人教版九年级Unit 1 How can we become good learners -Section A 1a—2d-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-公开课-(编号:154ba).zip

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SectionA Period1 Howcanwebecomegoodlearners? Doyoulike English? HowisyourEnglishstudy? YesNonotgoodgoodbetterbest A:DoyoulikeEnglish? B:Yes,Ido./No,Idont. A:HowisyourEnglishstudy? B:Its. textbook conversation aloud pronunciation sentence patient n.教科书;课本 n.交谈;谈话 adv.大声地;出声地 n.发音;读音 n.句子 adj.有耐心的;n.病人 byworkingwithfriends bymakingwordcards byreadingthetextbook bylisteningtotapes byaskingtheteacherforhelp 1).1).byby介词,表示介词,表示“通过通过方法或途径方法或途径”的意思,译成的意思,译成“ 靠、通过靠、通过” byby后面可以加名词或动名词短语后面可以加名词或动名词短语 e.g:Thee.g:Thehousewasdestroyedhousewasdestroyedbyfire.byfire. 房屋被火烧毁了。房屋被火烧毁了。 22)traveltravelbyairbyair(land,sealand,sea)航空(陆路、航海)旅行。航空(陆路、航海)旅行。 (3 3)gogobytrainbytrain(boat,busboat,bus)乘火车(船,公共汽车)去)乘火车(船,公共汽车)去 (4 4)shakesbshakesbbythehandbythehand 和某人握手和某人握手 (5 5)IstudyEnglishIstudyEnglishbywatchingEnglishmoviesbywatchingEnglishmovies. .我通过我通过 看英文电影学英语。看英文电影学英语。 另外,另外,byby做为介词的含义有很多,我们也已经学习过一做为介词的含义有很多,我们也已经学习过一 些用法,总结如下些用法,总结如下 (1 1)在)在旁边、靠近旁边、靠近 ThereisapowerstationThereisapowerstationbybytheriver.theriver.河边有一个电厂河边有一个电厂 。 (2 2)沿着、经由)沿着、经由 comecomebybythehighwaythehighway由公路来由公路来 (3 3)由于)由于 bybymistakemistake由于差错由于差错 (4 4)被、由)被、由 somearticleswrittensomearticleswrittenbybyLuxunLuxun. .一些由一些由 鲁迅写的文章鲁迅写的文章 (5 5)(表示面积)(表示面积) aroom5m,aroom5m,byby4m4m一间长五米宽一间长五米宽 四米的房间四米的房间 (6 6)逐批)逐批 oneonebybyoneone一个接一个一个接一个 (7 7)表示方法、途径)表示方法、途径 如上如上 【运用】 根据提示,用含有by的短语完成句子。 1.AnniewenttoBeijing_ (乘火车)yesterday. 2.Hisgrandfathermadealiving_ _(靠卖水果)inthepast. bytrain byselling fruits 3.Thescientistshavetoarriveatthe village_(八月以前). 4.Allengoes_(经过 邮局)onhiswaytoschoolevery morning. 5.Thebookwaswritten_ _(由几个工程师). byAugust bythepostoffice byseveral engineers Listen.Howdothesestudentsstudyfora test?Writelettersfrom1aabove. _1.Meiping_2.Peter_3.Tonydeb 1a IstudyEnglishbyworkingwithfriends. HowdoyoustudyEnglish? Istudybymakingwordcards. HowdoyoustudyEnglish? Shestudiesbyreadingthetextbook. HowdoesshestudyEnglish? Theystudybylisteningtotapes. HowdotheystudyEnglish? A: How do you/ does he/ she study English? B: I study /He/ She /studies by A: Have you ever made word card? B: Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way. listentotapeseveryday haveconversationswithfriends workwithfriends/agroup readthetextbook asktheteacherforhelp makewordcards keepadiaryeveryday jointheEnglishclub readaloudtopracticepronunciation watchvideos 1_DoesanyonelearnEnglishby watchingvideos? 2_Doyouhaveconversationswith friendsinEnglish? 3_Whataboutlisteningtotapes? 4_Whataboutreadingaloudto practice pronunciation? 5_Haveyoueverstudiedwithagroup? Listenandcheckthe questionsyouhear. 2a n.交谈;谈话 adv.大声地; 出声地 Whataboutreadingaloudtopracticepronunciation? 大声朗读读来练习发练习发 音怎么样样? 辨析aloud,loud和loudly aloud出声地;大声地。常与read/call 等词连用,不用于比较级。 e.g.Dontreadaloudinthelibrary. 不要在图书馆大声朗读。 loudadv.大声地;喧闹地。指说话声和笑声, 常与talk/speak/laugh/sing等词连用, 常用比较级。 e.g.Wecanthearyou.Pleasespeaklouder. 我们听不到你的声音,请再大声点。 loudlyadv.高声地;喧闹地。可以和loud互换,含有“ 吵闹”的意思,不悦耳。 后跟名词词,代词词或v.-ing。用于征求意见见。 e.g.Whataboutacupoftea? 喝杯茶怎么样样? Howaboutyou? 你呢? What/Howaboutgoingtothezoothis afternoon? 