语法专题之省略 学案-(2021新牛津译林版)高中英语(高一下期)必修第三册.docx

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1、1 专题六:省略句专题六:省略句 一、概念:一、概念: 英语中,为了避免重复,常常省略句子中的一个或几个成分,这样的句子叫省略句。 二、省略的情况:二、省略的情况: 1. 简单句中的省略简单句中的省略 在对话中,交谈双方都知道谈论的对象,则可以省略句子的主语,省略主语和谓语的现象在交际用 语中出现的很多。 1)省略主语:祈使句中主语通常省略。其它省略主语多限于少数现成的说法。 (I) Thank you for your help. 感谢你的帮助。 (I) see you tomorrow. 明天见。 (It) Doesnt matter. 没关系。 2)省略主谓语或主谓语的一部分。 (The

2、re is) No smoking. 禁止吸烟。 (Is there)Anything wrong? 有什么毛病吗? Why (do you) not say hello to him? 你为什么不向他问好? 3)省略作宾语的不定式短语,只保留 to。 Are you going there? 你要去那儿吗? Id like to (go there). 我想要去(那儿) 。 He did not give me the chance, though he had promised to (give me the chance). 尽管他答应给我机会,但他没有给。 The boy wanted

3、 to play football in the street, but his mother told him not to (play football in the street). 那个男孩想要在大街上踢足球,但他的母亲告诉他不要。 注意:如果不定式后是 be 或完成式,则须在 to 之后加上 be 或 have。 Are you an engineer? 你是工程师吗? No, but I want to be. 不,但我想要成为工程师。 He hasnt finished the task yet. 他还没有完成任务。 Well, he ought to have. 哦,他本应该完

4、成的。 4)省略表语。 Are you thirsty? 你口渴吗? Yes, I am (thirsty). 是的,我口渴。 5)同时省略几个成分。 Lets meet at the same place as (we met) yesterday. 让我们在我们昨天见面的地方见面吧。 Have you finished your work? 你已完成工作了吗? (I have) Not (finished my work) yet. 还没有。 2. 并列句中的省略并列句中的省略 两个并列分句中,后一个分句常省略与前一分句中相同的部分,如主语,谓语,宾语等都可以省略。 My father p

5、lanned and (my father) built all these houses. 我父亲设计并且建造了所有的房子。 My father is a doctor and my mother (is) a nurse. 我的父亲是医生,我的母亲是护士。 2 I study at college and my sister (studies) at high school. 我在大学学习,我的妹妹在中学学习。 3. 复合句中的省略复合句中的省略 1)定语从句中的省略: 在定语从句中,当先行词在句中作宾语时,可省略关系代词 that/which/whom。 This is the book

6、 (that/which) Im looking for. 这是我在寻找的那本书。 The boy (who/whom) you are talking with is my friend. 和你谈话的那个男孩是我的朋友。 2)状语从句中的省略: 在表示时间、条件、地点、让步、方式或比较的状语从句中,如果包含动词 be,从句中的主语与 主句相同,或者从句的主语为 it,就常常把从句中的主语和谓语的一部分(动词 be)省略掉,只 保留连词+现在分词/过去分词/形容词。 If (it is) heated, water will boil. 如果水被加热的话,它将沸腾。 Well go to he

7、lp you if (it is) necessary. 如果必要的话,我们将帮助你。 Send the goods if (they are) ready. 如果货物准备好了,把它们发走。 Though (he was) poor, he lived a happy life. 尽管他穷,但他过着幸福的生活。 He opened his lips as if (he was) to say something. 他张了张嘴,好像要说什么。 The captain can find a boat quicker than we can (find one). 船长能够比我们更快地找到船。 在表

8、示虚拟条件的状语从句中, 当 if 从句中含有 were, had, should 时, 这时可以省略 if, 把 were, had,should 提前,构成倒装。 Were I in school again (=If I were in school again), I would work harder. 如果我再上学的话,我将更加努力地学习。 Had I had time (=If I had had time), I would have come. 如果有时间的话,我就来。 Should there be a meeting tomorrow (=If there should

