语法专题之情态动词 学案-(2021新牛津译林版)高中英语(高一上期)必修第二册.docx

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1、1 专题专题五五:情态动词:情态动词 情态动词表示说话人对某一动作或状态的态度,认为“可能,应当,必要”等等,但本 身词义不完全,不能单独作谓语,必须和动词原形连用。情态动词没有人称和数的变化。常 用的情态动词有:can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, would, need, dare, have to, ought to, used to, had better 等。 一、一、can 和和 could 的用法的用法 1. 表示能力,意为“能,会” 。 We can help you. 我们能帮助你们。 My mother can

2、 use the computer now. 现在我妈妈会用电脑。 She could not use the computer three years ago. 三年前她不会使用电脑。 2. 表示许可(多用于口语) ,意为“可以” 。 Can I go now?我可以走了吗? He said I could use the computer. 他说我可以用这台电脑。 3. 表示请求,意为“能,可以” 。 Could I borrow your pen? 我能借用一下你的钢笔吗? Yes, you can. 是的,可以。 No, Im afraid not. 不,恐怕不行。 注: (在表示请求

3、时 can 和 could 没有时间上的差别,could 的语气较委婉客气些,但是回 答时均用 can。 ) 4. 表示推测,强调客观可能性,意为“可能” ,多用于疑问句和否定句中。情态动词后可用 一般现在时、进行时或完成时。 Anybody can make mistakes. 任何人都有可能犯错误。 Man can not live without air. 没有空气,人类不可能生存。 She cant be waiting for you. 她不可能在等你。 He cant have gone there alone. 他不会独自去那里。 5. 表示惊讶、怀疑、不相信的态度,意为“能,可

4、能” (主要用于否定句、疑问句或感叹句) 。 This cant be done by her. 这不可能是她做的。 Can this be true? 这有可能是真的吗? How can/could you be so careless! 你怎么能这么粗心! He couldnt be over sixty. 他不可能超过 60 岁。 6. can 与 be able to 的用法比较: 表示能力时二者同义。 No one can/is able to do it. 没有人能够做这件事。 be able to 表示“通过努力成功地做某事”,相当于 manage to do sth.和 suc

5、ceed in doing sth.。 With the help of the fireman, they were able to leave the burning house. 在消防队员的帮助下,他们才能离开那座着火的房子。 can 常指现在,也可用于过去时态,但不可以用于完成及将来时态;而 be able to 可用于各 种时态。 I can/am able to swim. 我会游泳。 When he was three, he could/was able to swim. 他三岁的时候就会游泳了。 Her baby will be able to walk in a few

6、weeks. 她的孩子几周后就该会走路了。 2 She has been able to talk to us in English since she was five years old. 她五岁时,便能用英语同我们讲话了。 7. can 和 could 的用法比较: could 是 can 的过去式。 He can use the computer now, but he couldnt use it two years ago. 他现在会用电脑,但两年前他不会。 could 可用于虚拟语气,但 can 不可。 How I wish I could fly into the sky! 我

7、多么希望我能飞上天空! If he could go, he should be glad. 如果他能去,他会感到高兴的。 Could you come and see me next Sunday? 下周日你能来看看我吗? 回答允许时,一般不用 could 而用 can。 Could I ask you a question? 我能问你一个问题吗? Yes, you can. 当然能。 could 表达的语气比 can 更委婉,这时 could 可用于各种时态。 I cant finish the job now, but I could do it tomorrow. 我现在完不成这项工作

8、,但明天我可以完成。 Do you think you could climb that tree? 你认为你能爬上那棵树吗? I wonder if you could do me a favor. 我想知道你能否帮帮我。 归纳:归纳:can/could 意为意为“能,会;可以;可能能,会;可以;可能” 注:can 构成一些固定的搭配: (请牢记请牢记) can but 只得 cannot but 不得不;不会不;必然 cant help but 不得不 cant help (to) do sth. 不能帮助干某事 cant help doing sth. 忍不住干某事;情不自禁干某事 ca

9、n not/never too/enough/more 无论也不过分;越越好 练习: 1) It is usually warm in my hometown in March, but it _ be rather cold sometimes. 2) She _ have left school, for her bike is still here. 3) No one _ be more generous; he has a heart of gold. 4) If it were not for the fact that she _ sing, I would invite her

10、 to the party. 5) The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone _(能够)get out. 6) I _ thank you too much for all your help to my son while we were away from home. 7) Will you _(能)finish your homework this evening? 8) While shopping, people sometimes cant help _ (persuade) into buying so

