北京版三年级上册UNIT THREE I WAS BORN ON MAY 23RD-Lesson 12-Now I know the sound Now I can write Now let’s chant-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:20105).zip

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北京版小学英语三年级上册 Unit 3 Lesson 12 Birthday Sing a song When is your birthday? birthday When were you born? What do you do on your birthday? What gifts do you want? My birthday is on I want I was born on I eat birthday cake and OctoberOctoberOctoberOctober 2 2 2 2 She has a birthday party and gets gifts. Clares birthday is on October 2nd. What gifts does Clare want? She wants a teddy bear. Look! The teddy bear is over there. The teddy bear has brown hair. Clare likes the teddy bear very much. But today Clare cant find her teddy bear. Where is my teddy bear, dad? Sorry, I dont know. Where is my teddy bear, mom? The teddy bear is on the square chair. Please take care of your teddy bear, Clare. I will take care of my teddy bear. Homework 1. Find more words with “air”“ear”“are”and “ere” sound . 2. Make a survey. Ask more friends and your family members about their birthday. 教学基本信息 课题Unit 3 I was born on May 23rd Lesson12 学科英语学段:小学中年级年级三年级 相关 领域 语音教学 教材书名:北京市义务教育教科书京版英语三年级上册 出版社:北京出版社 出版日期: 2015 年 1 月 姓名单位 设计者、实施者 指导者 一 指导思想与理论依据 英语课程标准(2011 年版)中明确提出:“现代外语教育注重语言学习的过程,强调语 言学习的实践性,主张学生在语境中接触、体验和理解真实语言,并在此基础上学习和运用语言。 ” 本节课设计了调查同学生日的日期、生日这一天做什么以及收到什么礼物,最后通过语篇的形 式来介绍,也为今后的写作打下基础。 英语课程标准(2011 年版)提出:“在小学阶段,学生应能够掌握简单的拼读方法”, 同时,在二级标准中有如下要求“能够根据拼读的规律,读出简单的单词”。语音教学应注重语音 和语义相结合,因此,我在设计此课时,创设了找玩具熊的语境,让学生在情景中感知、理解、体 验和内化语音知识,从而让学生既学会拼读又领悟语言的含义,使学习更加真实有效。英语学科核 心素养中包含要培养学生的思维品质,在本节课的教学中,我通过设计不同的活动及问题,引导学 生积极思考,培养其英语思维能力。 二 教学背景分析 1. 教学内容分析: 本课是北京版小学英语三年级上册第三单元第 12 课,本课主要复习本单元与生日相关的知识, 并对语音板块进行新授,通过复习生日的两种问法和答法,询问并回答生日当天所做的事情以及想 要什么生日礼物,再利用绘本中的目标词汇过渡到学习字母组合 “air” “ear” “are”和 “ere” 的发音,书中词汇量较多,且句子之间的意义联系不够紧密,不易于学生理解, 基于文本分析, 我创设了找玩具熊的情境,将多个教学活动串联,提高其学习的趣味性,体现寓教于乐这一教学理 念。 2. 学生情况分析: 现状及认知特点:本课所教授的对象是三年级学生,在学习习惯方面,学生养成了善于倾听、 积极模仿、勇于开口的好习惯;学习能力方面,学生具备了初步的观察、朗读、小组合作等能力。 已有知识储备:在自然拼读方面,会唱 26 个字母音歌曲,并学习了一些字母组合的发音,孩 子们具有简单的音素意识和拼读能力,为今天的语音学习奠定了良好的基础。 3. 教学方式与教学手段说明: 分层教学方式: 从字母组合“air” “ear” “are”和 “ere”的发音,到含有字母组合的单词, 并在情境中进行阅读运用。 合作学习方式:个人活动与小组活动相结合,自主拼读与机械操练相结合,注重趣味性,激发 学生参与意识,促使学生积极主动地实践拼读、参与学习过程。 4. 教学技术准备: PPT 演示文稿、 音频文件、 故事主人公及重点词语板贴。 三 教学目标 1.学生能够询问并表达生日的有关信息,能够在教师的指导下完成生日有关信息的调查,包括生 日的日期、生日当天做什么、想要什么生日礼物等,并进行介绍。 2.学生能够通过情境感知、习得字母组合 “air” “ear” “are”和 “ere”的发音,并能正确朗 读含有“air” “ear” “are”和 “ere”发音的句子和故事。 3.学生能够根据发音规则,自主拼读含有字母组合“air” “ear” “are”和 “ere”的单词。 4.学生能够识别单词中含有“air” “ear” “are”和 “ere”发音的字母组合。 四 教学重点、难点 教学重点: 1. 能够询问并表达生日的有关信息,能够在教师的指导下完成生日有关信息的调查,包括生 日的日期、生日当天做什么、想要什么生日礼物等,并进行介绍。 2. 能够根据发音规则,自主拼读含有字母组合“air” “ear” “are”和 “ere”的单词。 教学难点: 在情境中理解所学单词的意义及朗读故事。 五 教学过程 环节一:复习导入环节一:复习导入 1.Greeting & Daily English T: Whats the date today? What day is today? Whats the weather like today? 2. Sing a song Month of the year 3. Talk about the birthday T: My birthday is on January 8th. When is your birthday? T: When is your birthday? S: Its on T: When were you born? S: I was born on T: What do you do on your birthday? Have a birthday party? Go to the park? Go to a movie? T: What gifts do you want? 4. Make a survey 教师示范-调查周围同学有关生日的信息。 