Unit 2 课文同步练-(2021新牛津译林版)高中英语必修第一册(高一上期).docx

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1、译林版必修第一册 Unit2 课文同步练 .After reading the passage,please fill in the following blanks. Heatedargumentsandcoldsilencesarecommonbetweenteenagersandtheir parents.Teenagers physical changes can be 1._(pain) and will result in such family tensions.When it all gets too much,your parents are often 2. _ first

2、 targets of your anger.It can be a big headache to balance your 3._(develop) mental needs too.You enter a strange middle groundno longer a child 4._ not quite an adult.You have a new thirst for independence and a 5._(continue) need for your parents love and support.Unfortunately, sometimes your pare

3、nts forget that 6._(grow) up is a rough ride.All of this can lead 7._ a breakdown in your relationship.In fact , you can take action to improve the situation.The key to 8._(keep) the peace is regular and honest communication.Perhaps they 9._(experience) something similar and do not want you to go th

4、rough the same pain.Through this kind of healthy discussion,you will learn when to back down and when to ask your parents to relax their control.It is 10._(complete) normal to struggle with the stress that parentchild tensions create.The good news is that this stormy period will not last.Everything

5、will turn out all right in the end. 1.painful 2 the 3 developing 4 but 5 continued6growing7to 8 keeping9have experienced10 completely .请快速背诵出下列课文原句 1遗憾的是,你的父母并不总是同意,这使你感到不快乐。 _ 2另一方面,当你努力想控制自己的情感时,你希望他们能更加体贴,更有耐心 _ 3通过这种健康的讨论,你会学会什么时候承认错误,什么时候让父母放松控制。 _ 4只要记住:应对亲子关系紧张带来的压力不轻松,这是完全正常的,并且,你们可以共 同努力改善关

6、系。 _ 5好消息是,这个暴风雨的阶段不会持续下去。 _ 6你总是和别人比较是毫无意义的。 _ 7无论什么时候她有机会,就会问我的老师们我在学校表现怎么样。 _ 8好像我的成绩是她生活中最重要的事情。 _ 1.Unfortunately,your parents do not always agree and that makes you feel unhappy. 2.On the other hand,when you are struggling to control your feelings,you wish they could be more caring and patient

7、. 3.Through this kind of healthy discussion, you will learn when to back down and when to ask your parents to relax their control. 4.Just remember that it is completely normal to struggle with the stress that parentchild tensions create,and that you and your parents can work together to improve your

8、 relationship. 5.The good news is that this stormy period will not last. 6.Theres no point in comparing you with others all the time. 7.She asks my teachers how Im doing at school whenever she can. 8.It seems as if my grades are the most important thing in her life. .单元要点语境串记 When I was a teenager,

9、I was anxious and often argued with my parents.My mother tried to keep the peace , but it didnt work.It was my father that found some ways to end the arguments.He told my mother that a teenager was often under great stress and that it was natural that I was eager to be independent and it was wrong o

10、f her to design my future.My father told me that I was unique and they were proud of my performance at school.He also knew that some physical changes made me painful,but it was likely that I learned to hold my anger. Some years later,my son also didnt see eye to eye with me on many things and I woul

11、d try to keep calm to avoid being his target,for I knew that a teenager was having a tough time.I was concerned about his mental needs,but I adopted some more flexible methods.I never did something to lead to family tensions.I also never pressed him to do something.I tried to view him as an adult and respect him.Generally speaking,my son got on well with my wife and me.


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