11、mething they dont really need. 9) She cant help _ (clean) the house because shes busy making a cake. 10)Could I borrow your bike? Yes, of course you _. 11) I cant help but _ (admire) his courage. 12) He could but _ (stop) his work because of his illness. 13) You _ when crossing the road. 当你过马路的时候,要越

12、小心越好。 3 14) I _ thank you_. 我对你感激不尽。 15) We _ agree with you _. 我们非常同意你的意见。 二、二、may 和和 might 的用法的用法 1. 表示许可,有“可以”的意思,有时可以跟 can 互换。 You may go now. 你现在可以走了。 May I smoke in the room? 我可以在房间里抽烟吗? 2. 表示推测,有“或许、也许、可能”的意思,只用于陈述句中。 It may rain tomorrow. 明天可能会下雨。 He may come or may not. 他也许来,也许不来。 3. may 可以

13、用于祈使句中,表示祝愿,意为“祝,愿” 。 May you return in safety. 愿你平安归来。 May you succeed. 祝你成功。 4. 在复合句中,主句的谓语动词是过去时态时,从句中用 might。 He said that he might help us. 他说他可以帮助我们。 She suggested a few books which I might buy. 他推荐了几本我可以买的书。 5. 表示现在可以做的事或可能发生的事,这时 may 和 might 可以互换,但 might 比 may 的 语气委婉。might 表示实现的可能性更小一些。 He m

14、ay/might come soon. 他可能很快就来了吧。 I wonder if I might have some coffee. 我想知道我是否可以喝些咖啡。 6. 回答允许时,一般不用 might 而用 may。 Might I ask you a question? 我可以问你一个问题吗? Yes, you may. 当然可以。 7. 在so that, in order that引导的目的状语从句中常用may/might, 也可用can/could, 其中might, could 表示过去的情况。 We work hard so that we may live a happie

15、r life. 我们努力工作,以便生活得更幸福。 I raised my voice in order that I might be heard clearly. 我提高声音,以让别人听得更清楚。 8. may 的否定式: may not 意为“不可以” ,语气较客气,常用来回答 May I问句。 May I go there? 我可以去那里吗? No, you may not. 不可以。 may not 还可以表示“不可以、禁止、阻止”等,常用 mustnt 代替。 a. May I watch TV tonight? 我今天晚上可以看电视吗? Yes, you may. 是的,你可以。

16、No, you mustnt. 不,你不可以。 b. May I smoke here? 我可以在这儿吸烟吗? Yes, please. 可以,请便。 Please dont. 请不要这样做。 may not 意为“或许不,也许不” ,表示推断,把握不大。 4 He may not be at home. 他也许不在家。 They may not find the lost book. 他们或许没有找到那本丢失的书。 9. may well 和 may/might (just) as well 结构 “may/might well+动词原形” 意为“极可能,很可能” ,主要用于加强推测的语气,

17、表示 具有较大的可能性。 It may well be true. 那很可能是真的。 Her grandpa may well be over eighty. 她的祖父可能已有 80 多岁了。 That may well have been their intention. 这很可能是他们的意图。 He might well lose his job. 他多半会丢了那份工作。 “may/might (just) as well+动词原形” 意为 “最好, 不妨, 还是的好” , 相当于 had better。 You may as well stay here over the night.

18、你最好留在这里过夜。 Since its a fine day, we might as well walk. 既然是好天气,我们不妨走走。 He might as well come with me. 他还不妨跟我一起来。 You may as well not go there alone. 你最好不要一个人去那儿。 10. may/mightbut意为“我承认是事实,但是” He may sing English songs well, but he knew nothing about it. 我承认他英文歌唱得好,但他根本不懂歌的内容。 11. may be 和 maybe may

19、be 是“情态动词+系动词 be”的结构,表示“可能有,可能在,可能是” ,否定式为 may not be;maybe 是副词,意为“大概,也许,可能” ,在句子中作状语。 He may be over thirty years old. 他可能有三十多岁了。 They may be at home. 他们可能在家。 Maybe he is over thirty years old. 他也许三十多岁了。 归纳:归纳:may 意为意为“可以;或许,也许,可能;祝可以;或许,也许,可能;祝,愿,愿” might 意为意为“可以;或许,也许,可能可以;或许,也许,可能” may/might not