9、be a meeting tomorrow), I would come. 如果明天有会议的话,我将来。 3)宾语从句中的省略: 如果宾语从句中的谓语部分与主句的谓语部分或上文的谓语部分相同, 可将从句部分的谓语省略。 We will do what we can (do) to help you. 我们将尽我们所能来帮助你。 当一个句子中含有两个或两个以上的的宾语从句时,第一个 that 可以省略,但其余的都不能省略。 I think (that) he needs some help and that we should help him. 我认为他需要帮助,我们应该帮助他。 省略了一个宾

10、语从句或从句的一部分,用 so 或 not(切不可用 it 或 that)代替。 Is he coming back tonight? 今天晚上他要回来吗? I think so. 我认为是这样的。 Is he feeling better today? 今天他觉得好点了吗? Im afraid not. 恐怕没有。 常见的结构有: It seems/appears so. It doesnt seem/appear so. = It seems/appears not. I think/believe/expect/imagine so. I dont think/believe/expec

11、t/imagine so. = I think/believe/expect/imagine not. I guess/hope/fear/am afraid so. 但不能说:I dont guess/hope/fear/am not afraid so. 只能说:I guess/hope/fear/am afraid not. 4. 其它情况的省略其它情况的省略 并列的不定式可省去后面的 to。 3 It is necessary for us to read more and practise more. 对我们来说,多读多练习是必要的。 Id like to lie down and

12、go to sleep. 我想要躺下睡觉。 It is easier to persuade people than force them. 说服人容易,强迫人难。 在感官动词和使役动词后作宾语补足语的不定式不带 to。 (此结构在改为被动语态时要带 to。 ) We saw a boy pass by just now. 刚才我们看见一个男孩经过。 She made her son study hard. 她迫使她的孩子努力学习。 当介词but, except, besides后接动词且其前面有实意动词do时,后面不定式不带to。 (若没有实意动词 do时,后面不定式则带to。亦即有do没t

13、o,没do有to。 ) We do nothing but wait. 除了等,我们什么也没做。 She did nothing except cry all day. 她终日只是哭泣。 What do you like to do besides read? 除了看书你喜欢干什么? 当主语部分含有do的某种形式时,作表语的不定式可省略to。 All you need to do is (to) wait. 你所要做的就是等候。 The first thing I do every morning is (to) take plenty of exercise. 每天早上我做的第一件事就是做大

14、量的运动。 The only thing I could do was (to) do it alone. 我唯一能做的就是自己干。 What you have to do is (to) fill the form. 你所要做的就是把表格填完。 在why引起的问句中,后面不定式不带to。 Why talk in class? 课上为啥讲话? Why not join us in the game? 为什么不和我们一块玩游戏呢? 一、高考题改编: 1. (19 天津卷 10)Most colleges now offer first-year students a course special

15、ly _ (design) to help them succeed academically and personally. 2.(18 北京卷 10)Ordinary soap, _ (use) correctly, can deal with bacteria effectively. 3.(13 福建卷 32)Anyone, once _ (test) positive for H7N9 flu virus, will receive free medical treatment from our government. 4.(13 江西卷 34)If _ (ask) to look

16、after luggage for someone else, inform the police at once. 5.(12 北京卷 27)_ (use) with care, one tin will last for six weeks. 6.(10 全国卷 II 11)Though _ (surprise) to see us, the professor gave us a warm welcome. 7.Will Mr Brown come, too? Yes. He promised_, but he hasnt turned up yet. 8. Experts warn t

17、hat medical waste from hospitals, if not _ (handle) properly, may lead to spreading diseases. 9.Are you a student? No, but I used to _. 10.Has Mike finished his project? He seems to _. 二、单项选择题: 1. Have you got any particular plans for the coming holiday? Yes, _, Im going to visit some homes for the

18、old in the city. 【安徽卷】 A. If everB. If busyC. If anythingD. If possible 2. Do you follow me? 4 Yes, _. A. it is goodB. I willC. perfectlyD. very good 3. How are you getting on with your work? Oh, Im sorry. Things arent going so well as _. A. plansB. planningC. plannedD. to plan 4. Are you a teacher?

