词汇出发,然后与 make 结合,进入句子学习。在句 子学习中,引导大家注意结构搭配的总结,学习态度比较积极,这一部分学生们进行的 比较顺利。然后在后面 4a 和 writing 练习中,大部分学生掌握运用的都比较不错。但个 别学生在个别单词读音问题和 writing 环节出现旧知识错误,因此在课堂上又进行必要 的强调,这也印证了“复习”的必要性。 整体来说,本节课学生的学习目标完成度还是不错的,为本单元接下来的学习奠定 了必要的语言基础。 (必要知识的强调)
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