20、 意为意为“不可以;不许,不可;或许不,也许不不可以;不许,不可;或许不,也许不” 练习: 1) _ I use your pen? Ive lost mine. Of course, here you are. 2)I cant find my purse anywhere. You _ have lost it while shopping. 3) Liza _ well not want to go on the tripshe hates traveling. 4) If you think the price of pork is too high, you _ as well bu

21、y some beef. It depends on you! 5) Some people who dont like to talk much are not necessarily shy; they _ just be quiet people. 6) You are here, so you _ as well give me a hand. 7) _ I take some photos in the hall? No, you _. 8) Mr Li _(或许在)in his office now. Go and find him. 9)Might I ask you a que

22、stion? Yes, you _. 10) Where are you going this month? 5 We _ go to Xiamen, but we are not sure. 三、三、must 和和 have to 的用法的用法 1. must 表示“必须、必要” 。 You must come in time. 你必须及时来。 注: 在回答 must 引出的问句时, 如果是否定的回答, 不能用 mustnt, 而要用 neednt 或 dont have to。因为 mustnt 表示“严禁,禁止”的意思。 Must we hand in our exercise book

23、s today? 今天我们必须交练习簿吗? Yes, you must. 是的,你们必须。 No, you neednt/dont have to. 不,你们不必。 2. must 可作“偏偏,偏要,非得”解,指令人不快的事情。 Why must it rain on Sunday? 怎么偏偏星期天下雨? The car must break down when we were about to start off. 我们正要出发的时候偏偏车坏了。 Must you shout so loudly? 你非得这么大声喊? 3. must 还可以表示必然的结果,意为“必然会,总是会” 。 All

24、men must die. 人固有一死。 If you dont hurry, you must miss the train. 如果不快点,你必然要误车。 4. have to 的否定及疑问式通常借助于助动词 do 来表达。 Do you have to go now? 你现在一定要走吗? He doesnt have to be in such a hurry. 他不必这么匆忙。 You dont have to see me every day. 你不必每天来看我。 5. have to的含义与must相似,两者往往可以互换使用,但have to有各种形式,随have的变化 而定。mus

25、t与have to有下列几点不同: must表示的是说话人的主观看法,而have to则往往强调客观需要。 I dont like to stay here any longer, I must leave now. 我不想再呆在这儿了,我必须马上离开了。 Its too late, I have to leave now. 天已黑了,我必须马上离开了。 My brother is so little, I must look after him. 我弟弟这么小,我必须照顾他。 My mother is ill, I have to look after my little brother.

26、我妈妈生病了,我不得不照顾我小弟弟。 must一般只表现在,have to则有更多的时态形式。 We must study hard. 我们必须努力学习。 He had to go home. 他不得不回家。 We will have to help her. 我们将不得不帮助她。 二者的否定意义不大相同,mustnt意为“严禁,禁止”;dont have to意为“不必”。 You mustnt go. 你一定不要去。 You mustnt lend it to others. 你一定不要把它借给别人。 You dont have to go. 你不必去。 (答案:1. May; 2. ma

27、y; 3. may; 4. may; 5. may; 6. may; 7. May, mustnt; 8. may be; 9. may; 10. may) 6 询问对方的意愿时应用must。 Must I clean all the rooms? 我必须打扫所有的房间吗? 7. must 可表示推测,用于肯定句,意为“想必,准是,一定是” 。 表示对现在情况进行推测时,用“must+动词原形” 。 She must be ill. 她准是病了。 They must be at home now, arent they? 现在他们准在家,不是吗? Look at his look! He mu

28、st know the truth. 看他的表情!他准是知道真相。 表示对过去情况进行推测时,用“must+have+过去分词” 。 It must have rained last night. 昨晚天准是下雨了。 It must have rained. 天准是下雨了。 They must have seen the film last week. 上周他们准是看过那部电影了。 They must have seen the film. 他们准是看过那部电影。 He must have lived there for a long time. 他准是住在那儿很长一段时间了。 Tom mus

29、t have been to Beijing. 汤姆以前一定去过北京。 注: a. 当 must 用于肯定句中表示推测时,其反意疑问句的构成为:若对现在情况进行推 测时,反意疑问句用 must 后面的动词的一般现在时来构成;若对过去情况进行推测,句 中有明确的过去时间状语, 反意疑问句用didnt来构成 (若句中有be动词用wasnt/werent) ; 若虽对过去情况进行推测,但这个动作持续到现在,或无明确的过去时间状语,反意疑问 句用 havent/hasnt 来构成。 She must be ill, isnt she? 她准是病了,不是吗? Look at his look! He m

