北京版六年级上册UNIT THREE HOW DID YOU GO TO HANGZHOU -Lesson 9-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:a058d).doc

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1、六上第三单元 第 9 课 教学设计 授课时间10 月 17 日第 3 单元总课时数4第(1)课时 教学内容1. 主题课文 2. 功能句型 3. 词汇: 1). 四会词汇:see, Monday, hotel, angry 2).认 读 词 汇 : flew to Hangzhou, last weekend, drove to Xiangshan, yesterday afternoon, took the train to Tianjin, on Friday morning 学情分析学生已能够对过去发生的 事 情 或 活 动 进 行 what,when,why 询 问 和 回 答,获取信息

2、,学生对过 去式的基本结构基本了 解,但有些不规则变化过 去式仍然不熟悉,需要巩 固加强。 教学目标1 能理解并能正确朗读对话内容 2 能在故事情景中学习单词 upset, 短语 miss the flight /school., work, left the passport in hotel 询问某人出行地点和方式的语句 Where did you go? I flew to Shanghai last weekend. 3能掌握几种出行方式的表达, fly to,drive to, take the train to并能在正确 的情景中运用。 4 能根据距离的远近选择正确的出行方式并能在

3、一定的情景中运用本科所学 语言并表达。 5通过故事的学习使学生提高外出旅行时要保管好自己的财物的意识。 教学重点1 理解故事大意,并能正确朗读相关词汇句型及过去时的表达。 2 在故事的情景中感知,理解,学习词句。 教学难点1动词过去式的正确发音如 flewdrove. 2能准确运用本课所学的几种交通方式表达教师的旅行安排 礼仪渗透能听懂、会说询问有关他人过去做了什么事或去了哪里及回答 教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图 导入环节 游戏 Lets have a guessing game 1It is a place. There are many rooms in it. When you ta

4、ke a trip, you can sleep there. 2It is a place .we can see planes here. If you want to go to another country, you will travel by plane. You will take a boarding pass and a passport. Look, this is a passport. 3It is a city. you can visit many places, you can see green hills ,blue water,smallbridges,a

5、ndold houses,You can visit the West Lake. If you want to go to Hangzhou ,how can we go there? It is a hotel It is an airport. Passport It is Hangzhou By train. By plane .By car 以 game 的 形式开启课 堂,调动学 习兴趣,使 学生进入学 习状态,并 学习两个新 单词。 通过提问, 活跃了学生 思维。 新课环节一 listen and say. Did you go to Hangzhou? When did you

6、 go there? 与学生进行 自由交流, How did you go there? 1Look, who is coming? This is our friend Mike, they are parents. Today our story isabout Mikeand his parents.在黑板上贴 who. What do you want to know about them? I want to know where did they go?贴 Where.When did they go?贴 When. What happened? 贴 What. How did t

7、hey go?贴 How. Listen and think Where and When 听 录音, 提问 Where did they go?把单 元主题补充完整:How did you go to Hangzhou? This is Hangzhou airport 贴图片 1 When did they go ? How did they go to Hangzhou ?Do you remember? We can say they flew to Hangzhou 贴 词条 flew to.读 fly-flew. 2Look at the picture, were they ha

8、ppy? 在黑板上贴图 2 We can say they were upset. Which one is upsetA or B? Yes ,the second one is upset, 贴 词 upset.Watchandthink:What happened to them? Why were they upset? Look, It was Mikes boarding pass. And the boarding time was 12 :30. But what time was it? So they were late for the flight. Can Mike g

9、o to school on time? So Mike missed school, and how about his parents? Yes .Is it a good news or bad news? When we hear bad new ,what should we say? 3Why did Mike missed school and Parents missed work? Where was the passport? 提出问题 They went to Hangzhou. Last Sunday They went to Hangzhou by plane 读 f

10、ly-flew No,they were unhappy A 观看动画。 Because they missed work and school. It was already 1:00. No. They missed the work. Abad news Im sorry to here that. Becauseheleftthe passport. It was in the hotel. He was at the airport. 为课文做铺 垫 通过提问, 为下面的学 习课文理清 了思路,进 入故事学习 环节。 通过引导, 使学生知道 flew to和 by plane 是 同

11、一意思的 不同表达方 式,易于理 解。 通过看图, 辨析理解近 义 词 . 学 习 upset. 在情景中学 习了与 miss 相 关 的 词 组。 Where is Mike? So we say Mike left his passportin the hotel.贴图 3 和词条 leftin He ran back to the hospital ,and got the passport ,but it was late. He missed the flight.贴图4和词条miss the flight 读 flight. That was why they were upset

12、. When we take a trip,we shoud be very careful.告诉学生外出要细心。 4,Read together and pair work 分角色朗读课文并展示 二,listen look and learn 1We know last weekend, Mike flew to Hangzhou , how about his friend? Can you talk about his friends? Where did they go?词组和图片匹配 连线 They were at the airport, who wants to have a t

13、ry? What should you say? We drovetoXiangshanyesterday afternoon. 读词卡 drive-drove We tookthe train to Tianjin on Friday morning. 读 take-took. 2Lets ask and answer one by one. what did you do last weekend? How did you go ?提供一些参考词组作为 资料。 Pairwork 回答问题 We flew to Hangzhou last weekend. We drove to Xiang

14、shan yesterday. 读词卡 drive-drove We tookthe train to Tianjin on Friday morning. 读 take-took. We can go outside by bike or on foot. We can go there on foot. We can take a bus. 通过看图片 和创设语境 让携手国内 模仿,尝试 表达,激发 了学生的学 习热情。 练习环节三 listen write and match Our friend Jack went to some places this summer,listen a

15、nd try to find where did he go? How did he go? 第一遍写出 where did he go? 第二遍写出 how did he go? 出示中国地图, 旅游路线和听力中出 现的地名和交通工具, 更直观的展示 答案 复述Jackstrip.Started Share and check answers. 在练习是渗 透具体有效 的 听 力 方 法。 为学生描述 fromfirstthen自己的旅行 做准备。 拓展We talked about Mikes trip, Jacks trip. Now it is my trip turn. where

16、did I go this summer? How did I go? You can disscuss with your partner,PPT 上展示地图,学生自主交流,谈谈自 己的旅行, 引导说出, 然后写在本上。 交流老师的旅行,一起畅谈。 。 猜测并交流出行方式 练习写作。 逐层深化达 到教学目标 板书设计Unit 3 How did you go to Hanghzou ? Whoflewto WhereWhere did you go last leekend? Whenmiss the flightWe flew to Hangzhou. How Whatleftin Whyupset


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