19、 No, but I _. I worked in a middle school for three years. A. amB. willC. doD. was 5. How many poor counties will there be in our province by 2010? There will be only a few, if _. A. muchB. someC. anyD. many 6.Should I look up each word that I dont understand? No, turn to your dictionary only when _

20、. A. you are necessaryB. you needC. necessaryD. you are needed 7. Doctors have said that as many as 50% of patients dont take medicine _. A. like directedB. to be directedC. as directedD. so that directed 8. He would rather die than _. A. giving inB. give inC. to give inD. gave in 9. Would you like

21、to go with us? _, but Im busy now. A. Id loveB. Id love toC. I loveD. Id like 10. Do you think its going to rain over the weekend? _. A. I dont believeB. I dont believe itC. I believe not soD. I believe not 11. Ill be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my garden? Not at all. _. A.

22、 Ive no timeB. Id rather notC. Id like itD. Id be happy to 12. Unless _ to speak, you should remain silent at the conference. A. invitedB. invitingC. being invitedD. having invited 13. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him _. A. not toB. not to doC. not do itD. do

23、 not to 14.You havent lost the ticket, have you? _. I know its not easy to get another one at the moment.【江苏卷】 A. I hope notB. Yes, I haveC. I hope soD. Yes, Im afraid so 15. Do you think youll get a pay rise next year? _. A. I hope soB. Im afraid soC. I believe not soD. Who says it 16. Did your tea

24、m lose the game? _. Our players didnt play so well as they could. A. Im afraid soB. 1 dont think soC. I believe notD. I hope so 17. Do you think well tell him the bad news? _. A. I dont hope soB. I hope notC. I think it not soD. I think it not 18. Im not into classical music, _they. A. Neither areB.

25、 Nor areC. So areD. Either are 5 19. He wears the same coat _. They look similar. A. as youB. than youC. that youD. like you 20. My mother is preparing my favorite dishes. Go with me and have a taste, okay? _.And Ill be glad to meet your parents. 【陕西卷】 A. I think soB. Id love toC. Im sureD. I hope s

26、o 21. Ill do all I can _ you. A. helpB. to helpC. helpingD. to helping 22. Who is the man teacher _? A. you spoke toB. spoke to youC. you spokeD. whom you spoke 23. China has a larger population than _. A. that of JapanB. JapanC. in JapanD. population of Japan 24. Why do you want the book so much? _

27、, sir. A. StudyingB. StudiedC. StudiesD. To study 25. _ for your brother, I would not have gone to see Mr. Wang. A. If it is notB. Were it notC. Had it not beenD. If they were not 26.Who should be responsible for the accident? The boss, not the workers. They just carried out the order _. 【福建卷】 A. as

28、 toldB. as are toldC. as tellingD. as they told 27. _, he knows a lot. A.As he is a childB. He is as childC. Child as he isD.As children he is 28. Wait until we get a satisfactory one, will you? I couldnt agree _, It sounds good to me. A. muchB. worseC. moreD. at all 29. I was wondering if we could

29、go skiing on the weekend. _ good. 【湖北卷】 A. SoundB. SoundedC. SoundingD. Sounds 30. Some of you may have finished Unit one. _ , you can go on to Unit two. 【江西卷】 A. If you mayB. If you doC. If notD. If so 31. How could you be so rude as to walk in here in the middle of my class? _. 【四川卷】 A. Nothing mu

30、chB. Nothing seriousC. Never againD. Never mind 32.Would you like tea or coffee? _, thank you. Ive just had some water. 【辽宁卷】 A. EitherB. BothC.AnyD. Neither 33. George said that he would come to school to see me the next day, but he _.【北京卷】 A. wouldntB. didntC. hasntD. hadnt 34. Why didnt you come

31、to Mikes birthday party yesterday? Well, I _ , but I forgot it. A. wouldB. mustC. should haveD. must have 35. Why didnt you go to the cinema yesterday? I _ , but my wife returned from France the moment I was leaving. A. was going toB. willC. didD. had 6 参考答案: 一、高考题改编: 1. designed 2. used 3. tested 4. asked 5. Used 6. surprised 7. to 8. handled 9. be 10. have 二、单项选择题: 1-5 DCCDC5-10 CCBBD11-15 DAAAA16-20 ABBAB21-25 BABDC26-30 ACCDD 31-35 CDBCA 7


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