30、ust know the truth, doesnt he? 看他的表情!他准是知道真相,不是吗? It must have rained last night, didnt it? 昨晚准是下雨了,不是吗? It must have rained, hasnt it? 天准是下雨了,不是吗? They must have seen the film last week, didnt they? 上周他们准是看过那部电影,不是吗? They must have seen the film, havent they? 他们准是看过那部电影,不是吗? He must have lived ther

31、e for a long time, hasnt he? 他准是住在那儿很长一段时间了,不是吗? Tom must have been to Beijing before, wasnt he? 汤姆以前一定去过北京,不是吗? Tom must have been to Beijing, hasnt he? 汤姆以前一定去过北京,不是吗? b. 如果要表示否定的推测要用 can/could,意为“不可能,不一定”,不可用 mustnt,因为 mustnt 意思是“不准,一定不要”。 The room is locked. She cant be in. 房间上了锁。她准不在家。 His answ

32、er cant be right. 他的回答不可能是对的。 They cant have finished the work. 他们不可能完成了那项工作。 归纳:归纳:must 意为意为“必须;必须;偏偏,偏偏,偏要,非得;必然会,总是会;想必,准是,一定是偏要,非得;必然会,总是会;想必,准是,一定是” have to 意为意为“必须,不得不必须,不得不” 。 练习: 1)Who is the girl standing over there? Well, if you _ know, her name is Mabel. 2) John, look at the time. _ you p

33、lay the piano at such a late hour? 3)May I smoke here? If you _, choose a seat in the smoking section. 7 4) In crowded places like airports and railway stations, you _ take care of your luggage. 5) This cake is very sweet. You _ have put a lot of sugar in it. 6) He must have passed the exam, _ he? 7

34、) They must have been to Africa last year, _ they? 8) He must be in the classroom, _ he? 9) _ I finish the work right now? No, you _ (not). You _ do it later. 10) Her mother was ill. She _ stay at home and look after her. 四、四、shall, should 和和 ought to 的用法的用法 1. shall 用于第一人称,表示将来的动作,意为“将要” 。 What sha

35、ll we do this evening? 今天晚上我们该做什么呢? Where shall we meet tomorrow? 明天我们将在哪里见面? 2. shall 用于第二、三人称陈述句中,表示说话人给对方的命令、警告、允诺、威胁等。 You shall fail if you dont work hard. 如果你不努力,你就要失败。(警告) You shall have my answer tomorrow. 明天你将得到我的答复。(允诺) He shall be sorry for it one day, I tell you. 告诉你,总有一天他会为此而遗憾的。(警告) He

36、 shall have the book when I finish reading. 我读完之后,就把这本书给他。(允诺) He shall be punished. 他将会得到应有的惩罚。(威胁) You shall do as I tell you. 你应该按我告诉你的那样做。(命令) 3. shall 用于第一、 第三人称疑问句中, 表示说话人征求对方的意见或向对方请求, 意为 “ 好吗?” 。 Shall we begin our lesson? 我们可以开始上课好吗? When shall he be able to leave the hospital? 他什么时候可以离开医院?

37、 Shall I turn on the light? 我打开灯好吗? Shall he come to see you? 他会来看你吗? 4. shall 用于第三人称,在条约、规章、法令等文件中表示义务或规定,意为“应该,必须” 。 The Olympic Games shall be held every four years. 奥运会每四年举行一次。 Students shall remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected. 试卷全部收回后学生才能离开座位。 The members of our club

38、 shall wear uniforms. 我们俱乐部的成员必须统一穿制服。 5. should 表示劝告、建议、命令,意为“应当,应该,可以” 。 You should be more patient. 你应该更耐心些。 You should do it better next time. 你下次应做的更好一些。 Should I open the window? 我可以打开窗户吗? 6. should 表示推测、推论或可能性,意为“可能;该,按道理说该” 。 Li Leis sister should be around ten years old. 李雷的妹妹可能十岁左右。 She sh

39、ould be a teacher. 她大概是位老师。 He should have finished the work by now. 这时他可能已经把那项工作做完了。 (答案:1. must; 2. must; 3. must; 4. must; 5. must; 6. hasnt; 7. werent; 8. isnt; 9. Must, neednt, may; 10. had to) 8 He should be home now. 按理说现在他该到家了。 7. should 多用于疑问句中,表示惊讶、难以相信或不应该的事,意为“竟然,竟会” 。 The boy should do

