北京版六年级上册UNIT THREE HOW DID YOU GO TO HANGZHOU -Lesson 10-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:500b2).zip

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共1课时 unitthreehowdid 小学英语 北京 2011 课标版一年级起点 评论(0) 1教学目标 知识与技能目标: 1.学生能够使用“How did you go to?”“I/We went to by .”提问和回答 出行方式。能够用过去式把自己的旅行经历进行简单的描述,并能够在情景中与他人进行 得体的交流。 2.学生能够听、说、认读 hill, west, around 三个单词,认读理解 fantastic, bridge, tha t sounds special, silk dresses, the Spring Festival Fair 等词汇,并能在交际活动中 运用。 3.学生能够正确理解课文对话,获取课文中的有关出行的信息,正确朗读课文,表演对话 。 过程与方法目标: 1.学生借助课件、视频资料等学习活动,感知、理解课文大意,在情境中体会重点词汇和 句型。 2.学生在朗读对话、分角色表演、制作 Photo Album 等活动中,学习操练并尝试运用语 言。 情感态度与价值观目标: 1. 学生能够通过对话知识的学习,对杭州当地的名胜古迹和特产有所了解。 2. 学生感受不同人们的出行经历,感受出行快乐。 知识与技能目标: 1.学生能够使用“How did you go to?”“I/We went to by .”提问和回答 出行方式。能够用过去式把自己的旅行经历进行简单的描述,并能够在情景中与他人进行 得体的交流。 2.学生能够听、说、认读 hill, west, around 三个单词,认读理解 fantastic, bridge, tha t sounds special, silk dresses, the Spring Festival Fair 等词汇,并能在交际活动中 运用。 3.学生能够正确理解课文对话,获取课文中的有关出行的信息,正确朗读课文,表演对话 。 过程与方法目标: 1.学生借助课件、视频资料等学习活动,感知、理解课文大意,在情境中体会重点词汇和 句型。 2.学生在朗读对话、分角色表演、制作 Photo Album 等活动中,学习操练并尝试运用语 言。 情感态度与价值观目标: 1. 学生能够通过对话知识的学习,对杭州当地的名胜古迹和特产有所了解。 2. 学生感受不同人们的出行经历,感受出行快乐。 评论(0) 2学情分析 本节课授课对象是六年级学生。该班学生前五年使用的是北师大版小学英语课本,今年开 始使用北京版小学英语教材,在知识衔接上没有太大的偏差。 本节课的知识 学生已有的知识 语法知识 一般过去时的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句 在北师大版五年级上册系统学习过一般过去时的句式。 语言知识 1.-How was your trip to Hangzhou, Mike? -It was fantastic. 询问“How was your trip?”的问句,在北师大版五年级下册第七单元中学习过,但答句 中的 fantastic 单词没有学过。 2. -How did you go to Hangzhou? -We went there by air. 询问 How did you go to?比较陌生。 在四年级下册中学习过 Lets go by bus. 但 air,subway 没有学习过。 课文中出现的句子 We visited many places and saw green hills, blue water, small bridges, and old houses. Mum bought some silk dresses and Dad bought so me green tea.有些学生读起来有一些困难。 学生以前学习过的单句都不长。 语音知识 本书录音原汁原味,但速度有些快,出现连读现象,学生不太适应,跟读有困难。 以往的录音速度较慢。 本节课授课对象是六年级一班的学生。学生们都比较外向,爱说、爱动,善于表达,很有 活力。一部分学生英语表达能力较强,一部分学生英语基础偏弱,但有想学好、想说英语 的欲望。上一学期我注重培养学生就课文内容进行提问,收到了一些效果,学生关注文本 ,乐于思考。本节课,我同样采用让学生自读-讨论活动调动学生的思维积极性。 结合学生假期的出行情况,在学完第一单元 What did you do this summer?后,让学 生把自己的出行照片和出行经历装饰出来,做了一个班级 Photo Album。这节课,我们 进一步扩展这一活动,将活动补充完整,让英语真正在生活中得以运用。 评论(0) 3重点难点 教学重点: 1. 功能句型: 出行方式的询问和回答:“How did you go to ?”“I/We went to by .” 2. 学生能听、说、认读三个单词:hill, west, around。并能认读课本中出现的单词及短 语:fantastic, bridges, that sounds special, silk dresses, the Spring Festival Fair 等。 3学生能够正确理解课文对话,获取课文中的有关出行的信息,正确朗读课文,表演对 话。 教学难点: 1. 学生能认读单词及短语:fantastic, bridges, that sounds special, silk dresses, th e Spring Festival Fair 等。 2. 学生能运用今天所学到的句子交流出行目的地和出行方式。 4教学过程 4.1 第一学时 教学活动 评论(0) 活动 1【导入】WarmingupLeadingin Greeting. 播放视频“爸爸去哪儿” Sing “Papa, when shall we travel far?” Do you remember the TV show “Papa, when shall we travel far?” Here co mes the popular song. You can sing together and find out who is in the son g. Help Ss answer. And who is the last one? Yes, Mike! 