今天下午去动动物园怎么样样? Whatabout/Howabout? a.Yes,Ihave.Ivelearnedalotthatway. b.Oh,yes.Itreallyimprovesmyspeaking skills. c.Idothatsometimes.Ithinkithelps. d.No.Itstoohardtounderstandspoken English. Listenagain.Matcheachanswer belowwithaquestionabove. 2b Keys:1._2._4._5._d bca (语言技巧) (口语) Haveyoueverstudied withagroup? Makeconversations usingtheinformationin 2aand2b. 2c Yes,Ihave.Ivelearned alotthatway. Letstalkaboutthebestwaysto learnEnglish. Do you learn English by watching movies? Yes,itsavery interestingway. No,itstoohardto understandspoken English. What about writing letters to a pen pal in America? Yes,ithelpsto improvemywriting skillsandknowalot aboutAmerica. Do you have conversations with friends in English? Ofcourse,wecan talkaboutplentyof thingslikeschool, pets,movies,andour parents. Jack:Annie,Imalittlenervous.Ihavetofinish readingabookandgiveareportnextMonday. Annie:Thatdoesntsoundtoobad. Jack:ButImaveryslowreader. Annie:Justreadquicklytogetthemainideasat first.Dontreadwordbyword.Readword groups. Role-playtheconversation. 2d Jack:ButIdontunderstandmanyofthe words.Ihavetouseadictionary. Annie:Trytoguessawordsmeaningby readingthesentencesbeforeandafter it.Youprobablyunderstandmorethan youthink. Jack:Thatsoundsdifficult! Annie:Well,be patient.Ittakestime.Youcan becomebetterbyreadingsomething youenjoyeveryday.Themoreyou read,thefasteryoullbe. n. 句子 adj. 耐心的;n. 病人 HowdoyoulearnEnglish? Ilearnbystudyingwitha group. DoyoulearnEnglishby readingaloud? Yes,Ido.Ithelpsmy pronunciation. HowcanIreadfaster?Youcanreadfasterby readingwordgroups. HowcanIimprovemy pronunciation? Onewayisbylisteningto tapes. 1.Howdoyoupractice speaking? 2.Howdoyoulearnnew words? 3.Howdoyouimproveyour writing? 4.Howdoyoupractice listening? 5.Howdoyouimproveyour pronunciation? 6.Howdoyoulearn grammar? a.BywatchingEnglish programs. b.Bylisteningtoatapeand repeatingoutloud. c.Byhavingconversations withfriends d.Bytakingnotes,doing exercisesandreadingalot. e.Bywritinge-mailstomy penpals. f.Bymakingwordcards. .matchthequestionsandanswers. matchphysicschemistry Chinesehistorygeography 4bCompletethesestatements.Use informationthatistrueforyou. e.g.IusuallypracticemyEnglishbytaking notes/readingbooksandnewspapers/ speakingEnglishwithmyclassmates/ memorizingsentencepatterns. a.Iusuallypracticemymathby_. b.Iusuallypracticemyphysicsby_. c.Iusuallypracticemychemistryby_. d.IusuallypracticemyChineseby_. e.Iusuallypracticemyhistoryand geographyby_. 4cCheck()whatyoudotolearn English.Theninterviewyourpartner. A:DoyoulearnEnglishbydoinggrammar exercises? B:Yes,Ido. A:Howoftendoyoudothem? B: IlearnEnglishbyMypartnerlearns Englishby yesnohow often yesnohow often doinggrammarexercises. takingnotesinEnglish. readingEnglish books/magazines. keepingadiaryin English. usinganEnglish dictionary. .根据句意及汉语提示完成句子 1.IimprovemyspokenEnglishbyreadingthe textbook_(出声地). 2.Theteacheraskedustomakea_(交 谈)inEnglish. 3.HisEnglishisnotbad,buthis_ ( 发音)isntgood. 4.Theoldmanisverykindandheisalways _(有耐心的)withchildren 5.Youcanfindthis_ (句子)inthe text. aloud conversation pronunciation patient sentence 第一课时 Section A(1a2d) 知识目标 类别课时要点 重点单词1.textbook(n.) 教科书;课本 2.conversation(n.) 交谈;谈话 3.aloud(adv.)出声地;大声地 4.pronunciation(n.)发音;读音 5.sentence(n.) 句子 6.patient(adj.)有耐心的(n.)病人 重点词组1.ask for 请求;寻求;向要 2.a lot 很,非常;大量的,许多 3. too to太以至于不 4.give a report 作报告 5.at first 起初;刚开始 重点句式1. How do you study for a test? 你是如何为测试而学习的? 2. What about listening to tapes? 