40、such a thing. 那个男孩竟然做这样的事情。 Why should she tell a lie? 她为何竟然说谎? 8. should 用于条件状语从句中,表示不确定性,意为“万一” 。既可表示可以实现的假设, 又可表示不能实现的假设。 If I should see him, I will tell him. 万一我见到他,我就告诉他。 If it should rain tomorrow, the meeting would be put off. 万一明天下雨,会议就延期。 9. should 表示谦逊、婉转的语气,用于提出建议、意见或请求等。 I should advise

41、 you to say less and do more. 我想劝你少说多做。 I should say it would be better to delay the meeting. 我看最好还是推迟这次会议。 10. should 多用于虚拟语气。 “should+have+过去分词”表示过去本应该干某事而实际上未干,意为“本应该干” , 其否定式意为“本不应该干” ,而实际上干了。含有责备、内疚等之意。 She should have helped you a lot. 她本应该帮你许多的。 He should have come earlier. 他本该来的更早一些。 You sho

42、uldnt have lent him money in the past. 你过去本不应该把钱借给他。 You shouldnt have kept him waiting for so long a time. 你本不应该让他等这么久。 用于表示坚持、命令、建议等的动词后(如 insist; order, command; advise, suggest, propose, recommend; demand, desire, require, request)的宾语从句中,谓语应由“should+动词原形” 构成,should 可省略。 (即:一坚持二命令四建议四要求。 ) He sug

43、gested that I (should) accept the job. 他建议我应该接受这份工作。 My teacher demanded that we should finish our homework on time. 老师要求我们按时完成作业。 The doctor advises that we should do more exercise. 医生建议我们应该多做运动。 在 lest, for fear that, in case 等引起的从句中,谓语用“should+动词原形”构成。 She cleans the glass with care for fear that

44、 she should break it. 她小心擦杯子唯恐打破了。 用在 expect, think, believe 等词的宾语从句中,表示惊讶、怀疑、不满等情绪。 I never expect that he should have come here. 我从没想到他竟会来这儿。 用于 advice, suggestion, proposal, order, demand, wish 等词后的表语从句或同位语从句中, 谓语应由“should+动词原形”构成,should 可省略。 My suggestion/advice is that we (should) go there at o

45、nce. 我的建议是我们应该马上去那儿。 Her demand is that we (should) help her. 她的要求是我们应该帮助她。 The advice that the plan (should) be delayed will be discussed tomorrow. 推迟那项计划的建议将在明天讨论。 She refused the demand that he (should) do the work alone. 她拒绝了他单独做那项工作的请求。 It is my wish that that you (should) do so. 我希望你能这样做。 在 if

46、 引导的虚拟语气的条件从句中,若含有 should, 可以省略 if 而把 should 提前,构成 倒装。 Should it rain tomorrow, I would not go there. 如果明天下雨,我就不去那儿。 (=If it should rain tomorrow, I would not go there.) 11. ought to 没有人称、数和时态的变化,其后接动词原形,意为“应该,应当” ,表示责任、 9 义务、 劝告等, 有时含有责备的意味, 语气上比 should 强。 否定式为 ought not to 或 oughtnt to。 You ought

47、to take care of your parents. 你应该照顾你的父母。 We ought to help each other in our work. 在工作上我们应该互相帮助。 He ought not (oughtnt) to tell her the news. 他不应该把消息告诉她。 You ought not to leave her alone. 你不应该让她独自在家。 归纳:归纳:shall 意为意为“将要;应(该将要;应(该) ,必须,必须” should 意为意为“应当,应该,可以;应当,应该,可以;可能,该可能,该,按道理说该;竟然,竟会,按道理说该;竟然,竟会

48、” ought to 意为意为“应当,应该应当,应该” 练习: 1) I _ be 18 years old next month. 2)The room is so dirty. _ we clean it? Ok. 3) The fine _ be paid in cash. 4) You cant imagine that a well-behaved gentleman _ be so rude to a lady. 5)When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon. They _ be ready by

49、12:00. 6) This printer is of good quality. If it _ break down within the first year, we would repair it at our expense. 7)What does the sign over there read? “No person _ smoke or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe in this area.” 8)Excuse me, but I want to use your computer to type a report. Y

50、ou _ have my computer if you dont take care of it. 9) It is strange that their team _ win the first prize. 10) Dont worry, you _ get the answer this afternoon. 11) If you _ change your mind, please let us know. 12) I think you _ eat less junk food. 13) _ you be fired, your health care and other bene


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