When is your birthday? My birthday is on When were you born? I was born on What do you do on your birthday? I eat birthday cake and What gifts do you want? I want a word bank January February March April May June July August September October November December 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 30th 31st eat a birthday cake have a birthday party go to the cinema go to the park go to the zoo read books get gifts play with friends play with toys toy car toy plane toy train toy robot doll LEGO kitten/cat dog new clothes book computer smartphone red packet 5. Read the story 教师介绍 Clare 引出 bear 的小故事 T: Just now, I know some of your birthday. Look! This is our new friend Clare. What does Clare look like? 教师引导学生描述人物。 T&S: She has short hair. She wears pink dress and a pair of purple shoes. T: When is her birthday? PPT 呈现绘本第一页图片,学生观察图片可以回答。 What gift does Clare want? 引导学生猜一猜 Now, lets watch the video. 教师带领学生将故事简单复述一遍,同时板书 T: Now we have some words: there, bear,hair, Clare, square,chair, care T: Can you try to read these words? S: there, bear,hair, Clare, square,chair, care T: Now read after me. “there, bear,hair, Clare, square,chair, care” Do they have the same sound? What is the same sound? S: They all say. 【设计意图设计意图】通过调查同学生日的相关信息,复习本单元知识;通过帮助通过调查同学生日的相关信息,复习本单元知识;通过帮助 ClareClare 找找 teddyteddy bearbear,调动学生兴趣,并导入,调动学生兴趣,并导入“air”“air” “ear”“ear” “are”“are”和和 “ere”“ere”字母组合,字母组合, 使学生在情境中初步感知其发音。使学生在情境中初步感知其发音。 环节二:学习新知环节二:学习新知 1. Read and find T:They all have sound. But what letters make sound? Can you read them again? Try to slow down. What makes sound? S: “air” “ear” “are”and “ere” T: Yes, “air” “ear” “are”and “ere” make sound. (同时板书,放 baskets) 【设计意图设计意图】通过再次放慢速度朗读,让学生自己发现字母组合通过再次放慢速度朗读,让学生自己发现字母组合“air”“air” “ear”“ear” “are”“are”和和 “ere”“ere”发发音,从音到形,对教学内容音,从音到形,对教学内容“air”“air” “ear”“ear” “are”“are”和和 “ere”“ere”有更全面的理解。有更全面的理解。 2.Blend the words T: Follow me: th-ere there, cl-are Clare. T: Who wants to read the word in this way? S1: b-ear bear. T: Who can read this one? S2: h-air hair. S3:ch-air chair S4: squ-are square S5: c-are care 【设计意图设计意图】:教师带领学生进行单词解码和拼读,让学生更好地体验拼读过程,理:教师带领学生进行单词解码和拼读,让学生更好地体验拼读过程,理 解拼读规律,为接下来的见词能读活动进行铺垫。解拼读规律,为接下来的见词能读活动进行铺垫。 3.Group work 见词能读:教师分别转动辅音字母或字母组合和四个元音字母组合,教师先带着学生读辅音和四 个元音字母组合,再带着学生拼词,最后找学生拼读。. T: Who can read this word? Hands up! 【设计意图设计意图】通过转盘拼词的形式激发学生兴趣,强化拼读规则。通过转盘拼词的形式激发学生兴趣,强化拼读规则。 见词能读,并分组 T: Look! I have some apples. There are some words on the apples. Lets read the words and put them into different baskets.(教师示范) T:Now, open your envelop, read the words on the apples with your partner and put them into different baskets. 学生两人一组读苹果上的单词,并根据不同的字母组合进行分组,将苹果放进各自的篮子里。学生 完成后,师生一起拼读单词将黑板上的苹果放进相应的篮子里,同时核对答案。 环节三:自主阅读环节三:自主阅读 T:Read the story with your partner. 环节四环节四: :Homework 1 Find more words with“air” “ear” “are”and “ere”.Share with your classmates next class. 2 Make a survey. Ask more friends and family members about their birthday. 板书设计板书设计 Unit 3 Lesson 12 Birthday
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