听听录音磁带怎么样? 3.Its too hard to understand spoken English.它太难了以至于我不能理解英语口语。 课堂环节 自主学习方案 【新词自查】 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。 1.We study by reading aloud(大声地). 2.My father had a long conversation(交谈) with me about my study yesterday. 3.The teacher is always kind and patient(有耐心的) with children. 4.What is the pronunciation(发音)of the word “test”? 5.Our headmaster will give a report(作报告)on how to become good learners this afternoon. 课堂导学方案 Step 1 情景导入 参考案例 Teacher: English is a living language. It is widely used all over the world. It is not easy to learn English well for us because we dont have a good condition and our time is too limited. But where there is a will, there is a way. If we keep on speaking and using it, we can learn it well. Questions: Teacher: Can you tell me how you learn English? Students:_. I learn English by listening to the tape. I learn English by reading English magazines. 环节说明:通过课前的一个师生问答互动引入新课的话题。 Step 2 完成教材 1a-1c 的任务 【操作案例】 1.要求学生翻开课本 P1,迅速阅读 1a 部分的内容。并按要求完成课本上相应的任务。(1 分钟) 2.检查答案,先要求全班一起给出答案并检查讨论。然后要求 2-3 名同学就“What are the other ways you sometimes study?”给出自己的答案,并把收集的答案列举在黑板上。(3 分 钟) 参考案例 Teacher: What are the other ways you sometimes study? Students: I study English_ . by reading English newspapers by going over exercises books by listening to tapes 3.要求学生听第一遍录音,并完成课本上 1b 的听力任务。(1 分钟) 4.要求学生听第二遍录音,并逐句进行跟读。(2 分钟) 5.完成教材 1c 的任务,要求学生模仿听力内容,使用“How do you study for a test?I study by ”进行对话练习。并邀请 2-3 对同学当堂进行演示。(3 分钟) 6.小结训练。要求学生在规定的时间内完成一个小练习。并请若干学生给出自己的答案。 有错误的话及时纠正。(2 分钟) 汉译英,每空一词。 1)就备考来说你是如何去学习的? How do you study for a test? 2)我是通过听磁带去学习英语的。 I study English by listening to tapes. 3)我是通过向老师寻求帮助去准备考试的。 I prepare for my test by asking the teacher for help. 4)下周三将会有一次大考试。 There will be a big test on next Wednesday. 环节说明:通过学习 1a,使学生对 by+doing 结构有所了解;通过 1b,锻炼学生的听力及抓 取关键信息的能力;通过 1c 的训练锻炼学生的口头表达能力,同时巩固对 by+doing 结构 的认识。 Step 3 完成教材 2a-2d 的任务 【操作案例】 1.要求学生翻开课本 P2。要求学生听第一遍录音,完成 2a,2b 的听力任务。(1 分钟) 2.要求学生听第二遍录音,并逐句进行跟读。(2 分钟) 3.听力内容巩固训练。要求学生根据所听到的内容完成下列各句。完成后要求若干学生给 出自己的答案。以巩固对听力内容的了解。(4 分钟) 1) The children are talking about the best ways to learn English. 2)Do you learn English by watching English videos? No, Its too hard to understand the spoken English. 3)What about listening to tapes? I do that sometimes. I think it helps. 4)Do you have conversations with friends in English? Oh, yes. It really improves my speaking skills. 5)Have you ever studied with a group? Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way. 4.大声朗读听力材料。(1 分钟) 5.放下听力材料,要求学生模仿听力内容,利用 2a,2b 的信息分角色练习对话完成 2c 的 练习。然后邀请 2-3 对同学当堂演示。看哪一对的表现最佳。(5 分钟) 6.播放 2d 的对话录音,让学生跟读,模仿并理解大意。然后让学生分角色朗读并表演 2d 的对话。(5 分钟) 7.对话内容巩固训练。要求学生根据 2d 对话的内容完成下列各句。完成后要求若干学生给 出自己的答案。以巩固对对话内容的了解。(4 分钟) 1) Jack is a little nervous because he has to finish reading a book and give a report next Monday. 2)Is Jack a good reader? No,hes a very slow reader. 3)How does Annie read? Does she read word by word? She reads quickly to get the main ideas at first. She doesnt read word by word. She reads word groups. 4)We neednt use a dictionary to look up every new word we meet when we are reading. 5)Sometimes we can guess the meaning of a new word by reading the sentences before and after it. 环节说明:将听、说、读、写的任务结合起来不仅锻炼了学生的语言综合运用能力,还巩固 了学生对目标语言的学习、识记和运用。 当堂评价方案(详见当堂训练部分)
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