复习第九课知识 What did Mike do last weekend? Did they go to Hangzhou by air? 4. 设置评价 Do you like to go to Hangzhou by air? Do you like to go there on foot? Ok, boys and girls, lets have a PK. The winners can go to Hangzhou by air. It s fast and comfortable. And you also get five seals. 评论(0) 活动 2【讲授】PresentationPractice 揭示第十课课题 1)And now where is Mike? 2) What is he doing? And what are they talking about? Lets listen to the dialogue. 课文对话: 1. 初读、理解课文对话 1) Listening task: Let Ss listen and think: What are they talking about? 2) Reading task: Ask Ss to read and then find out: What did his grandpa ask? Let Ss ask and answer (Eg:Boys or girls if you find out a question, the others should answer.) 板书: How did you go to Hangzhou? We went there by air. Ask Ss to discuss in groups: According to the dialogue: Do you have more questions to ask Mike? Feedback: ask & answer (Like before, boys and girls have a PK.) 3) Sum-up: How was his trip? How did he go there? What did he see? Did he go to the West Lake? How did he go around the lake? Did he do some shopping? What did they buy? 2. 听读对话 Let Ss listen to the dialogue and repeat. (注意下列词汇的语音语调) fantastic (great, wonderful) there (Hangzhou) by air (by plane, fly to) green hills (smaller than mountains) blue water small bridges old houses the West Lake around by bike that sounds special buy (bought) green tea 3.对话练习 Let Ss role-play the dialogue in pairs. Model: T-S Pair work: S-S Let Ss perform: (grandpa-beard Mike-name card) 词汇和句型: 1. 看老师照片学习 1) Mike went to Hangzhou by air.(板书) Look, Linda and I went to Hangzhou, too. Linda, How did you go to Hangzhou? Can you guess, how did we go to Hangzhou? If you cant guess, you can ask me. We went there on foot. (Yes,we had a great time. Thank you) 2) Feed back the question on the blackboard and let Ss ask and answer. on foot 2) 出示图片,认识地点,学习其他出行方式: Ask: Where is it? How did they go there? Ask Ss to guess. by bus by taxi by subway 3) 小组活动: If you are in Shanghai, how did you go there? How was your trip Let Ss ask and answer in groups and then tell us. Feedback: (Choose different picture and get different stars) 评论(0) 活动 3【活动】production Lets do OK, now lets have a rest. Ill show you some pictures. This is our Photo Album. After learning Unit One, we made it. Look, our classmates visited many places. They are happy. (PPT 出示,停在一个学生的 photo 上) Who is he/she? Where did you go? How did you go there? How was your trip? Complete your passage and talk with each other: Boys and girls, how did you go there? You need to complete it and then tel l us. Show time. 评论(0) 活动 4【作业】SummaryHomework 完成课堂评价 小结板书中的重点 Listen and read the words, sentences and the dialogue. According to your passage, try to make a dialogue about your trip and write it down.
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